Yǝcu mǝŋgwǝ sɔwi kwǝǝrǝ kwir kibǝrkǝn.
(Maṯṯa 9:1-8Luuga 5:17-26)
1 Mǝ ŋwaamin ŋwokwo ere nɔŋwaaɽitha Kafranaahuum kwokwony, nǝ ŋiɽaŋal niŋnini ŋǝniŋw ŋgwana dɔɔnɔ. 2 Nǝr iirǝ dɔŋw littǝzir, mindaŋ nǝ ǝzir ere naani weere mac, lahaḏḏɔ ǝgwur kworo cuk-cuk; mindaŋ nɔŋwsǝccǝ bǝshirǝ ŋiɽanali ŋisaaw. 3 Nǝ lɔr kwaɽiŋan ɔppatha lǝppathɔ kwɔɔrɔ kwir kiborkon kwǝvicǝr Yǝcu-ŋw. 4 Mindaŋ mǝreere ǝthi ŋɔma mac ethi dɔŋgwatha keṯṯok, kaka nattathi-gwɔ lizi rɔgwɔṯ-rɔgwɔṯ, nǝr ulluthǝ kiɽibaŋi-na kǝzir wiisasa Yǝcu-ŋwlɔ; mindaŋ mǝr ullu ṯuu ṯǝ, nǝr ɔɽasa kiborkoni ŋwɔmbany-ŋi ŋwinḏirɔ-ŋgwɔ-la. 5 Mǝsi Yǝcu iisacci ṯǝmminǝ ṯeeŋen, nɔŋwɔccǝ kiborkoni-ŋwɔ, “Tɔr tiinyi, ŋikiya ŋɔɔŋa ŋimǝ-ŋǝ fivrinnici kithaay.” 6 Nǝr naani lokwo kinaŋw deŋgen-na lir mɔ@allimiin kwǝthi Sherii@a kwɔnaanalɔ kinaŋw lurtutunǝnǝ ki-rɔgwor-na nǝraarɔŋw, 7 “Kwɔr-ŋgwɔ kwotho manɔ kwandindisaŋw? Kwǝni-mi kwɔllɔthɔ! Ǝyǝ kwɔrɔ kwǝthi ŋɔma ethi fivri ŋikiyaŋi illi Allah ṯɔɽɔk?” 8 Nǝsi Yǝcu liŋthatha ŋiɽanali-na bir ṯigɽim-thi ṯuuŋwun urtutunǝr-gwɔ-nǝ, mindaŋ nɔŋwsi ɔccǝŋw, “A lotho manɔ lurtutunǝnǝ ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋɔ? 9 Ŋindǝr ŋǝndu ŋir heyyin, ethǝccǝ kibɔrkoni-ŋw, ‘Ŋikiya ŋɔɔŋa ŋimǝ-ŋǝ fivrinnicii, allǝ ethǝccǝŋw’. Diiɽu, a dimmi ŋwɔmbanyɔ ŋwɔɔŋa ǝŋeele? 10 Laakin ilŋithirsi ethaarɔŋw Tɔr tǝthi Kwizigwunǝŋ tǝthi-ṯǝ ŋɔma-ŋw kwurǝyu-lu ethi-ŋi fivri ŋikiyaŋi.” Nɔŋwɔccǝ kiborkoni-ŋw, 11 “Nyii kwǝccǝŋǝ-mǝ ŋwɔ, diiɽu, a dimmi ŋwɔmbanyɔ ŋwɔɔŋa ǝŋeele dɔɔnɔ daŋgalɔ.” 12 Mɔŋw diiɽi, nɔŋw dimmǝnni ŋwɔmbanyɔ tɔc nɔŋw-li ruunǝ kila tatap; mindaŋ nǝr liŋɽalɔ buruc ndendeṯ nǝŋ nii Allah-na, nǝŋaarɔŋw, “Ŋende ŋimǝ-nyji inḏa ŋeere ŋɔŋɔŋw laamin leere ḏuṯ!”
Yǝcu mɔŋgwɔ ɔrnɔti Laawi-ŋwɔ.
(Maṯṯa 9:9-13Luuga 5:27-32)
13 Nɔŋw ruu kwokwony nɔŋweele bahara kǝni. Nǝgwɔ ŋwɔdɔŋw lulbǝthǝ naanɔ-ŋgwɔ, nɔŋwsi ǝccǝ @allima. 14 Mindaŋ nɔŋw ṯamthɔ nɔŋweese Laawiya lette lǝni Maṯṯa lir tɔr tǝthi Halfa kwɔnaanɔ kǝzir wǝṯir-gwɔ ǝllilla ṯɔlba, nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Kwaathithǝ-nyii.” Nɔŋw diiɽi tɔc nɔŋw kwaathiṯha.
15 Nǝroro tɔŋw, mɔ Yǝcu naanalɔ kǝzir wǝṯhi ethne ki-dɔɔnɔ kwǝthi Laawi lizi-li lǝṯi ǝllilla ṯɔlba, nɔr nǝǝnalɔ ṯalaamiiz-thi ṯuuŋwun tɔk; kaka a kwaathathir-gwɔ luuru. 16 Nǝ mǝ mɔ@allimiin kwokwo kwǝthi Sherii@a, kwir Lifirriisiiyyiin ese kwithnar lizi-li lǝṯi allilla ṯɔlba, nǝ lizi-li ligii rɔgwori tok, nǝrǝccǝ ṯalaamiiza ṯuuŋwun-ŋwɔ, “Kwotho manɔ kwǝṯir-li ethne kila lǝṯi ǝllilla ṯɔlba nǝ ligii rɔgwori tok?” 17 Mǝsi Yǝcu neŋne ŋɔ nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Lisaaw liti lǝṯi naŋni hakiimǝ mac, nǝ luumǝ oro lǝṯi naŋni. Nyiiti kwinḏi ethisi ɔrnɔṯi lirllalɔ mac, laakin nǝnyiila ethisi ɔrnɔṯi ligii rɔgwori.”
Tɔṯalɔ ṯǝthi arminḏaan.
(Maṯṯa 9:14-17Luuga 5:33-39)
18 Kerreny ǝṯi talaamiiz ṯǝthi Yuhanna-ŋǝ Lifiniisiiyyiin-li mithǝ armindaani; mindaŋ nǝ lizi ele naanɔ-gwɔ Yǝcu nǝrǝccǝŋw, “Ṯalaamiiz ṯǝthi Yuhanna-ŋǝ Lifirriisiiyyiin-li ṯotho ṯǝṯi mithǝ armindaani, laakin ṯɔɔŋwa tǝ ǝṯireere mithǝ mac?” 19 Nǝsi Yǝcu accǝŋw, “Liirin lǝthi ṯaaga lǝṯi mǝnyja mithɔ armindaani mǝsi kwɔr kwaagithɔ naanasi-a? Bǝri-mǝ; mǝsi tǝ kwǝr ŋgwa kwaagithɔ naanasi kinnǝ, ǝtireere ǝthi ŋɔma mac ethi mithǝ armindaani. 20 Laakin ŋwaamin ŋwa ŋwinḏi ethiila rac, ŋwɔr-ŋi dimmǝthǝ ŋunduŋwsi kwɔorɔ kwaagithɔ, e-ta armǝ mithǝ armindaani ki-laamin-la ṯǝ kila. 21 Ǝṯi kwizi ere kaṯṯɔ livaatha liyaŋ kwɔɔvana naana kwɔɔɽɔn mac; mɔŋwsi ǝrri ŋɔ ṯǝ, a livaaṯha liyaŋ kii kwɔɔvana kwɔɔɔɽɔn, mindaŋ mǝ kǝmmǝ iirǝthisi. 22 Nǝ ǝṯireere balsi kiɽicaŋi kiyaŋ ki-lulgwuŋw-nǝ lɔɔɽɔn mac; mǝrsi ǝrri ŋɔ tǝ, a kiɽica kiyar uvi lulgwuŋwɔ, mindaŋ a lulgwuŋw kee, e-ta a kiɽica-ŋǝ lulgwuŋw-li kiirannalɔ. Ŋwɔṯaŋw ǝṯir balsi kiɽicaŋi kiyaŋ ki-lulgwuŋ-nǝ liyaŋ.”
Ṯɔṯalɔ ṯǝthi Sǝbiṯ.
(Maṯṯa 12:1-8Luuga 6:1-5)
23 Laamin lette lǝthi Sǝbiṯ nǝ Yǝcu ele nɔŋw ruu rɔrɔny-ri-na; na ninḏir ṯǝŋw nǝ ṯalaamiiz ṯuuŋwun kilaŋtaŋ gemehya. 24 Nǝ Lifirriisiiyyiin ǝccŋw, “Iisa-ṯi, ŋotho ŋǝrrǝrsi ŋɔrtɔŋw, ŋiti ŋɔvthanna mac ethisi ǝrri ki-laamin-la lǝni Sǝbiṯ?” 25 Nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Ŋiti ŋɔrtɔ-ŋǝsi laamin leere mac ŋa ŋǝrrǝsi Ḏaawḏǝ, kinaŋw nǝrrinǝŋgwu-nǝ dar yaaŋwɔ-yi lizi-li kila linaanir-li, 26 kwǝnḏi aŋgwɔrɔ ki-dɔɔnɔ kwǝthi Allah, ki-ŋwaamin ŋwir-ŋi Abiyaathaar Rǝ-iis Rɔppa rǝthi kahana, mindaŋ nɔŋw yee rǝghiivǝ rirllinǝlɔ ter, riti rǝṯisi kwizi kweere yee mac illi kahana ṯɔɽɔk, mindaŋ nɔŋwsi inḏǝthǝ kila lirɔɔmɔthir-li tok?” 27 Nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Sǝbiṯ kwɔgittinǝ-pǝ kwǝni kwizigwunǝŋ; nǝ kwizigwunǝŋ ere oro kwǝthi Sǝbiṯ mac. 28 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝ Tɔr tǝthi Kwizigwunǝŋ oro Kweeleny kwǝthi Sǝbiṯ tok.”
Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Walk
(Matthew 9.1-8Luke 5.17-26)
1 Jesus went back to Capernaum, and a few days later people heard that he was at home. 2 Then so many of them came to the house that there wasn't even standing room left in front of the door.
Jesus was still teaching 3 when four people came up, carrying a man on a mat because he could not walk. 4 But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof above him and let the man down in front of everyone.
5 When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the man, “My friend, your sins are forgiven.”
6 Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were sitting there. They started wondering, 7 “Why would he say such a thing? He must think he is God! Only God can forgive sins.”
8 At once, Jesus knew what they were thinking, and he said, “Why are you thinking such things? 9 Is it easier for me to tell this man his sins are forgiven or to tell him to get up and pick up his mat and go on home? 10 I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth.” So Jesus said to the man, 11 “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.”
12 The man got right up. He picked up his mat and went out while everyone watched in amazement. They praised God and said, “We have never seen anything like this!”
Jesus Chooses Levi
(Matthew 9.9-13Luke 5.27-32)
13 Once again, Jesus went to the shore of Lake Galilee. A large crowd gathered around him, and he taught them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus. Levi was sitting at the place for paying taxes, and Jesus said to him, “Follow me!” So he got up and went with Jesus.
15 Later, Jesus and his disciples were having dinner at Levi's house. Many tax collectors and other sinners had become followers of Jesus, and they were also guests at the dinner.
16 Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were Pharisees, and they saw Jesus eating with sinners and tax collectors. So they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
17 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don't need a doctor, but sick people do. I didn't come to invite good people to be my followers. I came to invite sinners.”
People Ask about Going without Eating
(Matthew 9.14-17Luke 5.33-39)
18 The followers of John the Baptist and the Pharisees often went without eating. Some people came and asked Jesus, “Why do the followers of John and those of the Pharisees often go without eating, while your disciples never do?”
19 Jesus answered:
The friends of a bridegroom don't go without eating while he is still with them. 20 But the time will come when he will be taken from them. Then they will go without eating.
21 No one patches old clothes by sewing on a piece of new cloth. The new piece would shrink and tear a bigger hole.
22 No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The wine would swell and burst the old skins. Then the wine would be lost, and the skins would be ruined. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
A Question about the Sabbath
(Matthew 12.1-8Luke 6.1-5)
23 One Sabbath Jesus and his disciples were walking through some wheat fields. His disciples were picking grains of wheat as they went along. 24 Some Pharisees asked Jesus, “Why are your disciples picking grain on the Sabbath? They are not supposed to do that!”
25 Jesus answered, “Haven't you read what David did when he and his followers were hungry and in need? 26 It was during the time of Abiathar the high priest. David went into the house of God and ate the sacred loaves of bread that only priests are allowed to eat. He also gave some to his followers.”
27 Jesus finished by saying, “People were not made for the good of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for the good of people. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath.”