Ŋen Yesu gəlwaɽo ṯa Alekəl yid̶i aɽyəməndëd̶əni
(Maṯṯa 24:1-2Luka 21:5-6)
1 Ndə Yesu gəməño ig-Alekəl ṯaləmis yenəŋ ilëɽəŋu nimeiṯi ṯa, “Ya Ed̶a gəbërrəŋaid̶ia ŋen, seicu ŋwandra ŋoɽra kaiñ na neɽa noɽra kaiñ.” 2 Na Yesu nəŋəmuɽəbiṯi eŋen nəŋaṯa, “Agaseicia neɽa ini noɽra? Nënəŋulu pred̶ nid̶i anəməndëd̶əni na lwandra lənəŋ laber lid̶i alṯëni norəb.”
Ŋen ŋəd̶aməndad̶a d̶əliga ildi
(Maṯṯa 24:3-14Luka 21:7-19)
3 Liga Yesu gəɽaŋalo naiyən yi-Seṯun ṯaŋəseicu Alekəl nwaldaŋ, Buṯrus na Yagub na Yuanna na Anḏərawus ldəmeṯa nano aləsoŋ ldəmeɽəd̶e ldaṯa, 4 “Lwaɽəṯənde ŋen iŋi ŋid̶i aŋəfeṯe ndaŋəɽwa, na ŋaməla ŋid̶i aŋəɽeṯe ṯau iŋi ŋid̶i aŋəndërrəŋaici ṯa, ŋen iŋi ŋeṯo?” 5 Yesu nəŋəluɽəbiṯi eŋen nəŋaṯa, “Rəmojəd̶r eŋen ṯa ed̶a gənəŋ aŋerṯe gəndid̶ia ŋad̶əna. 6 Led̶a lwaiña lid̶i alela igirəŋ gəlëɽəñi ed̶a gənəŋ iŋulu nəŋaṯa, egaɽo Almasiya. Na lënəŋulu lid̶i alid̶i led̶a lwaiña ŋad̶əna. 7 Orn ndə ñagənna ṯa d̶əbwaiñəd̶ia d̶afo ṯwaiñ na nwaldaŋ com, ñerṯe ñagəd̶əñialo. Ŋen iŋi ŋid̶i aŋəfeṯe d̶eṯəm orn iliga lakəl d̶əməndad̶a d̶əlaŋge pred̶ d̶amulu. 8 Ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a lid̶i altwod̶e ləgeiya led̶a na ŋələŋe ŋid̶i aŋətwod̶e ŋəgeiya ŋələŋe. Alo ɽetəɽeteo yid̶i aiyətësəni na ŋorwaṯa ŋid̶i aŋəfeṯe. Ndə laŋge ildi ləfo, ŋen ŋubwa kaiñ ŋid̶i aŋətwod̶e.
9 “Orn rəmojəd̶r eŋen eŋalo. Led̶a lid̶i aləndənaice nələŋ ini nərarraid̶ia ṯa, anəndakəme. Ñagid̶i ñëpwuni emajma, na ñagid̶i ñaṯurini nələŋ nëiñua nərra na noɽra ŋen ŋanṯa ñi, ṯa ñaɽwaṯe ŋen ŋəd̶eṯəm ŋulu nëiñua. 10 Ŋen d̶eṯəm ṯa ŋen ŋəŋəra ŋə-Rəmwa aŋërrəŋaid̶əni ananoŋ eled̶a lalo pred̶ ɽetəɽeteo. 11 Na ndə led̶a ləndəmamaṯa nəsəria ld̶əndənaid̶e ṯa, ñakəməni ñerṯe ñagəgərd̶ia ṯa ñagalwaɽa ṯau, orn lwaɽr ŋen iŋi ñagəneinu iliga lakəl ŋen ŋanṯa gerṯe ñaŋ ñaŋgi ñagəlwaɽa orn f-Usila Gətəɽe. 12 Orəba gid̶i aŋənaid̶e orəba ṯa aŋəɽiñəni na d̶aṯa gid̶i aŋənaid̶e ŋere ŋəlëɽəŋu na ñere ñid̶i aiñəṯwod̶e ñəgeiya ləŋgenanda na eṯenanda aiñələɽiñe. 13 Led̶a pred̶ lid̶i aləndəned̶e ŋen ŋanṯa irəŋ gəlëɽəñi. Orn ed̶a igi gəɽiñaṯa ŋen iŋi ŋubwa liga gəmulu gəbaiya gënəŋu gid̶i aŋëbərni.
Ŋen ŋəliga ildi leicia kaiñ
(Maṯṯa 24:15-28Luka 21:20-24)
14 “Orn ñagid̶i ñaseici waŋge gətaŋa igi gəgera ŋen kaiñ gëɽənu alo gerṯe yalëɽəŋu, ŋgiṯr led̶a ildi ləfo alo Yuḏiya alobəd̶aṯe naiyən. (Ŋgiṯr led̶a ləbëgəria ad̶am igi alləŋeṯe ŋen iŋi.) 15 Ndə ed̶a gəfo eɽa ed̶əpe ñerṯe ñagəmaŋgiṯia gəbënṯia eɽa ndə girəwa, ṯa aŋəme laŋge əllëɽəŋu. 16 Na ndə ed̶a gəfo igii ŋgiṯəmar aŋerṯe gəd̶aŋa ṯa aŋəme erenia gəlëɽəŋu. 17 Iliga lakəl liji əɽəlda ildi lornḏaico na ildi ləd̶uɽia ñere lid̶i aləneini ŋen ŋubwa. 18 Ekeɽəd̶r Rəmwa ṯa ŋen iŋi aŋerṯe ŋəfia obəd̶aiya. 19 Ŋen ŋanṯa iliga lakəl ŋen ŋid̶i aŋəfeṯe ŋubwa kaiñ. Ŋen ŋero ŋəfia ŋubwa ŋarno ṯia, iliga Rəmwa nd̶u alo nad̶əñid̶i məldin, na ŋaber ŋid̶i aŋəfeṯe ŋarno ṯia təŋ. 20 Ndə Eləŋ Rəmwa rafo rero rəṯəbaṯa ñoman ñakəl gəbanṯa ed̶a gero gənəŋ gëbərnia. Orn rënəŋu raṯəbaṯo ñoman ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a əllëɽəŋu ildi rwoṯəlo. 21 Iliga lakəl ndə ed̶a gənəŋ gəndəlwaɽəṯia ṯa, ‘Seicr, Almasiya gëni ëli’ walla ‘Seicr gënəŋu gwëtu tu’, ñerṯe ñagəbëndia ŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu. 22 Led̶a ildi ləɽəlen lid̶i altwod̶e ildi lid̶i alaṯa ṯa laɽo Almasiya na anəbiya eŋəɽəwen yid̶i aiyetwod̶e na lënəŋulu lid̶i alid̶i ŋen ŋoɽra na aŋwara ṯa alid̶i led̶a ŋad̶əna, ildi luṯənu ndə ləɽwad̶aṯa. 23 Orn ñaŋ rəmoṯr ŋen. Igalwaɽəṯənde ŋen pred̶ ananoŋ.
Ŋen ŋəd̶oɽəbəd̶ia d̶-Id̶ia gə-Led̶a
(Maṯṯa 24:29-31Luka 21:25-28)
24 “Orn iliga lakəl ndə ŋen ŋubwa ŋəməndëd̶ənu, ëd̶əñina yid̶i aiyəɽeṯe ŋərəmia, na ubwa gaber gid̶i aŋəwad̶e alo, 25 na ropa rid̶i arirtəṯi alo na laŋge lwaiña ŋabəɽa lelo lid̶i altësəni. 26 Orn led̶a lid̶i aləseici Id̶ia gə-Led̶a geṯo isbwëɽua ŋabəɽaŋa ŋoɽra, na ŋaɽrwaŋa ŋwaiña. 27 Orn gënəŋu gid̶i aŋəd̶waṯe malaiyəka ilëɽəŋu ṯa, aiyərarreid̶i led̶a əllëɽeŋu luṯənu alo endelia na ed̶əɽəd̶alo na ndaləŋgwa na ltuŋga d̶ərṯi.
Ŋen ŋəd̶ërrəŋaid̶ia ŋen ŋebəd̶a
(Maṯṯa 24:32-35Luka 21:29-33)
28 “Ërrəŋeinr ŋen ŋebəd̶a iŋi ŋəwujənu. Ndə ebəd̶a gəbəɽia ŋəd̶obəraŋa ñaləŋeṯe ṯa iṯəlia gaɽo. 29 Nṯia com ndə ñagəseicia laŋge ildi ləfo, ləŋeṯr ṯa Id̶ia gə-Led̶a gafo ṯwaiñ, d̶eṯəm gafo igëuwər. 30 Đeṯəm igandəlwaɽəṯia ṯa, laŋge ildi pred̶ lid̶i aləfeṯe ŋcn led̶a ləliga ildi ləmulu ləbaiya. 31 Nṯia elo na alo lid̶i aləmənded̶əm, orn ŋen ŋəlëɽəñi ŋaber ŋid̶i aŋəmənded̶əm kwai kwai.
Ŋen d̶eṯəm ṯa led̶a alape sindua
(Maṯṯa 24:36-44)
32 “Ed̶a gero gənəŋ gələŋeṯo loman lakəl walla ëd̶əñina yakəl, malaiyəka yelo yaijəba na Id̶ia gaijəba com, illi Đaṯa gonto. 33 Rəmoṯr ŋen, ñape sindua ŋen ŋanṯa ñagaijəba liga ildi lëɽənu. 34 Ŋen iŋi ŋarno ed̶a gerṯo eɽa nəŋənaice ləbai əllëɽəŋu ŋələŋe nəŋəlnanaice ŋəmëɽria, nəŋəlwaɽəṯi ed̶a gərəmoṯwa ëuwər ṯa, aŋərəmoṯe ŋopia nəŋgiṯi eɽa gəlëɽəŋu nəgabəṯa nwaldaŋ. 35 Ŋen ŋafəṯia rəmojəd̶r eŋen, ŋen ŋanṯa ñagaijəba liga ed̶a gerṯo eɽa gid̶i aŋəwela ndə erregano walla uləŋgiano, walla ulaldiṯano bərni bərnia, liga ywaṯa yebara walla ulaldiṯano.Đwaṯa 36 Rəmoṯr ŋen ṯa gënəŋu aŋerṯe gəndəfid̶a ñagəndro ndə geṯo taltal. 37 Igalwaɽəṯia led̶a pred̶ ŋen iŋi igəlwaɽəṯənde ṯa, apr sindua.”
Jesus Speaks of the Destruction of the Temple
(Matthew 24.1Matthew 2Luke 21.5Luke 6)
1 As Jesus was leaving the Temple, one of his disciples said, “Look, Teacher! What wonderful stones and buildings!”
2 Jesus answered, “You see these great buildings? Not a single stone here will be left in its place; every one of them will be thrown down.”
Troubles and Persecutions
(Matthew 24.3-14Luke 21.7-19)
3 Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, across from the Temple, when Peter, James, John, and Andrew came to him in private. 4 “Tell us when this will be,” they said, “and tell us what will happen to show that the time has come for all these things to take place.”
5 Jesus said to them, “Watch out, and don't let anyone fool you. 6 Many men, claiming to speak for me, will come and say, ‘I am he!’ and they will fool many people. 7 And don't be troubled when you hear the noise of battles close by and news of battles far away. Such things must happen, but they do not mean that the end has come. 8 Countries will fight each other; kingdoms will attack one another. There will be earthquakes everywhere, and there will be famines. These things are like the first pains of childbirth.
9 “You yourselves must watch out. You will be arrested and taken to court. You will be beaten in the synagogues; you will stand before rulers and kings for my sake to tell them the Good News. 10 But before the end comes, the gospel must be preached to all peoples. 11 And when you are arrested and taken to court, do not worry ahead of time about what you are going to say; when the time comes, say whatever is then given to you. For the words you speak will not be yours; they will come from the Holy Spirit. 12 Men will hand over their own brothers to be put to death, and fathers will do the same to their children. Children will turn against their parents and have them put to death. 13 Everyone will hate you because of me. But whoever holds out to the end will be saved.
The Awful Horror
(Matthew 24.15-28Luke 21.20-24)
14 “You will see ‘The Awful Horror’ standing in the place where he should not be.” (Note to the reader: understand what this means!) “Then those who are in Judea must run away to the hills. 15 Someone who is on the roof of a house must not lose time by going down into the house to get anything to take along. 16 Someone who is in the field must not go back to the house for a cloak. 17 How terrible it will be in those days for women who are pregnant and for mothers with little babies! 18 Pray to God that these things will not happen in the winter! 19 For the trouble of those days will be far worse than any the world has ever known from the very beginning when God created the world until the present time. Nor will there ever be anything like it again. 20 But the Lord has reduced the number of those days; if he had not, nobody would survive. For the sake of his chosen people, however, he has reduced those days.
21 “Then, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’—do not believe it. 22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear. They will perform miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God's chosen people, if possible. 23 Be on your guard! I have told you everything ahead of time.
The Coming of the Son of Man
(Matthew 24.29-31Luke 21.25-28)
24 “In the days after that time of trouble the sun will grow dark, the moon will no longer shine, 25 the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers in space will be driven from their courses. 26 Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send the angels out to the four corners of the earth to gather God's chosen people from one end of the world to the other.
The Lesson of the Fig Tree
(Matthew 24.32-35Luke 21.29-33)
28 “Let the fig tree teach you a lesson. When its branches become green and tender and it starts putting out leaves, you know that summer is near. 29 In the same way, when you see these things happening, you will know that the time is near, ready to begin. 30 Remember that all these things will happen before the people now living have all died. 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
No One Knows the Day or Hour
(Matthew 24.36-44)
32 “No one knows, however, when that day or hour will come—neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son; only the Father knows. 33 Be on watch, be alert, for you do not know when the time will come. 34 It will be like a man who goes away from home on a trip and leaves his servants in charge, after giving to each one his own work to do and after telling the doorkeeper to keep watch. 35 Watch, then, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming—it might be in the evening or at midnight or before dawn or at sunrise. 36 If he comes suddenly, he must not find you asleep. 37 What I say to you, then, I say to all: Watch!”