Elikana ndi Katidri ndaro be Silo ya
1 Mano aza orivoya ni Ramataima yasi ni 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima ro yasi ävuru ndaro Elikana. Nda ŋgwa Jeroama ro, kwozo Elihu ro se ni katidri Tou ro yasi, telesi käläsikala Zufa ro ni 'bakala Eperaima ro yasi. 2 Elikana orivoya 'ditoko be ritu; alodi ävuruna Hana, ago aza ävuruna Penina. Penina orivoya ŋgwai be, oko Hana teinye ŋgwai ako.
3 Ndroa cini si Elikana oyite ni 'ba 'desi ndaro Rama yasi mätune ago tori olone OPI Mbaraekye ri Silo ya, vose ŋgwàagoro ritu Eli ro, Hofeni ndi Finasa be kabe ori kigye ana ya, ànya orivoya ni kohanii OPI ro owo. 4 Tuse Elikana kolo tori te si, nda ka iza juṛu ozo Penina toko ndaro ri ago kpa ŋgwàagoro ndi ndiriŋwa ro cini anyaro be ri; 5 nda lu Hana gica, oko nda ozo iza juṛu te Hana ri toto alodi, tana OPI 'ba anya te orine utiako. 6 Ago Penina tokoazi Hana ro mawo anya te ago 'ba driupi te anya dri; tana OPI 'ba anya te orine utiako 'doro. 7 Tase ono a'dote inye ndroa ro ndroa ro; ondro ànya koyiyite zo OPI roya, Penina gu Hana te 'doloro, ago ta'doro Hana liyite ago le kote ŋgaonyane. 8 Elikana ago Hana ro atate anyari ekye: “Hana nyiliyi etaya? Ago minya ŋga ko etaya? Nyaa'do tusu ro tu cini si tana e'diya? Inye'do ma ṛo ko kadopara miri ndra ni ŋgwàagoro 'butealo drisi ya?”
Hana ndi Eli be
9 Ndroa alo aza si ondro ànya konde ŋgaonya ndi ŋga umvu be te Silo ya oko Hana ŋgate, 'dooko kohani Eli dri orivoya giti ndaro dri loto käläsi zo OPI ro ro lomvo. 10 Hana orivoya tusu ro amba ago ye mätu te OPI ri ago liyite amba. 11 Ago Hana 'ba tate ekye: “Äye OPI Mbaraekye, mindrevo ma ruindu'ba miro ono dri! Mindre rueza maro ago miyi ta maro! Nyije ta ma ruindu'ba miro ono ro ko, ondro ka'do nyozo ŋgwa agoro te ma ruindu'ba miro ono ri, 'dooko mozona nda ndi miri tu oriro cini ndaro rosi; Kidri ri drî ndaro odone i'do.”
12 Hana ugu mätu oyete madaro OPI kandra, ago Eli ugu kala anyaro ondrena te. 13 Hana mätute titiitiro ya si; kala anyaro ka toto ni oye ro'baro'ba, oko eri ata anyaro kote. Eli kusu iro be ekye anya fuyite ŋgaumvusi. 14 Ago Eli atate anyari ekye: “Mifuna mi ŋgaumvu si mu'du eŋwanye ya? Nyoyi madale vino kokye lutu ni mi miro yasi.”
15 Oko Hana zatadrite ekye: “Hwa, 'desi maro, ma orivoya toko se rriti amba be yi; mämvu vino kote ca wa osoekye, oko ma ta ya maro ro utuna OPI kandra. 16 Rägu mima ta ma ruindu'ba miro ono ro ko oso toko se taoye undiro be ronye, tana saa gi cini ono si mari gialo ugu mätu oyene tana ma milo'be be ago tusu be amba.”
17 Ago Eli atate ekye: “Nyoyi liatokpe ro, ago Lu Yisaraele ro koza tadri mätu miro ro se miyebe ndäri ono.” 18 Ago anya atate ekye: “Mi'ba ruindu'ba miro ono kusu takado ni miresi.” Ago anya oyite ago nya ŋga te, ago mi anyaro a'do kote tusuro tona.
Uti Samuele ro ndi Odi to Anyaro be
19 Kyenonosi oko Elikana ndi katidri ndaro be ŋgayite ŋboci ago yeyi mätu te OPI ri; ndi ànya oyiyite kovole 'ba ànyaro ya Rama ya. Elikana u'dute Hana toko ndaro be, ago OPI yi ta Hana ro te; 20 Hana kwo ŋgwa te, ago ti ŋgwa agoro te, ago anya zi ävuru ndaro te Samuele, tana anya ekye: “Meji nda teni OPI rigyesi.”
21 Ago tu esate Elikana ndi katidri cini ndaro be ri oyine Silo ya tori ndroa ro olone OPI ri, ago tao'ba ndaro oyene OPI ri. 22 Oko Hana oyi kote ànya be. Tana Hana atate Elikana ri ekye: “Ondro ŋgwa kana kala teni ba yasi oko, mezina nda 'da. Tana ondro mezi nda te OPI kandra, nda orina te lau 'du.”
23 Elikana ago anyaro atate anyari ekye: “Miye tase nyusube kado oyene 'do ayani. Miri madale mina kala ndaro lutu ni ba yasi; toto alo tao'ba OPI ro kosa ndi mi naya.” Ago Hana rite ago lekye ŋgwa anyaro te, madale anya na kala ndaro teni ba yasi.
24 Ondro Hana kana kala ndaro teni ba yasi oko, anya ru nda te tro anya be, ndi tro 'daŋgo se ndroa na nätu be, koma kyira ro, ndi kuru kyiniro vino robe; ago Hana ezi Samuele te ŋgagaŋwa giṛiŋwa ro vo alokado OPI roya Silo ya. 25 'Dooko ànya fuyi 'daŋgo te, ago ànya eziyi ŋgagaŋwa ana te Eli re. 26 Hana atate anyari ekye: “Äye 'desi maro! Endaro ma ni toko se kedrebe mikandra noŋwa, ago koye mätu be OPI ri 'do owo. 27 Mämätute ta ŋgagaŋwa ono rota; ago Opi ozo ŋgase meji ta be tana ro ono te. 28 Ago yauono mozo nda te OPI ri; tu oriro cini ndaro si.” Ago ànya mätuyi OPI te lau.
Elkanah and His Family at Shiloh
1 There was a man named Elkanah, from the tribe of Ephraim, who lived in the town of Ramah in the hill country of Ephraim. He was the son of Jeroham and grandson of Elihu, and belonged to the family of Tohu, a part of the clan of Zuph. 2 Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not. 3 Every year Elkanah went from Ramah to worship and offer sacrifices to the Lord Almighty at Shiloh, where Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, were priests of the Lord. 4 Each time Elkanah offered his sacrifice, he would give one share of the meat to Peninnah and one share to each of her children. 5 And even though he loved Hannah very much he would give her only one share, because the Lord had kept her from having children. 6 Peninnah, her rival, would torment and humiliate her, because the Lord had kept her childless. 7 This went on year after year; whenever they went to the house of the Lord, Peninnah would upset Hannah so much that she would cry and refuse to eat anything. 8 Her husband Elkanah would ask her, “Hannah, why are you crying? Why won't you eat? Why are you always so sad? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?”
Hannah and Eli
9-10 One time, after they had finished their meal in the house of the Lord at Shiloh, Hannah got up. She was deeply distressed, and she cried bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. Meanwhile, Eli the priest was sitting in his place by the door. 11 Hannah made a solemn promise: “Lord Almighty, look at me, your servant! See my trouble and remember me! Don't forget me! If you give me a son, I promise that I will dedicate him to you for his whole life and that he will never have his hair cut.”
12 Hannah continued to pray to the Lord for a long time, and Eli watched her lips. 13 She was praying silently; her lips were moving, but she made no sound. So Eli thought that she was drunk, 14 and he said to her, “Stop making a drunken show of yourself! Stop your drinking and sober up!”
15 “No, I'm not drunk, sir,” she answered. “I haven't been drinking! I am desperate, and I have been praying, pouring out my troubles to the Lord. 16 Don't think I am a worthless woman. I have been praying like this because I'm so miserable.”
17 “Go in peace,” Eli said, “and may the God of Israel give you what you have asked him for.”
18 “May you always think kindly of me,” she replied. Then she went away, ate some food, and was no longer sad.
Samuel's Birth and Dedication
19 The next morning Elkanah and his family got up early, and after worshiping the Lord, they went back home to Ramah. Elkanah had intercourse with his wife Hannah, and the Lord answered her prayer. 20 So it was that she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, and explained, “I asked the Lord for him.”
21 The time came again for Elkanah and his family to go to Shiloh and offer to the Lord the yearly sacrifice and the special sacrifice he had promised. 22 But this time Hannah did not go. She told her husband, “As soon as the child is weaned, I will take him to the house of the Lord, where he will stay all his life.”
23 Elkanah answered, “All right, do whatever you think best; stay at home until you have weaned him. And may the Lord make your promise come true.” So Hannah stayed at home and nursed her child.
24 After she had weaned him, she took him to Shiloh, taking along a three-year-old bull, a bushel of flour, and a leather bag full of wine. She took Samuel, young as he was, to the house of the Lord at Shiloh. 25 After they had killed the bull, they took the child to Eli. 26 Hannah said to him, “Excuse me, sir. Do you remember me? I am the woman you saw standing here, praying to the Lord. 27 I asked him for this child, and he gave me what I asked for. 28 So I am dedicating him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he will belong to the Lord.”
Then they worshiped the Lord there.