Ta Ata Samuele ro Lidri ri
1 Samuele atate lidri Yisaraele ro ri ekye: “Mìndre, meri ata amiro te tase cini nyàtabe märi, ago ma'ba 'bädri'ba te ämiri. 2 Ago yauono mìndre, ami te orivoya 'bädri'ba be ami lepene. Yauono ma te agoambago ro ago drî maro te onjeonje ro, ago mìndre ŋgwàagoro maro orivoya ami yibe. Ma'dote dri'ba ro ämiri ṛoni ombato'di maro si le tu ono si. 3 Ma begi ono, nyèdretazevo malomvo OPI kandra ago 'bädri'ba äṛuäṛu ndaro kandra. Inye'do märu ti kode doŋgyi a'di roya? Inye'do moco kode meza a'di ya? Kode märu ta miogye ro ni a'di rigyesi mi maro izwezana sina ya? Ago ondro maye ŋga aza te oso inye mologo ŋgana 'do robe ämiri.”
4 Ago lidri atate ekye: “Nyoco ama kote ago nyeza ama kpa ko'de ago miru ŋga aza kote ni 'di alo aza rigyesi.”
5 Ago Samuele atate ànyari ekye: “OPI orivoya tazevoedre'ba yi ami lomvo ago 'bädri'ba äṛuäṛu ndaro kpa orivoya tazevoedre'ba yi kitu ondro ono si, tana nyùsu ŋga aza kote mabe.”
Ndi ànya atayite ekye: “OPI orivoya tazevoedre'ba amaro.”
6 Samuele ugu atate lidri ri ekye: “OPI orivoya tazevoedre'ba yi, nda se nji Musa ndi Arona be ni ago se lofo zutui amiro te tesi ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi owo. 7 Ka'do inye yauono nyèdre 'du kuru tana miti ta robe ämiri OPI kandra ta ŋgaopa ro se cini OPI koyebe ämiri ago zutui amiro ri ana tana ro. 8 Ondro Yakoba ndi katidri ndaro be koyite Ezipeto ya ago Ezipeto'bai keza ànya te oko, zutui amiro ayoyidrite OPI ri ago OPI ezo Musa te ndi Arona be, se lofoyi zutui amiro te tesi ni Ezipeto yasi ago 'bayi ànya te orine wari ono ya. 9 Oko lidri ijeyi ta OPI Lu ànyaro rote; ago nda ozo ànya te drì Sisera, otaozo'ba kyila'bai Jabina 'bädri'ba Azora ro roya, ago drì Felesete'bai roya, ago drì 'bädri'ba Moaba ro roya; ago ànya yeyi kyila te ànya be. 10 Ago ànya ayoyidrite OPI ri ta ŋgaopa rota ago atayite ekye: ‘Màye takozi te, tana mè'be mi OPI te, ago mämätute Balai ndi Asetorete be ayani. Oko yauono mipa ama ni drì kyila'baazii amaro ro yasi, ago mämätuna mi ndi.’ 11 Ago OPI ezo Jerubala, 'dooko Baraka, 'dooko Yepetaha ndi ma Samuele be te. Ago ama si OPI pa ami teni drì kyila'baazii amiro ro yasi lamadri cini yasi; ago mìrite liatokpe ro. 12 Ondro mìndre Nasa 'bädri'ba Amona'bai ro kate ikyi ami gotane oko, mìga OPI tezo a'done 'bädri'ba amiro ago nyàtate märi mikye: ‘Hwa, mi'ba 'bädri'ba orine ämädri.’
13 “Yauono, ono ni 'bädri'ba se mìnjibe ago se nyèji ta be tana ro owo; mìndre OPI 'ba 'bädri'ba te ämidri. 14 Ta a'dona ndi cini kado ämiri ondro ka'do nyùturi OPI Lu amiro te ago nyìnduru te ndäri ago nyèri ata ndaro te ago nyògbo kote ota OPI ro lomvo, ago ondro ka'do ami ndi riti 'bädri'ba se kabe ori ämidri be mìso te OPI Lu amiro vo owo. 15 Ondro ka'do nyèri ta OPI ro kote, ago nyògbote ota OPI ro lomvo, OPI a'dona ndi kyilaro ami be oso ka'do be zutui amiro be ronye. 16 Ka'do inye yauono nyèdre 'du ago mìndrena tase 'desi, OPI kaoyebe oyene ami milesi ono 'da. 17 Inye'do ono ṛo kote meṛi yi ya? Mämätuna 'da OPI ri ago nda ezona uhwe 'bu ro ndi 'bu be ndi; Ago mìnina ndi ago mìndrena ndi anjioko mìye takozi 'desi te OPI mile, ta 'bädri'ba eji rosi andivo amiro ri.”
18 Ndi Samuele mätute OPI ri, ago OPI ezo uhwe 'bu rote ndi 'bu be tu gi ana si. Ago lidri cini turiyi OPI ndi Samuele be tawi.
19 Ago lidri cini atate Samuele ri ekye: “Nyämätu OPI Lu miro, ta ama ruindu'bai miro rota, ukyi madra 'da. Tana tase undiro ono màdrote takozi cini amaro dri; ta 'bädri'ba ejiro si andivo amaro ri.”
20 Ndi Samuele atate lidri ri ekye: “Nyùturi ko, mìye tase cini undiro ono gi ca ono owo, caoko nyè'be ta osoro OPI vo ko, oko nyìnduru OPI ri ya cini amiro si. 21 Nyè'be ta lui awi mätu ro se uninayi ko ŋga kado aza oyene ämiri ca ŋgaopa oyene, tana ànya orivoya ŋga awi yi. 22 Opi 'ba tao'ba lämu'duro ndaro te, ago nda ovona lidri ndaro ko cowa, tana ta si OPI ni ami o'bane a'done lidri modo ndaro. 23 Oko ta maro ta, mänina ko takozi oyene OPI lomvo orisi mätu oyeako ta amiro ta. Ago membana ami 'da tase kadoro ago ŋgyero oyene. 24 Mìro OPI ago nyìnduru ndäri 'diriro ya cini amiro si; ago mìyi tase 'desi nda koyebe ämiri kwoi tana. 25 Ondro ka'do nyàdri gindi ugu 'du takozi oye, äfuna ami 'da cini ndi 'bädri'ba amiro be.”
Samuel Addresses the People
1 Then Samuel said to the people of Israel, “I have done what you asked me to do. I have given you a king to rule you, 2 and now you have him to lead you. As for me, I am old and gray, and my sons are with you. I have been your leader from my youth until now. 3 Here I am. If I have done anything wrong, accuse me now in the presence of the Lord and the king he has chosen. Have I taken anybody's cow or anybody's donkey? Have I cheated or oppressed anyone? Have I accepted a bribe from anyone? If I have done any of these things, I will pay back what I have taken.”
4 The people answered, “No, you have not cheated us or oppressed us; you have not taken anything from anyone.”
5 Samuel replied, “The Lord and the king he has chosen are witnesses today that you have found me to be completely innocent.”
“Yes, the Lord is our witness,” they answered.
6 Samuel continued, “The Lord is the one who chose Moses and Aaron and who brought your ancestors out of Egypt. 7 Now stand where you are, and I will accuse you before the Lord by reminding you of all the mighty actions the Lord did to save you and your ancestors. 8 When Jacob and his family went to Egypt and the Egyptians oppressed them, your ancestors cried to the Lord for help, and he sent Moses and Aaron, who brought them out of Egypt and settled them in this land. 9 But the people forgot the Lord their God, and so he let the Philistines and the king of Moab and Sisera, commander of the army of the city of Hazor, fight against your ancestors and conquer them. 10 Then they cried to the Lord for help and said, ‘We have sinned, because we turned away from you, Lord, and worshiped the idols of Baal and Astarte. Rescue us from our enemies, and we will worship you!’ 11 And the Lord sent Gideon, Barak, Jephthah, and finally me. Each of us rescued you from your enemies, and you lived in safety. 12 But when you saw that King Nahash of Ammon was about to attack you, you rejected the Lord as your king and said to me, ‘We want a king to rule us.’
13 “Now here is the king you chose; you asked for him, and now the Lord has given him to you. 14 All will go well with you if you honor the Lord your God, serve him, listen to him, and obey his commands, and if you and your king follow him. 15 But if you do not listen to the Lord but disobey his commands, he will be against you and your king. 16 So then, stand where you are, and you will see the great thing which the Lord is going to do. 17 It's the dry season, isn't it? But I will pray, and the Lord will send thunder and rain. When this happens, you will realize that you committed a great sin against the Lord when you asked him for a king.”
18 So Samuel prayed, and on that same day the Lord sent thunder and rain. Then all the people became afraid of the Lord and of Samuel, 19 and they said to Samuel, “Please, sir, pray to the Lord your God for us, so that we won't die. We now realize that, besides all our other sins, we have sinned by asking for a king.”
20 “Don't be afraid,” Samuel answered. “Even though you have done such an evil thing, do not turn away from the Lord, but serve him with all your heart. 21 Don't go after false gods; they cannot help you or save you, for they are not real. 22 The Lord has made a solemn promise, and he will not abandon you, for he has decided to make you his own people. 23 As for me, the Lord forbid that I should sin against him by no longer praying for you. Instead, I will teach you what is good and right for you to do. 24 Obey the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. Remember the great things he has done for you. 25 But if you continue to sin, you and your king will be destroyed.”