Ŋen Iruḏus gənanaico kanisa ŋen ŋubwa ŋwaiña
1 Iliga lakəl eləŋ Iruḏus gakëndu led̶a ləmaṯan ləkanisa nəŋəlnaice ŋen ŋubwa. 2 Nəŋəɽiñe Yagub, orəba ge-Yuanna d̶operrad̶a. 3 Na ndə gənwano ŋen iŋi ṯa ŋaŋeria led̶a nano l-Alyawuḏ nəŋëndi Buṯrus com. Ŋen iŋi ŋafo iliga ləd̶əsa l-Aicəba Gaicəfa. 4 Na ndə gëndəma nəŋəmëɽi isijən nəŋəd̶waṯe askari red̶ na d̶enəŋ neməñe yento, niyela liga lənəŋ marldwan na iliga lənəŋ marldwan, gaṯa ndə Ëməd̶ia g-Alfissa gəŋgaṯo gid̶i aŋəmamaṯe led̶a nëiñua. 5 Na Buṯrus gerəmujeinia isijən, orn led̶a ləkanisa lafo laṯurṯia Rəmwa araga gonto eŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu.
Ŋen Buṯrus gəməño isijən
6 Na uləŋgi gakəl d̶urri ndə Iruḏus gwonaṯa gəmamaṯa led̶a nëiñua, Buṯrus gafo gandro askan eɽijən yeɽəd̶iṯəma iligano gəkasənu nurid̶ana nəɽijan, orn askari niyefe igëuwər yarəmoṯwa asijən.Nurid̶ia nasijən 7 Na malaiyəka d̶-Eləŋ Rəmwa nəd̶ela na arrerre nəŋəwad̶ialo isijən na malaiyəka nənḏəbuɽi Buṯrus aŋəno nḏəmatud̶i iŋurid̶ nḏaṯa, “Twod̶o taltal.” Na nurid̶a nəmiɽi ndrəŋ. 8 Na malaiyəka nḏəmeiṯi ṯa, “Arənijənu ndrenia na nḏəbina nerəmanəŋ.” Nəŋid̶i ṯia. Orn malaiyəka nḏəmeiṯi təŋ ṯa, “Tërənu molfaya isi yeɽo erenia gəṯəña na ŋaiñəteṯe.” 9 Nṯia nəŋəməñe ṯaŋəteṯo. Gënəŋu nəŋaijəbeṯe ṯa ŋen iŋi ŋid̶ənu malaiyəkad̶a ŋaɽo d̶eṯəm, orn gaṯa aŋgaica gaseica ŋen iŋurid̶. 10 Ndə ləməñaṯo askari yeɽənda na ywomən yinḏurṯu ldərəmaṯe igëuwər yipeinia, ëuwər isi ered̶eṯo nəsuk yigəgid̶ənṯəlo məɽəməɽeñ, na ldəməñaṯe ndëuwər lderlde ed̶ad̶ d̶ənəŋ mənna mənna na taltal ldəpërəd̶əniano malaiyəkad̶a.
11 Na Buṯms galəŋinnano ṯa gëbərnu nəŋaṯa ṯa, “Đəñid̶i egaləŋeṯo ŋen d̶eṯəm ṯa, Eləŋ Yesu gad̶waṯo malaiyəka d̶əlëɽəŋu nḏəñëbəri ed̶əŋ d̶-Iruḏus, na eŋen pred̶ iŋi led̶a l-Alyawuḏ ləñuṯurṯia.”
12 Ndə gələŋeṯo ṯa ŋen iŋi ŋad̶eṯəm nəŋəɽe egeɽa gə-Mariam, ləŋgen Yuanna igi gəbërnia Margus, igi led̶a lwaiña lafo laurarraid̶ia ṯalṯurṯu Rəmwa. 13 Na ndə Buṯrus gəbuɽu d̶əpundria d̶ëuwər yeɽa na ŋere nəŋela ŋəbërnia Ruḏa ṯa aŋələŋeṯe ŋen, 14 ndə ŋələŋeṯo olia gə-Buṯrus nəŋəreṯe nano kaiñ na nəŋerṯe ŋəmaŋgiṯia, orn nəŋobəd̶aṯe egwaŋ nəŋəlwaɽəṯi led̶a ṯa, “Buṯrus gëni gaṯurwa igëuwər.” 15 Na led̶a ldəmeiṯi ṯa, “Agarëməɽu.” Orn ṯaŋəɽwato ṯa, “Đeṯəm fəŋu”. Na lënəŋulu ldaṯa, “Fəmalaiyəka d̶əlëɽəŋu.”
16 Orn Buṯrus ṯaŋəpu d̶əpundria məldin, na nḏə ləgəgid̶u ldəmanwane ldirəwano kaiñ. 17 Orn Buṯrus nəŋəlabeiṯi d̶əŋ elo ṯa alɽaŋe aten, nəŋəlwaɽəṯi ŋen ṯa fəṯau Yesu gëbərma isijən. Nəŋaṯa, “Lwaɽəṯr Yagub ŋen iŋi na lorəba com.” Oro nəŋəməñe nəŋəɽe alo yerto.
18 Na ndə ëd̶əñin gəɽo d̶əge ŋen nəŋwaiñəṯe igaskari ŋen ŋanṯa Buṯrus gero. 19 Na ndə Irudus gəpwaiñəma na gero gəmafid̶ia, nəŋeɽəd̶e askari na nəgariñaid̶e ṯa aiyəmamənia aiyəɽəñini. Oro nəŋətwod̶e alo Yuḏiya nəŋəɽe alo yi-Gaisariya, nəŋəɽaŋe tu.
Ŋen ŋəŋəɽaiñ ŋ-Iruḏus
20 Na Iruḏus nəŋəciṯi led̶ano kaiñ lalo yi-Sur na yi-Siḏa, na lënəŋulu ldəmeṯa nano ŋenŋa ŋonto, orn larid̶icu Bilasṯəs eŋen eŋen, maje gəd̶uɽəd̶ənṯia eləŋ, ldeɽəd̶e eləŋ ṯa alṯoɽaṯe ŋen ŋakəl aŋəreṯe, ŋen ŋanṯa alo esen led̶a lamama laləsənia egeləŋ. 21 Na eloman lənəŋ ildi lëɽənu eləŋ Iruḏus gəgëɽənu ndrenia nano nəŋələŋe na nəŋəɽaŋe nalkurs ṯaŋəɽwatiṯu led̶a. 22 Na led̶a ldələrəjaice olia ldaṯa, “Olia igi ga-Rəmwa, gerṯe ged̶a.” 23 Na taltal malaiyəka d̶-Eləŋ Rəmwa d̶abuɽəma ŋen ŋanṯa gero gənaica Rəmwa ŋaɽrwa, na lud̶a ṯalmaso nəŋaiye.
24 Orn ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa ṯaŋəkaɽəjaid̶o ṯaŋoɽra. 25 Barnaba na Sawul loɽəbəd̶o alo yi-Ursalim ndə ləɽiñad̶aṯo ŋəmëɽria d̶əge, ldəme Yuanna igi gəbërnia Margus.
More Persecution
1 About this time King Herod began to persecute some members of the church. 2 He had James, the brother of John, put to death by the sword. 3 When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he went ahead and had Peter arrested. (This happened during the time of the Festival of Unleavened Bread.) 4 After his arrest Peter was put in jail, where he was handed over to be guarded by four groups of four soldiers each. Herod planned to put him on trial in public after Passover. 5 So Peter was kept in jail, but the people of the church were praying earnestly to God for him.
Peter Is Set Free from Prison
6 The night before Herod was going to bring him out to the people, Peter was sleeping between two guards. He was tied with two chains, and there were guards on duty at the prison gate. 7 Suddenly an angel of the Lord stood there, and a light shone in the cell. The angel shook Peter by the shoulder, woke him up, and said, “Hurry! Get up!” At once the chains fell off Peter's hands. 8 Then the angel said, “Tighten your belt and put on your sandals.” Peter did so, and the angel said, “Put your cloak around you and come with me.” 9 Peter followed him out of the prison, not knowing, however, if what the angel was doing was real; he thought he was seeing a vision. 10 They passed by the first guard station and then the second, and came at last to the iron gate that opens into the city. The gate opened for them by itself, and they went out. They walked down a street, and suddenly the angel left Peter.
11 Then Peter realized what had happened to him, and said, “Now I know that it is really true! The Lord sent his angel to rescue me from Herod's power and from everything the Jewish people expected to happen.”
12 Aware of his situation, he went to the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying. 13 Peter knocked at the outside door, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer it. 14 She recognized Peter's voice and was so happy that she ran back in without opening the door, and announced that Peter was standing outside. 15 “You are crazy!” they told her. But she insisted that it was true. So they answered, “It is his angel.”
16 Meanwhile Peter kept on knocking. At last they opened the door, and when they saw him, they were amazed. 17 He motioned with his hand for them to be quiet, and he explained to them how the Lord had brought him out of prison. “Tell this to James and the rest of the believers,” he said; then he left and went somewhere else.
18 When morning came, there was a tremendous confusion among the guards—what had happened to Peter? 19 Herod gave orders to search for him, but they could not find him. So he had the guards questioned and ordered them put to death.
After this, Herod left Judea and spent some time in Caesarea.
The Death of Herod
20 Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon, so they went in a group to see him. First they convinced Blastus, the man in charge of the palace, that he should help them. Then they went to Herod and asked him for peace, because their country got its food supplies from the king's country.
21 On a chosen day Herod put on his royal robes, sat on his throne, and made a speech to the people. 22 “It isn't a man speaking, but a god!” they shouted. 23 At once the angel of the Lord struck Herod down, because he did not give honor to God. He was eaten by worms and died.
24 Meanwhile the word of God continued to spread and grow.
25 Barnabas and Saul finished their mission and returned from Jerusalem, taking John Mark with them.