aza 11
Allah witi wumɔ ṯiŋaḏa lizi lu leḏi izrayiil tuc mac
1 ŋwu ṯa, nyi kwuṯalu: Allah wumɔ ṯiŋaḏa lizi lu luŋwun tuc, a? beri ma! nyi kwiri kwete kweḏi izrayiil, kwuruḏi nani gwu ibrahiim, kweḏi gabiila keḏi banyamiin-ŋa. 2 Allah witi wumɔ ṯiŋaḏa lizi lu luŋwun tuc mac, kla limɔŋw zi elŋece kerreny tuk. ŋiti ŋilŋiicaŋazi manya ŋuluḏina ŋeḏi iliiya? araḏiŋw gwu lizi leḏi izrayiil nani gwu Allah, nuŋw aruŋw: 3 Kweleny, limɔŋa eɽenyje liɽyaŋi lɔŋwa, ner ŋa kiici ŋweḏgwuna ŋwɔŋwa, nenyi ṯayini nyi dak, ner nyi naŋnini titir eḏeɽenye. 4 lakin, kwumɔ Allah eŋnici, nuŋw eca ḏa? nyi kwumɔ ketize rɔgwɽɔ rinyi lizi lir alaaf dufɔkwɽeny, liti limɔ iideci libayila lu ŋwurgwuŋi mac. 5 kaka ṯaŋwu tɔk, ki lomur ṯa klu ner nani lɔkwɔ liṯaḏinelu, limɔŋw zi ece-na, ṯimeca ṯi ṯeḏi ŋimɽi. 6 mer orɔ ŋeḏi ṯimeca ṯeḏi ŋimɽi ta, ner ere eni ŋeḏi ŋɔḏɽor mac; mer ere orɔ ŋwu mac, na ṯimeca ṯeḏi ŋimɽi ŋwere eni ṯimeca kezir were mac.
7 ta, a kwer ari ḏa? lizi leḏi izrayiil limakwu kwɔmne mec kwunaŋnari. lɔkwɔ liṯaḏinelu, limɔŋw zi ece-na, ner orɔ limaw dap, lakin liḏaḏu ta, nezi Allah kwuɽbeci rugwori lu, 8 kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw:
nezi Allah inḏeḏa rigɽima reŋen eḏay ŋwurṯugwuɽunya,
nuŋw zi inḏeḏa yey eḏi yi ere eze mac,
na yəni eḏi yi ere neŋne tɔk mac,
mindaŋ na kirem kwumorɔ.
9 na dauḏ aruŋw:
eḏi azuuma weŋen orɔ difa na kiɽbin,
na ezir eḏi gwu iideḏi-na eḏi zi kaṯazi kaka inḏeḏerzi gwu.
10 eḏi yey yeŋen riimi-na mindaŋ er ere eze mac;
na ezi nyurelu dɔk.
11 ŋwu ta, nyi kwuṯalu: limɔ ṯugwudani eḏiidi tuc, a? beri ma! lakin na ŋudurlaḏu ŋi ŋeŋen ta, nezi ma ŋigileḏa ilica lir umam, mindaŋ eḏi lizi leḏi izrayiil ke ŋiɽany. 12 na ma ŋudurlaḏu ŋeŋen ruzi ṯurmuna lurṯu, na aki ŋgi kweŋen mec ruzi lizi lir umam lurṯu, er rɔtɔ ḏa mer ṯimazi ŋiɽaŋali kworɔ dap!
ŋigileḏa ŋeḏi lizi lir umam
13 nyi ŋgwu kwandicaŋazi lir umam. nyi kwiri kafur kafica kla lir umam ŋiɽaŋali ŋeḏi injiil, ŋwu ṯa nyi kweṯi piŋi ŋafura ŋinyi, 14 mindaŋ enyi ukwazi lieŋgeri ŋwuzi linyi lir yahuuḏ eḏi zi kiici ŋiɽany, mindaŋ er ŋi kilaw lɔkwɔ. 15 na ma ṯurmun amiḏina Allah yi ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ṯiṯiŋaḏalu ṯeḏi yahuuḏ er ere orɔ ŋimiiḏa ki ŋiɽany-na manya, muŋw zi enji kiloɽu-na? 16 ma yila irlinelu ter ta, eṯi ṯa ṯul eni kwumirlinelu ter tatap, na ma rufu irlinelu ter ta, eṯi ṯa ril eni rimirlinelu ter tɔk.
17 lakin, ma ril rɔkwɔ reḏi kwaɽi kwete kweni zeyṯuun egrini kiṯay, na ŋaŋa na orɔ kaka ṯil ṯete ṯeḏi kwaɽi kweḏi zeyṯuun kwelliḏelu ki yaɽi-na oɽeny, ner ŋazi oɽazi ki ŋwobi ŋweḏi ril rimegrini, eḏii ŋaw ŋeḏi kwaɽi kwizaw ta, 18 eṯere ellineḏa ril nana mac. mezi ellineḏa nana ta, eṯi ṯiŋayini eḏaruŋw, ŋaŋa liti liri mac leṯi miḏeḏa rufu la, lakin eṯi rufu orɔ reṯi ŋazi miḏeḏa la. 19 a linḏi eḏari: limagri ril kiṯay mindaŋ mer nyji oɽazi ki ŋwobi ŋweŋen. 20 ŋiri rerem, ner zi agri kiṯay kaka iti eḏir gwu ṯəmna mac, lakin na ŋaŋa a leṯiferle teter ṯəmna ṯi ṯuɽuk. orlacar ṯellina ṯalu ŋwudɔŋw, na eṯi aŋrani nana. 21 kaka iti mezi gwu Allah roce lir ril ruŋwun reḏi kwaɽi mac, ŋwere roce ŋaŋwuzi tɔk mac. 22 izarṯi ṯimeca ṯeḏi Allah, əpa yi wuŋwun; eṯuŋw ila əpa yi nani gwu kla limaki ŋiɽaŋali pir, lakin leṯi ŋazi baŋaci ṯimeca ṯuŋwun ma emni eḏomi ki ṯimeca-na ṯuŋwun. mer ere orɔ ŋwu daŋgal-na mac, na le ŋazi uɽuḏeḏa lu tec. 23 na liḏaḏu, keni, mer ere derne tuc eḏemni, er zi gwu oɽazi-na, kaka eṯi gwu Allah eḏi ŋuma eḏi zi gwu oɽazi-na kwokwony. 24 na ma orɔ ŋaŋa limerzi uɽu kwaɽi-na kwir zeyṯuun kwelliḏelu oɽeny ki yaɽi-na, eḏoɽazi ŋaŋwuzi kwaɽi-na kweḏi jineyna ta, er zi ere errici ril ruŋwun reḏi kwaɽi ṯaŋwu tɔk manya?
Allah wunaŋna lizi tatap eḏi zi oɽmazi ki ŋimɽi-na ŋuŋun
25 mindaŋ ma ere ellini ki rɔgwɽɔ mac, nyi kwunaŋna ŋaŋwuzi, lieŋgeri linyi, eḏi zi elŋece ŋu ŋulucina: ṯikwuɽbene rugwori lu timila nanir gwu lɔkwɔ leḏi izrayiil mindaŋ mer zi enji lir umam eḏureni kworɔ dedep, 26 ṯa ŋwu, a izrayiil tatap kilaw; kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw:
ŋgwa kwir Kwigileḏa kwuruḏa kayin-na weni ziyuun;
ŋwu zi rutici leḏi yaguub-ŋa ŋiḏambaŋa ŋeŋen kiṯay.
27 na ŋiɽaŋal ŋu, er orɔ ṯikitaḏiza ṯinyi
ki lomur linḏi nyi li eḏi zi dimeḏa ŋikyaŋi ŋeŋen kiṯay.
28 ki ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋizaw ŋir injiil, na lizi leḏi izrayiil eni kirem ṯuwən ṯeḏi Allah, na orɔ ŋaŋa leni luŋwun. lakin kaka elli gwu Allah likwurna leŋen, eṯir eni lamɽaŋw zi. 29 kaka eṯi gwu haḏiya weḏi Allah, ṯornuṯa ṯi ṯuŋwun, ere orle mac. 30 kaka ṯa orɔ ŋa gwu kerreny ludurlaḏu nani gwu Allah, lakin a limafi ŋimɽya, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ŋudurlaḏu ŋeŋen ta, 31 ner ṯa orɔ tɔk ludurlaḏu kirem, mindaŋ mer afi ŋunduŋa tɔk ŋimɽya, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ŋimɽi ŋimɔ ŋazi Allah ruwece lu. 32 Allah wumɔ kete lizigwunaŋi ndendeṯ ki rii-na reḏi ŋudurlaḏu, mindaŋ muŋw zi eḏici ŋimɽya tatap.
33 ŋurṯu ŋeḏi Allah, na ṯeḏinayeyna ṯuŋwun, na ṯilŋiiḏina tɔk ṯiri-na dip! eya kwiri manɔŋ kweḏi ŋuma eḏelŋece ŋunduŋwu hukma wuŋwun na ray ruŋwun tɔk?
34 eya kwiri kwumelŋece Kwelenyi ṯugwori?
ya eya kwiri kwumɔ iici ŋunduŋwu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋere?
35 ya eya kwiri kwuminḏeḏa ŋunduŋwu haḏiya
mindaŋ mer eɽica kwokwony?
36 kaka ruḏa gwu kwɔmne tatap nanuŋw gwu, na duŋgwun ŋgi tɔk, nuŋw ta orɔ kwuŋwun tɔk. eḏi ŋiniṯ nani nanuŋw gwu dɔk dɔk. emba.
God Has Not Rejected His People
1 Am I saying that God has turned his back on his people? Certainly not! I am one of the people of Israel, and I myself am a descendant of Abraham from the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God did not turn his back on his chosen people. Don't you remember reading in the Scriptures how Elijah complained to God about the people of Israel? 3 He said, “Lord, they killed your prophets and destroyed your altars. I am the only one left, and now they want to kill me.”
4 But the Lord told Elijah, “I still have 7,000 followers who have not worshiped Baal.” 5 It is the same way now. God treated the people of Israel with undeserved grace, and so a few of them are still his followers. 6 This happened because of God's undeserved kindness and not because of anything they have done. It could not have happened except for God's gift of undeserved grace.
7 This means that only a chosen few of the people of Israel found what all of them were searching for. And the rest of them were stubborn, 8 just as the Scriptures say,

“God made them so stupid
that their eyes are blind,
and their ears
are still deaf.”

9 Then David said,

“Turn their meals
into bait for a trap,
so that they will stumble
and be given
what they deserve.
10 Blindfold their eyes!
Don't let them see.
Bend their backs
beneath a burden
that will never be lifted.”
Gentiles Will Be Saved
11 Do I mean that the people of Israel fell, never to get up again? Certainly not! Their failure made it possible for the Gentiles to be saved, and this will make the people of Israel jealous. 12 But if the rest of the world's people were helped so much by their sin and loss, they will be helped even more by their full return.
13 I am now speaking to you Gentiles, and as long as I am an apostle to you, I will take pride in my work. 14 I hope in this way to make some of my own people jealous enough to be saved. 15 When Israel rejected God, the rest of the people in the world were able to turn to him. So when God makes friends with Israel, it will be like bringing the dead back to life. 16 If part of a batch of dough is made holy by being offered to God, then all of the dough is holy. If the roots of a tree are holy, the rest of the tree is holy too.
17 You Gentiles are like branches of a wild olive tree made to be part of a cultivated olive tree. You have taken the place of some branches that were cut away from it. And because of this, you enjoy the blessings that come from being part of that cultivated tree. 18 But don't think you are better than the branches that were cut away. Just remember you are not supporting the roots of this tree. Its roots are supporting you.
19 Maybe you think those branches were cut away, so you could be put in their place. 20 That's true enough. But they were cut away because they did not have faith, and you are where you are because you do have faith. So don't be proud, but be afraid. 21 If God cut away those natural branches, couldn't he do the same to you?
22 Now you see both how kind and how hard God can be. He was hard on those who fell, but he was kind to you. And he will keep on being kind to you, if you keep on trusting in his kindness. Otherwise, you will be cut away too.
23 If those other branches will start having faith, they will be made a part of that tree again. God has the power to put them back. 24 After all, it wasn't natural for branches to be cut from a wild olive tree and to be made part of a cultivated olive tree. So it is much more likely that God will join the natural branches back to the cultivated olive tree.
The People of Israel Will Be Brought Back
25 My friends, I don't want you Gentiles to be too proud of yourselves. So I will explain the mystery of what has happened to the people of Israel. Some of them have become stubborn, and they will stay like that until the complete number of you Gentiles has come in. 26 In this way all of Israel will be saved, as the Scriptures say,

“From Zion someone will come
to rescue us.
Then Jacob's descendants
will stop being evil.
27 This is what the Lord
has promised to do
when he forgives their sins.”

28 The people of Israel are treated as God's enemies, so the good news can come to you Gentiles. But they are still the chosen ones, and God loves them because of their famous ancestors. 29 God doesn't take back the gifts he has given or disown the people he has chosen.
30 At one time you Gentiles rejected God. But now Israel has rejected God, and you have been shown mercy. 31 And because of the mercy shown to you, they will also be shown mercy. 32 All people have disobeyed God, and that's why he treats them as prisoners. But he does this, so that he can have mercy on all of them.
33 Who can measure the wealth and wisdom and knowledge of God? Who can understand his decisions or explain what he does?

34 “Has anyone known
the thoughts of the Lord
or given him advice?
35 Has anyone loaned
something to the Lord
that must be repaid?”

36 Everything comes from the Lord. All things were made because of him and will return to him. Praise the Lord forever! Amen.