Saulo Pe Amona'bai te ṛe
1 Oso imba alodi vosi ronye oko, Nasa 'bädri'ba Amona'bai ro ndi kyila'bai ndaro be oyi mudrî 'ba'desi Jabesa se Gilada ya ana rote. Ago lidri cini Jabesa ro atayite Nasa ri ekye: “Mi'ba tao'ba taliatokpe ro ama yibe, ago mìnduruna ndi miri.”
2 Oko Nasa Amona'ba zatadri te ekye: “Ma'bana tao'ba ami yibe toto ta alo ono si, anjioko be märi mi drigwo yasi ami cini ro ewene tesi. Ago se o'bana driupi ndi Yisaraele'bai cini dri.”
3 'Desii Jabesa ro atayite Nasa ri ekye: “Nyozo u'du njidrieri ämäri tana màzo lazo'bai robe wari cini Yisaraele ro yasi. Ago ondro 'dialo aza ka'dote i'do ama opane mòzona andivo amaro ndi miri.”
4 Ondro lazo'bai kesayite Gibea ya, vose Saulo kabe ori kigye ana ya oko, ànya itiyi tase ana te lidri ri erine; ago lidri cini trete liyibe. 5 Ago Saulo ka ezi ego ni ämvu osovoya si 'daŋgo ndaro be; ago Saulo eji tate ekye: “Tana e'di lidri cini ka liyi niya?” Ago ànya itiyi lazo se lazo'bai ni Jabesa yasi kitiyibe ana te Saulo ri. 6 Ondro Saulo keri ta ono te oko tori Lu ro ikyite mbara amba be nda dri ndi kyila ndaro lekote ndra. 7 Ago nda ru 'daŋgo ritu te fute ago toga ànya te jinyijinyi ago lozo ànya te wari cini Yisaraele ro yasi lazo'bai si; atate ekye: “'Dise aza kefo kote osone Saulo ndi Samuele be vo, ayena ta ndi 'daŋgo ndaro ri inye!” 'Dooko turi OPI ro so lidri Yisaraele rote, ago ànya efoyite tesi oso 'dialo ronye. 8 Ago Saulo otokala ànyaro te Beseke ya, ago oti lidri Yisaraele ro ro orivoya kutu kama nätu (300,000), ago lidri Yuda ro kutu 'butenätu (30,000). 9 Ago ànya atayite lazo'bai se kikyibe ni Jabesa yasi kai ri ekye: Nyàta lidri Jabesa Gilada ro ri nonye mìkye: “Ondo teinye kitu diri ri osa ako oko, nyusuna ŋgaopa 'da.” Ondro lazo'bai kikyiyite ago kitiyi tate lidri Jabesa ro ri oko, ànya a'doyite yai'dwesi. 10 Ta'doro lidri Jabesa ro atayite Nasa ri ekye: “Ondo oko mòzona andivo amaro 'da miri, ago miyena tase kalandrebe kado miri oyene ämäri 'da.”
11 Ago kyenonosi oko Saulo nyi gboko lidri ndaro rote nätu, ago voiwivoya oko ànya ŋgoyi vote gawa kyila'baazii roya, ago tufuyi Amona'bai te madale kitu diri ago ànya se ke'bebe kayi pererute madale ca lidri ritu aza usune voaloya te i'do.
12 'Dooko lidri Yisaraele ro atate Samuele ri ekye: “A'diyi atani ekye: ‘Inye'do Saulo a'dona ndi 'bädri'ba ro ämädri ya?’ Nyezi lidri na iyi ago mä̀fu ànya robe.” 13 Oko Saulo atate ekye: “'Diaza o'bane odrane kitu ono si te i'do, tana kitu ono si ono OPI ye ŋgaopa ni Yisaraele ri.” 14 'Dooko Samuele atate lidri ri ekye: “Nyìkyi mì'de mòyi Gilegala ya, ago màgo maka'da 'bädri'ba robe.” 15 Ago lidri cini oyite Gilegala ya, ago lau ànya 'bayi Saulo te 'bädri'ba ro OPI kandra. Ànya loyi ŋgapäṛii rumora rote OPI kandra lau, ago Saulo ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe yeyi riyä te amba.
Saul Defeats the Ammonites
1 About a month later King Nahash of Ammon led his army against the town of Jabesh in the territory of Gilead and besieged it. The men of Jabesh said to Nahash, “Make a treaty with us, and we will accept you as our ruler.”
2 Nahash answered, “I will make a treaty with you on one condition: I will put out everyone's right eye and so bring disgrace on all Israel.”
3 The leaders of Jabesh said, “Give us seven days to send messengers throughout the land of Israel. If no one will help us, then we will surrender to you.”
4 The messengers arrived at Gibeah, where Saul lived, and when they told the news, the people started crying in despair. 5 Saul was just then coming in from the field with his oxen, and he asked, “What's wrong? Why is everyone crying?” They told him what the messengers from Jabesh had reported. 6 When Saul heard this, the spirit of God took control of him, and he became furious. 7 He took two oxen, cut them in pieces, and had messengers carry the pieces throughout the land of Israel with this warning: “Whoever does not follow Saul and Samuel into battle will have this done to his oxen!”
The people of Israel were afraid of what the Lord might do, and all of them, without exception, came out together. 8 Saul gathered them at Bezek: there were 300,000 from Israel and 30,000 from Judah. 9 They said to the messengers from Jabesh, “Tell your people that before noon tomorrow they will be rescued.” When the people of Jabesh received the message, they were overjoyed 10 and said to Nahash, “Tomorrow we will surrender to you, and you can do with us whatever you wish.”
11 That night Saul divided his men into three groups, and at dawn the next day they rushed into the enemy camp and attacked the Ammonites. By noon they had slaughtered them. The survivors scattered, each man running off by himself.
12 Then the people of Israel said to Samuel, “Where are the people who said that Saul should not be our king? Hand them over to us, and we will kill them!”
13 But Saul said, “No one will be put to death today, for this is the day the Lord rescued Israel.” 14 And Samuel said to them, “Let us all go to Gilgal and once more proclaim Saul as our king.” 15 So they all went to Gilgal, and there at the holy place they proclaimed Saul king. They offered fellowship sacrifices, and Saul and all the people of Israel celebrated the event.