aza 11
ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi liɽi nden leḏi Allah
1 ner nyi inḏeḏa tumori eḏi ri ṯeci, ner nyi eca ŋwu: diɽi a ṯeci heykala weḏi Allah, na ŋweḏgwuna, na iɽeḏa lizi leṯi kwokwocelu kinaŋw. 2 lakin, eṯi ṯeca luza leḏi heykal par ŋgi la mac; uɽiḏeḏe lu kaka mer gwu inḏeḏa lizi leḏi ŋeleny ŋir-na ter ter, a lurtaḏa meḏiina lu ŋwara ŋi, kwirlinelu ter, yowa ruɽi-riɽen-kwuɽen. 3 enyinḏeḏa lizuhuuḏa linyi lir nden ŋuma eḏi zi ŋi andaci ŋinḏeḏa zi ŋwamin ŋwuru, ŋwir wahiḏ alif wa miyaṯen-wa-ziṯṯiin, ŋwir 1,260, likinna yireṯi yuŋwuna yeḏi yala.
4 na kla lir nden eni yaɽi yeḏi zeyṯuun yir yiɽen, na ŋwɔmba ŋwuɽen ŋweṯinani ki yey-na yeḏi kweleny kweḏi ṯurmun. 5 ma kwizi kwere naŋni eḏi zi eca ḏurra ta, eṯi igə ruḏa kworɔ-na kweŋen, eṯuŋw mineḏa ṯuwənu minak; ṯaŋwu, muŋw naŋni kwere eḏi zi eca ḏurra, eṯi hukm weḏi kwizi ŋgwa eni ŋiɽany. 6 na kla leḏi zulṯa eḏi leŋḏiḏa lerya, mindaŋ ma kaw ere dunni mac ki ŋwamin la ṯa ŋwa ŋweṯir ŋi andazi ŋinḏeḏa zi Allah, ner eḏi zulṯa eḏi riiḏi ŋaw eḏorɔ ŋin, na eḏipii ureyuŋi jiiza gi tatap, ki ŋwamin ŋwere nyiḏak rugwor ri reŋen. 7 mindaŋ mer ṯimazi ṯunḏiza ki ṯeŋen ta, a kwɔmne kwumiiḏu kweḏi ŋerya, kwinḏi eḏi ruḏa kezir-na woɽu lac kuṯelu, eḏi li ṯugwuḏi, ŋwezi illazi ki, ŋwezi eɽenye, 8 a yaŋna yeŋen yayyu inḏiralu ki zari lu kweḏi meḏiina kwupa, kweṯir enjici yiriny Ṯigɽim ṯi tirlinelu ter, yeni zaḏuum, na mizr tɔk, wuṯigreḏir gwu Kwelenyi kweŋen ki ŋwuɽi la. 9 mindaŋ a lizi leḏi ṯurmun, leḏi yabiila yir-na ter ter, na kandiza kir-na ter ter, na ŋeleny ŋir-na ter ter tɔk, ece yaŋna yeŋen yayyu yey yi-na domony, er zi derne eḏi zi aniḏa ki ŋwamin la ŋwir ṯɔɽɔl na nuzz, 10 er amina kla leṯinani ki ṯurmun-na, er nyeŋlena tɔk, er iṯiḏi haḏiya la ter ter deŋgen-na, kaka urreḏi zi gwu liɽi-na klu lir nden ŋunduŋwuzi leṯinani ki ṯurmun-na. 11 mindaŋ ma ŋwamin ṯɔɽɔl na nuzz ere, nezi wəŋ weḏi ŋimiiḏa winḏi nani gwu Allah enḏi-na, ner diɽeḏa la ŋwara ŋi ŋweŋen, mindaŋ na ŋiḏeny iidi ŋwupa nani gwu kla licazi. 12 mindaŋ na liɽi klu neŋne ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯete ṯupak ṯuruḏi kilerena, ṯeca zi ŋwu: alliḏar kunuŋ. na ki yey-na yeḏi ṯuwən ṯeŋen, ner allu kilerena ki lebleṯ-na. 13 na ki zaa ṯa ŋgwa, na ureyu rigini na meḏiina yiḏriḏa wri nuŋw iidi kete; na lizi ay litezir, lir kaka alaaf dufɔkwɽeny, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ṯirigina ṯeḏi ureyu, na kla liḏaḏi-na ner ṯenye ṯeṯec, ner nii Allah-na weḏi kilerena.
14 jiiza kwir nimra kwuɽen kwumɔṯamḏu; izaṯi, ŋgwata kwir nimra ṯɔɽɔl kwinḏi eḏila fitak.
bruz kwir nimra dufokwɽeny
15 mindaŋ na maleyka kwir nimra dufɔkwɽeny əri bruza kwuŋwun, na rɔgwɽɔ rupa andazi kilerena, raruŋw: ŋeleny ŋeḏi ṯurmun ŋimorɔ ŋeleny ŋeḏi Kweleny kweri, na ŋeḏi Kwruztu kwuŋwun, ŋwu miḏa ŋelenyi dɔk dɔk. 16 na lijowiṯ lir ṯuɽi-kwaɽŋan, leṯinanalu ki lurzi la leŋen ki yey-na yeḏi Allah, iidi yey yelu, ner kwoce Allah lu, 17 laruŋw:
nyiŋa lecaŋa zukran, Kweleny kwir Allah
wuṯemḏizi la tatap ŋuma ŋi, wunani kirem,
na weṯinanni kerreny tɔk,
kaka ma gwu dimi zulṯa kwɔŋwa kwupa,
na miḏa ŋelenyi ŋɔŋa.
18 na ŋeleny ŋeḏi ṯurmun apaḏizi kworɔ, lakin na ŋirŋaza ŋɔŋa ila,
na lomur ila leḏi kla limay eḏizi ketice zeyria,
mindaŋ eḏinḏeḏa yaḏaama yɔŋwa yir liɽi,
na kla lirinelu ter eḏi Kwruztu-na haḏiya,
na kla leṯiṯenye yiriny yɔŋwa, lir lɔkwɽeny lupa tɔk,
na eḏi kirazi lizi lu kla limɔkirazi ṯurmuna lu.
19 mindaŋ na heykal weḏi Allah kilerena iŋḏini, na zanḏuk kweḏi kuruu-na ijini ki heykal-na; na rimen iiḏi kec kec, na kwurna alliḏa, na lere upuḏina, na ezir rigini, na ŋworum ŋwupa irda.
The Two Witnesses
1 An angel gave me a measuring stick and said:
Measure around God's temple. Be sure to include the altar and everyone worshiping there. 2 But don't measure the courtyard outside the temple building. Leave it out. It has been given to those people who don't know God, and they will trample all over the holy city for 42 months. 3 My two witnesses will wear sackcloth, while I let them preach for 1,260 days.
4 These two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand in the presence of the Lord who rules the earth. 5 Any enemy who tries to harm them will be destroyed by the fire that comes out of their mouths. 6 They have the power to lock up the sky and to keep rain from falling while they are prophesying. And whenever they want to, they can turn water to blood and cause all kinds of terrible troubles on earth.
7 After the two witnesses have finished preaching God's message, the beast that lives in the deep pit will come up and fight against them. It will win the battle and kill them. 8 Their bodies will be left lying in the streets of the same great city where their Lord was nailed to a cross. And this city is spiritually like the city of Sodom or the country of Egypt.
9 For three and a half days the people of every nation, tribe, language, and race will stare at the bodies of these two witnesses and refuse to let them be buried. 10 Everyone on earth will celebrate and be happy. They will give gifts to each other, because of what happened to the two prophets who caused them so much trouble. 11 But three and a half days later, God will breathe life into their bodies. They will stand up, and everyone who sees them will be terrified.
12 The witnesses then heard a loud voice from heaven, saying, “Come up here.” And while their enemies were watching, they were taken up to heaven in a cloud. 13 At that same moment there was a terrible earthquake that destroyed a tenth of the city. Seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were frightened and praised the God who rules in heaven.
14 The second horrible thing has now happened! And the third one will be here soon.
The Seventh Trumpet
15 At the sound of the seventh trumpet, loud voices were heard in heaven. They said,

“Now the kingdom
of this world
belongs to our Lord
and to his Chosen One!
And he will rule
forever and ever!”

16 Then the 24 elders, who were seated on thrones in God's presence, knelt down and worshiped him. 17 They said,

“Lord God All-Powerful,
you are and you were,
and we thank you.
You used your great power
and started ruling.
18 When the nations got angry,
you became angry too!
Now the time has come
for the dead
to be judged.
It is time for you to reward
your servants the prophets
and all your people
who honor your name,
no matter who they are.
It is time to destroy everyone
who has destroyed
the earth.”

19 The door to God's temple in heaven was then opened, and the sacred chest could be seen inside the temple. I saw lightning and heard roars of thunder. The earth trembled and huge hailstones fell to the ground.