Sänduku Tao'baro 'Bädri Felesete'bai roya
1 Ondro Felesete'bai kopayi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu rote oko, ànya ŋgyiyite ni Ebenezere yasi le 'bakici ànyaro Asedodo ya. 2 'Dooko Felesete'bai uguyi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu rote yekalu lu ànyaro Dagona roya ago edreyi anya te kuru Dagona lomvo. 3 Ago ondro lidri Asedodo ro koŋgate kyenoŋboci kyenoŋbo kinjo si oko, ndreyi Dagona 'dete vuru militi si gyini dri Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro mile. Ago ànya ruyi Dagona te ago goyi eŋgayi nda te vo ndaro ya. 4 Ago ondro ànya go koŋgate kyenoŋboci kyenoŋbo kinjo rosi oko, ànya ndreyi Dagona go 'de kpate vuru militi si gyini dri Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro mile. Drî ndaro ndi drì riti ndaro be lo'devoya laŋgolaŋgoro käläsi kala, e'be toto lomvo Dagona ro ayani. 5 Ono ni tase ṛoni tu ana si le tu ono si kohanii Dagona ro ndi 'dise cini kabe oci yekalu Dagona roya Asedodo ya 'debe ko ogo abane vo ana drisi owo.
6 Drí OPI ro a'dote rritiro lidri Asedodo ro dri ndi wari ànyaro be, nda 'ba ànya te rriti ya ago eza ànya te taezaro adravo ro rosi. 7 Ondro lidri Asedodo ro kondreyi tase ono te oko, ànya atayite ekye: “Beṛo kote Sänduku Tao'baro Lu Yisaraele ro ro ri orine ama yibe; tana drì ndaro te rritiro ämädri ago Dagona lu amaro dri.” 8 Ago ànya zoyi lazo te ago ziyi 'bädri'bai cini Felesete'bai rote voaloya, ago ejiyi tate ekye: “Màyena e'di Sänduku Tao'baro Lu Yisaraele ro ro siya?” Ànya zatadrite ekye: “Mì'ba äŋgyi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu Yisaraele ro ro Gata ya.” Ago Felesete'bai ŋgyiyi anya te Gata ya. 9 Ago ezina ànyari lau vosi oko, drì OPI ro a'dote rriti ro 'bakici ana dri, ago so turi amba te ago eza lidri 'bakici ana rote, 'di ombato'diro ndi 'diodeode robe se adravo lomvo ro 'debe ànya dri ana. 10 Ago ànya uguyi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu rote Ekerona ya. Ago ondro Sänduku Tao'baro kesate Ekerona ya oko, lidri Ekerona ro 'be liyite ekye: “Ànya eziyi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu Yisaraele ro rote ämädri ama tufune ndi lidri amaro be.” 11 Ago ànya ziyi dri'bai cini Felesete'bai rote, ago atayite ekye: “Mìzo Sänduku Tao'baro Lu Yisaraele ro ro kovole, mi'ba anya ogone vo modo anyaro roya, ukyi anya tufu ama 'da ndi lidri amaro be.” Tana turi odra rote orivoya amba 'bakici ya. Drí Lu rote rritiro ànya dri lau. 12 Ca ànya se kodra ko iyi adravo ru ànya te, ago liyi lidri Ekerona ro ro sate vo'buyakuru ya.
The Covenant Box among the Philistines
1 After the Philistines captured the Covenant Box, they carried it from Ebenezer to their city of Ashdod, 2 took it into the temple of their god Dagon, and set it up beside his statue. 3 Early the next morning the people of Ashdod saw that the statue of Dagon had fallen face downward on the ground in front of the Lord's Covenant Box. So they lifted it up and put it back in its place. 4 Early the following morning they saw that the statue had again fallen down in front of the Covenant Box. This time its head and both its arms were broken off and were lying in the doorway; only the body was left. ( 5 That is why even today the priests of Dagon and all his worshipers in Ashdod step over that place and do not walk on it.)
6 The Lord punished the people of Ashdod severely and terrified them. He punished them and the people in the surrounding territory by causing them to have tumors. 7 When they saw what was happening, they said, “The God of Israel is punishing us and our god Dagon. We can't let the Covenant Box stay here any longer.” 8 So they sent messengers and called together all five of the Philistine kings and asked them, “What shall we do with the Covenant Box of the God of Israel?”
“Take it over to Gath,” they answered; so they took it to Gath, another Philistine city. 9 But after it arrived there, the Lord punished that city too and caused a great panic. He punished them with tumors which developed in all the people of the city, young and old alike. 10 So they sent the Covenant Box to Ekron, another Philistine city; but when it arrived there, the people cried out, “They have brought the Covenant Box of the God of Israel here, in order to kill us all!” 11 So again they sent for all the Philistine kings and said, “Send the Covenant Box of Israel back to its own place, so that it won't kill us and our families.” There was panic throughout the city because God was punishing them so severely. 12 Even those who did not die developed tumors and the people cried out to their gods for help.