Lakazà Yekalu ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 7:23-51)
1 'Bädri'ba Solomo ede vo tori oloro te ogwana orivoya kadrakadra na su kpäkyi, ago lamadrina su iyi käkpuna kadrakadra na ba njidriasu njidriasu. 2 Nda ede karaṛi logo alaalaro si kpate, orivoya ŋguluro, yana ocina orivoya kpikpi na njidrieri kpäkyi, pätäkäwä na orivoya kpikpi na 'butealo fonji, uwena orivoya kpikpi na 'butesu fonji. 3 Itira beti 'daŋgo rote ŋgulu sidri zevo karaṛi ro tesi si yasi gyeree na ritu, aza kurusi ago azana vurusi. Ede beti 'daŋgo ro ono te kpakyialo karaṛi modo lomvo. 4 Karaṛi rite kundu 'daŋgoi atalaro 'butealo foritu se zayimibe tesi ro iyi drisi, nätu zamite mä'dudri, nätu zamite aŋgoya, nätu zamite ŋgäṛiŋwadri, ago nätu zamite 'buzele. 5 Lamadri cini karaṛi ro uŋgyina orivoya nji'dinji na nätu. Sidri na zevo yasi orivoya oso sidri kofo ro ronye, ägurute tesi ro oso lebe foce ro ronye. Karaṛi kogate twi ka 'boṛo uru kutu 'butenjidrialo. 6 Ànya edeyi saani kpate 'butealo, nji o'bane lama telesi Yekalu ro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi, ago nji mä'dudrisi. Iza se cini koronyai ro abe ozana tori ro ojazana. Oko gyi se karaṛi 'desi ya 'do kohanii ri lasazana.
7 Ànya edeyi ŋga lamba edrero läguläguro 'butealo te oso se ata tana be ronye, ndi tara'biza 'butealo be, edreyite zo ya 'desi Yekalu roya, 8 ŋga lamba edrero nji ago tara'biza nji ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ago kpa inye mä'dudrisi. Ànya edeyi deŋbele läguläguro kama alo kpate.
9 Ànya edeyi goko yasi si te kohanii ri, ago goko tesi si kpa. Käläsi dereŋwa lakole goko iyi ya ro a'bi lomvona te atala si. 10 A'ba karaṛi te cuku Yekalu ro ogone lakole ŋgäṛiŋwa ro 'buzele be ya.
11 Urama ede lakazà, kagyiŋwà, ndi deŋbelei be kpate. Nda nde losi se nda ko'ba tana be oyene 'Bädri'ba Solomo ri Yekalu ro ana te. 12 Läŋgyiri ritu, dridonjo na beti deŋbele ronye se orivoya läŋgyiri drisi iyi beti iŋgyinyori ro se dridonjo drisi iyi, 13 beti gäṛä'bu ro se kama su arabe gyeree na ritu ŋgulu dridonjo lomvosi 'do. 14 Arabia 'butealo, saani 'butealo. 15 Karaṛi, 'daŋgoi 'butealo foritu se edre karaṛi be driigye ana. 16 Lakazà, kagyiŋwà, ndi ka'da yibe. Urama emba'ba ŋgaede'bai ro ede ŋgase cini kwoi te ni atala utriutri ro yasi, oso 'Bädri'ba Solomo kozo tana be ronye losi oyeza Yekalu OPI roya.
17 'Bädri'ba ede ànya cini te Vodelero Yaradene roya, vorii gyi ludri ro roya lakole Sukota ndi Zereda be roya. 18 Ede ŋga kwoi te du'duro se 'diaza ni kote läŋgyi atala se ede ŋga kai be sina ro unine.
19 'Bädri'ba Solomo ede lakazà cini Yekalu ro kpate: vo tori oloro ndi tara'biza ambata se ozobe OPI ri o'ba robe; 20 ŋga lamba edrero ndi lambai logo läguläguro wäṛiro be lekone Vo Alokado Parandra ya; oso ata tana be ronye; 21 beti foce ro se uwuräbe, lambai, ndi ka'dai, be; 22 ŋgaŋwà asi izwe ro, deŋbelei, saaniŋwà ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro, ndi kagyi asikyele epero be. Ede ŋgase cini kwoi teni logo läguläguro wäṛiro yasi. Käläsi tesi si Yekalu ro ndi käläsi Vo Alokado Parandra robe ändrute logo läguläguro si.
Equipment for the Temple
(1 Kings 7.23-51)
1 King Solomon had a bronze altar made, which was 30 feet square and 15 feet high. 2 He also made a round tank of bronze, 7½ feet deep, 15 feet in diameter, and 45 feet in circumference. 3 All around the outer edge of the rim of the tank were two rows of decorations, one above the other. The decorations were in the shape of bulls, which had been cast all in one piece with the rest of the tank. 4 The tank rested on the backs of twelve bronze bulls that faced outward, three facing in each direction. 5 The sides of the tank were 3 inches thick. Its rim was like the rim of a cup, curving outward like the petals of a flower. The tank held about 15,000 gallons. 6 They also made ten basins, five to be placed on the south side of the Temple and five on the north side. They were to be used to rinse the parts of the animals that were burned as sacrifices. The water in the large tank was for the priests to use for washing.
7-8 They made ten gold lampstands according to the usual pattern, and ten tables, and placed them in the main room of the Temple, five lampstands and five tables on each side. They also made a hundred gold bowls.
9 They made an inner courtyard for the priests, and also an outer courtyard. The doors in the gates between the courtyards were covered with bronze. 10 The tank was placed near the southeast corner of the Temple.
11-16 Huram also made pots, shovels, and bowls. He completed all the objects that he had promised King Solomon he would make for the Temple:
The two columns
The two bowl-shaped capitals on top of the columns
The design of interwoven chains on each capital
The 400 bronze pomegranates arranged in two rows around the design of each capital
The ten carts
The ten basins
The tank
The twelve bulls supporting the tank
The pots, shovels, and forks
Huram the master metalworker made all these objects out of polished bronze, as King Solomon had commanded, for use in the Temple of the Lord.
17 The king had them all made in the foundry between Sukkoth and Zeredah in the Jordan Valley. 18 So many objects were made that no one determined the total weight of the bronze used.
19 King Solomon also had gold furnishings made for the Temple: the altar and the tables for the bread offered to God; 20 the lampstands and the lamps of fine gold that were to burn in front of the Most Holy Place, according to plan; 21 the flower decorations, the lamps, and the tongs; 22 the lamp snuffers, the bowls, the dishes for incense, and the pans used for carrying live coals. All these objects were made of pure gold. The outer doors of the Temple and the doors to the Most Holy Place were overlaid with gold.