Yaḏaam yǝthi Allah.
1 Laakin liyǝŋgǝri liinyi, nyii kwiti kwǝthi ŋɔma ethi andaci ŋaaŋwɔsi mac kaka lizi lǝthi Ṯigɽim-nǝ, laakin kaka lizi lǝthi sɔɔrɔma kwǝthi aŋna, nǝ kaka nɔrŋa-gwɔ tǝ kinnǝni lokwɔɽony ethi Kwɔrɔstɔ-na. 2 Nyii kwiccǝ-ŋǝsi ŋan, nǝ ethne ere oro wɔfirlli mac, nǝ neere ṯimmannici kinnǝni kire-kirem ŋgwɔ tok mac, 3 kaka naani-ŋa tǝ kinnǝni ki-sɔɔrɔm-na kwǝthi aŋna. Nǝ kaka naanɔ-gwɔ tǝ kinnǝni kee ŋiɽany nǝ ŋurrǝthǝ-nǝ daŋgal-na, e-ta neere oro lǝthi yaŋna mac-a, nǝ kaka nǝṯi-gwɔ nanni kaka lizi lir domony tok mac-a? 4 Kaka mǝ kweere aarɔŋw, “Nyii kwɔrɔ kwǝthi Bɔɔlɔs”, nǝ kwir ter, “Nyii kwɔrɔ kwǝthi Abɔllɔɔs”, ŋaaŋa liti lir lizi lir-ta-lɔŋw domony mac-a?
5 Aatha kwɔrɔ kwǝni Abɔllɔɔs? Nǝ aatha kwɔrɔ kwǝni Bɔɔlɔs? Nyii-ŋǝ lir-pa yaḏaam kiya yimǝ-yi ǝmmini, kaka-ṯǝ ŋothɽor ŋa ŋikannica-nyji Kweeleny leere-leere. 6 Ninyoro kwigiithǝ, nǝ Abɔllɔɔs-tǝ nɔŋw icci ŋaaw, laakin Allah tǝ nɔŋworo wǝṯi duŋgwǝci ethi peŋe. 7 Ŋwɔṯaŋw nǝreere ǝni ŋiɽaŋal ŋeere mac naanɔ-gwɔ ŋgwa kwugiithǝ wala ŋgwa kwiccǝ ŋaaw, laakin nǝṯǝ Allah oro ṯɔɽɔk wǝṯi duŋgwǝci ethi peŋe. 8 Ŋgwa kwǝṯi kiithi nǝ ŋgwa kwǝṯi icci nǝrǝni libɽithɔ-na, ŋwɔṯaŋw ǝri aavi ɔjra ter-ter wǝthi ŋothɽor ŋeeŋen. 9 Kaka nɔrɔny-gwɔ lǝṯi ɔɽɔmaṯṯi ki-ŋothɽor-na ŋǝthi Allah; noro ŋaaŋa ṯɔrɔny ṯǝthi Allah, nǝ noro tok yiŋna yǝthi Allah.
10 Nǝ ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi ne@ma kwǝthi Allah kwinḏǝthǝr-nyii, nǝnyii kwuuru ṯɔgwagiza kaka kworṯowa kwilŋiṯṯi ŋorṯo-na, mindaŋ nǝ-gwɔ kwizi kwɔthaathɔ acci-la. Ethir aŋraci kila tatap beṯ-beṯṯen linḏi ethi-gwɔ acci-la. 11 Kaka niti ninaani-gwɔ ṯɔgwagiza ṯeere ṯir ter mac ethi kitha-la ṯimǝ ǝccini, ṯǝni Yǝcu Kwɔrɔstɔ. 12 Na mǝ kweere nyithak acci ki-ṯɔgwagiza-la, ḏahab-thi, ya fiḏḏa-gi, ya yall-yi yir ghaali, ya ŋiɽivin-ŋi, ya karaaw-gi, ya ŋwɔvɔɔrɔ-ŋi, 13 e-ta a ŋothɽor ŋǝthi leere-leere ruwǝnnǝlɔ, ǝsi Laamin lǝthi Kweeleny ruwǝzǝlɔ, kaka ninḏir-gwɔ ethi ruwǝnnǝlɔ iigǝ-yi, mindaŋ a iigǝ ṯǝcci ŋothɽor ŋǝthi leere-leere ethiseese ŋɔrtɔti aŋgwɔrɔ. 14 Mǝ ŋothɽor ŋeere ŋǝthi kwizi kweere nyithak ŋa ŋacca-ŋwsi ki-ṯɔgwagiza-la ere kiirathalɔ iigǝ-yi mac tǝ, ŋwaavi ɔjra. 15 Na mǝ ŋothɽor ŋǝthi kweere uɽǝthi tǝ, ŋwɔ ṯuusi ŋothɽor ŋuuŋun ŋundu tǝ, ŋwɔ kilǝthi rogɽo ruuŋwun, laakin kaka firaŋ-ŋgi iigǝŋi-nǝ ṯɔɽɔk.
16 Ŋaaŋa liti lilŋithi mac ethaarɔŋw ŋaaŋa lir heikal wǝthi Allah, nǝ ǝṯi-ŋǝsi-gwɔ Ṯigɽim ṯǝthi Allah ɔmina? 17 Mɔŋw kiirasi kweere heikala-lɔ wǝthi Allah, e-ta a Allah kiirasi ŋunduŋw-lɔ tok. Kaka nirllinǝ-gwɔ heikal-lɔ ter wǝthi Allah, nǝ nǝṯoro ŋaaŋa lir heikal wuuŋwun.
18 Ǝṯɔŋw kǝɽinyjǝ kweere rogɽo-lɔ ruuŋwun mac. Mɔŋw aarɔŋw kweere duŋgwun-nǝ nyii kwǝthi yǝnǝ ki-ṯurmun-nǝ kɔthɔ, ethɔŋw kǝniny oro kǝɽiyǝŋ, mindaŋ mɔŋw ǝthi yǝnǝ rerrem. 19 Kaka nɔrɔ-gwɔ ṯǝthinǝ yǝnǝ ṯǝthi ṯurmun ŋǝɽiyǝŋ kiyǝnǝ yǝthi Allah. Kaka nɔlɔɔthɔnar gwɔ ŋaarɔŋw, “Kwǝṯi iidǝsi kila lǝthi yǝnǝ ŋishaaṯir-ŋi ŋeeŋen.” 20 Nǝraaɽi nǝraari kwokwony-ŋwɔ, “Kweeleny kwilŋithi ǝfkǝrǝ wǝthi kila lǝthi yǝnǝ witi wǝthi faayitha-na kweere mac.” 21 Ǝṯɔŋw ǝllinǝ kweere mac kwomne-gi kwǝṯi kwizigwunǝŋ ǝrri. Kaka nɔro-gwɔ kwomne tatap kwaalɔ. 22 Ɔrɔ-gwɔ Bɔɔlɔs alla Abɔllɔɔs alla Bɔṯrɔs alla ṯurmun alla ŋimiitha alla ŋiɽany alla ŋǝthi kirem-gwɔ alla ŋinḏi ethiila, nǝ ŋɔ tatap nǝroro ŋaalɔ. 23 Nǝ noro lǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ; nǝ Kwɔrɔstɔ oro kwǝthi Allah.
Working Together for God
1 My friends, you are acting like the people of this world. That's why I could not speak to you as spiritual people. You are like babies as far as your faith in Christ is concerned. 2 So I had to treat you like babies and feed you milk. You could not take solid food, and you still cannot, 3 because you are not yet spiritual. You are jealous and argue with each other. This proves you are not spiritual and you are acting like the people of this world.
4 Some of you say you follow me, and others claim to follow Apollos. Isn't this how ordinary people behave? 5 Apollos and I are merely servants who helped you to have faith. It was the Lord who made it all happen. 6 I planted the seeds, Apollos watered them, but God made them sprout and grow. 7 What matters isn't those who planted or watered, but God who made the plants grow. 8 The one who plants is just as important as the one who waters. And each one will be paid for what they do. 9 Apollos and I work together for God, and you are God's garden and God's building.
Only One Foundation
10 God treated me with undeserved grace and let me become an expert builder. I laid a foundation on which others have built. But we must each be careful how we build, 11 because Christ is the only foundation. 12-13 Whatever we build on this foundation will be tested by fire on the day of judgment. Then everyone will find out if we have used gold, silver, and precious stones, or wood, hay, and straw. 14 We will be rewarded if our building is left standing. 15 But if it is destroyed by the fire, we will lose everything. Yet we ourselves will be saved, like someone escaping from flames.
16 All of you surely know you are God's temple and his Spirit lives in you. 17 Together you are God's holy temple, and God will destroy anyone who destroys his temple.
18 Don't fool yourselves! If any of you think you are wise in the things of this world, you will have to become foolish before you can be truly wise. 19 This is because God considers the wisdom of this world to be foolish. It is just as the Scriptures say, “God catches the wise when they try to outsmart him.” 20 The Scriptures also say, “The Lord knows that the plans made by wise people are useless.” 21-22 So stop bragging about what anyone has done. Paul and Apollos and Peter all belong to you. In fact, everything is yours, including the world, life, death, the present, and the future. Everything belongs to you, 23 and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.