1 Ago ondro Yeroboama kedrete vo tori oloro lomvo tori ozane oko, nebi alo aza ikyite ni Yuda yasi ota OPI rosi Betele ya. 2 Ago nebi ana esate lau, ago trete vo tori oloro lomvo ata OPI robe, ago atate ekye: “Vo tori oloro, vo tori oloro; OPI kani ata nonye ekye: Mindre, oye ŋgwaago aza utine katidri Dawidi roya, ago äzina ävuruna 'da Josia. Nda olona kohanii se kayibe ruindu vo tori oloro lui awi ro drisi 'da midri, ago nda ozana kowa lidri ro 'da midri.” 3 Ago nebi ugu atate ekye: “Ono ni taka'daro se OPI kata tana be owo ekye: Vo tori oloro ono lenyina 'da riya vuru, ago torofo se driigye 'do eperena 'da.”
4 Ago ondro 'Bädri'ba Yeroboama keri ata se ono te oko, nda ka'da nda te drì si ni vo tori oloro ya ago ozotate ekye: “Miru mano 'do!” Ago dori drì 'bädri'ba ro se kozo be 'do towite, ago ni kote eŋgone kovole. 5 Dori vo tori oloro lenyi kpate riya vuru, ago torofo ladate vuru ni vo tori oloro yasi, ndi oso se nebi kata tana be ävuru OPI rosi ana ronye. 6 Ago 'Bädri'ba Yeroboama atate nebi ri ekye: “Nyolo'baru yau OPI Lu miro ri takado ndaro ta, ago miye mätu ndäri drì maro edene.”
Nebi lo'barute OPI ri; ago ede drì 'bädri'ba rote, ago go a'dote kado oso kyeno ronye. 7 'Dooko 'bädri'ba atate nebi ri ekye: “Nyikyi 'bäru ŋgaonyane mabe, ago mozo ŋgapäṛi robe miri tase miyebe ono ta.”
8 Nebi zatadrite ekye: “Ondro ka'do nyozo telesi ŋga zo miro ro ca märi, märi oyine mibe i'do. Ago märi ŋgaonyane ago gyi umvune vo ono ya i'do; 9 tana OPI ta ma te ekye ko märi ŋgaonyane ago ca ko gyi umvune, ago kpa ko ogone liti se mikyibe kigyesi yasi.” 10 Ago nda oyite liti aza yasi, ago go kote liti se nda kikyibe Betele ya kigyesi yasi.
Nebi Agoambago ro Betele ro
11 Tu gi ana si nebi aza orivoya agoambago ro Betele ya. Ago ŋgwàagoro ndaro ikyiyite ago itiyi tase cini nebi se ni Yuda ya kikyi koyebe Betele ya tu gi ana si ana tana te ndäri; ndi tase nda katabe 'Bädri'ba Yeroboama ri ana be. 12 Ago täpi ànyaro atate ànyari ekye: “Nda oyi liti eŋwani yasi ya?” Ago ànya ka'dayi liti se nebi se kikyibe ni Yuda yasi koyibe kigyesi ana te ndäri. 13 Ago nda atate ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri ekye: “Mi'be orivo doŋgyi dri märi.” Ago ànya 'beyi orivo te doŋgyi dri ago nda tute driigye. 14 Ago nda sote nebi se ni Yuda yasi ana vo, ago usu nda rite ce vudi ro zele; ago nda atate rigye ekye: “Inye'do mi ni nebi se kikyibe ni Yuda yasi owo ya?”
Ago nda zatadrite ekye: “Owo, ma ni no.”
15 'Dooko nda atate ndäri ekye: “Nyikyi 'bäru ŋgaonyane mabe.”
16 Ago nebi se ni Yuda yasi ana zatadrite ekye: “Märi ogone mibe, ago ocine zo miro ya i'do, ca ŋgaonyane ca ŋga aza umvune mibe vo ono ya i'do. 17 Tana OPI ta ma te ko ŋgaonyane ca ŋga aza umvune, ca ogone kovole liti se mikyibe kigyesi yasi.”
18 'Dooko nebi agoambago ro Betele ro atate ndäri ekye: “Ma kpa orivoya nebi yi mi ronye, ago malaika petate märi ota OPI rosi ekye mologo mi kovole 'bäru ŋgaonyane ago ŋga umvune mabe.” Oko nebi agoambago ro se ana ga iro kowe yi ndäri.
19 Ndi nebi se ni Yuda yasi ana gote kovole nebi se agoambago ro ana be, ago nya ŋgaonya te ago mvu ŋga te zo ndaro ya. 20 Ondro ànya dri orivoya tara'biza lomvo oko, ata OPI ro ikyite nebi se kologo nda be kovole ana ri; 21 ago nda trete nebi se kikyibe ni Yuda yasi ana ri ekye: “Ono ni ata OPI ro owo ekye: ‘Miro ata OPI ro kote, ago nyäti ota OPI Lu miro ro se nda kota mibe sina ono kote,’ 22 oko nyegote kovole ago minya ŋga te ago mimvu ŋga te vose nda kota mibe ekye minya ŋga, ago mimvu ŋga aza ko kigye ono ya. Tana ta'doro äfuna mi 'da ago avo miro osene 'bädri katidri miro roya te i'do.” 23 Ago ondro ànya konde ŋgaonya ndi ŋgaumvu be te oko, nebi se agoambago ro se ana 'be orivo te doŋgyi dri nebi se ni Yuda yasi ana ri. 24 Ondro nda kate ugu oyi liti ya oko, nda 'bedrite ibi be ago si nda te ṛi. Ago avo ndaro rite liti dri, ago doŋgyi ndi ibi be edrete lomvoigye. 25 Ago 'di azaka se kabe lävu nasi ana, ndreyi avo te liti dri, ago ibi edrevoya lomvoigye. Ago ànya ikyiyite ago itiyi tana te 'bakici se nebi agoambago ro koribe kigye ana ya.
26 Ago ondro nebi se agoambago ro kologo nda be kovole ni liti yasi ana keri tana te oko atate ekye: “'Do ṛo nebi se koro ata OPI ro be ko 'do owo! Tana ta'doro OPI ozo nda te ibi ri, ago towa nda te ago fu nda te, ndi oso OPI katabe ndäri ana ronye.” 27 Ago nda atate ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri ekye: “Mi'ba orivo doŋgyi dri märi.” Ago ànya 'beyi orivo te. 28 Ago nda oyite usu avo nebi ana rote liti dri, ago doŋgyi ndi ibi be edrevoya lomvoigye. Ibi nya avo ko ago si doŋgyi kpa ko. 29 Nebi agoambago ro ŋgyi avo te ago 'bete doŋgyi dri, ago logote kovole Betele ya, liyine ago osene. 30 Ago nda se avona te 'budri katidri modo ndaro roya; ago ànya liyiyi nda te ekye: “Kuwuyi, ädrupi maro, ädrupi maro!” 31 Avo ose vosi oko, nebi ana atate ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri ekye: “Ondro madrate oko, mìse ma ndi 'budri se ase nebi ono be kigye ono ya, mì'be avo maro ndi avo ndaro lomvo. 32 Tana ata se nda kayobe ota OPI rosi vo tori oloro Betele ro lomvo, ago voi cini mätu ro lomvo se orivoya 'ba'desi Samaria ro yasi ana endaro koye a'done taŋgyero.”
Takozi Para Yeroboama ro
33 Ta ono vosi Yeroboama 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro e'be taoye koziro ndaro kote; oko nda ugu kohanii lo'ba kpate ni katidri lidri awi ro lakosi, ruindune vo tori oloro se nda kobebe iyi yasi. Nda di 'dise kolebe a'done kohanii ro 'do te. 34 Ago tase ono a'dote takozi ro katidri Yeroboama ro ri, ago pere katidri ndaro te tandro ro.
1 At the Lord's command a prophet from Judah went to Bethel and arrived there as Jeroboam stood at the altar to offer the sacrifice. 2 Following the Lord's command, the prophet denounced the altar: “O altar, altar, this is what the Lord says: A child, whose name will be Josiah, will be born to the family of David. He will slaughter on you the priests serving at the pagan altars who offer sacrifices on you, and he will burn human bones on you.” 3 And the prophet went on to say, “This altar will fall apart, and the ashes on it will be scattered. Then you will know that the Lord has spoken through me.”
4 When King Jeroboam heard this, he pointed at him and ordered, “Seize that man!” At once the king's arm became paralyzed so that he couldn't pull it back. 5 The altar suddenly fell apart and the ashes spilled to the ground, as the prophet had predicted in the name of the Lord. 6 King Jeroboam said to the prophet, “Please pray for me to the Lord your God, and ask him to heal my arm!”
The prophet prayed to the Lord, and the king's arm was healed. 7 Then the king said to the prophet, “Come home with me and have something to eat. I will reward you for what you have done.”
8 The prophet answered, “Even if you gave me half of your wealth, I would not go with you or eat or drink anything with you. 9 The Lord has commanded me not to eat or drink a thing, and not to return home the same way I came.” 10 So he did not go back the same way he had come, but by another road.
The Old Prophet of Bethel
11 At that time there was an old prophet living in Bethel. His sons came and told him what the prophet from Judah had done in Bethel that day and what he had said to King Jeroboam. 12 “Which way did he go when he left?” the old prophet asked them. They showed him the road 13 and he told them to saddle his donkey for him. They did so, and he rode off 14 down the road after the prophet from Judah and found him sitting under an oak tree. “Are you the prophet from Judah?” he asked.
“I am,” the man answered.
15 “Come home and have a meal with me,” he said.
16 But the prophet from Judah answered, “I can't go home with you or accept your hospitality. And I won't eat or drink anything with you here, 17 because the Lord has commanded me not to eat or drink a thing, and not to return home the same way I came.”
18 Then the old prophet from Bethel said to him, “I, too, am a prophet just like you, and at the Lord's command an angel told me to take you home with me and offer you my hospitality.” But the old prophet was lying.
19 So the prophet from Judah went home with the old prophet and had a meal with him. 20 As they were sitting at the table, the word of the Lord came to the old prophet, 21 and he cried out to the prophet from Judah, “The Lord says that you disobeyed him and did not do what he commanded. 22 Instead, you returned and ate a meal in a place he had ordered you not to eat in. Because of this you will be killed, and your body will not be buried in your family grave.”
23 After they had finished eating, the old prophet saddled the donkey for the prophet from Judah, 24 who rode off. On the way a lion met him and killed him. His body lay on the road, and the donkey and the lion stood beside it. 25 Some men passed by and saw the body on the road, with the lion standing near by. They went on into Bethel and reported what they had seen.
26 When the old prophet heard about it, he said, “That is the prophet who disobeyed the Lord's command! And so the Lord sent the lion to attack and kill him, just as the Lord said he would.” 27 Then he said to his sons, “Saddle my donkey for me.” They did so, 28 and he rode off and found the prophet's body lying on the road, with the donkey and the lion still standing by it. The lion had not eaten the body or attacked the donkey. 29 The old prophet picked up the body, put it on the donkey, and brought it back to Bethel to mourn over it and bury it. 30 He buried it in his own family grave, and he and his sons mourned over it, saying, “Oh my brother, my brother!” 31 After the burial the prophet said to his sons, “When I die, bury me in this grave and lay my body next to his. 32 The words that he spoke at the Lord's command against the altar in Bethel and against all the places of worship in the towns of Samaria will surely come true.”
Jeroboam's Fatal Sin
33 King Jeroboam of Israel still did not turn from his evil ways but continued to choose priests from ordinary families to serve at the altars he had built. He ordained as priest anyone who wanted to be one. 34 This sin on his part brought about the ruin and total destruction of his dynasty.