Tirany mɔŋgwɔ kiṯṯi yaaṯima.
1 E-ta ninyeese Tiranyɔ tigiṯṯu khaaṯima kette kǝthi kiya yir dɔvokwɔɽony, mindaŋ nenyii neŋne haywaana wette wǝthi wa wɔmiithɔ wir kwaɽiŋan, wandisa ṯogɽo-thi ṯɔppa, ṯir kaka leere lɔɔvɔna, nɔŋwaarɔŋw, “Ila!” 2 Mindaŋ mǝnyii dimmi yǝy ninyeese mɔrṯa kwifiithɔ per-per, nǝ ŋgwa kwǝllithi-gwɔlǝ, nɔŋw appi kworje, mindaŋ nǝr inḏǝthǝ taŋgiŋi. Nɔŋw ruu kwǝllithi nɔŋweele ŋillaza-ŋi kii ethisi illaza kii.
3 Nǝ mɔŋw kiṯṯi khaaṯima kir nimrǝ kwuɽǝn, nenyii niŋnaci haywaana wɔmiithɔ wir nimrǝ kwuɽǝn waarɔŋw, “Ila!” 4 Mindaŋ nǝ mɔrṯa kwɔthaathɔ ruuthǝ kwɔɔri cel-cel. Nǝ ŋgwa kwudǝllithi-gwɔlǝ, nǝr inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma ethi ǝnyji ŋǝryǝ kwurǝyu-lu, ethi lizi indinyathisi-na wɔɽe-wɔɽeny. Na nǝr inḏǝthǝ kaalala kɔppa ṯok.
5 Nǝ mɔŋw kiṯṯi khaaṯima kir nimrɔ ṯoɽol, nenyii niŋnaci haywaana wumiithɔ wir nimrǝ ṯoɽol waarɔŋw, “Ila!” Mindaŋ mǝnyii dimmi yǝy, ninyeese mɔrṯa kwuŋwnɔ tittiṯ, nǝ ŋgwa kwǝllithi-gwɔlǝ, nɔŋw appi miizaana ki-thii ṯuuŋwun; 6 nenyii niŋnaci kwomne kwette kwir kaka ṯogɽo, kelgeny-na kǝthi haywaanaaṯ wa wɔmiithɔ wir kwaɽiŋan ṯaarɔŋw, “Rɔbɔ@ rǝthi gemeh riri ɔjra wǝthi laamin lɔtɔpɔt, nǝ rɔbɔ@ ṯoɽol rǝthi she@iir riri ɔjra wǝthi laamin lɔtɔpɔt, laakin ŋiila-ŋa kiɽica-gi tǝ ǝseere kiirasalɔ mac!”
7 Nǝ mɔŋw kiṯṯi khaaṯima kir nimrǝ kwaɽiŋan tǝ, nenyii niŋnaci ṯogɽo ṯǝthi haywaan wɔmiithɔ wir nimrǝ kwaɽiŋan waarɔŋw, “Ila!” 8 Mindaŋ mǝnyii dimmi yǝy, ninyeese mɔrṯa kwir ṯiiginy, nǝ yiriny yǝthi ŋgwa kwɔdǝllithi-gwɔlǝ, nǝrǝni Ŋiɽany, na nǝ Jahiim kwaathitha kuṯṯunǝ. Nǝrsi inḏǝthǝ sɔlṯa ethi-gi mithǝ rɔbɔ@a rette rǝthi wurǝyu, ethi ɽeenye ŋǝryǝ-ŋi, yaaŋwɔ-yi, kimǝth-gi, nǝ haywaanaaṯ-yi wǝthi ŋǝryǝ.
9 Nǝ mɔŋw kiṯṯi khaaṯima kir nimrǝ ṯɔthni, ninyeese rigɽimǝ ŋwɔthgwunǝ kuṯṯu rǝthi kila liɽinyithirsi ŋiɽanal-ŋi ŋandisarsi ŋǝthi Allah, nǝ shahaaḏa kwɔgittar tok. 10 Nǝr allasi kwɔɔla kwɔppak nǝraarɔŋw, “Kweeleny kwǝthi ŋɔma beṯṯen, kwirllinǝlɔ ter, nǝ kwir rerrem! Ṯaccaŋ tuk kwɔrɔ kwinḏiŋǝ-gi ethi ǝccǝ lizi haakima kɔnɔŋw kwurǝyulu, nǝ ethisi inḏǝthǝ jiizǝ kila lǝṯi-nyji endinye?” 11 E-ta nǝrsi inḏǝthǝ leere-leere lɔɔvana lifiithɔ per-per, mindaŋ nǝrsi andaci ethi kaṯṯɔ wǝŋ wokwo kinnǝni, mindaŋ mǝ ŋwɔɔɽɔ ṯimmayini tatap ŋiɽany-ŋi ŋwɔthi kila lǝṯir-li ɔɽɔmaṯṯi lir yaḏaam, nǝ lir liyeŋgen tok, kaka-ṯǝ niɽinyiḏirsi ŋunduŋwsi ṯǝŋw tok.
12 Nǝ mɔŋw kiṯṯi khaaṯima kir nimrǝ nyirlil, e-ta nenyii dimmi yǝy, mindaŋ ninyeese wurǝyuŋi wiriiginnǝ ŋɔmmaŋi; e-ta nǝ aaŋwɔn reethe nɔŋw uŋwni tittiṯ kaka kirethi kir ṯirigii, na nǝ ǝwǝ wɔɽɔmaṯṯa reethe nɔŋworo kaka ŋin. 13 Nǝ rɔɔrɔm rǝthi leere irdithǝ kwurǝyulu, kaka nǝṯi-gwɔ ŋwɔɔtha ŋwiglǝ irdidǝ kwɔɔtha-la mǝ kɔrɔn kɔppa lakkisalɔ. 14 Nǝ leere irṯathalɔ nyim kaka kiṯaab kǝṯir aaɽasi dɔŋw-na, nǝ yaayin-ŋǝ lijǝziirǝ-li nǝr dimmini kithaay kǝzir weeŋen. 15 E-ta nǝ limǝlik lǝthi ṯurmun, ŋwɔmba mindaŋ, leeleny lǝthi jesh mindaŋ, lɔrṯɔ mindaŋ, kila lǝthi ŋɔma mindaŋ, nǝ lizi lithaathɔ tatap, lɔwaay nǝ kila lir hɔrr, nǝr luccini ki-yibaŋ-na, nǝ ŋwiiɽiya kuṯṯu ki-yaayin-la. 16 Nǝr ɔrnɔnɔṯi yaayinɔ-ŋwsi ŋwiiɽi-ŋi nǝrsǝccǝŋw, “Irdǝthǝr-nyji-gwɔlǝ, ǝrnyji luccǝzǝ yǝy yǝthi ŋgwa kwɔnaanalɔ kwɔrsi-la kwǝthi ŋeeleny, nǝ ŋirŋasa tok ŋǝthi Tirany! 17 Kaka mǝgwɔ laamin lɔppa lǝthi ŋirŋasa ŋeeŋen iila, nǝ ǝyǝ kwir-mba kwǝthi ŋɔma ethisi nee kithaay?”
Opening the Seven Seals
1 At the same time I saw the Lamb open the first of the seven seals, I heard one of the four living creatures shout with a voice like thunder. It said, “Come out!” 2 Then I saw a white horse. Its rider carried a bow and was given a crown. He had already won some victories, and he went out to win more.
3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come out!” 4 Then another horse came out. It was fiery red. And its rider was given the power to take away all peace from the earth, so people would slaughter one another. He was also given a big sword.
5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come out!” Then I saw a black horse, and its rider had a balance scale in one hand. 6 I heard what sounded like a voice from somewhere among the four living creatures. It said, “A liter of wheat will cost you a whole day's wages! Three liters of barley will cost you a day's wages too. But don't ruin the olive oil or the wine.”
7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come out!” 8 Then I saw a pale green horse. Its rider was named Death, and Death's Kingdom followed close behind. They were given power over one fourth of the earth, and they could kill its people with swords, famines, diseases, and wild animals.
9 When the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of everyone who had been killed for speaking God's message and telling about their faith. 10 They shouted, “Master, you are holy and faithful! How long will it be before you judge and punish the people of this earth who killed us?”
11 Then each of those who had been killed was given a white robe and told to rest for a little while. They had to wait until the complete number of the Lord's other servants and followers would be killed.
12 When I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, I looked and saw a great earthquake. The sun turned as dark as sackcloth, and the moon became red as blood. 13 The stars in the sky fell to earth, just like figs shaken loose by a windstorm. 14 Then the sky was rolled up like a scroll, and all mountains and islands were moved from their places.
15 The kings of the earth, its famous people, and its military leaders hid in caves or behind rocks on the mountains. They hid there together with the rich and the powerful and with all the slaves and free people. 16 Then they shouted to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us! Hide us from the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb. 17 That terrible day has come! God and the Lamb will show their anger, and who can face it?”