Haḏaaya wǝthi Ṯigɽim Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter.
1 Nǝ ŋǝthi haḏaaya wǝthi Ṯigɽim Ṯirllinǝ ter liyǝŋgǝri liinyi, nyii kwɔnaŋna-ŋǝsi ethisi elŋe ŋir rerrem ŋǝni haḏaaya. 2 Ŋilŋithi-ŋǝsi-pǝ rac kinaŋw nɔrŋa-ta kinnǝni lǝthi ṯurmun, ǝṯir-ŋǝsi mɔmlotto ki-raay-la rir ter-ter ethi ṯuusi ŋaaŋwɔsi, mindaŋ ethi kwogwɔcce riiɽuwǝlɔ riti rǝṯi andasi mac. 3 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝŋǝsi naŋni ethisi elŋe ethaarɔŋw kwiti kweere mac kwǝṯi andasi Ṯigɽim-thi ṯǝthi Allah mindaŋ ethaarɔŋw, “Ǝthi Yǝcu ollone!” Nǝ nɔŋweere kweere mac kwǝthi ŋɔma ethaarɔŋw, “Yǝcu kwɔrɔ Kweeleny” illi Ṯigɽim-thi Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter.
4 Nǝ haḏaaya naani wirna ter-ter, laakin nǝtǝ Ṯigɽim oro kitha ṯette-ṯette ṯǝṯisi kannaci. 5 Na nǝ ŋothɽor naani ŋirna ter-ter, laakin nǝtǝ Kweeleny oro kwette-kwette kwǝkkicǝrsi. 6 Nǝ ŋɔma naani ŋirna ter-ter ethi-ŋi ǝrri ŋothɽor, laakin nǝtǝ Allah oro wette-wette wǝṯisi inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma leere-leere ŋǝthi ŋothɽor ŋeeŋen. 7 Ǝṯi Allah inḏǝthǝ lizi leere-leere haḏaaya Ṯigɽim-thi ethi iijini deŋgen-na, ethi-yi mǝcci lizi tatap. 8 Ǝṯi Ṯigɽim inḏǝthǝ kwizi kwette ŋiɽaŋali ŋuurǝnnǝ ṯǝthinǝ yǝnǝ deddep, nǝ kwɔthaathɔ ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋiɽaŋali ŋuurǝnnǝ ṯilŋiṯṯana deddep. 9 Nǝ kwɔthaathɔ ǝṯi-ṯǝ Ṯigɽim kitha ṯette-ṯette inḏǝthǝ ṯǝmminǝ, nǝ Ṯigɽim ṯǝ kitha ṯete-ṯete, ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ kwir ter haḏaaya wǝthi-yi sǝwi, 10 nǝ kwɔthaathɔ ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma ŋǝthi-gi ǝrri ŋilima, nǝ kwɔthaathɔ ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋiɽiiyaŋi, nǝ kwɔthaathɔ ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma ethi-ŋi elŋe rigɽimǝ rirna ter-ter, nǝ kwɔthaathɔ ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma ethi-ŋi andasi kandisa kir riŋla-na ter-ter, nǝ kwɔthaathɔ ǝṯɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma ethi uppupi kandisa-nǝ kir riŋla-na ter-ter. 11 Nǝ ŋa tatap ǝṯisi-ṯa Ṯigɽim kitha ṯette-ṯette ǝrri, likannica-ŋwsi haḏaaya leere-leere wɔrga wɔnaŋna-ŋwsi ethisi inḏǝthǝ.
Kwomne kwǝthi aŋna kwirna ter-ter.
12 Nǝ kaka ṯǝ nɔrɔ-gwɔ aŋna wɔtɔpɔt wundǝnnǝnǝ ter-ter laakin nɔŋwtoro aŋna-na wɔtɔpɔt tɔttɔr, ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝṯǝ Kwɔrɔstɔ oroŋw tok. 13 Nǝrṯoroŋw tok nyiiŋǝ tatap, nɔrɔr-gwɔ Yahuuḏ alla Umam alla lɔwaay alla lir hɔrr nǝraari @ammiḏa kaŋna-na wɔtɔpɔt, Ṯigɽim-thi ṯǝ kitha ṯette-ṯette nǝ nyiiŋǝ tatap nǝr ɔɽɔmaṯṯi ki Ṯigɽim-nǝ tɔtɔpɔt.
14 Kaka niti nigittina-gwɔ aŋna dɔŋw lɔtɔpɔt dak mac, laakin nɔŋw kettine wundǝnnǝnǝ ter-ter. 15 Mǝ kaaga aarɔŋw, “Nyii kwende kwir kerge, mindaŋ nǝnyii-mǝ oro kwǝthi aŋna”, ŋenḏe ŋinḏi ethi dirnini ŋunduŋw mac ethoro kwette kwǝthi aŋna. 16 Mǝ kǝni aarɔŋw, “Nyii kwende kwir lǝy mindaŋ nǝnyii-mǝ oro kwǝthi aŋna”, ŋende ŋinḏi ethi dirnini ŋunduŋw ethoro kwǝthi aŋna. 17 Ǝŋgi aŋna oro tatap lǝy domony e-ta, ǝŋgiŋw-mǝ neŋne ǝŋgwɔrɔ? Nǝ ǝŋgiŋworo kǝni dak tǝ, e-ta ǝŋgiŋw-mǝ akki wǝŋ ǝŋgwɔrɔ? 18 Laakin nǝ Allah kette ṯundǝnnǝnǝ kɔthɔ ṯǝthi aŋna, kaka ŋinaŋnasi ṯɔgwor ṯuuŋwun. 19 Nǝ witi waŋgoro aŋna mac ǝŋgiŋw oro dɔŋw lɔtɔpɔt dak! 20 Nǝrṯoroŋw nundǝnnǝ-tǝ kinnǝni aŋna-na tok, nɔŋwtoro aŋna-na wɔtɔpɔt tɔttɔr.
21 Lǝy lende lǝthi ŋɔma ethi ǝccǝ kerge-ŋw, “Nyiiti kwɔnaŋna ṯimǝccǝ ṯɔɔŋwa mac”, wala ethi nda ǝthi ŋɔma ethi ǝccǝ yaaŋa-ŋw, “Nyiiṯi kwɔnaŋna ṯimǝccǝ ṯaalɔ mae.” 22 Nǝrṯoroŋw tok, kaka niti nǝthir-gwɔ ŋɔma mac ethi naani domony liira kwomne-na kwokwo kwathi aŋna ŋgwa kwǝṯir-gi aarɔŋw, kwiti kwǝthi faayitha-na mac; 23 nǝ ŋgwa kwǝṯir-gi aarɔŋw, kwiti kwǝthi faayitha-na mac, nɔŋwmoro kǝniny rerrec kwǝṯir iiɽinǝ, nǝ ŋgwa kwɔthaathɔ kwǝni kwiti kwisaaw ŋisanna ŋeere mac, ǝṯir kǝniny iiɽinǝ rerrec, 24 ŋgwa kwiti kwǝṯi kwomne ŋgwa kwisaaw ŋisanna ere kettice yǝy mac. Nǝṯǝ Allah oro rogɽo-ri ruuŋwun kwɔgitta aŋna dɔŋw tatap mindaŋ mɔŋw iiɽinninǝ beṯṯen wa tok witi wǝṯir kettice yǝy mac. 25 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝ aŋna ere ǝni wundǝnnǝnǝ mac, laakin ṯundǝnnǝnǝ ṯuuŋwun ṯirna ter-ter, ǝṯirsi-tǝ ǝrrici-ṯǝ ŋa ŋette-ŋette. 26 Na mǝ ǝzir wette wǝthi aŋna raari, ǝṯɔŋw raari wɔthaathɔ tatap tok; nǝ mɔŋw iiɽinninǝ wette, ǝṯɔŋw nyeŋlena wɔthaathɔ tok.
27 Ŋaaŋa lir tatap aŋna wǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ, nǝ noro leere-leere lǝthi aŋna wuuŋwun. 28 Nǝ Allah ecce lizi kǝniisǝ-nǝ nɔŋw kette ker-kerreny yaavɔra, nǝ nimrǝ kwuɽǝn liɽii, nǝ nimrǝ ṯoɽol mɔ@allimiin, nǝ kila lǝṯisi ǝrri ŋir ŋilim, nǝ kila lǝṯi sǝwi lizi, nǝ kila lǝthi ṯimǝccǝ-nǝ, nǝ kila lir iḏaariyyiin, nǝ kila lǝṯi andindasi kandisa kir riŋla-na ter-ter. 29 E-ta lir yaavɔr tatap-a? Lir liɽii tatap-a? Lǝṯǝrri tatap ŋilima? 30 Lǝthi tatap haḏaaya wǝthi-yi sǝwi lizi-a? Lǝṯi andasi tatap riŋla rirna ter-ter-a? Nǝ lǝṯi uppupi tatap kandisa-na kir riŋla-na ter-ter-a? 31 Laakin ethi-ŋǝsi kǝniny sɔɔrɔm yatha ki haḏaaya wir mɔhim beṯṯen.
Nǝ ethi-ŋǝsi andaci kwokwony ŋette ŋithǝmthisi-lǝ ŋɔ beṯ-beṯṯen.
Spiritual Gifts
1 My friends, you asked me about spiritual gifts. 2 I want you to remember that before you became followers of the Lord, you were led in all the wrong ways by idols that cannot even talk. 3 Now I want you to know that if you are led by God's Spirit, you will say that Jesus is Lord, and you will never curse Jesus.
4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but they all come from the same Spirit. 5 There are different ways to serve the same Lord, 6 and we can each do different things. Yet the same God works in all of us and helps us in everything we do.
7 The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others. 8 Some of us can speak with wisdom, while others can speak with knowledge, but these gifts come from the same Spirit. 9 To others the Spirit has given great faith or the power to heal the sick 10 or the power to work mighty miracles. Some of us are prophets, and some of us recognize when God's Spirit is present. Others can speak different kinds of languages, and still others can tell what these languages mean. 11 But it is the Spirit who does all this and decides which gifts to give to each of us.
One Body with Many Parts
12 The body of Christ has many different parts, just as any other body does. 13 Some of us are Jews, and others are Gentiles. Some of us are slaves, and others are free. But God's Spirit baptized each of us and made us part of the body of Christ. Now we each drink from that same Spirit.
14 Our bodies don't have just one part. They have many parts. 15 Suppose a foot says, “I'm not a hand, and so I'm not part of the body.” Wouldn't the foot still belong to the body? 16 Or suppose an ear says, “I'm not an eye, and so I'm not part of the body.” Wouldn't the ear still belong to the body? 17 If our bodies were only an eye, we couldn't hear a thing. And if they were only an ear, we couldn't smell a thing. 18 But God has put all parts of our body together in the way that he decided is best.
19 A body isn't really a body, unless there is more than one part. 20 It takes many parts to make a single body. 21 That's why the eyes cannot say they don't need the hands. That's also why the head cannot say it doesn't need the feet. 22 In fact, we cannot get along without the parts of the body that seem to be the weakest. 23 We take special care to dress up some parts of our bodies. We are modest about our personal parts, 24 but we don't have to be modest about other parts.
God put our bodies together in such a way that even the parts that seem the least important are valuable. 25 He did this to make all parts of the body work together smoothly, with each part caring about the others. 26 If one part of our body hurts, we hurt all over. If one part of our body is honored, the whole body will be happy.
27 Together you are the body of Christ. Each one of you is part of his body. 28 First, God chose some people to be apostles and prophets and teachers for the church. But he also chose some to work miracles or heal the sick or help others or be leaders or speak different kinds of languages. 29 Not everyone is an apostle. Not everyone is a prophet. Not everyone is a teacher. Not everyone can work miracles. 30 Not everyone can heal the sick. Not everyone can speak different kinds of languages. Not everyone can tell what these languages mean. 31 I want you to desire the best gifts. So I will show you a much better way.