aza 2
ṯoraca eḏi kiɽmiḏi ŋiɽaŋal-na
1 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, ma ṯikandizelu ṯere nani eḏi Kwruztu-na, ya ŋiɽaŋal ŋere eḏi ŋi ukwazi rugwori ṯamɽa ṯi, ma oɽmaṯi eḏi Tigɽim-na, ṯimeca ṯi liyaḏi zi gwu rugwor-na liḏaḏu ta, 2 a ma ureni ṯinyiŋlana tinyi dedep ur ŋa gwu ṯugwor ṯutuput, leḏi ṯamɽa-na ṯutuput, leṯi kiɽmiḏa-na kaɽam, leḏi ṯireca yey lu ṯutuput tɔk.
ṯoraca eḏejilini ki rɔgwɽɔ
3 eṯizerri ŋere ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi rɔgwɽɔ ralu domony mac, ya eḏi piŋi rɔgwɽɔ, lakin eṯizerri tatap ejilina ŋa gwu ki rɔgwɽɔ eḏaruŋw, lizi kla ta luru liṯemḏinyi la rac. 4 ŋofḏana daŋgal-na lere lere eḏere aŋraci rɔgwɽɔ ralu dak ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋere mac, lakin eḏi zi aŋraci liḏaḏu tɔk.
ṯibaŋica ṯeḏi Yecu ejilinaŋw gwu ki rɔgwɽɔ
5 eḏi ṯugwor kḏu nani daŋgal-na kaka kḏa ṯinani eḏi Kwruztu-na kweni Yecu. 6 kwunderṯa, aɽanaŋw gwu pa kinna Allah ta, nuŋw ṯa ere miḏini teter ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋu mac, eḏi biɽḏi-na Allah yi, 7 lakin nuŋw aliḏi ŋiniṯi rii eḏorɔ kaḏaam kuŋwun, ner ilŋiida eḏaɽani lizigwunaŋi. 8 na urŋw gwu kwor ki yey-na yeḏi lizi ta, nuŋw ejilini ki rɔgwɽɔ eḏinyizi Allah nana keni eḏay—emba, eḏay ki ŋwuɽi la ŋwuɽmɔḏalu. 9 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, na Allah nii ŋunduŋwu-na ṯiniiya ṯi-na ṯupak, allizaŋw gwu ŋunduŋwu kindala kider, nuŋw enjici ŋunduŋwu yiriny yiṯemḏi yiriny la ndendeṯ, 10 mindaŋ mer neŋne yiriny yeḏi Yecu ta, eŋgir kwoce ŋunduŋwu lu tatap ŋwurgwu ŋi lu, linani kilerena na ki ṯurmun-na, na kuṯelu tɔk, 11 na a riŋla tatap eŋgir aruŋw: Yecu Kwruztu kwiri Kweleny, eḏi ŋi nii Allah-na wir Papa ṯa ŋwu.
ŋeḏre ŋeḏi likwruztyan ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ŋigileḏa ŋeŋen
12 ṯaŋwu, limɽi linyi, kaka eṯi gwu niŋneḏi ŋwamin tatap, eḏi ṯa ŋeḏre ŋalu ruwene lu ŋeḏi ŋigileḏa ŋalu kirem, eḏizaŋraci ŋiḏeny ŋi, ŋiti ŋiri mac kaka nani nyi gwu ṯa yey lu kinna daŋgal-na, lakin ŋeni ŋiṯemḏelu, menyi ere nani mac. 13 kaka eṯi gwu Allah akiki ŋɔḏɽor ki rugwor-na ralu lere lere, eḏi meci ŋaŋwuzi eḏi zi erri ṯugwor ṯi ṯuŋwun, na eḏəmi ŋunduŋwu-na tɔk.
14 eṯizerri tatap liti lermiḏeḏi-na mac, ya eḏi ŋaŋlaḏi tɔk mac. 15 eṯorɔ lizi liti leḏi loma-na lere mac, lizuɽi rugwor-na cucuɽic, lir nyor nyeḏi Allah, liti leḏi tiɽaŋal-na tere tiki mac ma fa nani ki lizi-na lukwurlelu kwurlu-kwurlut, na nani ŋa gwu deŋgen-na ṯa, a leṯi tiŋaḏa fori lu kaka rorum kirim-na keḏi ṯurmun, 16 ṯiŋacaŋa zi gwu ŋiɽaŋali ŋir ŋimiiḏa. mindaŋ ma lamin ila leḏi Kwruztu ta, enyi allilazi kwurdum la, kaka iti menyi gwu kalmiteḏizi kwɔmne kwere mac na nenyi ere akiki ŋɔḏɽor ŋere tɔk mac ŋiira fayḏa-na. 17 ma kinneni ŋimiiḏa ŋinyi ketinelu karama gi kir ṯəmna ṯalu, eṯinyamina, na eṯi nyi nyeŋlena ŋaŋa li tatap. 18 ŋofḏana daŋgal-na er ṯa amina, er nyeŋlena ŋaŋa tɔk nyi tɔk.
19 nyi kwukitaḏa eḏi Kweleny-na kweni Yecu eḏuzica ŋaŋwuzi timuṯaawuzŋw fitak, mindaŋ enyamina menyi neŋne ŋiɽaŋali ŋalu. 20 nyi kwende kweḏi kwizi kwere kunuŋ kwir kaka ŋunduŋwu, kweṯi ŋazi enji ki ṯugwor-na. 21 liḏaḏu leṯundici ŋɔḏɽor ŋeŋen ki yey-na kwurɔ-kwurɔp beṯen eḏi ŋɔḏɽor la ŋeḏi Yecu Kwruztu. 22 lakin ŋaŋa lilŋiica rac eḏaruŋw, timuṯaawuz kwedi fayḏa beten duŋgwinyi ŋgi, kaka tor ŋwuzi ṯernyin ṯi, kwaki nyi gi ŋɔḏɽor ŋeḏi injiil. 23 ŋwu ta, nyi kwumɔ kitaḏa eḏi ṯiŋaca ŋaŋwuzi timutaawuzŋw fitak, ki lomur linḏi nyi li eḏelŋe ŋiɽaŋali ŋeḏi hukm winyi, winḏi eḏi roto ḏa; 24 nyi kwukitaḏi nani gwu Kweleny eḏila fitak tɔk.
25 nyi kwaruŋw tɔk, ŋofḏana duŋgwinyi eḏeɽica ŋaŋwuzi eŋgeri kweri kweni abafruṯuz, kwumenyi gi aki ŋɔḏɽor ŋumaṯi, kwinḏi nani ŋa gwu kwir kafur kalu eḏi meci nyuŋwu. 26 kaka urŋw gwu zurum eḏeze ŋaŋwuzi tatap, urreḏar gwu ŋunduŋwu ŋeni ŋalu, limezi neŋne ŋeḏi kimeṯ kuŋun. 27 emba, kwumɔ umi beten mindaŋ nuŋw aɽa ŋiɽany kworɔ keṯɔ-keṯɔk. lakin na gi Allah ari ŋimɽya, nuŋw ari nyi ŋgi ŋimɽya tɔk, iti naŋnaŋw gwu mac eḏi kiɽeci nyuŋwu ṯurfa ki ṯurfa la tiḏaḏu. 28 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, nyi kwamina beṯen eḏəɽici ŋaŋwuzi, mindaŋ a nyeŋlena ma eze ŋunduŋwu kwokwony, mindaŋ mer nyi ŋi keṯini wəŋ ki ṯuronyina-na tinyi tɔk. 29 agnari ŋunduŋwu eḏi Kweleny-na ṯinyiŋla ṯi-na ṯupak; na eṯi nii loru-na lir kaka ŋunduŋwu. 30 kaka nanuŋw gwu keṯɔ-keṯɔk eḏay eḏəkici Kwruztuŋw ŋɔḏɽor, tiŋacaŋw gwu ŋiɽany rɔgwɽɔ lu ruŋwun eḏi ṯimazi ṯimeca ṯalu ṯeni nyi, ṯiti ṯeḏiceŋazi ŋaŋa wuɽe-wuɽeny ŋuma mac eḏerri.
True Humility
1 Christ encourages you, and his love comforts you. God's Spirit unites you, and you are concerned for others. 2 Now make me completely happy! Live in harmony by showing love for each other. Be united in what you think, as if you were only one person. 3 Don't be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves. 4 Care about them as much as you care about yourselves 5 and think the same way that Christ Jesus thought:

6 Christ was truly God.
But he did not try to remain
equal with God.
7 Instead he gave up everything
and became a slave,
when he became
like one of us.

8 Christ was humble.
He obeyed God and even died
on a cross.
9 Then God gave Christ
the highest place
and honored his name
above all others.

10 So at the name of Jesus
everyone will bow down,
those in heaven, on earth,
and under the earth.
11 And to the glory
of God the Father
everyone will openly agree,
“Jesus Christ is Lord!”
Lights in the World
12 My dear friends, you always obeyed when I was with you. Now that I am away, you should obey even more. So work with fear and trembling to discover what it really means to be saved. 13 God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him.
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing. 15 Then you will be the pure and innocent children of God. You live among people who are crooked and evil, but you must not do anything they can say is wrong. Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, 16 as you hold firmly to the message that gives life. Then on the day when Christ returns, I can take pride in you. I can also know that my work and efforts were not useless.
17 Your faith in the Lord and your service are like a sacrifice offered to him. And my own blood may have to be poured out with the sacrifice. If this happens, I will be glad and rejoice with you. 18 In the same way, you should be glad and rejoice with me.
Timothy and Epaphroditus
19 I want to be encouraged by news about you. So I hope the Lord Jesus will soon let me send Timothy to you. 20 I don't have anyone else who cares about you as much as he does. 21 The others think only about what interests them and not about what concerns Christ Jesus. 22 But you know what kind of person Timothy is. He has worked with me like a son in spreading the good news. 23 I hope to send him to you, as soon as I find out what is going to happen to me. 24 And I feel sure the Lord will also let me come soon.
25 I think I ought to send my dear friend Epaphroditus back to you. He is a follower and a worker and a soldier of the Lord, just as I am. You sent him to look after me, 26 but now he is eager to see you. He is worried, because you heard he was sick. 27 In fact, he was very sick and almost died. But God was kind to him, and also to me, and he kept me from being burdened down with sorrow.
28 Now I am more eager than ever to send Epaphroditus back again. You will be glad to see him, and I won't have to worry any longer. 29 Be sure to give him a cheerful welcome, just as people who serve the Lord deserve. 30 He almost died working for Christ, and he risked his own life to do for me what you could not.