aza 16
1 ŋimɔŋazi andaci ŋu, mindaŋ er ŋazi ere ṯugwudazi ŋere mac. 2 le ŋazi allalu ki majma-na. emba, lomur klu linḏi le ŋazi li kwere eɽenye, ŋwaru ŋwa, nyi kwami əkizi Allah ŋɔḏɽorŋw. 3 er ŋazi errizi ŋu, ṯimiḏir gwu Papaŋw, na nyuŋwu tɔk. 4 lakin ŋimɔŋazi andaci ŋu, mindaŋ ma lomur enḏa ta, ezi ṯiŋayini, kaka andicaŋazi gwu ŋwu. ŋiti ŋandicaŋazi kinaŋw kwɔnkwɔn mac, kaka nani nyi gwu ta kinna ŋaŋa li. 5 na kire-kirem, nyi ŋgwu kwele nanuŋw gwu kwuzanyi, na kwende kwere daŋgal-na kwecanyi ŋwu: a kwinḏi eḏele ṯaka? 6 na kaka ma ŋazi gwu andaci ŋu, ŋazi mba rugwor ye-na. 7 lakin, nyi kwandicaŋazi rerem, ŋɔ ŋazi ṯa zayḏa, menyi ele; menyi ere ele mac, a Kwumeca ere ila nani ŋa gwu mac, lakin menyi ele ta, ŋazi ṯa ṯiŋaca-na. 8 muŋw ṯa ila, ŋwu zi ṯa ilŋiiḏini leḏi ṯurmun ŋeḏi ŋikya, na ŋeḏi ŋizana, na ŋeḏi hukm ṯɔk. 9 ŋeḏi ŋikya, kaka iti allaḏir nyi gwu rugwori nana mac; 10 ŋeḏi ŋizana, kaka inḏi nyi gwu nani gwu Papa, er nyi ere eze kwokwony mac; 11 ŋeḏi hukm, kaka mer gwu eca kwelenyi kweḏi ṯurmun kḏu hakwuma. 12 nyi kweḏi kinna ŋiɽaŋali ŋitezir eḏi zi andaci ŋaŋwuzi. lakin ŋiti ŋazi eḏici ŋuma mac eḏi zi miḏa kire-kirem. 13 mindaŋ muŋw ila kwir Ṯigɽim ṯeḏi ŋirlalu, kwɔ ŋazi mulɔtɔ ki ŋiɽaŋal-na tatap ŋir rerem; kaka iti inḏuŋw gwu eḏandazi zulṯa gi kwuŋwun mac. lakin ŋere ŋiniŋnaŋw zi, ŋwu zi andazi; kwɔ ŋazi baŋaci tɔk ŋa ŋinḏi eḏila. 14 kwenyi nii-na, kaka inḏuŋw zi gwu eḏafa ŋeni ŋinyi, eḏi zi andaci ŋaŋwuzi. 15 kwɔmne tatap kweḏi Papa, kweni kwinyi, ŋwu ṯaŋwu, nyi kwecaŋazi ŋwa: eṯuŋw zi ta afi ŋeni ŋinyi, kwɔŋazi andaci.
ŋiɽaŋal ŋedi Kweleny muŋw zi naŋni eḏi zi ṯazalu
16 kwɔkwɔk, er nyi ulezi; mindaŋ kwokwony kwɔkwɔk ta, er nyi ta eze. 17 na limeḏgen andiza la lɔkwɔ deŋgen-na wuɽe-wuɽeny, ner aru ŋwu: ŋeni aḏa ŋandicaŋw zi nyuŋwuzi, aruŋw gwu ŋwu, kwɔkwɔk, er nyi ulezi, na kwokwony kwɔkwɔk, er nyi eze? na ŋu: kaka inḏinyi gwu nani gwu Papa? 18 ner ṯa ari, aḏa kwiri kwaruŋw gi ŋwu, kwɔkwɔk? ŋiri ṯaŋ, ŋaru ŋi ŋwu? ŋimer zi ṯime ḏuṯ. 19 nezi Yecu elŋece linaŋna eḏuṯizelu, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: a kla manja luṯalu daŋgal-na ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋinyi, ŋari nyi ŋi ŋwu, kwɔkwɔk er nyi ulezi, na kwokwony kwɔkwɔk ta, er nyi ta eze a? 20 nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa rerem, a lari, oɽa ŋwal ki, a ronyine tɔk; lakin kla leḏi ṯurmun ta, er amina keni ŋunduŋa. na ŋaŋa tɔk a lironyina, lakin ŋazi ṯironyina ruḏinizi ṯinyiŋlana. 21 kwaw kwaciza ŋelŋe, eṯuŋw ronyine kaka ma gwu lomur ṯimanni, mindaŋ ma tor oɽaḏa lu, eṯuŋw ere ṯiŋayini ŋijima kwokwony mac; eṯuŋw amina, kaka ma gwu kwizigwunaŋ elŋine ki turmun-na. 22 ŋaŋa tɔk, rugwor ralu riiḏi ŋazi-na kirem, lakin nyi kwɔ ŋazi eze kwokwony, mindaŋ a nyeŋle rugwor-na; ŋazi kwizi kwere ere dimeḏa ṯinyiŋlana mac. 23 ki lamin ṯa kla, er nyi ŋi ere uṯizelu ŋere mac. nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa rerem, ma uṯizi Papaŋw lu kwɔmne gi kwere nyiḏak, yiriny yi yinyi, kwɔŋazi ta inḏeḏa. 24 a lende limuṯalu kinna kwɔmne gi kwere yiriny yi yinyi, uṯir ga lu ta, a ṯa afi, mindaŋ a ṯinyiŋlana ṯalu orɔ minmin. 25 ŋimɔŋazi andaci ŋu ŋiŋerɔŋwa. lomur klu linḏi, ŋazi li ere andaci ŋiŋerɔŋwa kwokwony mac; ŋɔ ŋazi keni andaci pɔrpɔr ŋeḏi Papa. 26 ki lamin ṯa kla, a luṯalu yiriny yi yinyi, na ŋazi ere eca ŋwu, nyi kwaraḏi Papaŋw ŋwal ŋwere ŋweni ŋaŋa mac, 27 kaka eṯi ŋazi gwu ta Papa ŋundu amɽi; kaka ma gwu amɽi, na kaka ma gwu emni tɔk eḏari, kwuruḏi ki Allah-na. 28 nyi kwuruḏi nani gwu Papa, nenyila ki ṯurmun-na; kwokwony, enyefrici ṯurmuna, enyaɽiḏa nani gwu Papa.
29 na limeḏgen eca ŋwu: icaṯi, a kwiri pa ŋgwu kwandize pɔrpɔr kire-kirem ŋgwu, na ere andazi ŋiŋerɔŋwa mac. 30 ŋu ṯa ŋimenyjelŋece kirem, nenyari, kwilŋiica kwɔmne tatap, eṯuŋw ere naŋni kwere mac eḏuṯizelu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋere. ṯaŋwu ŋimenyji ta emni, nenyari, kwuruḏi nani gwu Allah. 31 nezi Yecu eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: a klu limemni kirem a? 32 izarṯi, lomur klu linḏi, epa, limenḏina le li faḏi ki riny ki riny eḏele daŋgal ŋwuzi; er nyi ṯaza lu kwutuput; lakin, nenyere nani kwutuput mac, kaka eṯi nyi gwu Papa nannazi. 33 ŋimɔŋazi andaci ŋu ŋaŋa tatap, mindaŋ a ŋi ma eḏi ŋiɽena duŋgwinyi-na. a leḏi ṯurfa ki ṯurmun-na rac; lakin, ruḏir lugwul keni kaka menyi gwu illazi ṯurmuna ki.
1 I am telling you these things, so that you will not turn away. 2 You will be chased out of the synagogues. And the time will come when people will kill you and think they are doing God a favor. 3 They will do these things because they don't know either the Father or me. 4 I am saying this to you now, so that when the time comes, you will remember what I have said.
The Work of the Holy Spirit
I was with you at the first, and so I didn't tell you these things. 5 But now I am going back to the Father who sent me, and none of you asks me where I am going. 6 You are very sad from hearing all of this. 7 But I tell you I am going to do what is best for you. This is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help you until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you.
8 The Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God's justice and the judgment. 9 The Spirit will show them that they are wrong about sin, because they didn't have faith in me. 10 They are wrong about God's justice, because I am going to the Father, and you won't see me again. 11 And they are wrong about the judgment, because God has already judged the ruler of this world.
12 I have much more to say to you, but right now it would be more than you could understand. 13 The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn't speak on his own. He will tell you only what he has heard from me, and he will let you know what is going to happen. 14 The Spirit will bring glory to me by taking my message and telling it to you. 15 Everything the Father has is mine. This is why I have said that the Spirit takes my message and tells it to you.
Sorrow Will Turn into Joy
16 Jesus told his disciples, “For a little while you won't see me, but after a while you will see me.”
17 They said to each other, “What does Jesus mean by saying that for a little while we won't see him, but after a while we will see him? What does he mean by saying he is going to the Father? 18 What is this ‘little while’ that he is talking about? We don't know what he means.”
19 Jesus knew they had some questions, so he said:
You are wondering what I meant when I said that for a little while you won't see me, but after a while you will see me. 20 I tell you for certain that you will cry and be sad, but the world will be happy. You will be sad, but later you will be happy.
21 When a woman is about to give birth, she is in great pain. But after it is all over, she forgets the pain and is happy, because she has brought a child into the world. 22 You are now very sad. But later I will see you, and you will be so happy that no one will be able to change the way you feel. 23 When that time comes, you won't have to ask me about anything. I tell you for certain the Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name. 24 You have not asked for anything in this way before, but now you must ask in my name. Then it will be given to you, so you will be completely happy.
25 I have used examples to explain to you what I have been talking about. But the time will come when I will speak to you plainly about the Father and will no longer use examples like these. 26 You will ask the Father in my name, and I won't have to ask him for you. 27 God the Father loves you because you love me, and you believe I have come from him. 28 I came from the Father into the world, but I am leaving the world and returning to the Father.
29 The disciples said, “Now you are speaking plainly to us! You are not using examples. 30 At last we know that you understand everything, and we don't have any more questions. Now we believe you truly have come from God.”
31 Jesus replied:
Do you really believe me? 32 The time will come and is already here when all of you will be scattered. Each of you will go back home and leave me by myself. But the Father will be with me, and I won't be alone. 33 I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world.