Ruede Solomo ro Yekalu Obene
(2 Ambâ 2:1-18)
1 Ondro Irama 'bädri'ba Tura ro keri tate ekye äṛu Solomo te 'bädri'ba ro vo täpi ndaro Dawidi roya oko; nda zo ruindu'bai ndaro te Solomo re, tana Irama ondoalo a'dote bereazi ro Dawidi ri. 2 Solomo go logo tate Irama ri ekye: 3 “Mini ndi täpi maro Dawidi ni kote yekalu obene OPI Lu ndaro mätuzana, tana ta kyila se nda kugu oyena be kyila'baazii se gbikyi nda lomvosi kwoi be rota, madale OPI 'ba nda pe kyila'baazii cini ndaro te ṛe. 4 Oko yauono OPI Lu maro ozo taliatokpe te märi kishwedri cini maro yasi; ma te kyila'baazii ako ago kandra kozi te i'do. 5 Ago yauono maratate yekalu obene OPI Lu maro mätuzana, oso OPI ko'ba tao'baro be täpi maro Dawidi ri ronye ekye: ‘Ŋgwa miro se mabe o'bana giti miro dri vo miro ya ana obena yekalu 'da ma mätuzana.’ 6 Ka'do inye mizo lidri miro Lebanona ya kogayi ice wiri ro robe märi. Ago lidri maro oyenayi losi 'da ànya yibe, ago mozona päläti 'da lidri miro ri oso taora miro ronye. Tana mini ndi lidri maro ni ko ice ogane oso lidri miro ronye.”
7 Ondro Irama kusu lazo Solomo rote oko, nda a'dote yai'dwe amba si, ago nda atate ekye: “OPI ka'do räṛuräṛu ro tu ono si, se ozo ŋgwa tavouni'ba ro te Dawidi ri orine vo ndaro ya 'bädri'ba ro tu'de 'desi ono dri.” 8 'Dooko Irama zo lazo te Solomo ri ekye: “Musu lazo miro te, ago ma orivoya nja tase nyejibe ono oyene, mazona ice wiri ro ndi joce kyiyi robe 'da miri. 9 Ruindu'bai maro ugunayi loroi 'da ni Lebanona yasi le gyi'desi kala, ago embenayi ànya 'da driro driro o'dena gwo ugu udine gyi'desi kalasi le vose nyabe ka'dana ya. Ago lidri maro onjina ànya 'da lau, ago lidri miro uŋgyina ànya teni. Ŋga vo logo ro ro male miri ŋgaonya ezone lidri maro ri.”
10 Ago Irama zo ice cini wiri ro ndi kyiyi robe se Solomo kolebe te, 11 ago Solomo zo lu'di kyifo rote Irama ri otina kutu kama alo (100,000), ago kuru ido wäṛiro ice ido ro ro otina orivoya kutu 'bute kama alo (110,000) onyane lidri Irama ro ri ndroa cini si.
12 Ago OPI ozo tavouni te Solomo ri, oso se nda ko'ba tana be ronye. Ago taliatokpe a'dote lakole Irama ndi Solomo be roya; ago ànya riti letadrite.
13 'Bädri'ba Solomo otokala lidri losi oyero rote kutu 'butenätu (30,000) ni Yisaraele'bai cini lakosi losi oyene mbarasi. 14 Ago nda 'ba Adonirama te dri'ba ro ànya dri, nda lonyi ànya te äṛina nätu, äṛi alo lidri na kutu 'bute alo (10,000), ago äṛi alo rite Lebanona ya imba alo ago go rite 'bäru imba ritu. 15 Solomo a'dote orivoya kunitoga'bai be kutu 'butenjidriena (80,000) 'bädri lutu roya ago lidri kutu 'butenjidrieri (70,000) be uŋgyine, 16 ago nda 'ba dri'bai te losi'bai dri orivoya kutu nätu kama nätu (3,300), losi ànyaro täkyine. 17 Ota 'Bädri'ba Solomo rosi, ànya togayi kuniŋwà liŋgyiekyero te, kotopa Yekalu ro obeza. 18 Ago losi'bai Solomo ro ndi Irama robe ndi Mahoago Gebala robe edeyi kuniŋwà te ndi joce be Yekalu obeza.
Solomon Prepares to Build the Temple
(2 Chronicles 2.1-18)
1 King Hiram of Tyre had always been a friend of David's, and when he heard that Solomon had succeeded his father David as king, he sent ambassadors to him. 2 Solomon sent back this message to Hiram: 3 “You know that because of the constant wars my father David had to fight against the enemy countries all around him, he could not build a temple for the worship of the Lord his God until the Lord had given him victory over all his enemies. 4 But now the Lord my God has given me peace on all my borders. I have no enemies, and there is no danger of attack. 5 The Lord promised my father David, ‘Your son, whom I will make king after you, will build a temple for me.’ And I have now decided to build that temple for the worship of the Lord my God. 6 So send your men to Lebanon to cut down cedars for me. My men will work with them, and I will pay your men whatever you decide. As you well know, my men don't know how to cut down trees as well as yours do.”
7 Hiram was extremely pleased when he received Solomon's message, and he said, “Praise the Lord today for giving David such a wise son to succeed him as king of that great nation!” 8 Then Hiram sent Solomon the following message: “I have received your message, and I am ready to do what you ask. I will provide the cedars and the pine trees. 9 My men will bring the logs down from Lebanon to the sea and will tie them together in rafts to float them down the coast to the place you choose. There my men will untie them, and your men will take charge of them. On your part, I would like you to supply the food for my men.”
10 So Hiram supplied Solomon with all the cedar and pine logs that he wanted, 11 and Solomon provided Hiram with 100,000 bushels of wheat and 110,000 gallons of pure olive oil every year to feed his men.
12 The Lord kept his promise and gave Solomon wisdom. There was peace between Hiram and Solomon, and they made a treaty with each other.
13 King Solomon drafted 30,000 men as forced labor from all over Israel, 14 and put Adoniram in charge of them. He divided them into three groups of 10,000 men, and each group spent one month in Lebanon and two months back home. 15 Solomon also had 80,000 stone cutters in the hill country, with 70,000 men to carry the stones, 16 and he placed 3,300 foremen in charge of them to supervise their work. 17 At King Solomon's command they cut fine large stones for the foundation of the Temple. 18 Solomon's and Hiram's workers and men from the city of Byblos prepared the stones and the timber to build the Temple.