aza 5
1 etere ermici kworu kwere kwupa mac, lakin eti andicalu mamak kaka tarnyalu; na lir lɔkwɽeny eṯi zi errici kaka liaŋgalu, 2 na lir law lupa, eṯi zi ruzi kaka lanyalu ŋwuzi; na law lɔkwɽeny, eti zi ruzi kaka liaŋgalu lir law, ṯizuɽu ṯi-na cucuɽic.
nizam kweḏi leḏel kaniiza-na
3 eti nii leḏela-na lir law, kla lir leḏel rerem. 4 ma kweḏel kwere eḏi nyoru ya lukwurneyin, er deŋtini kerreny eḏelŋe loma leḏi ḏiin ṯeŋen ki ŋiaŋga-na, er ɽanyaci rernyin ŋwuzi lenyin ŋali ṯimeca ṯeŋen ṯeḏi kerrenyŋw, ŋinderṯa ŋir ŋizaw ŋamɽa zi Allah. 5 ŋgwa kwir kweḏel rerem, kweṯi nani kwutuput, kwunderṯa kweṯalliḏa Allah ṯugwori nana ṯəkiza ṯi kizen, na eṯuŋw ari ŋwal ki, kullu kullu, kaŋwun kaŋwun; 6 lakin na ŋgwa kweṯamɽi rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun eḏi zi utezi kwɔmne nana, kweni kwayyu miiḏuŋw gwu ta kinna. 7 oracazi ŋi ŋu, mindaŋ mer zi ere ruzi kaṯi tiɽaŋal ti tere mac. 8 muŋw ere kwere eḏizaŋraci mac leni luŋwun, na leḏi duənuŋw kwuŋwun titir, nuŋw orɔ kwumefrini ṯəmna ṯuŋwun, na ŋikya ŋuŋun ṯamḏu ŋikyaŋi la ŋeḏi kla liira ṯəmna.
9 eṯere enji yiriny yeḏi kwaw kwir kweḏel ki rol-na mac, kwiti kwumorɔ yiḏleyu ruɽi-ṯɔɽɔl kinna mac; enji ŋgwa kwumɔ nani nani gwu kwulen kwutuput dak, 10 kwandindizar ŋɔḏɽor ŋi ŋuŋun ŋizaw, kwumaŋraci nyoru nyuŋwun tɔk, kwaminda lirina, na kwumɔ ii ŋwara nana ŋweḏi kla lirlinelu ter eḏi Kwruztu-na, kwumɔ zi meci leḏi ṯurfa, kwumɔ zi errici ŋizaw ki ŋiɽaŋal-na ŋuŋun tatap, 11 lakin eṯere enjici leḏela yiriny ki rol-na lir kamal kinna mac, kaka inḏi zi gwu zurum kweḏi yaŋna eḏi zi urli Kwruztuŋw nana, mindaŋ mer zi naŋni eḏagwu. 12 mindaŋ mer kaṯazi hukma, kaka mer gwu orlaci ṯikitaḏa ṯeŋen ṯeḏi kerrenyŋw ŋwudɔŋw. 13 ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ṯa ŋu eṯir orɔ limozɔ, eṯir kwukwuḏezi la kenjer gi ki duənu-na, na ṯuŋwun ṯi tɔk, na eṯir zi andazi ŋiti ŋizaw eḏi zi andazi mac. 14 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, nenyi naŋni leḏela lir law lir kamal, eḏi zi agwu, eḏelŋe nyoru, eḏaŋraci duənuŋw kweŋen, mindaŋ ma kla leḏi ṯuwənu ki rugwor-na ere eḏi ŋuma mac eḏi ruzi nyuŋwuzi luŋw. 15 kaka mer gwu ṯirenylu lɔkwɔ eḏi kwaḏiḏa zeyṯaanŋw. 16 ma kwruztyan kwere, kwir kwor ya kwir kwaw, kwedi lieŋgen lir leḏel lir law, etuŋw zi meci; eḏere urreḏa kaniiza-na mac; taŋwu eḏi zi kaniiza meci kla lir leḏel rerem.
lijowiṯ leḏi kaniiza
17 eḏi lijowit letaŋraci ŋɔḏɽor ŋeḏi kaniiza ŋama-ŋamaŋ orɔ leṯir zi kikindeci ṯiniiya-na; eṯir ṯi tamḏu letorɔ yafur eḏi zi andaci ŋeḏi injiil, na letizilŋiiḏini tɔk. 18 kaka ari gwu kiṯam kirlinelu ter, ŋwu: etere kəki tiḏri ṯunyu mac kra teṯipii ŋwana ŋwara ŋi; na ŋofḏana eḏi kwɔḏɽor afi ujra weḏi ŋɔḏɽor ŋuŋun. 19 etere miḏa ŋiɽaŋali ŋere kinna mac eḏi ruzi kwijowiṯ kweḏi kaniiza kaṯi, illi mer inḏaci lizuhuuḏa nden ya ṯɔɽɔl, liminḏa ŋiɽaŋali yey nana. 20 na kla leṯi dirnaṯi ŋikya-na ṯirṯir ermicer zi ki yey-na yeḏi tatap, mindaŋ mer tenye kla liḏaḏu tɔk. 21 nyi kwicaŋa ki yey-na yeḏi Allah, na Kwruztu kweni Yecu, na limaleyka tɔk licarzi-na, eḏi miḏi ŋiɽaŋali ŋu mindaŋ eḏere amɽi kweṯe kweḏi kaniiza beṯen eḏi kwuḏaḏu la mac, lakin eti zi errici tatap ŋibiɽḏina. 22 etere fiɽgaḏi kinna mac eḏenji kwere, kita ŋa gwu rii kindala, ya kezni mezerri ŋu na eni ŋa limoɽmati kwizi ŋali ŋgwa ki ŋikya-na ŋuŋun; eṯaŋraci rɔgwɽɔ rɔŋwa eḏi zuɽu-na cucuɽic.
23 eṯere ii ŋaw dak mac lakin eti ii nabita kwɔkwɽoc kaka dawa, eḏi meci kimeti keḏi kari kɔŋwa, na kimeti kir-na ter ter tɔk.
24 na ŋikya ŋeḏi lizi lɔkwɔ eṯir ruwene lu pɔrpɔr, ŋinderṯa ŋeṯi zi iili ki hukm-na, lakin na ŋikya ŋeḏi liḏaḏu, eṯir ijini kwaḏan kwɔkwɔ. 25 ŋwu taŋwu tɔk, na ŋa ŋizaw ŋeṯi zi lɔkwɔ erri, eṯir ruwene lu pɔrpɔr, ya mer ere ijini tuc mac, er ere eḏi ŋuma eḏi lucuni dɔk mac.
How To Act toward Others
1 Don't correct an older man. Encourage him, as you would your own father. Treat younger men as you would your own brother, 2 and treat older women as you would your own mother. Show the same respect to younger women that you would to your sister.
3 Take care of any widow who is really in need. 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, they should learn to serve God by taking care of her, as she once took care of them. This is what God wants them to do. 5 A widow who is really in need is one who doesn't have any relatives. She has faith in God, and she keeps praying to him night and day, asking for his help.
6 A widow who thinks only about having a good time is already dead, even though she is still alive.
7 Tell all this to everyone, so they will do the right thing. 8 People who don't take care of their relatives, and especially their own families, have given up their faith. They are worse than someone who doesn't have faith in the Lord.
9 For a widow to be put on the list of widows, she must be at least 60 years old, and she must have been faithful in marriage. 10 She must also be well-known for doing all sorts of good things, such as raising children, giving food to strangers, welcoming God's people into her home, helping people in need, and always making herself useful.
11 Don't put young widows on the list. They may later have a strong desire to get married. Then they will turn away from Christ 12 and become guilty of breaking their promise to him. 13 Besides, they will become lazy and get into the habit of going from house to house. Next, they will start gossiping and become busybodies, talking about things that are none of their business.
14 I would prefer that young widows get married, have children, and look after their families. Then the enemy won't have any reason to say insulting things about us. 15 Look what's already happened to some of the young widows! They have turned away to follow Satan.
16 If a woman who is a follower has any widows in her family, she should help them. This will keep the church from having that burden, and then the church can help widows who are really in need.
Church Leaders
17 Church leaders who do their job well deserve to be paid twice as much, especially if they work hard at preaching and teaching. 18 It is just as the Scriptures say, “Don't muzzle an ox when you are using it to grind grain.” You also know the saying, “Workers are worth their pay.”
19 Don't listen to any charge against a church leader, unless at least two or three people bring the same charges. 20 But if any of the leaders should keep on sinning, they must be corrected in front of the whole group, as a warning to everyone else.
21 In the presence of God and Christ Jesus and their chosen angels, I order you to follow my instructions! Be fair with everyone, and don't have any favorites.
22 Don't be too quick to accept people into the service of the Lord by placing your hands on them.
Don't sin because others do, but stay close to God.
23 Stop drinking only water. Take a little wine to help your stomach trouble and the other illnesses you often have.
24 Some people get caught in their sins almost at once, even before the time of judgment. But other people's sins don't show up until later. 25 It is the same with good deeds. Some are easily seen, but none of them can be hidden.