Bɔɔlɔs mɔŋgwɔ rocce rogɽo ruuŋwun kiyǝnǝ yǝthi Aghriibaas.
1 Nǝ Aghriibaas ǝccǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋwɔ, “Nyii kwɔŋa inḏǝthǝ izinǝ ethisi andasi ŋǝthi ṯɔgwor ṯɔɔŋwɔ.” E-ta nǝ Bɔɔlɔs allasi ṯii-la nɔŋw rocce rogɽo ruuŋwun nɔŋwaarɔŋw,
2 “Yaa mǝlik Aghriibaas, nyii kwaamina ethi kaṯṯasi fɔrsa aŋwɔnɔ ki-yǝnǝ yɔɔŋwa kwomne-gi ŋgwa tatap kwallisa-nyii Yahuuḏ naana, 3 kaka nilŋithiŋǝ-gwɔ rogɽo-ri rɔɔŋwa ǝthiyǝ tatap wǝthi Yahuuḏ ṯɔppatha-thi-lɔ. E-ta ŋǝ uṯicǝlɔ ethi kettice nyuŋwɔ kǝni kwimthicǝ-nyii ṯɔgwori.
4 “Yahuuḏ tatap yilŋica ŋethre ŋiinyi ŋiḏiiɽiny-ŋǝlɔ ŋaamal-lɔ tuk, a-naaniny-gwɔ deŋgen-na ki-bǝlǝḏ-nǝ kwiinyi nǝ Urshaliim tok. 5 Lilŋithi-nyii kinaŋw-lɔ tuk, mǝr ǝmmini ethi kette shahaaḏa kwǝni nyii, kaka nɔrɔny-gwɔ kwette kwǝthi lɔdɔŋw kila lǝṯi mithǝ ḏiinǝ ṯǝri tetter, na nǝnyii nanni kaka kwette kwir Kwɔfirriisii. 6 Nǝ kire-kirem-ŋgwɔ nǝnyii rilli kɔnɔŋw ethi ǝccǝ nyuŋwɔ haakima sǝbǝb-gi kwǝthi ṯǝkkizǝ kizǝn ṯǝthi-nyii, ṯǝccǝ-thi Allah rǝrinyǝri-ŋwsi wa@ḏa. 7 Nǝr-ṯǝ oro ŋa ŋette-ŋette ŋigittathi-ŋi yǝbiilǝ yir wrii-kwuɽǝn ethisi aavi, ṯɔgwɔccathalɔ ṯǝthi Allah yaaŋwɔno yulŋǝ. Nǝṯǝ sǝbǝb oro ŋgwo kwǝthi ṯǝkkizǝ kizǝn kɔthɔ yaa sǝyyiḏ, kwɔgitticany-gi Yahuuḏ shǝkiyǝ! 8 Arpa ŋotho ŋifirllaṯi-ŋǝsi ŋaaŋa linaanalɔ kɔnɔŋw ethi ǝmmini ethaarɔŋw Allah wǝṯi dindi lizi laayɔ?
9 “Nyii rogɽo-ri riinyi ninyaarɔŋw laazim nyɽǝrri ŋuuru ŋir ṯuwǝn yiriny naana yǝthi Yǝcu kwǝthi Naasira-ŋw. 10 Ŋinḏǝr-ṯǝ ŋa ŋǝrrǝ-nyji Urshaliim-nǝ. Naavany-gwɔ sɔlṯa naanɔ-gwɔ rɔ-asa rǝthi kahana, mindaŋ nǝnyii kette lizi lirllinǝlɔ ter littǝzir ki-sijin-nǝ; na mǝrsi ǝccǝ haakima ŋiɽany-ŋi, ǝṯi-nyii ǝmmini ŋiɽany ŋeeŋen. 11 Nyaamin nyittǝzir ǝṯi-nyji inḏǝthǝ jiizǝ ki-limajma@-na, ǝṯi-nyji ṯǝcicci tok mindaŋ ethi ǝvirinni ṯǝmminǝ ṯeeŋen. Nǝnyji wǝzi mindaŋ nǝnyii ele ki-muḏun-nǝ kwǝthi fartɔŋwɔ nǝnyji-gwɔ ǝwɽǝ yǝy-lɔ.
Bɔɔlɔs mɔŋwsi-gwɔ andasi ŋimǝŋw-ŋi urlǝ ṯɔgwor-lɔ.
(A@maal 9:1-19A@maal 22:6-16)
12 “Nǝṯǝ sǝbǝb oro ŋgwɔ kwiilǝnyii Ḏimashga sɔlṯa-gi nǝ awaamir-yi wǝthi rɔ-asa rǝthi kahana. 13 Nǝ mǝ aaŋwɔn iila kelgeny-na tittir, yaa kwɔr kwɔppa ŋɔɔrɔ, ninyeese fɔɔri kwuthǝmthi fɔɔri-la kwǝthi aaŋwɔn kwɔɔɽɔ ki-leere nɔŋw irṯaci nyuŋw-lɔ nǝ lɔɔrɔ-lɔ tok kila lirɔɔmɔthiny-li. 14 Nǝnyii iidi tatap kwurǝyu-lu, mindaŋ nǝnyii neŋne ṯogɽɔ ṯǝndica-nyii kandisa-gi kǝthi @ibraaniiyyiin ṯǝccǝnyii-ŋw, ‘Shaawul! Shaawul! A kwotho kwǝwɽǝ-nyii yǝy-lɔ? Ŋifirlli-mi beṯṯen ethi ermicice tɔmɔr tiiranna’. 15 Nǝnyii uṯicǝlɔ nǝnyii ǝccǝŋw, ‘A kwir kwǝni ǝyǝ Kweeleny?’ Nǝnyii kweeleny ǝŋnici nɔŋwaarɔŋw, ‘Nyii kwɔrɔ kwǝni Yǝcu ŋgwa kwǝwɽǝ-ŋǝ yǝy-lɔ. 16 Laakin diiɽu a irllathala ŋwaara-ŋi. Nyii kwurwǝnnicǝ-ŋǝlɔ sǝbǝb-gi ŋgwɔ, ethi alla ŋaaŋwɔ ethi akkɔ ŋothɽor mindaŋ a kette shahaaḏa ki-ŋiɽaŋal ŋa tatap ŋimǝsi ese naaniny-gwɔ, nǝ ŋa ŋinḏi-ŋǝsi ethisi ruwǝccǝlɔ kwaathan, 17 ŋǝ kilǝthi lizi naana lǝthi Israa-iil nǝ lǝthi Umam tok linḏi-ŋǝ-gwɔ ethi-gwɔ ɔɔsina. 18 Ǝsi ǝvrici yǝy-nǝ, nǝ ǝsi urlǝlɔ kirim-nǝ etheele ki-fɔɔri-na, nǝ ki-ŋɔma-na ŋǝthi Shiiṯaan ethi aaɽitha Allah naana, mindaŋ a ŋikiya ŋeeŋen fivrinni kithaay ṯǝmminǝ-thi ṯinḏir ethǝthi duŋgwiny-nǝ, mindaŋ mǝraavi ǝzir weeŋen ki-lizi-nǝ kila limǝ suuɽunni’.
Bɔɔlɔs mɔŋwsi-gwɔ andasi ŋǝthi ŋothɽor ŋuuŋun.
19 “Nǝrṯoroŋw yaa mǝlik Aghriibaas, ninyeere dirnacci rɔ-aya ŋiɽaŋali mac ŋa ŋiisa-nyji ki-leere. 20 Nǝnyii aari bǝshirǝ ker-kerreny Ḏimashga, Urshaliim, na bǝlǝḏǝ naana tatap kwǝthi Yahuuḏiiyyǝ-ŋw, nǝ ki Umam-na tok, laazim ethi ɔrlacca ŋikiyaŋi ŋeeŋen ŋwɔdoŋw ethi aaɽitha Allah naana, mindaŋ ethisi ǝrri ŋa ŋɔvthanna ŋinḏisi ethisi ilŋithini ethaarɔŋw limǝ urlǝ rɔgwor-lɔ. 21 Nǝṯǝ sǝbǝb oro ŋgwɔ kwimthiny-gi Yahuuḏ kinaŋw a-naaniny ki Heikal-na, mindaŋ nǝrnyii ṯǝcci ethi ɽeenye. 22 Laakin Allah wɔmǝ-nyii mǝcci mindaŋ laamin limǝ ɔppatha ṯǝ kɔlɔ. Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝnyi-mǝ rilli kɔnɔŋw kwɔgitta shahaaḏa kiyanǝ yaṯhi tatap, lokwɔɽony na lappa ṯok. Ŋa ŋaṯi-nyji andasi nǝrṯoro ŋette-ŋette ŋa ŋandisasi liɽii-ŋa Muusǝ-ŋǝli, ŋa ŋinḏi ethǝrrini; 23 ŋinḏi-ŋi laazim ethi kwɔrɔstɔ rǝrinni; mindaŋ ŋworo kwette kwiŋna ki-thidiiɽǝ-nǝ ṯǝthi ŋiɽany, ethi andaci Yahuuḏ-ŋwɔsi Umam-yi ŋǝthi fɔɔri kwǝthi ŋiglǝthǝ.”
24 Nǝ mǝ Bɔɔlɔs rocce rogɽo ruuŋwun ṯǝrṯiib-thi kɔthɔ, nǝ Fasṯuus kirinyatha tig-tig nɔŋwɔccǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋwɔ, “A kwɔmǝ-mi oro kǝɽiyǝŋ! Ṯa@liim ṯɔɔŋwa ṯɔppa ṯimǝŋǝ ruusi kǝɽiyǝŋ!” 25 Nǝ Bɔɔlɔs ǝŋnici nɔŋw-ǝccǝŋw, “Yaa kwɔr kwɔppa ŋɔɔrɔ nyii kwiti kwir kǝɽiyǝŋ kǝzir weere mac! Ŋandisa-nyji ŋǝthi yǝnǝ ŋir rerrem, 26 yaa mǝlik Aghriibaas, nyii kwǝthi ŋɔma ethi andaci ŋaaŋwɔ ŋuugul-ŋi, kaka nilŋithiŋǝ-gwɔ ŋiɽaŋali ŋɔ tatap. Nyii kwilŋithi rac rerrem ethaarɔŋw ŋimǝsi iili yǝyi ŋeere-ŋeere tatap, kaka niti nǝrrinǝ-gwɔ ŋiɽaŋal ŋɔ ŋuluccunǝ ki-rɔkɔn-na mac. 27 Yaa mǝlik Aghriibaas, a kwǝthicǝ liɽiya ṯǝmminǝ? Nyii kwilŋithi rac ethaarɔŋw ṯǝthicǝ-ŋǝsi.” 28 Nǝ Aghriibaas ǝccǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋwɔ, “A kwɔnaŋna-nyii ethi ruusi kwɔgrɔstiyan ki-lɔɔmɔr-la ṯǝ kɔlɔ lokwɔɽoc-ŋwa?” 29 Nǝ Bɔɔlɔs ǝŋnici nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Ki-lɔɔmɔr-la lɔblana alla lɔɔlɔna, nyii kwǝṯi aari Allah kiyiiriny mindaŋ ǝŋgi kɔlɔ tatap ligittica-nyii yǝni aŋwɔnɔ ǝŋgoro kaka nyuŋwɔ — laakin illi ŋwɔɔɽɔŋw ŋwɔ dak.”
30 E-ta nǝ mǝlik-ŋǝ haakim-yi nǝ Barniika, nǝ lithaathɔ tatap diiɽi, 31 na mǝr urli ŋwɔdoŋw tǝ, nǝr andasina nǝraarɔŋw, “Kwɔr ŋgwɔ kwende-mbǝ kwǝrrǝ kwomne kweere kwǝthi-gwɔ iɽinyatha, wala kwǝthi-gi kette ŋunduŋw ki-sijin-nǝ” 32 Nǝ Aghriibaas ǝccǝ Fasṯuus-ŋwɔ “A kwǝthir ŋɔma rac ethi kǝdu kwɔɔrɔ ŋgwɔ, ǝŋgwɔŋweere naŋni Imbraaṯɔɔra mac.”
Paul's Defense before Agrippa
1 Agrippa told Paul, “You may now speak for yourself.”
Paul stretched out his hand and said:
2 King Agrippa, I am glad for this chance to defend myself before you today on all these charges my own people have brought against me. 3 You know a lot about our religious customs and the beliefs that divide us. So I ask you to listen patiently to me.
4-5 All the Jews have known me since I was a child. They know what kind of life I have lived in my own country and in Jerusalem. And if they were willing, they could tell you I was a Pharisee, a member of a group that is stricter than any other. 6 Now I am on trial because I believe the promise God made to our people long ago.
7 Day and night our twelve tribes have earnestly served God, waiting for his promised blessings. King Agrippa, because of this hope, some of our leaders have brought charges against me. 8 Why should any of you doubt that God raises the dead to life?
9 I once thought that I should do everything I could to oppose Jesus from Nazareth. 10 I did this first in Jerusalem, and with the authority of the chief priests I put many of God's people in jail. I even voted for them to be killed. 11 I often had them punished in our synagogues, and I tried to make them give up their faith. In fact, I was so angry with them, that I went looking for them in foreign cities.
12 King Agrippa, one day I was on my way to Damascus with the authority and permission of the chief priests. 13 About noon I saw a light brighter than the sun. It flashed from heaven on me and on everyone traveling with me. 14 We all fell to the ground. Then I heard a voice say to me in Aramaic, “Saul, Saul, why are you so cruel to me? It's foolish to fight against me!”
15 “Who are you?” I asked.
Then the Lord answered, “I am Jesus! I am the one you are so cruel to. 16 Now stand up. I have appeared to you, because I have chosen you to be my servant. You are to tell others what you have learned about me and what I will show you later.”
17 The Lord also said, “I will protect you from the Jews and from the Gentiles that I am sending you to. 18 I want you to open their eyes, so they will turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Then their sins will be forgiven, and by faith in me they will become part of God's holy people.”
19 King Agrippa, I obeyed this vision from heaven. 20 First I preached to the people in Damascus, and then I went to Jerusalem and all over Judea. Finally, I went to the Gentiles and said, “Stop sinning and turn to God! Then prove what you have done by the way you live.”
21 That is why some men grabbed me in the temple and tried to kill me. 22 But all this time God has helped me, and I have preached both to the rich and to the poor. I have told them only what the prophets and Moses said would happen. 23 I told them how the Messiah would suffer and be the first to be raised from death, so he could bring light to his own people and to the Gentiles.
24 Before Paul finished defending himself, Festus shouted, “Paul, you're crazy! Too much learning has driven you out of your mind.”
25 But Paul replied, “Honorable Festus, I am not crazy. What I am saying is true, and it makes sense. 26 None of these things happened off in a corner somewhere. I am sure that King Agrippa knows what I am talking about. That's why I can speak so plainly to him.”
27 Then Paul said to Agrippa, “Do you believe what the prophets said? I know you do.”
28 Agrippa asked Paul, “In such a short time do you think you can talk me into being a Christian?”
29 Paul answered, “Whether it takes a short time or a long time, I wish you and everyone else who hears me today would become just like me! Except, of course, for these chains.”
30 Then King Agrippa, Governor Festus, Bernice, and everyone who was with them got up. 31 But before they left, they said, “This man isn't guilty of anything. He doesn't deserve to die or to be put in jail.”
32 Agrippa told Festus, “Paul could have been set free, if he had not asked to be tried by the Roman Emperor.”