Ṯiimɔɔthaaws mǝr-gwɔ ɔɽɔmaṯṯi Bɔɔlɔs-gi nǝ Siila tok.
1 Nǝ Bɔɔlɔs ele dɔṯṯɔk mindaŋ nɔŋw ɔppathi Ḏǝrbǝ-ŋǝ Lisṯira-gi kǝzir wɔnannɔ-gwɔ ṯilmiiz ṯǝni Ṯiimɔɔthaaws. Nǝ lǝnyin oro Yahuuḏiiyyǝ kwǝthi ṯǝmminǝ tok, laakin ṯǝrnyin tǝ nɔŋworo Yuunaani. 2 Ǝṯi lizi tatap lǝthi ṯǝmminǝ linannɔ Lisṯira nǝ Iyguuniiyǝ ǝṯir andasi ŋiɽaŋali ŋisaaw ŋǝni Ṯiimɔɔthaaws. 3 Nǝ Bɔɔlɔs naŋni ethi mɔlo Ṯiimɔɔthaaws-ŋwɔ ethi-gi rɔɔmɔthi, ŋwɔṯaŋw mindaŋ nɔŋw-mǝ uɽu lɔthrɔnya. Nɔŋwɔni ŋǝrrǝ-ŋwsi ŋɔ kaka nilŋithi-gwɔ Yahuuḏ tatap kiya yinannɔ kinaŋw ṯǝrnyin ṯǝthi Ṯiimɔɔthaaws-ŋǝ ethaarɔŋw ṯir Yuunaani. 4 Mǝreele muḏun-ginǝ ǝṯir inḏǝthǝ lizi lǝthi ṯǝmminǝ waamira wa wamminǝ-yi yaavɔr-ŋǝ lishiyuukh-li Urshaliim, wandicarsi-yi ethi iinyici naana. 5 Ŋwɔṯaŋw mindaŋ nǝ yǝniisǝ ferlle tetter ki-ṯǝmminǝ-nǝ nǝ ǝṯir kikindǝthi ŋwaamin tatap.
Rɔ-ɔya rǝthi Bɔɔlɔs a-naanɔ-ŋw Ṯɔrwaas.
6 Nǝreele ǝzir-yinǝ wǝthi Firiijiiyyǝ-ŋw, nǝ wǝthi Ghalaaṯiiyyaa-ŋw tok, kaka niṯiinyinǝsi-gwɔ Ṯigɽim Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter ethaari bǝshirǝ ŋiɽaŋali Aasiiyya-na. 7 Mǝri ɔppathi ki-thiɽany-la ṯǝthi Miisiiyyǝ-ŋw, nǝr ṯǝcci etheele ethi ǝnḏi muḏiriiyyǝ kwǝthi Biithiiniiyyǝ-ŋw, laakin nǝsi Ṯigɽim ṯǝthi Yǝcu ere duŋgwǝci mac. 8 Ŋwɔṯaŋw mindaŋ nǝr daaraci Miisiiyyǝ-ŋwɔ nǝr ṯamthɔ nǝreele Ṯɔrwaas. 9 Kulŋǝ-ṯǝ ŋga nǝ Bɔɔlɔs ese rɔ-ɔya kira riisaŋw-ri kwizi kwǝthi Makḏuuniiyyǝ-ŋw kwirlɔ nɔŋw tuuraccǝlɔ nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Ṯamtha kɔnɔŋw Makḏuuniiyyǝ nyji mǝcci!” 10 Nǝ ŋwɔṯaŋw tɔc, mǝ Bɔɔlɔs ese rɔ-ɔya kira, nǝnyii kette rogɽo-lɔ rǝri cɔgwo-cɔgwop etheele Makḏuuniiyyǝ, kaka mǝnyii kittatha ethaarɔŋw Allah wana wɔrnɔṯɔ-nyji ethi ǝccǝ lizi bǝshirǝ kinanaŋw Inyjiilǝ.
Liiḏiiyyǝ mɔŋgwɔ ǝmminici Allah Fiilibbii.
11 Nǝnyii dallitha ki-mɔrkǝb-lǝ min Ṯɔrwaas, nǝnyii iila dɔṯṯɔk mindaŋ nǝnyii ɔppatha Saamuuthiraakiiya, mǝ ŋɔrpɔ-ŋgwa oro nǝnyii ɔppathi Niyaabuuliis. 12 Nǝ kinaŋw nǝnyii ele kwurǝyu-lu mindaŋ nǝnyii ɔppathi Fiilibbii, kwir mǝḏiinǝ kwette kwɔppa kwǝthi muḏiiriiyyǝ kwǝthi Makḏuuniiyyǝ-ŋw, kwɔnaanɔ ki-ŋeeleny-na ŋǝthi Rɔɔmaan. Mindaŋ nǝnyii naani ŋwaamin ŋwittǝzir kinanaŋw. 13 Mǝ laamin iila lǝni Sǝbiṯ nǝnyii rucci mǝḏiinǝ-nǝ ninyeele bahara kǝni, kǝzir wigittany-gwɔ ethi-gwɔ Yahuuḏ raaythi dɔŋw ethi-gwɔ aari kiyiiriny. Nǝnyii naanalɔ mindaŋ nǝnyii andaci layɔ liraayithɔ dɔŋw kinaŋw. 14 Nǝ kwaaw naani kwette kinaŋw kwǝni Liiḏiiyyǝ kwɔgittica-nyji kǝni pǝt ethi neŋne, nɔŋworo kwǝthi Ṯhiiyaaṯiira-ŋwɔ, kwǝṯi illilla yirethi yɔɔri yǝnǝ ɽiyǝr. Nɔŋworo kwaaw kwette kwǝti kwogwɔcce Allah-lɔ, mindaŋ nǝ Kweeleny kiṯṯici ŋaaɽinyi ŋuuŋun ethi kettice ŋiɽaŋali yǝy ŋa ŋandisasi Bɔɔlɔs. 15 Mǝr aari @ammiḏa lizi-li lǝthi dɔɔnɔ kwuuŋwun-tǝ, nɔŋw ɔrnɔṯi nyuŋwsi etheele dɔɔnɔ kwuuŋwun, nɔŋwɔccǝ nyuŋwsi-ŋwɔ, “Mǝrnyii ruusi kwette kwɔmǝ ǝmminici Kweelenyi rerrem tǝ iila a-naani ki-dɔɔnɔ kwiinyi.” Ŋwɔṯaŋw nɔŋw ɔracci nyuŋwsi ethi-li ele.
Bɔɔlɔs-ŋǝ mǝr-gwɔ naani ki-sijin-nǝ Fiilibbii.
16 Laamin lette inḏi-nyii etheele kǝzir wǝthi ṯaara kiyiiriny, nǝnyii kadrithi tiira-ŋǝli tette tir kwɔwaay tǝthi ṯigɽimǝ-nǝ ṯigii, ṯǝṯi inḏǝthǝ ŋɔma ethi-ŋi andasi ŋiɽaŋali ŋinḏi ethiila. Nɔŋw ǝginici lizi kila lǝthi ŋunduŋw gwuruushǝ kwittǝzir kwǝthi kandisa ŋga kǝṯṯiŋw andasi. 17 Ǝṯɔŋw kwakithatha Bɔɔlɔs-ŋwɔlɔ nǝ nyiiŋǝ tok, ǝṯɔŋw ɔppɔna ǝṯɔŋwaarɔŋw, “Lizi kɔlɔ lir yaḏaam yǝthi Allah wɔppa wuthǝmthi-lǝ Pur-pur! Lǝti-ŋǝsi andindaci ethi ilŋithini ŋaaŋwɔsi ethi kilaaw aŋgwɔrɔ!” 18 Nɔŋw lanḏinḏasi ŋiɽaŋali ŋɔ ŋwaamin ŋwuuru mindaŋ nǝ Bɔɔlɔs ere aamina mac, e-ta nɔŋw ɔrllalɔ nɔŋwɔccǝ ṯigɽimǝ-ŋw, “Nyii kwǝccǝŋǝ ŋwɔ, yiriny-yi yǝthi Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ, ruuthǝ kithaay duŋgwun-nǝ!” Nǝ kinaṯa kinaŋw-lɔ ṯogdo-ṯogdo na ṯigɽim ruuthǝ kithaay tɔc. 19 Mǝ lizi lǝthi ŋunduŋw elŋece ethaarɔŋw nyiiŋǝ limǝ ṯuusi ṯǝthi-thi ǝgini ŋwuruushǝ, nǝr mithǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋwɔsi Siila-gi, nǝrsi mɔlotto-lɔ nǝrleele naanɔ-gwɔ lizi lǝthi sɔlṯa ki-miiḏaan-la kwǝṯi-gwɔ lizi raaythi dɔŋw. 20 Nǝrsi mɔlo nǝrleele kiyǝnǝ yǝthi hɔkkaam wǝthi Rɔɔma-ŋwɔ, nǝrsǝccǝŋw, “Lɔr kɔlɔ, lir Yahuuḏ, lǝṯi-nyji lakkaci mǝḏiinǝ-nǝ kwǝri. 21 Lǝṯi ǝccǝ lizi @allima ǝthiyǝ witi winḏir sherii@a-gi kwǝri mac; nyiiŋǝ lir Rɔɔmaaniiyyiin, ninyeere ǝthi ŋɔma mac ethi mithǝ ǝthiyǝ wɔ, wala ethi ǝrri.” 22 Nǝ dɔŋw ɔɽɔmaṯṯi nǝr diiɽǝthǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋwɔsi naana Siila-gi ŋǝriyǝ-ŋi.
E-ta nǝ hɔkkaam diraŋ yirethi-na yǝthi Bɔɔlɔs-ŋa Siila-gi, mindaŋ nǝrsi ǝllici waamira ethisi ippi. 23 Mǝrsi inḏǝthǝ ṯurvǝ beṯṯen ṯǝthi ǝpǝ tǝ, nǝrsi kaṯṯɔ ki-sijin-nǝ; mindaŋ nǝr inḏǝthǝ kwɔɔra kwǝthi sijin waamira, ethisi ɔvacci tetter. 24 Mǝ waamir wɔ erme kwɔɔrɔ kwǝthi sijin, nɔŋwsi kaṯṯɔ ki-sijin-nǝ keereny-gi lac-lac, mindaŋ nɔŋwsi ǝnyjici ŋwaara ŋweeŋen ki-ruu-nǝ rǝthi ŋwuuɽi ŋwinii nɔŋwsi-gwɔ kǝkkǝsi.
25 Mǝ kulŋǝ-nǝ oro tittir nǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋǝ Siila-gi aari kiyiiriny mindaŋ nǝr iiɽǝzi Allah rilŋa-ri, nǝsi misaajiin kwɔthaathɔ akkaci kizǝn. 26 Nǝ ŋwɔṯaŋw biḏaan nǝ wureyu riiginni tɔc, mindaŋ nǝ rɔgwagiza rǝthi sijin lakkathalɔ. Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝ ŋwɔbaab kiṯṯini tɔc, nǝ ŋwɔɔɽɔŋw ŋwɔthi misaajiin tatap kǝdinni. 27 Mǝ kwɔr kwǝthi sijin kiɽiṯi mindaŋ mɔŋw ese ŋwɔbaaba ŋwɔthi sijin ŋwɔmǝ kiṯṯini, nɔŋw kittatha ethi aarɔŋw misaajiin kwɔmǝ avri; mindaŋ nɔŋw alla kaalala kuuŋun, nɔŋw naŋni ethi ɽeenye rogɽo ruuŋwun. 28 Laakin na Bɔɔlɔs ɔrnɔṯi-la ŋɔmmaŋi nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Ǝṯi rǝrǝ rogɽo rɔɔŋwa naana mac! Nyiiŋǝ kɔlɔ-ta kɔnɔŋw tatap!”
29 Nǝ kwɔr kwǝthi sijin urnuni ethi ǝvicǝ fɔɔri, mindaŋ nɔŋw ǝnḏi kwɔfiɽigathɔ, nɔŋw iidi kwɔnḏɔthɔ ŋithenya ki-ŋwaara-na ŋwɔthi Bɔɔlɔs-ŋǝ Siila-ŋi. 30 E-ta nɔŋwsi mɔltha nɔŋw-li ruuthǝ par, nɔŋwsi uṯicǝlɔ nɔŋwsǝccǝŋw, “Yaa sǝyyiḏ-ŋǝ liinyi, aatha kwǝnyii ǝrri laazim mindaŋ ethi-mǝ kilaaw?” 31 Nǝr ǝŋnici nǝrǝccǝŋw, “Ǝmminicǝ Kweelenyi kwǝni Yǝcu-ŋw tǝ, a kilaaw, ŋaaŋa lizi-li lǝthi dɔɔnɔ kwɔɔŋɔ.” 32 E-ta nǝrǝccǝ bǝshirǝ ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi Kweeleny, nǝ lithaathɔ tatap lǝthi dɔɔnɔ kwuuŋwun. 33 Nǝ ki-saa@-la ṯǝ ŋgwa kwǝthi kulŋa ŋga, nǝsi kwɔr kwǝthi sijin mɔltha nɔŋwsi iyici yǝmǝŋi naana yeeŋen; mindaŋ nǝ lizi tatap lǝthi dɔɔnɔ kwuuŋwun aari @ammiḏa tɔc. 34 Ṯaŋw nɔŋw mɔlo Bɔɔlɔs-ŋwɔsi Siila-gi nɔŋwleele ki-dɔɔnɔ kwuuŋwun mindaŋ nɔŋwsi inḏǝthǝ ethneya wokwo ethi yee. Nǝ ŋundu-ŋǝ lizi-li lǝthi dɔɔnɔ kwuuŋwun nǝr urǝnni-nǝ ṯinyiŋla-thina, kaka mǝr-gwɔ ǝmminici Allah.
35 Mǝ ŋɔrpɔ-ŋgwa oro nǝ hɔkkaam wir Rɔɔmaan ɔɔsi harasa waamir-yi wǝni-ŋwɔ, “Duŋgwǝcǝr lɔɔrɔ kila ǝreele.” 36 E-ta nǝ kwɔr kwǝthi sijin ǝccǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋw, “Hɔkkaam wɔmǝ ɔɔsa waamira ethi duŋgwǝci ŋaaŋwɔsi Siila-gi. Ŋaaŋa lǝthi ŋɔma kirem etheele, nǝ nḏir kǝniny lɔami naana.” 37 Laakin nǝ Bɔɔlɔs andaci harasa nɔŋwɔccǝŋw, “Lende likaṯṯica-nyji kaṯṯiya keere, laakin nǝrnyji tǝ ippǝlɔ ceg-cegi kiyǝnǝ yǝthi lizi, nǝ nyiiŋǝ tǝ lir Rɔɔmaaniiyyiin! Mindaŋ nǝrnyji kaṯṯɔ ki-sijin-nǝ. E-ta ǝrnyjii naŋni ethi ṯiŋatha ŋɔɽɔmi nyettec-a? Bǝri-mǝ! Ethi hɔkkaam iila ŋundu-ŋǝ wɔɽeny ǝrnyjii ruwǝ.” 38 Nǝ haras aaɽi nɔŋw andaci hɔkkaama wir Rɔɔmaaniiyyiin, mindaŋ mǝr neŋne ethaarɔŋw Bɔɔlɔs-ŋǝ Siila-gi lir Rɔɔmaaniiyyiin, nǝr ṯeenye. 39 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝreele nǝrsi uṯicǝlɔ ethisi iɽinyacalɔ; e-ta nǝrsi-mǝ ruwǝ ki-sijin-nǝ mindaŋ nǝrsi andaci ethi duŋgwǝci mǝḏiinǝ etheele. 40 Mǝ Bɔɔlɔs-ŋǝ Siila-gi ruuthǝ ki-sijin-nǝ nǝreele ki-dɔɔnɔ kwǝthi Liiḏiiyyǝ. Nǝr-gwɔ kaṯṯasi lizi lǝthi ṯǝmminǝ kinanaŋw, nɔŋwsi andaci kandisa kǝthisi-gi firllasi-la, e-ta nǝr-mǝ ele.
Timothy Works with Paul and Silas
1 Paul and Silas went back to Derbe and Lystra, where there was a follower named Timothy. His mother was also a follower. She was Jewish, and his father was Greek. 2 The Lord's followers in Lystra and Iconium said good things about Timothy, 3 and Paul wanted him to go with them. But Paul first had him circumcised, because all the Jewish people around there knew that Timothy's father was Greek.
4 As Paul and the others went from city to city, they told the followers what the apostles and leaders in Jerusalem had decided, and they urged them to follow these instructions. 5 The churches became stronger in their faith, and each day more people put their faith in the Lord.
Paul's Vision in Troas
6 Paul and his friends went through Phrygia and Galatia, but the Holy Spirit would not let them preach in Asia. 7 After they arrived in Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not let them. 8 So they went on through Mysia until they came to Troas.
9 During the night, Paul had a vision of someone from Macedonia who was standing there and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we began looking for a way to go to Macedonia. We were sure that God had called us to preach the good news there.
Lydia Becomes a Follower of the Lord
11 We sailed straight from Troas to Samothrace, and the next day we arrived in Neapolis. 12 From there we went to Philippi, which is a Roman colony in the first district of Macedonia.
We spent several days in Philippi. 13 Then on the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to a place by the river, where we thought there would be a Jewish meeting place for prayer. We sat down and talked with the women who came. 14 One of them was Lydia, who was from the city of Thyatira and sold expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15 Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, “If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home.” Finally, we accepted her invitation.
Paul and Silas Are Put in Jail
16 One day on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl. She had a spirit in her that gave her the power to tell the future. By doing this she made a lot of money for her owners. 17 The girl followed Paul and the rest of us, and she kept yelling, “These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you how to be saved.”
18 This went on for several days. Finally, Paul got so upset that he turned and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to leave this girl alone!” At once the evil spirit left her.
19 When the girl's owners realized they had lost all chances for making more money, they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them into court. 20 They told the officials, “These Jews are upsetting our city! 21 They are telling us to do things we Romans are not allowed to do.”
22 The crowd joined in the attack on Paul and Silas. Then the officials tore the clothes off the two men and ordered them to be beaten with a whip. 23 After they had been badly beaten, they were put in jail, and the jailer was told to guard them carefully. 24 The jailer did as he was told. He put them deep inside the jail and chained their feet to heavy blocks of wood.
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, while the other prisoners listened. 26 Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the jail to its foundations. The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners.
27 When the jailer woke up and saw that the doors were open, he thought that the prisoners had escaped. He pulled out his sword and was about to kill himself. 28 But Paul shouted, “Don't harm yourself! No one has escaped.”
29 The jailer asked for a torch and went into the jail. He was shaking all over as he knelt down in front of Paul and Silas. 30 After he had led them out of the jail, he asked, “What must I do to be saved?”
31 They replied, “Have faith in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved! This is also true for everyone who lives in your home.”
32 Then Paul and Silas told him and everyone else in his house about the Lord. 33 While it was still night, the jailer took them to a place where he could wash their cuts and bruises. Then he and everyone in his home were baptized. 34 They were very glad they had put their faith in God. After this, the jailer took Paul and Silas to his home and gave them something to eat.
35 The next morning the officials sent some police with orders for the jailer to let Paul and Silas go. 36 The jailer told Paul, “The officials have ordered me to set you free. Now you can leave in peace.”
37 But Paul told the police, “We are Roman citizens, and the Roman officials had us beaten in public without giving us a trial. They threw us into jail. Now do they think they can secretly send us away? No, they cannot! They will have to come here themselves and let us out.”
38 When the police told the officials that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, the officials were afraid. 39 So they came and apologized. They led them out of the jail and asked them to please leave town. 40 But Paul and Silas went straight to the home of Lydia, where they saw the Lord's followers and encouraged them. Then they left.