Looro lǝthi ŋirŋasa ŋǝthi Allah.
1 E-ta nenyii neŋne ṯogɽo ṯɔppa ṯuruuthu ki heikal-na, ṯandica limeleka lir dɔvokwɔɽony, nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Nḏir ele a balsa ŋirŋasa ŋǝthi Allah ki-wurǝyu-lǝ, ŋa ŋinaanɔ ki-looro-na lir dɔvokwɔɽony.”
2 E-ta nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ kwette ele nɔŋw balsisa ṯurmunǝ kwooro naana kwuuŋwun balac. Nǝ yǝmmǝ yiraara ṯeṯṯec ruuthǝ lizi naana kila lǝthi @alaama wǝthi haywaan, nǝ kila lɔgwɔcca suurǝ-lɔ kwuuŋwun.
3 E-ta nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ kwuɽǝn balsasi bahara kwooro naana kwuuŋwun balac. Mindaŋ nǝ ŋaaw oro kaka ŋin ŋǝthi kwizigwunǝŋ kwaayɔ, mindaŋ na kwomne tatap kwɔmiithɔ ai ki-bahar-na.
4 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ ṯoɽol balsasi kwooro kwuuŋwun libahara naana lokwɔɽony, nǝ ruwǝ rǝthi ŋaaw tok, mindaŋ nǝr reethe nǝroro ŋin. 5 Nǝ nenyii neŋne meleka kwir rǝ-iis rǝthi ŋaaw tatap, nɔŋwaarɔŋw, “Ŋa ŋgwa kwirllinǝlɔ ter, kwɔnannɔ kire-kirem, nǝ kwɔnaanɔ kerreny tuk, hɔkwɔm wɔɔŋa wɔgittaŋa wǝni wirllalɔ! 6 Kaka niirǝzǝr-gwɔ ŋiinǝ-lɔ ŋǝthi lizi lǝthi Allah, nǝ ŋǝthi liɽii tok, mindaŋ nǝsi inḏǝthǝ ŋiinǝ nǝrsi ii. Kaka nɔvthannicarsi ŋɔ!” 7 Ṯaŋw nenyii neŋne ṯogɽo ki-ŋwɔthgwun-nǝ ṯaarɔŋw, “Kweeleny kwir Allah wǝthi Ŋɔma Ŋɔppa! Hɔkwɔm wɔɔŋa wir rerrem nǝ wirllalɔ tok!”
8 E-ta nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ kwaɽiŋan balsi kwooro kwuuŋwun aaŋwɔna naana, mindaŋ nǝr duŋgwǝci ethi uɽǝzi lizi kiijaŋ-ŋgi kuuŋun kufuuthu cir-cir. 9 Nǝrsi dɔnni mindaŋ nǝr ollo yiriny yǝthi Allah, wthi sɔlṯa ki-jiizǝ-lǝ ŋgwɔ. Laakin nǝreere urlǝ rɔgwor-lɔ mac ethi nii ŋunduŋw-nǝ.
10 Nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ ṯɔthni balsi kwooro kwuuŋwun kwɔrsiya naana kwǝthi ŋeeleny, kwǝthi haywaan. E-ta nǝ kirim aaɽathi ŋeelenyi naana tatap ŋǝthi haywaan, mindaŋ nǝ lizi yee riŋla reeŋen ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi ŋijma ŋeeŋen, 11 na nǝr ollo Allah wǝthi ki-leere-naŋw, ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi ŋijma nǝ ŋǝthi yǝmmǝ yeeŋen. Laakin nǝreere urlǝ rɔgwor-lɔ kǝmthi, ki-ŋothɽor-na ŋeeŋen ŋigii.
12 Ṯaŋw nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ nyirlil balsi kwooro kwuuŋwun ki-bahar-la kwokwɔɽony kwǝni Alfɔraaṯ kwɔppa ŋɔɔrɔ yǝnǝ, mindaŋ nǝ bahar kwokwɔɽony ɔnḏathalɔ kwɔrop, ethi daɽimac’ limuluuk-gǝ ṯaayi-lɔ, lǝṯiila ǝzir-yi wa wǝṯi-yi aaŋwɔn dallitha. 13 E-ta ninyeese rigɽimǝ ṯoɽol rigii raaɽinna lɔroo, luruuthu kworo-na kwǝthi haywaan, nǝ kworo-na kwǝthi kwiɽii kwir kwǝluŋw. 14 Kaka nɔrɔr-gwɔ rigɽim rigii rir Shayaaṯiin rǝṯi ǝrri-ri ŋilima. E-ta nǝ rigɽim rir ṯoɽol kɔrɔ ele naanɔ-gwɔ muluuk tatap kwǝthi ṯurmun, ethisi aaɽaci ŋǝriyǝ dɔŋw ki Laamin lɔppa lǝthi Allah wǝthi Ŋɔma Ŋɔppa. ( 15 “Niŋna-ṯi! Nyii-ŋgwa kwinḏi kaka kwɔɔɽam! Kwɔrṯanni ŋgwa kwɔnaani yǝy-yǝlɔ, eṯhi aŋraci yirethi yuuŋwun, mindaŋ etheere iirǝrǝlɔ lɔvdɔṯṯɔ mac, mindaŋ ethi ṯɔrony ere mithǝ ki-lizi-nǝ mac!”) 16 E-ta nǝ rigɽim aaɽisa muluuk-gǝ dɔŋw kǝzir wǝnyjicǝr yiriny @ibraaniiyyiina yǝni Harmajaḏuun.
17 E-ta nǝ meleka kwir nimrǝ dɔvokwɔɽony balsa kwooro kwuuŋwun ki-leere, mindaŋ nǝ ṯogɽo ṯɔppa ruuthǝ kwɔrsi-na kwǝthi ŋeeleny, kwɔnaanɔ ki heikal-na ṯaarɔŋw, “Ŋimǝ ǝrrini!” 18 Nǝ fɔɔri naani kwǝthi rimen, nǝ ŋweere ɔppɔthɔna, nǝ wurǝyu riiginni tig-tig. Nǝ kinaŋw tuk nigittinǝ-gwɔ kwizigwunǝŋ nǝ wurǝyu ere riiginni laamin leereŋw ḏuṯ, nɔŋworo ṯiriiginnǝ ṯithǝmthisi-lɔ tatap! 19 Nǝ mǝḏiinǝ kwɔppa uɽǝnninǝ yithrithana ṯoɽol, mindaŋ nǝ muḏun kwǝthi libǝlǝḏ tatap kiirathalɔ, mindaŋ nɔŋw icci kiɽicaŋi ki-tiṯiraŋ-na tuuŋwun kǝthi ŋirŋasa ŋuuŋun. 20 E-ta nǝ lijǝziirǝ tatap irṯathalɔ, mindaŋ nǝ yaayin ere iijini kwokwony mac. 21 Nǝ ŋwɔɔrɔm ŋwɔppa-ŋwɔppa irdidǝ-thǝ lizi naana ki-leere, ŋwir wǝzinǝ weeŋen weere-weere roṯola ruɽi-ṯɔthni mindaŋ nǝ lizi ollo Allah ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi jiizǝ kwǝthi ŋwɔɔrɔm, kaka nigii-ŋgwɔ ŋirinyǝ beṯṯen.
The Bowls of God's Anger
1 From the temple I heard a voice shout to the seven angels, “Go and empty the seven bowls of God's anger on the earth.”
2 The first angel emptied his bowl on the earth. At once ugly and painful sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and worshiped the idol.
3 The second angel emptied his bowl on the sea. At once the sea turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died.
4 The third angel emptied his bowl into the rivers and streams. At once they turned to blood. 5 Then I heard the angel, who has power over water, say,

“You have always been,
and you always will be
the holy God.
You had the right
to judge in this way.
6 They poured out the blood
of your people
and your prophets.
So you gave them blood
to drink as they deserve!”
7 After this, I heard
the altar shout,
“Yes, Lord God All-Powerful,
your judgments are honest
and fair.”

8 The fourth angel emptied his bowl on the sun, and it began to scorch people like fire. 9 Everyone was scorched by its great heat, and all of them cursed the name of God who had power over these terrible troubles. But no one turned to God and praised him.
10 The fifth angel emptied his bowl on the throne of the beast. At once darkness covered its kingdom, and its people began biting their tongues in pain. 11 And because of their painful sores, they cursed the God who rules in heaven. But still they did not stop doing evil things.
12 The sixth angel emptied his bowl on the great Euphrates River, and it completely dried up to make a road for the kings from the east. 13 An evil spirit that looked like a frog came out of the mouth of the dragon. One also came out of the mouth of the beast, and another out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 These evil spirits had the power to work miracles. They went to every king on earth, to bring them together for a war against God All-Powerful. But that will be the day of God's great victory.
15 Remember Christ says, “When I come, it will surprise you like a thief! But God will bless you, if you are awake and ready. Then you won't have to walk around naked and be ashamed.”
16 Those armies came together in a place that in Hebrew is called Armagedon.
17 As soon as the seventh angel emptied his bowl in the air, a loud voice from the throne in the temple shouted, “It's done!” 18 There were flashes of lightning, roars of thunder, and the worst earthquake in all history. 19 The great city of Babylon split into three parts, and the cities of other nations fell. So God made Babylon drink from the wine cup filled with his anger. 20 Every island ran away, and the mountains disappeared. 21 Hailstones, weighing about 50 kilograms each, fell from the sky on people. Finally, the people cursed God, because the hail was so terrible.