Yekalu Gaga'bai
1 Kwoi ni losi se adibe Lewe'bai ri ruindu Yekalu gaga roya owo: Käläsikala Kora ro yasi ni Meselemia ŋgwa Kore ro, katidri Asafa ro yasi. 2 Meselemia orivoya ŋgwàagoro be njidrieri arate nonye a'do utiro voro: Jediela, Zebadia, Jateniela, 3 Elama, Joanana, ndi Elionai be.
4 Lu äṛu Obededoma kpate ŋgwàagoro njidriana ozo si ndäri, arate nonye a'do utiro voro; Semaya, Jozabada, Joa, Sakara, 5 Netaniela, Amiela, Yisakara ndi Puletai be.
6 Semaya ŋgwa kayoŋwa Obededoma ro orivoya ŋgwàagoro be njidrialo: ànya orivoya miri'bai katidri ànyaro ro, tana ànya orivoya lidri tauni amba be yi käläsikala ànyaro ya. 7 Ànya ni Oteni, Refaela, Obede, Elezabada, ago ädrupii ànyaro Elihu ndi Semakaya be kpa orivoya lidri tauni amba be yi.
8 Ni katidri Obededoma ro yasi lidri se tauni amba be 'deyibe ṛo ree ruindune Yekalu ya; otina kpeye orivoya 'butenjidrialo foritu (62).
9 Katidri Meselemia ro yasi, lidri se tauni amba be cini orivoya 'butenjidriena (58). 10 Ni 'bakala Merari ro yasi, Osa orivoya ŋgwàagoro be su, Semiri ni dri'ba na yi (nda ca ko orivoya ŋgwa kayo yi oko täpi ndaro 'ba nda gwo dri'ba ro), 11 'dooko Ilekia, Tebalaya, ndi Zekaria be, lidri katidri Osa ro ro, se Yekalu gaga'bai ro otina kpeye orivoya 'butealo fonätu.
12 Olonyi Yekalu gaga'bai te ba katidrii voro, ago ara ànya te kama ànyaro Yekalu ya voro kpa oso Lewe'bai azi ronye; 13 katidri alo alo 'di ombato'dii ro ndi 'di'desii be katidri ro katidri ro voyi vodo te ta dereŋwà rota. 14 Vodo dereŋwa 'buzelesi ro 'dete Selemaya ri, ago dereŋwa mä'dudrisi 'dete ŋgwa ndaro Zekaria, se ondoalo kani tavoata kado ata ana ri. 15 Dereŋwa ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi 'dete Obededoma ri, ago ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri ni zo ŋgaodroro gagane, 16 dereŋwa aŋgoyasi 'dete Supima ndi Osa be ri, ndi tro dereŋwa se äzibe Saleketa liti se kutube kuru ro ya 'do be. A'ba vookwa'bai te vookwane kigye azivoazivo. 17 Kogobe 'buzelesi vookwa'bai orivoya njidrialo tu cini si, mä'dudrisi vookwa'bai orivoya su tu cini si, ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi orivoya su tu cini si, ago ba ritu ritu zo ŋgaodroro kalasi; 18 aŋgoyasi loto vose abebe oso zo boŋgoro ronye ana lomvo vookwa'bai orivoya su liti dri ago ritu vose obeobero oso zo boŋgoro ronye ana modona ya. 19 Kwoi ni lonyi kama Yekalu gaga'bai ro käläsikalai Kota ndi Merari ro robe ri owo.
Kama Azaka Yekalu ro
20 Lewe'bai azi ànyaro azakana a'doyite ni drikaca be vo ŋgaodroro Yekalu ro ndi vo ŋgaodroro ŋgapäṛi se adite to Lu ri robe dri; 21 Ladana, alo aza ŋgwàagoro Geresona ro ro ni dri'ba gboko katidrii amba ro, loci katidri Jiela ŋgwa ndaro ro kpa kigye.
22 Ŋgwàagoro ritu Jiela ro, Zetama ndi Joela be, ni drikaca be lakazà Yekalu ro ndi vo ŋgaodroro be dri. 23 Ozo kama kpate zelevoi Amorama, Izera, Eberona ndi Uziela be ro ri.
24 Subaela, ni käläsikala ŋgwa Musa ro Geresoma ro yasi ni dri'ba 'desi losi ro drikaca be lakazà Yekalu ro dri owo. 25 Zelevo ädrupi ndaro Eliezera ro 'ba nda te a'done diriro Selomita be. Eliezera ni täpi Reabaya ro, se ni täpi Jesaya ro, se ni täpi Yorama ro, se ni täpi Zikeri ro, se ni täpi Selomita ro. 26 Selomita gi ono ndi lidri katidri ndaro robe ni drikaca be ŋgapäṛi se cini 'bädri'ba Dawidi kodibe to Lu ri ana dri, dri'bai katidrii ro, dri'bai gboko käläsikalai ro ro, ago otaozo'bai kyila'bai ro. 27 Ànya ruyi rukä lakazà se otopabe ni kyila yasi rote diyite to ŋgapäṛi ro losi oyeza sina Yekalu ya. 28 Ŋgapäṛi se cini nebi Samuele 'bädri'ba Saulo ŋgwa Kisi ro, Abinera ŋgwa Nera ro, ndi Yoaba se endre na ni Zeruya ana be kodiyibe to ana orivoya drikaca Selomita ndi katidri ndaro robe zele.
Kama Azaka Lewe'bai ro
29 Zelevoi Izera ro lakosi, Kenania ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be adite kama ŋgamiriro ya: egyi'bai ro ago vureope'bai ro, lidri Yisaraele ro lako. 30 Zelevo Eberona ro yasi, a'ba Asabia ndi 'didiri ndaro kutu alo kama njidrieri (1,700) se tauni amba be iyi be te losi Lu ro ndi losi azaka 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele ya se orivoya ogone aŋgoyasi Golo Yaradene roya 'do vona ondrene. 31 Jeraya ni dri'ba zelevoi Eberona ro ro. Ndroa 'butesu ori Dawidi ro 'bädri'ba ro si äṛivote ago usu kyila'bai tauni amba be teni zelevoi Eberona ro lako, kayi ori Jazera ya wari Gilada roya. 32 'Bädri'ba Dawidi nji dri'bai katidrii ro kutu ritu kama njidrieri tauni amba be teni 'didiri Jeraya ro lakosi ago 'ba ànya te dri'bai ro losi Lu ro ro ago losi azaka 'bädri'ba ro vona ondrene Yisaraele ya ogone 'buzele Golo Yaradene roya, wari Rubena, Gada, ndi Manase ro 'buzelesi ya.
The Temple Guards
1 These are the assignments of work for the Levites who served as Temple guards. From the clan of Korah there was Meshelemiah son of Kore, of the family of Asaph. 2 He had seven sons, listed in order of age: Zechariah, Jediael, Zebadiah, Jathniel, 3 Elam, Jehohanan, and Eliehoenai.
4 There was also Obed Edom, whom God blessed by giving him eight sons, listed in order of age: Shemaiah, Jehozabad, Joah, Sachar, Nethanel, 5 Ammiel, Issachar, and Peullethai.
6-7 Obed Edom's oldest son, Shemaiah, had six sons: Othni, Rephael, Obed, Elzabad, Elihu, and Semachiah. They were important men in their clan because of their great ability; the last two were especially talented.
8 Obed Edom's family furnished a total of sixty-two highly qualified men for this work.
9 Meshelemiah's family furnished eighteen qualified men.
10 From the clan of Merari there was Hosah, who had four sons: Shimri (his father made him the leader, even though he was not the oldest son), 11 Hilkiah, Tebaliah, and Zechariah. In all there were thirteen members of Hosah's family who were Temple guards.
12 The Temple guards were divided into groups, according to families, and they were assigned duties in the Temple, just as the other Levites were. 13 Each family, regardless of size, drew lots to see which gate it would be responsible for. 14 Shelemiah drew the east gate, and his son Zechariah, a man who always gave good advice, drew the north gate. 15 Obed Edom was allotted the south gate, and his sons were allotted to guard the storerooms. 16 Shuppim and Hosah were allotted the west gate and the Shallecheth Gate on the upper road. Guard duty was divided into assigned periods, one after another. 17 On the east, six guards were on duty each day, on the north, four, and on the south, four. Four guards were stationed at the storerooms daily, two at each storeroom. 18 Near the western pavilion there were four guards by the road and two at the pavilion itself. 19 This is the assignment of guard duty to the clan of Korah and the clan of Merari.
Other Temple Duties
20 Others of their fellow Levites were in charge of the Temple treasury and the storerooms for gifts dedicated to God. 21 Ladan, one of the sons of Gershon, was the ancestor of several family groups, including the family of his son Jehiel. 22 Ladan's two other sons, Zetham and Joel, had charge of the Temple treasury and storerooms.
23 Duties were also assigned to the descendants of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
24 Shebuel, of the clan of Moses' son Gershom, was the chief official responsible for the Temple treasury. 25 Through Gershom's brother Eliezer he was related to Shelomith. Eliezer was the father of Rehabiah, who was the father of Jeshaiah, the father of Joram, the father of Zichri, the father of Shelomith. 26 Shelomith and the members of his family were in charge of all the gifts dedicated to God by King David, the heads of families, leaders of clan groups, and army officers. 27 They took some of the loot they captured in battle and dedicated it for use in the Temple. 28 Shelomith and his family were in charge of everything that had been dedicated for use in the Temple, including the gifts brought by the prophet Samuel, by King Saul, by Abner son of Ner, and by Joab son of Zeruiah.
Duties of Other Levites
29 Among the descendants of Izhar, Chenaniah and his sons were assigned administrative duties: keeping records and settling disputes for the people of Israel.
30 Among the descendants of Hebron, Hashabiah and seventeen hundred of his relatives, all outstanding men, were put in charge of the administration of all religious and civil matters in Israel west of the Jordan River. 31 Jeriah was the leader of the descendants of Hebron. In the fortieth year that David was king, an investigation was made of the family line of Hebron's descendants, and outstanding soldiers belonging to this family were found living at Jazer in the territory of Gilead. 32 King David chose twenty-seven hundred outstanding heads of families from Jeriah's relatives and put them in charge of administering all religious and civil matters in Israel east of the Jordan River—the territories of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh.