Ŋgapäṛi Ozo Taoma'bai Azi ri
1 Yauono, ta tase nyegyibe märi ta parata ozo rota lidri Lu ro Yuda ya opaza. Beṛo ämiri tase mitibe känisa Galatia ya ri oyene. 2 U'du njidrieri cini si beṛo ami alo alo ri parata azaka odine oso 'dina 'do kabe usuna ronye, ago komba driigye, tana mesate oko ukyi okoto parata 'da. 3 Ka'do inye ondro mesate oko mozona waraga 'dika'daro 'da lidri se nyàka'da be ri, ago azo ànya robe ŋgapäṛi amiro ugune Yerusalema ya. 4 Ondro ka'do tana ko'de ndi märi ree oyine, 'dooko ànya uninayi ndi oyine ma be.
Taora Paulo ro Aba ro
5 Mäkyina 'da amire oyi maro Makedonia yasi vosi, tana ṛo märi oyine Makedonia yasi. 6 Kode azayi marina 'da ami yibe tuna fere, kode meṛi ṛo cu, ago 'dooko minina ndi ma opane 'duro aba maro ya vo kinja se malebe oyine kigye ya. 7 Male ami ondrene ga kadoro ndrani ugu lävune äruäru risi; ma mio'ba be orine ga madaro ami yibe, ondro Opi kole gindi owo.
8 Moye orine Epeso ya noŋwa madale tu Penetikoseta rosi. 9 Endaro kandrakado orivoya noŋwa ta 'desi ndi losi kado be oyeza, kyila'baazii ka'do gica owo.
10 Ondro Timoteo kikyi gwo te ami resi oko mi'ba nda kori uruuru ro kadoro ami lako, tana nda ka ugu losi oye Opi ri, kpa oso ma ronye. 11 Beṛo ko 'diaza ri voondrene ndra nda drisi, oko beṛo ämiri nda opane ugu oyine aba ndaro be liatokpe ro, tana nda kego robe kovole mare; tana ma mio'ba be ego ndaro ta ndi tro ädrupii be.
12 Oko, ta ädrupi Apolo rota, ondoalo mozo agoago te ndäri ami täkyine ndi ädrupii azaka be, oko nda dri ole ako ukyine tu ono si, ondro nda kusu kandrakado te oko, oyina 'da.
Ata Ädu
13 Nyà'do vookwa be, nyedre ŋgyiri taoma ya, nyà'do turiako, nyà'do mbara ro. 14 Miye losi cini amiro ŋgalu si.
15 Mini ta Setepano ndi katidri ndaro robe te, ànya orivoya ni Kristo'bai käti se etayidrite Akaya ya ago ozoyi andivo ànyaro te ruindune lidri Lu ro ri owo. Molo'baru ämiri, ädrupii maro, 16 osone lidri dri'ba ro kwoi ronye vo, ago kpa 'diaza se kabe losi oye ago kabe ruindu ànya yibe vo.
17 Ma orivoya yai'dwesi ta ikyi Setepano, Foretunatusa ndi Akaiku robe rota; ànya yeyi ŋgase aba ämiri oyene te, 18 ago ànya i'dweyi ya maro te, kpa oso ànya ki'dweyi ya amiro be ronye. Lidri oso kwoi ronye tana otine kadoro.
19 Känisa wari Asia ro ro zoyi mede ànyaro ämiri Akwila ndi Pirisila be ndi känisa se kabe kalakoto zo ànyaro ya be zoyi mede Kristo'ba ro ya cini si ämiri. 20 Ädrupii cini noŋwa ono zoyi mede ämiri.
Mìye mede azi ri 'di njunju ädrupii rosi.
21 Megyi ta ono ni drí modo maro si; mede ni Paulo resi.
22 Nda se kulu Opi ko, latri ka'do driigye! Marana-ta; Anjioko Opi amaro nyikyi!
23 Tai'dwero Opi Yesu ro ka'do ami yibe.
24 Ŋgalu maro ami cini ri Kristo Yesu si.
The Offering for Needy Believers
1 Now, concerning what you wrote about the money to be raised to help God's people in Judea. You must do what I told the churches in Galatia to do. 2 Every Sunday each of you must put aside some money, in proportion to what you have earned, and save it up, so that there will be no need to collect money when I come. 3 After I come, I shall give letters of introduction to those you have approved, and send them to take your gift to Jerusalem. 4 If it seems worthwhile for me to go, then they can go along with me.
Paul's Plans
5 I shall come to you after I have gone through Macedonia—for I have to go through Macedonia. 6 I shall probably spend some time with you, perhaps the whole winter, and then you can help me to continue my trip, wherever it is I shall go next. 7 I want to see you more than just briefly in passing; I hope to spend quite a long time with you, if the Lord allows.
8 I will stay here in Ephesus until the day of Pentecost. 9 There is a real opportunity here for great and worthwhile work, even though there are many opponents.
10 If Timothy comes your way, be sure to make him feel welcome among you, because he is working for the Lord, just as I am. 11 No one should look down on him, but you must help him continue his trip in peace, so that he will come back to me; for I am expecting him back with the believers.
12 Now, about brother Apollos. I have often encouraged him to visit you with the other believers, but he is not completely convinced that he should go at this time. When he gets the chance, however, he will go.
Final Words
13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong. 14 Do all your work in love.
15 You know about Stephanas and his family; they are the first Christian converts in Achaia and have given themselves to the service of God's people. I beg you, my friends, 16 to follow the leadership of such people as these, and of anyone else who works and serves with them.
17 I am happy about the coming of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus; they have made up for your absence 18 and have cheered me up, just as they cheered you up. Such men as these deserve notice.
19 The churches in the province of Asia send you their greetings; Aquila and Priscilla and the church that meets in their house send warm Christian greetings. 20 All the believers here send greetings.
Greet one another with the kiss of peace.
21 With my own hand I write this: Greetings from Paul.
22 Whoever does not love the Lord—a curse on him!
Marana tha—Our Lord, come!
23 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
24 My love be with you all in Christ Jesus.