aza 5
Tirany teḏi Allah liza yuhanna kilerena
1 nenyi izaci ki ṯii ṯeḏi mini ṯeḏi ŋgwa kwunanalu kwurzi la kweḏi ŋeleny, kiṯami kuluḏina iininy yi-na, na par ŋgi la tɔk, kari akṯima yaṯim yi dufɔkwɽeny. 2 nenyeze maleyka kwete kwufirli teter kwofi-na ŋuma ŋi, kwaruŋw: eya kwiri kwofḏana eḏi kiti kiṯami, na eḏi kiici yaṯima ŋwuli ŋweŋen? 3 nuŋw ere kwere mac kilerena, ya ki ṯurmun-na, ya kureyu-na kuṯelu kweḏi ŋuma eḏi kiti kiṯami ya eḏece-na. 4 nenyi ari ŋwal ki beṯen kaka iti nanuŋw gwu kwere mac kweḏi ŋuma eḏi kiti kiṯami ya eḏece-na. 5 nuŋw eca nyuŋwu kwete kweḏi lijowiṯ ŋwu: eṯari mac. izaṯi, zundaŋ kweḏi gabiila keḏi yahuuḏ, kwumɔruḏa ṯufu eḏi dauḏŋa, kwumillazi ki, ŋwuṯa nuŋw eḏi ŋuma eḏi kiṯi kiṯami, na eḏi kii ŋwuli ŋweḏi yaṯim yir dufɔkwɽeny.
6 na ki ŋwobi-na ŋweḏi kwurzi-ŋa kwɔmne gi ŋgwa kwumiiḏu kwir kwaɽŋan, na ki lijowiṯ-na keligeny-na, nenyeze Tiranyu tirlu, tir kaka tirany tete timer eɽenye, teḏi ril dufɔkwɽeny na yey dufɔkwɽeny, yir rigɽim dufɔkwɽeny reḏi Allah, rimɔŋw zi uzi ṯurmun nana tatap. 7 nuŋw ele, nuŋw dimi kiṯami kinani ki ṯii ṯeḏi mini ṯeḏi ŋgwa kwunanalu kwurzi la. 8 mindaŋ muŋw dimi kiṯami, na kwɔmne kwumiiḏu kwir kwaɽŋan, na lijowiṯ lir ṯuɽi-kwaɽŋan iideci Tiranyu lu tuɽbuk lapa lumbəra, na nyaɽinyu nyir ḏahab nyurene kwuḏɽula-na dedep, nyir ṯara ki yiriny ṯeḏi lizi lirlinelu ter eḏi Kwruztu-na; 9 ner ketice ṯilŋa ṯiaŋ, ner aruŋw:
a kwiri kwofḏana eḏi dimi kiṯami na eḏi kii ŋwuli ŋweḏi yaṯim yuŋwun,
kaka mer ŋa gwu eɽenye, na ellici Allah lizigwunaŋi ŋin ŋi ŋɔŋa,
leḏi yabiila yir-na ter ter, na kandiza kir-na ter ter,
na lizi lir-na ter ter, na ŋeleny ŋir-na ter ter tɔk;
10 nezi ruzi ŋeleny na yiziiz yeḏi Allah weri, er miḏa ŋelenyi ki ṯurmun-na.
11 mindaŋ nenyeze, nenyi neŋne rɔgwɽɔ reḏi limaleyka litezir lirikaḏi kwurzi lu, kwɔmne gi ŋgwa kwumiiḏu, na lijowiṯ li tɔk, na ŋwuɽu ŋweŋen uri beṯen ruɽi-ŋa ruɽi-ŋa riminni, 12 laruŋw ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯi ṯupa: Tirany timer eɽenye tinderṯa tofḏana eḏafi zulṯa, na ŋurṯua, na ṯeḏinayeyna, na ŋuma, na ṯiniiya-na, na ŋiniṯi, na ṯortaḏa! 13 nenyi neŋne kwɔmne tatap kwumiiḏu kilerena, na kweḏi ṯurmun, na kweḏi kureyu-na kuṯelu, na kwunani ki rujul-na, na ŋgwa tatap kwunani gwu-na, kwaruŋw: eḏi ṯortaḏa, na ṯiniiya-na, na ŋiniṯ, na ŋuma tɔk nanniḏa dɔk dɔk, nanuŋw gwu ŋgwa kweṯi nanni kwurzi la kweḏi ŋeleny, na nani gwu Tirany tɔk. 14 na kwɔmne ŋgwa kwumiiḏu kwir kwaɽŋan, aruŋw: emba! na lijowiṯ lir ṯuɽi-kwaɽŋan iidicelu ner kwocelu.
The Scroll and the Lamb
1 In the right hand of the one sitting on the throne I saw a scroll that had writing on the inside and on the outside. And it was sealed in seven places. 2 I saw a mighty angel ask with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” 3 No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or look inside it.
4 I cried hard because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look inside it. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Stop crying and look! The one who is called both the ‘Lion from the Tribe of Judah’ and ‘King David's Great Descendant’ has won the victory. He will open the scroll and its seven seals.”
6 Then I looked and saw a Lamb standing in the center of the throne surrounded by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb looked as if it had once been killed. It had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, sent out to all the earth.
7 The Lamb went over and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. 8 After he had taken it, the four living creatures and the 24 elders knelt down before him. Each of them had a harp and a gold bowl full of incense, which are the prayers of God's people. 9 Then they sang a new song,

“You are worthy
to receive the scroll
and open its seals,
because you were killed.
And with your own blood
you bought for God
people from every tribe,
language, nation, and race.
10 You let them become kings
and serve God as priests,
and they will rule on earth.”

11 As I looked, I heard the voices of a large number of angels around the throne and the voices of the living creatures and of the elders. There were millions and millions of them, 12 and they were saying in a loud voice,

“The Lamb who was killed
is worthy to receive power,
riches, wisdom, strength,
honor, glory, and praise.”

13 Then I heard all beings in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and in the sea offer praise. Together, all of them were saying,

“Praise, honor, glory,
and strength
forever and ever
to the one who sits
on the throne
and to the Lamb!”

14 The four living creatures said “Amen,” while the elders knelt down and worshiped.