aza 1
1 nyi, kweni zimaan buṯruz, kwir kaḏaam keḏi Yecu Kwruztu na kafur kuŋwun, kwagnaŋazi leni limenyi li afi ṯəmna ṯibiɽcer nyji-na titir ki ṯofḏana-na ṯeḏi Kwigileḏa kweni Yecu Kwruztu, kwir Allah weri tɔk.
2 eḏi ṯimeca ṯeḏi ŋimɽi, ŋiɽena ŋi, orɔ ŋalu beyin, ṯilŋiiḏina ṯi ṯeḏi Allah, na ṯeḏi Yecu, kwir Kweleny kweri.
3 kaka mer nyji gwu inḏeḏa, ŋuma ŋi ŋuŋun ŋir yilim, kwɔmne tatap kweṯir naŋni eḏi gi dirnaṯi ki ŋimiiḏa-na ŋeḏi Allah, inḏeḏaŋw gwu nyuŋwuzi ŋuma eḏelŋe ŋunduŋwu, kwumenyi ornuṯi eḏenḏi ki ŋiniṯ-na ŋuŋun wuɽe-wuɽeny, ŋizana ŋi ŋuŋun ŋiṯemḏelu purpur. 4 na ŋiniṯ ŋi ŋu ŋizana ŋi, nuŋw ŋi inḏeḏa nyuŋwuzi ṯikitaḏa ṯuŋwun, ṯir gaali ṯiṯemḏelu, na ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ṯikitaḏa kḏu ta, a leḏi ŋuma eḏarṯiḏa ṯidigɽa lu ṯeṯinanni ki ṯurmun-na, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi kaduwa kiki, mindaŋ ma oɽmaṯi ki rɔgwɽɔ-na reḏi Allah ŋundu. 5 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, eṯi deŋṯini eḏefrici ṯəmna ṯalu eḏizerri ŋir minmin; na eṯi kikindeci ŋeḏre ŋu ṯilŋiiḏina; 6 na eṯi kikindeci ṯilŋiiḏina rugwori riniŋneḏu; na eṯi kikindeci ŋiɽaŋali ŋu ṯukwurmɔṯana; na eṯi kikindeci ṯukwurmɔṯana ŋeḏre ŋizaw ki yey-na yeḏi Allah; 7 na eṯi kikindeci ŋeḏre ŋu ŋizaw ṯamiḏana ṯalu ṯeḏi ŋiaŋga; na eṯi kikindeci ṯamiḏana kḏu ṯamɽa. 8 mer nani ŋu tatap daŋgal-na mindaŋ mer ṯamḏalu, eṯir eḏi ŋuma eḏaŋraci ŋaŋwuzi mindaŋ ma ere kiraḏi mac, liira ŋuma eḏi zi erri ŋere mac ki ṯilŋiiḏina ṯeḏi Kweleny kweri kweni Yecu Kwruztu. 9 na ŋgwa kwiira kwɔmne ŋgwu eṯuŋw orɔ kaka kwunduŋ kwiti kweṯeze ezir ŋamaŋ mac, kwumɔ ṯuḏina ṯuzuɽa ṯi-na ṯeḏi ŋikya ŋuŋun ŋeḏi kerrenyŋw. 10 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, lieŋgeri, ketizari ŋiɽaŋali yey ŋeḏi ṯornuṯa ṯeḏi Allah, na ṯica-na ṯuŋwun muŋw gwu ece ŋaŋwuzi-na. kaka mezi erri ŋu tatap ta, a ere iidi ḏuṯ. 11 ṯaŋwu ta, a inḏa ṯenḏa ki ŋeleny-na ŋeṯinanniḏa dɔk ŋeḏi Kweleny kweri kwir Kwigileḏa kweri tɔk, kweni Yecu Kwruztu.
buṯruz muŋw ilici ŋiɽany
12 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, nyi kwumɔkitaḏa eḏi kiḏayinici ŋaŋwuzi ŋiɽaŋali ŋu ŋwamin tatap, ŋilŋiiḏi ŋazi keni rac, ami ŋa gwu nanuŋw ki ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋirlalu, ŋeṯizi miḏa rugwor ri ralu. 13 emba, ŋeni ŋofḏana duŋgwinyi, nani nyi gwu aŋna yi wu, eḏukwazi ŋaŋwuzi ṯiṯiŋayinica ṯi. 14 ŋilŋiicanyji rac eḏaruŋw, nyi kwuṯayi aŋna lu wu kwaḏan kwɔkwɔ, kaka menyji gwu Kweleny kweri kweni Yecu Kwruztu ilŋiiḏini. 15 nyi ŋi kitaḏa ŋu mindaŋ menyele ta, a eḏi ŋuma eḏi ṯiŋayini kwɔmne ŋgwu tatap.
ṯiruwecelu ṯeḏi buṯruz na ṯeḏi liɽi tɔk
16 kaka ma ŋazi gwu ilŋiiḏini ŋuma ŋeḏi Kweleny kweri kweni Yecu Kwruztu, na ŋeḏi ṯiruwenelu ṯuŋwun tɔk ṯinḏi eḏila, eṯinyere kwakiḏaḏa ŋiɽaŋali mac ŋiti ŋir rerem mac, lakin nenyi keni eze ŋiniṯi ŋuŋun yey yi yeri. 17 na ki lomur ṯa kla, afaŋw li gwu ṯiniiya-na ŋwuzi ŋiniṯi ŋi nani gwu Allah wir Papa, na ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯete ruḏa ki ŋiniṯ-na ŋuŋun ŋiṯemḏizelu tatap, ṯaruŋw: kwunde kwiri kwir Tor tinyi tamɽanyi, tiɽenyina tɔk. 18 na nyiŋa pa, nenyi neŋne ṯɔgwɽɔ kḏa ṯuruḏa kilerena, kaka nani nyi gwu ŋundu ŋali kayin la wirlinelu ter. 19 na kwɔmne ŋgwu tatap nuŋw ruḏaḏa nyuŋwuzi rerem eḏaruŋw, ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi liɽi ŋeni ŋirlalu; ŋofḏana eḏi zi ketize yey ŋamaŋ, ŋir kaka lɔmba leṯi ṯiŋaḏa fori lu kirim-na, mindaŋ ma ezir zuɽi lu na ṯorum ṯeḏi ŋurpanaŋw alliḏa ki rugwor-na ralu. 20 lakin, kerreny, eṯizi ṯiŋayini eḏaruŋw, ŋiɽya ŋuluḏina ŋiti ŋiri ŋeḏi lizi lete eḏizelŋe oɽeny mac. 21 kaka ma gwu ŋiɽya ŋirlalu ere ila kerreny tuk rugwor ri reḏi lizigwunaŋ oɽeny mac, lakin nezi lor lirlinelu ter andazi kaka ilŋiiḏinezi gwu Ṯigɽim ṯirlinelu ter nani gwu Allah.
1 From Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To everyone who shares with us in the privilege of believing that our God and Savior Jesus Christ will do what is just and fair.
2 I pray that God will be kind to you and will let you live in perfect peace! May you keep learning more and more about God and our Lord Jesus.
Living as the Lord's Followers
3 We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God's own power, when we learned he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. 4 God made great and marvelous promises, so his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.
5 Do your best to improve your faith by adding goodness, understanding, 6 self-control, patience, devotion to God, 7 concern for others, and love. 8 If you keep growing in this way, it will show that what you know about our Lord Jesus Christ has made your lives useful and meaningful. 9 But if you don't grow, you are like someone who is nearsighted or blind, and you have forgotten that your past sins are forgiven.
10 My friends, you must do all you can to show God has really chosen and selected you. If you keep on doing this, you won't stumble and fall. 11 Then our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will give you a glorious welcome into his kingdom that will last forever.
12 You are holding firmly to the truth you were given. But I am still going to remind you of these things. 13 In fact, I think I should keep on reminding you until I leave this body. 14 And our Lord Jesus Christ has already told me that I will soon leave it behind. 15 This is why I am doing my best to make sure that each of you remembers all of this after I am gone.
The Message about the Glory of Christ
16 When we told you about the power and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we were not telling clever stories someone had made up. But with our own eyes we saw his true greatness. 17 God, our great and wonderful Father, truly honored him by saying, “This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him.” 18 We were there with Jesus on the holy mountain and heard this voice speak from heaven.
19 All of this makes us even more certain that what the prophets said is true. So you should pay close attention to their message, as you would to a lamp shining in some dark place. You must keep on paying attention until daylight comes and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 But you need to realize that no one alone can understand any of the prophecies in the Scriptures. 21 The prophets did not think these things up on their own, but they were guided by the Spirit of God.