Dawidi Mute ni Saulo ri
1 Dawidi oyite Noba ya kohani Aimeleke re; ago Aimeleke ikyite karagbagba ro drî Dawidi ro utune, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Tana e'di nya'do gwo iṛe 'diaza ako niya?”
2 Oko Dawidi atate kohani Aimeleke ri ekye: “'Bädri'ba ozo ota ni märi, ago atani märi ekye: ‘Mi'ba 'diaza kuni tase mazo mibe tana ro ago mata mibe tana ro ono ko.’ Mara tate lidri maro be ago matate ànyari drio'bene mabe vo aza ya. 3 Ago yauono, ŋgase mibe sina e'di ya? Nyozo ambata duŋguṛu ro nji märi; kode ŋga aza se mibe sina iga 'do.”
4 Ndi kohani zatadri Dawidi rote ekye: “Ma teinye ambata ete ako, oko ambata alokado orivoya; minina ndi urune ondro ka'do agoànji miro kunarute ṛo kyeno ni 'ditoko resi owo.”
5 Ago Dawidi zatadri kohani rote ekye: “Endaro, ana 'ditoko teni ama resi aba cini amaro ya. Lomvo agoànji iyi ro orivoya alokado ondoalo ka'do ca aba awi ya owo. Ago lomvo ànyaro orivoya wäṛiro aba lämu'du ro ono ya.”
6 Ndi kohani ozo ambata alokado te Dawidi ri; tana ambata aza tona i'do lau, oko toto ambata se ozo be OPI ri 'do ayani, se ana teni tara'biza alokado OPI ro drisi, ago a'ba ambata se a'bebe to'diro kitu ana si ana te vo ambata se ana be ana roya.
7 Ago mano aza ruindu'ba Saulo ro tu gi ana si orivoya lau, edrevoya OPI kandra; ävuru ndaro Doege nda ni Edoma yasi, nda orivoya dri'ba 'desi äṛi koronya ro Saulo ro lekye'bana ro.
8 Ago Dawidi atate Aimeleke ri ekye: “Inye'do mi ndi orivoya äzu kode bando be ya? Tana märu bando ca lakazà kyila ro maro ko'de mabe, tana losi 'bädri'ba ro le ma ro ndri.”
9 Ago kohani atate ekye: “Bando Goliyata Felesete'ba, se mifube Vodelero Ela roya ana ro orivoya noŋwa ävu lomvona te boŋgo si orivoya boŋgo ga juṛuŋwa kätätidri ro kundusi; ondro mile ndi urune miru, aza tona i'do noŋwa.”
Ago Dawidi atate ekye: “Bando aza i'do anya ronye, nyozo anya märi.”
10 Tu ana si Dawidi ŋgate ago mute ni Saulo risi, ago oyite Akisa 'bädri'ba Gata ro re. 11 Ago ruindu'bai Akisa ro atate ndäri ekye: “Inye'do ono ṛo ko Dawidi, 'bädri'ba 'bädri ndaro ro owo ya? Inye'do ànya ŋgoyi loŋgo ṛo ko azi ri läri otosi, ta ndaro ta ekye:
‘Saulo fu ndaro kutu ro,
ago Dawidi fu ndaro te kutui 'bute ya?’ ”
12 Ndi Dawidi 'ba ata kwoi te ya ya, ago a'dote turituriro amba ni Akisa 'bädri'ba Gata ro ri. 13 Ago nda läpi taoye ndaro te ànya cini milesi ago ondro ànya kuru nda te oko, nda 'ba yi te 'di amama ronye ànya mile, ago ye taka'daro te käläsii dereŋwa 'bakici ro ro kala, ago 'ba to ndaro te idine tivu ndaro yasi. 14 'Dooko Akisa atate ruindu'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Mindre, mano 'do orivoya 'di amama yi; nyezi nda mare etaya? 15 Inye'do ma teinye lidri amama ako mi'de gwo mano amama ro ono ezine ta amamaro loyene makandra ya? Inye'do mano ono si gindi ecine zo maro ya ya?”
David Flees from Saul
1 David went to the priest Ahimelech in Nob. Ahimelech came out trembling to meet him and asked, “Why did you come here all by yourself?”
2 “I am here on the king's business,” David answered. “He told me not to let anyone know what he sent me to do. As for my men, I have told them to meet me at a certain place. 3 Now, then, what supplies do you have? Give me five loaves of bread or anything else you have.”
4 The priest said, “I don't have any ordinary bread, only sacred bread; you can have it if your men haven't had sexual relations recently.”
5 “Of course they haven't,” answered David. “My men always keep themselves ritually pure even when we go out on an ordinary mission; how much more this time when we are on a special mission!”
6 So the priest gave David the sacred bread, because the only bread he had was the loaves offered to God, which had been removed from the sacred table and replaced by fresh bread.
( 7 Saul's chief herdsman, Doeg, who was from Edom, happened to be there that day, because he had to fulfill a religious obligation.)
8 David said to Ahimelech, “Do you have a spear or a sword you can give me? The king's orders made me leave in such a hurry that I didn't have time to get my sword or any other weapon.”
9 Ahimelech answered, “I have the sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in Elah Valley; it is behind the ephod, wrapped in a cloth. If you want it, take it—it's the only weapon here.”
“Give it to me,” David said. “There is not a better sword anywhere!”
10 So David left, fleeing from Saul, and went to King Achish of Gath. 11 The king's officials said to Achish, “Isn't this David, the king of his country? This is the man about whom the women sang, as they danced, ‘Saul has killed thousands, but David has killed tens of thousands.’”
12 Their words made a deep impression on David, and he became very much afraid of King Achish. 13 So whenever David was around them, he pretended to be insane and acted like a madman when they tried to restrain him; he would scribble on the city gates and let spit drool down his beard. 14 So Achish said to his officials, “Look! The man is crazy! Why did you bring him to me? 15 Don't I have enough madmen already? Why bring another one to bother me with his crazy actions right here in my own house?”