aza 11
1 errer zi ŋaŋa kaka ŋeṯinyjerri, kaka eṯinyji gwu erri ŋir kaka ŋeṯi zi Kwruztu erri.
ŋeḏre ŋeḏi law kaniiza-na
2 lakin, nyi kwiɽeŋazi-na, lieŋgeri, kaka eṯir nyi gwu izazi ki ŋiɽaŋal-na tatap, na eṯi gwu aŋraci ṯaliima kḏa ṯinḏeḏa ŋazi. 3 na ŋazi naŋni eḏizelŋe eḏaruŋw, nda leḏi kwor kwere leni Kwruztu, na leḏi kwaw kwere leni kwor kwuŋwun, na leḏi Kwruztu nuŋw eni Allah. 4 ma kwor kwere ari ki yiriny, ya muŋw zi andaci ŋinḏeḏa zi Allah Ṯigɽim ṯi tirlinelu ter, kwukwuɽbena ndalu, eṯuŋw eni kwiti kwiɽa nda-na luŋwun mac; 5 lakin ma kwaw kwere ari ki yiriny, ya muŋw zi andaci ŋinḏeḏa zi Allah Ṯigɽim ṯi, kwiti kwukwuɽbena ndalu mac, eṯuŋw eni kwiti kwiɽa nda-na luŋwun mac, na nda luŋwun orɔ kaka eṯuŋw fiyəŋini. 6 kaka ma kwaw kwere ere naŋni eḏi kwuɽbeni ndalu mac, ṯaŋwu ner ofḏani duŋgwun eḏundeḏa owɽu wuŋwun; na mer ere zayḏa mac eḏundeḏa owɽu wuŋwun ya eḏi fiyaŋini, ner ofḏani eḏi kwuɽbeḏa ndalu. 7 kaka iti ofḏanar gwu mac eḏi kwor kwere kwuɽbeni ndalu, kaka aɽinaŋw gwu Allah ŋiniṯ ŋi, lakin kwaw ta, eṯuŋw eni ŋiniṯ ŋeḏi kwor. 8 (kaka iti daɽmaḏi gwu Allah kworu aŋna yi weḏi kwaw mac, lakin nuŋw daɽmaḏa kwayu aŋna yi weḏi kwor. 9 na Allah ere daɽmaḏa kworu mac ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi kwaw, lakin nuŋw daɽmaḏa kwayu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi kwor.) 10 ŋinderṯa ŋu ŋeŋgi ŋi kwaw kwuɽbena ndalu, eḏi gi baŋaci zulṯa kweḏi kwor ki yey-na yeḏi limaleyka. 11 (lakin eḏi Kweleny-na, na kwaw ere orɔ minmin oɽeny mac, kwiira kworu-na, ya kwor eḏorɔ minmin kwiira kwayu-na; 12 kaka daɽmaḏi gwu Allah kwayu aŋna yi weḏi kwor, ner ṯa orɔ kirem, eṯir ilŋiiḏa kworu nani gwu kwaw, na kwɔmne tatap ruḏa nani gwu Allah.) 13 ṯeceri ŋiɽanali ki rɔgwɽɔ ralu eḏizeze. ŋofḏana eḏi kwaw kwere ari Allah ki yiriny nda li liti likwuɽbene lu mac, a? 14 ṯurmun ṯiti ṯilŋiiḏini ŋazi manya eḏaruŋw, ma kwor kwere mulḏaḏa owɽu lu wuŋwun, eṯir orɔ feḏiya nanuŋw gwu, 15 lakin ma kwaw mulḏaḏa owɽu lu wuŋwun eṯi keni ŋiniṯ orɔ ŋuŋun, kaka inḏeḏer gwu owɽu eḏorɔ ṯukwuɽbenalu ṯuŋwun. 16 lakin, muŋw naŋni kwere eḏi məmilḏi, a kwende kweḏi ri ŋiɽaŋali ŋere ŋurtuŋw deŋgeri-na, ya eḏi zi yaniiza yeḏi Allah.
ṯikiyazi lu ṯeḏi kuruu keḏi ṯarbeza
17 lakin, ma ŋazi ilŋiiḏini ŋu ta, ner nani ŋete ŋiti ŋimɔ ŋi iɽi-na mac, rayḏi ŋa gwu duŋw ŋiti ŋeṯi ŋi ofḏazi mac. 18 kaka niŋnanyi gwu, kerre-kerreny, a leṯirayḏa duŋw kaniiza-na lundenena; ŋenyjemni ŋu ŋɔkwɔ tɔk, 19 kaka ofḏanar gwu eḏi ṯundenena nani daŋgal-na eḏi zi ṯi ruwecelu kla leṯinanni eḏi Kwruztu-na rerem. 20 kinaŋw ma oɽmaṯi duŋw ta, eḏne wa weri ye witi wiri weḏi kuruu keḏi ṯarbeza ṯeḏi Kweleny mac. 21 kaka iiḏina ŋa gwu ta, a leṯi illalu ŋɔdor ŋɔdor eḏne yi na ṯigir ṯi ṯalu, mindaŋ eṯir nani lɔkwɔ yaŋwu yi, na liḏaḏu eṯir urleli. 22 anna! a liti leḏi yiŋna eḏi gwu eḏne-na manya? na eḏi gwu ii tɔk manya? ya ŋaŋa, a leṯi ruzi kaniiza kedi Allah luŋw mindaŋ eḏi zi inḏeḏa feḏiya kla liti leḏi eḏneya-na mac. nyi kwɔŋazeca ḏa? nyi kwami ŋazi li-na? beri, nyi kwende kwamina.
23 kaka afanyji gwu nani gwu Kweleny ŋundu, ŋa ŋimɔ ŋazi andaci, ŋeni ŋu: ki lomur limerli bɔŋwuḏi Kwelenyi kweni Yecu, ma kirakalu orɔ ta, nuŋw dimi eḏneya wir kafa, 24 mindaŋ muŋw eca zukran, nuŋw undena, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: aŋna winyi wiri wu, wumerŋazi kiici, eṯizerri ṯaŋwu eḏi ŋi ṯiŋayini nyuŋwu. 25 ŋwu ṯa, mer eḏne, nuŋw dimi tiṯraŋi tɔk, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: tiṯra kru teni ṯikitaḏiza ṯiaŋ ŋin ŋi ŋinyi; eṯizerri ṯaŋwu ki ŋwomur ŋwere ŋwere ŋweṯi ŋa ŋi ii, eḏi ŋi ṯiŋayini nyuŋwu. 26 ner ṯa orɔ ŋwu, ki ŋwomur ŋwe ŋi ye eḏneya wu, na eḏi zi ii ŋeḏi tiṯra tɔk, ŋeṯi ŋazi baŋaci ŋeḏi ŋiɽany ŋeḏi Kweleny mindaŋ muŋw aɽa.
27 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, muŋw ye kwere eḏneya wu, muŋw zi ii ŋeḏi tiṯra kru teḏi Kweleny tɔk, kwiru rugwor-na riɽen riɽen, eṯuŋw eni kwuməkici Kwelenyi lomori puɽcur aŋna yi na ŋin ŋi ŋuŋun tɔk. 28 ṯaŋwu, eḏi kwizi izanni ki rɔgwɽɔ-na ruŋwun kerreny, mindaŋ ŋwu ma ye eḏneya, ŋwu zi ma ii ŋeḏi tiṯra tɔk. 29 kaka eṯi gwu kwizi ŋgwa kweṯeḏne, na kweṯi ii tɔk kwiti kwilŋiica mac eḏaruŋw, aŋna wuŋwun wiri wu eḏi nii-na, eṯuŋw efica rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun hukma. 30 ṯaŋwu eṯir nani luru daŋgal-na lajila nana, na luma tɔk, na lɔkwɔ luru linḏiri ŋwaru ŋweni ŋiɽany. 31 lakin mer icinina ki rɔgwɽɔ-na rerem, eṯi Kweleny ere ruzi nyuŋwuzi kaṯi mac. 32 na muŋw hakwumi nyuŋwuzi ta, eṯir eni lirətina əpa yi weḏi Kweleny mindaŋ mer nyji ere kiraza lu ṯurmun ṯi-na mac. 33 ŋwu ṯaŋwu, lieŋgeri linyi, ma rayḏa duŋw eḏeḏne, eṯi nanji liaŋgalu lu liḏaḏu— 34 muŋw nani kwere yaŋwu yi, ŋofḏana duŋgwun eḏiiḏina duənu, —mindaŋ ma rayḏa duŋw ta, er ŋazi ere ruzi kaṯi mac. na ŋeḏi kwɔmne kwir ter ta, eḏir nani mindaŋ menyila ta, ŋazi ma ṯimaci.
1 You must follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
Rules for Worship
2 I am proud of you, because you always remember me and obey the teachings I gave you. 3 Now I want you to know that Christ is the head of all men, and a man is the head of a woman. But God is the head of Christ. 4 This means that any man who prays or prophesies with something on his head brings shame to his head.
5 But any woman who prays or prophesies without something on her head brings shame to her head. In fact, she may as well shave her head. 6 A woman should wear something on her head. It is a disgrace for a woman to shave her head or cut her hair. But if she refuses to wear something on her head, let her cut off her hair.
7 Men were created to be like God and to bring honor to God. This means a man should not wear anything on his head. Women were created to bring honor to men. 8 It was the woman who was made from a man, and not the man who was made from a woman. 9 He wasn't created for her. She was created for him. 10 And so, because of this, and also because of the angels, a woman ought to wear something on her head, as a sign of her authority.
11 As far as the Lord is concerned, men and women need each other. 12 It is true that the first woman came from a man, but all other men have been given birth by women. Yet God is the one who created everything. 13 Ask yourselves if it is proper for a woman to pray without something on her head. 14 Isn't it unnatural and disgraceful for men to have long hair? 15 But long hair is a beautiful way for a woman to cover her head. 16 This is how things are done in all of God's churches, and this is why none of you should argue about what I have said.
Rules for the Lord's Supper
17 Your worship services do you more harm than good. I am certainly not going to praise you for this. 18 I am told you can't get along with each other when you worship, and I am sure that some of what I have heard is true. 19 You are bound to argue with each other, but it is easy to see which of you have God's approval.
20 When you meet together, you don't really celebrate the Lord's Supper. 21 You even start eating before everyone gets to the meeting, and some of you go hungry, while others get drunk. 22 Don't you have homes where you can eat and drink? Do you hate God's church? Do you want to embarrass people who don't have anything? What can I say to you? I certainly cannot praise you.
The Lord's Supper
(Matthew 26.26-29Mark 14.22-25Luke 22.14-20)
23 I have already told you what the Lord Jesus did on the night he was betrayed. And it came from the Lord himself.
He took some bread in his hands. 24 Then after he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this and remember me.”
25 After the meal, Jesus took a cup of wine in his hands and said, “This is my blood, and with it God makes his new agreement with you. Drink this and remember me.”
26 The Lord meant that when you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you tell about his death until he comes.
27 But if you eat the bread and drink the wine in a way that isn't worthy of the Lord, you sin against his body and blood. 28 This is why you must examine the way you eat and drink. 29 If you fail to understand that you are the body of the Lord, you will condemn yourselves by the way you eat and drink. 30 This is why many of you are sick and weak and why a lot of others have died. 31 If we carefully judge ourselves, we won't be punished. 32 But when the Lord judges and punishes us, he does it to keep us from being condemned with the rest of the world.
33 My dear friends, you should wait until everyone gets there before you start eating. 34 If you really are hungry, you can eat at home. Then you won't condemn yourselves when you meet together.
After I arrive, I will instruct you about the other matters.