aza 19
kwor kweni zakka kwenje Yecuŋw ŋirina
1 na Yecu enḏi ariiha, nuŋw naŋni eḏi ṯamḏu. 2 na kwor nani kwete kweni zakka, kwir kweleny kweḏi lizi letallila ṯulba, kwir kwurṯu tɔk. 3 nuŋw naŋni eḏeze Yecuŋw, eḏari kwir ti aŋgwuru, nuŋw ere eḏi ŋuma mac eḏuɽi yey lizi li la, kaka ataḏir gwu nana rugwɔṯ rugwɔṯ, ublaŋw gwu lu. 4 nuŋw zi iŋnaci kereny; nuŋw dallu kwoḏa la eḏ icazalu, kaka ilaḏir gwu nana tay ṯi kḏa. 5 mindaŋ mer upaḏi kezir wa ta, na Yecu baŋḏala nuŋw eze, nuŋw eca ŋwu: zakka, dapḏalu frafra kaka naŋnanyi gwu eḏele ŋirin duŋgwɔŋa aŋwunu. 6 nuŋw dapiḏana lu frafra, nuŋw enji duənu duŋgwun, kwamina. 7 mindaŋ mer eze ner uŋwunḏizina, ner ari: kwɔḏɔ manuŋ kwumele ŋirin ki duənu kweḏi kwor kwiki tugwori. 8 na zakka diɽi la nuŋw eca ŋwu: Kweleny, izaṯi, nyi kwuɽeḏa kwɔmne-na kwinyi titir, nyinḏeḏa luwaya nuzz; mindaŋ mer nani lere liyaṯinyji kwɔmne kwere, enyjeɽici nyamin-na kwaɽnan. 9 na Yecu eca ŋwu: ŋigileḏa ŋimila aŋwunu ki duənu ŋgwu, kaka roḏu gwu zakka tor teḏi ibrahiim-ŋa tɔk. 10 kaka inḏu gwu Tor teḏi kwizigwunaŋ eḏi zi ṯa naŋni limɔ ḏuḏi, mindaŋ eḏi zi kileḏi.
ṯiŋeroŋw ṯeḏi kwor kwinḏeḏa yaḏaama yuŋwun kwuruuza eḏoraḏizina
11 mer zi niŋnaci ŋu nuŋw zi kiɽeci ŋiɽaŋali, kaka iliziŋw gwu urzaliimŋw keṯɔk nuŋw zi andaci ŋiŋerɔŋwa, kaka arinar gwu ŋu: ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah ŋinḏini kirem. 12 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, nuŋw zi andaci nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kwor kwete kwinḏi kuṯu tuk eḏafa zulṯa kweḏi ŋeleny, mindaŋ eḏi ma aɽa. 13 nuŋw ornuti yaḏaama yuŋwun yir wri, nuŋw zi kannaci jineya kwere kwere, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: oraḏizar-na mindaŋ nyi ma aɽa. 14 na lizi luŋwun firazi, ner ṯiŋaci ŋiɽaŋali, ner ari, nyiŋa liti linaŋna kworu ŋgwu eḏi miḏici nyuŋwuzi ŋelenyi mac. 15 ner orɔ ṯa ŋwu, muŋw aɽi, kwumafa zulṯa kweḏi ŋeleny, nuŋw uziḏizi eḏornuṯi yaḏaama kya yiṯacaŋw zi kwuruuza, eḏi zi uṯizelu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi makzap kweḏi kwuruuz ŋgwa. 16 nuŋw ila kwete ki yey-na nuŋw eca ŋwu: kweleny, jiney kwɔŋwa kwumɔ kiɽeni wri. 17 nuŋw eca ŋwu: ŋizaw. a kwiri kaḏaama kizaw. kaka eni ŋa gwu kwirlalu eḏaŋraci kwɔmne kwɔkwɽeny, er ŋa inḏeḏa zulṯa eḏorɔ kweleny kweḏi yayin wri. 18 nuŋw murḏi kwukwaḏaḏi, nuŋw eca ŋwu: jiney kwɔŋwa kwumɔ kiɽeni tuḏni. 19 nuŋw ta andaci ŋwu tɔk, nuŋw eca ŋwu: a kworɔ kweleny kweḏi yayin tuḏni. 20 nuŋw ila kwuḏaḏu, nuŋw eca ŋwu: kweleny, iza ṯi jiney kwɔŋwa, kwumenyi kəki ki minḏiil-na mindaŋ ma gwu aɽa. 21 kaka ṯinya nyi gwu yey yɔŋwa, ur ŋa gwu kwomaḏu; a kweti ta afi kwɔmne kwiti kwukita ŋa lu mac; a kweṯuni kezir wete nyiḏak witi wagwu ŋa ŋuruŋ mac. 22 nuŋw eca ŋwu: ŋiɽaŋal ŋandizaŋazi ṯunya ṯi tɔŋwa, er ta orɔ ŋi ŋa ruzi kaṯi. a kwiri kaḏaam kiki. a kwilŋiicanyi aŋgwuru eḏaru ŋwu, kwiri kwornaḏu, kweṯidimi kwɔmne kwiti kwukitaŋw lu mac; kweṯuni kezir wete nyiḏak witi waguŋw gwu ŋuruŋ mac? 23 aḏa kwiiḏi ŋa eḏinḏeḏa kwizi kwere kwuruuza kwinyi; eŋguŋw awnizi nyuŋwu eḏoraḏizina, mindaŋ aɽi nyi, eŋginyi kaṯazi, na kwɔkwɔ tɔk kwumɔ kiɽeni? 24 nuŋw zi andaci kla linanizalu, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: dimeḏir jineya, a inḏeḏa ŋgwa kweḏi jineya wri. 25 ner eca ŋwu: kweleny, kweḏuŋw pa wri. 26 nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa, mer eḏi lere kwɔmne kwere, er zi gwu kiɽeci la; mer ere eḏi kwɔmne kwere mac ta, er zi dimeḏa ŋgwa kwaruŋw gi, kweḏi nyi. 27 na ŋeḏi kla luwezenyi, laruŋw, kwiti kwunaŋnanyi eḏorɔ kweleny kweri mac, er zi miḏa, er zi ṯa eɽenye ki yey-na yinyi.
Yecu muŋw endi urzaliim kaka melik
28 muŋw zi andaci ŋu, nuŋw zi iŋnaci kereny nuŋw ṯaŋa urzaliim ŋgi. 29 mer ṯa orɔ ŋwu, muŋw ilizi beyṯfaajiŋw keṯɔk, beyṯanya gi, kayin weni zeyṯuun, nuŋw uzi limeḏgen nden, 30 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: inḏir kiṯay, ayinu kuṯu kinanɔŋw, mindaŋ ta ma upaḏi, a kaṯazi teɽiŋgaŋi tir kamal tikəkine, titi telliḏi gwi kwizi la kwere kineni mac. kediḏir ta, a mulḏa kunuŋ. 31 ma ŋazi kwizi kwere eca ŋwu: aḏa kwiri kwerrizaŋa ŋwu? ta, eca ŋwu: tinaŋna Kweleny. 32 ner ele kiṯay, ner inḏa kaka andicaŋw zi gwu. 33 mer kediḏa teɽiŋgaŋi tir kamal, nezi lizi leḏi eca ŋwu: a lɔḏɔ likediḏi teɽiŋgaŋi? 34 ner zi eca ŋwu: tinaŋna Kweleny. 35 ner muloce Yecuŋw, ner ugwuɽaḏa teɽiŋgaŋi yireṯ la yeŋen, ner gwu allazi Yecuŋw la. 36 muŋw ri ele, mindaŋ, ner kwurbuzi yireṯi lu yeŋen ki tay la. 37 muŋw acazi urzaliimŋw, nuŋw naŋni eḏi dapi ayin yi la weni zeyṯuun, na limeḏgen tatap ŋwuduŋw ŋi-na ŋwupa ner nyeŋlena, ner ortaḏa Allah kwola gi kwupa, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi yilim yupa yimerzeze. 38 ner aru ŋwu: eḏi Melik ortanni, ŋgwu kwinḏi yiriny yi yeḏi Kweleny. eḏi ŋiɽena nanni kilerena, na ŋiniṯ kindala kider. 39 na lifarzi lɔkwɔ, linani kiduŋw-na, eca ŋwu: muallim, ermica ma limaḏgalu. 40 nuŋw zi eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa, eŋgir nani klu pet, eŋgi yal upina kwola gi.
Yecu kwariḏi urzaliimŋw
41 muŋw ilizi meḏiina ketok, nuŋw izazalu, nuŋw ariḏana, 42 nuŋw ariḏa ŋwu: eŋgi zi ta elŋece ŋeḏi tay tinḏi ki ŋiɽena-na, kinna ki lomur ta klu, lakin beri, ŋimezi ṯa ṯime. 43 ŋwamin ŋwa ŋwinḏi ŋwalu, ma ŋazi ṯa ṯuwən ṯalu ecici ureyuŋi lumurmura eḏi yi oɽi kiininy, er riiḏini ŋaŋwuzi doc doc, 44 er ŋa feḏizi ezir lu faṯ faṯ, nyiɽŋelu nyi-na ndeṯ, er ere efrici kali kere eḏurgwuḏi eŋgen la mac, kaka ṯimḏiŋa gwu lomuri leḏi Allah, muŋw ilaḏa-na.
Yecu kwuzuɽe heykala weḏi Allah
45 nuŋw enḏi ki heykal-na, nuŋw zi ruwa kla tatap leṯiilila, 46 nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ŋuluḏina ŋaruŋw, er enjici duənu kwinyi yiriny, yeni duənu kweḏi ṯara ki yiriny, lakin ŋaŋa, na ruzelu kaka kibaŋ keḏi loɽam.
47 eṯuŋw zi ilŋiiḏini ki heykal-na ŋwamin rac; na leleny leḏi yiziiz, lor li leṯizilŋiiḏini kuruu-na, na lijowiṯ leḏi lizi, ilicelu eḏ iri kiṯay. 48 ner ulezi ṯay ṯeḏi zi gwu errizaza, kaka ma gwu lizi ketize yəni tatap ciɽŋil eḏi niŋnaci.
1 Jesus was going through Jericho, 2 where a man named Zacchaeus lived. He was in charge of collecting taxes and was very rich. 3-4 Jesus was heading his way, and Zacchaeus wanted to see what he was like. But Zacchaeus was a short man and could not see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree.
5 When Jesus got there, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down! I want to stay with you today.” 6 Zacchaeus hurried down and gladly welcomed Jesus.
7 Everyone who saw this started grumbling, “This man Zacchaeus is a sinner! And Jesus is going home to eat with him.”
8 Later that day Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “I will give half of my property to the poor. And I will now pay back four times as much to everyone I have ever cheated.”
9 Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today you and your family have been saved, because you are a true son of Abraham. 10 The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.”
A Story about Ten Servants
(Matthew 25.14-30)
11 The crowd was still listening to Jesus as he was getting close to Jerusalem. Many of them thought that God's kingdom would soon appear, 12 and Jesus told them this story:
A prince once went to a foreign country to be crowned king and then to return. 13 But before leaving, he called in ten servants and gave each of them some money. He told them, “Use this to earn more money until I get back.”
14 But the people of his country hated him, and they sent messengers to the foreign country to say, “We don't want this man to be our king.”
15 After the prince had been made king, he returned and called in his servants. He asked them how much they had earned with the money they had been given.
16 The first servant came and said, “Sir, with the money you gave me I have earned ten times as much.”
17 “That's fine, my good servant!” the king said. “Since you have shown that you can be trusted with a small amount, you will be given ten cities to rule.”
18 The second one came and said, “Sir, with the money you gave me, I have earned five times as much.”
19 The king said, “You will be given five cities.”
20 Another servant came and said, “Sir, here is your money. I kept it safe in a handkerchief. 21 You are a hard man, and I was afraid of you. You take what isn't yours, and you harvest crops you didn't plant.”
22 “You worthless servant!” the king told him. “You have condemned yourself by what you have just said. You knew I am a hard man, taking what isn't mine and harvesting what I've not planted. 23 Why didn't you put my money in the bank? On my return, I could have had the money together with interest.”
24 Then he said to some other servants standing there, “Take the money away from him and give it to the servant who earned ten times as much.”
25 But they said, “Sir, he already has ten times as much!”
26 The king replied, “Those who have something will be given more. But everything will be taken away from those who don't have anything. 27 Now bring me the enemies who didn't want me to be their king. Kill them while I watch!”
Jesus Enters Jerusalem
(Matthew 21.1-11Mark 11.1-11John 12.12-19)
28 When Jesus had finished saying all this, he went on toward Jerusalem. 29 As he was getting near Bethphage and Bethany on the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples on ahead. 30 He told them, “Go into the next village, where you will find a young donkey that has never been ridden. Untie the donkey and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks why you are doing this, just say, ‘The Lord needs it.’ ”
32 They went off and found everything just as Jesus had said. 33 While they were untying the donkey, its owners asked, “Why are you doing that?”
34 They answered, “The Lord needs it.”
35 Then they led the donkey to Jesus. They put some of their clothes on its back and helped Jesus get on. 36 And as he rode along, the people spread clothes on the road in front of him. 37 When Jesus started down the Mount of Olives, his large crowd of disciples were happy and praised God because of all the miracles they had seen. 38 They shouted,

“Blessed is the king who comes
in the name of the Lord!
Peace in heaven
and glory to God.”

39 Some Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, make your disciples stop shouting!”
40 But Jesus answered, “If they keep quiet, these stones will start shouting.”
41 When Jesus came closer and could see Jerusalem, he cried 42 and said:
It is too bad that today your people don't know what will bring them peace! Now it is hidden from them. 43 Jerusalem, the time will come when your enemies will build walls around you to attack you. Armies will surround you and close in on you from every side. 44 They will level you to the ground and kill your people. Not one stone in your buildings will be left on top of another. This will happen because you did not see that God had come to save you.
Jesus in the Temple
(Matthew 21.12-17Mark 11.15-19John 2.13-22)
45 When Jesus entered the temple, he started chasing out the people who were selling things. 46 He told them, “The Scriptures say, ‘My house should be a place of worship.’ But you have made it a place where robbers hide!”
47 Each day, Jesus kept on teaching in the temple. So the chief priests, the teachers of the Law of Moses, and some other important people tried to have him killed. 48 But they could not find a way to do it, because everyone else was eager to listen to him.