1 Gwiŋir dega alŋa lina libur nono dilmutha dugore gi dhuŋun dha mule nono gwa liji lina limulo nono, athil iŋiriyo lidom lega dugore no. 2 Abricije gweta gweta dega ganu ŋwiŋiriye kwijo dhugore gwina gwathilgwai jaijiye galo gi dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir gi dhuŋun dha dhaice ŋeduŋw momaŋ. 3 Ŋinena athi al Masiiẖ iŋiriyo gwidom gwuŋun dhugore ko no; ŋwubiro ŋinena ulinuŋwna, Lo gwa liji lina liluiyaŋa gwimide diginy alaŋ. 4 Ŋinena dhuŋun peth dhina dhulinu kwereny dhulinu dijalimiye, di mutha dugore a gathaje uwa gwina gwo gi jitham alŋa luthi dhunijuŋw. 5 Kalo gina guthi muthuŋw dhugore a gina guthi gathajuŋw uwa gajidhedha danya ireye je galo ireye gwai je galo gwetipo gwina gwijajina ganu gi dhuŋun dha al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ. 6 Danya majidhe Kaloŋa, gina giro Babo gwa Kweleny gwega gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, fikr gwai gwetipo a linyu lai letipo. 7 A minoŋ uminyul gweta gweta dagalo ganu, gwiro ŋinena al Masiiẖ ko gwuminyije gi majdh gwa Kalo. 8 Abi nyi gwarnu Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwimaro gadham ga urtedhini gan dhuŋun dhina dhiro titiganu dha Kalo, duŋwmuthineye dhuŋuna galo dhina dhabiŋaijidhai Kalo baboŋaije. 9 A Liumam majidhe Kaloŋa gi dhuŋun dha ina gwuŋun; gwiro ŋinena ulinuŋwna, Gi dhuŋun ibidha nyi gwaŋateje galo gi Liumam ganu, nyeliŋaijo jiriny juŋa. 10 A ŋwari manaŋ ko nu, Iŋiriyul dugore, Liumam lai, liji lai luŋun. 11 A ko, Orthadhul Kwelenya, nyaŋa peth lina liro Liumam; a nyiŋirijo ŋeduŋw dhugore, liji lai peth. 12 A ko Ishaⓐya gwarnu, Gwaji gwaro dhuwa gi Yassa, a gwina gwaji gwadire duŋwuthi ŋelenya gi Liumam alaŋ; dhunijo gwa Liumam gwaje dugun. 13 A Kalo gadhi dhunijo gajoinyaje iŋir gwai dugore peth, a audhaijiye galo gi dhuŋun dha imaan, danya oinyadhani gi dhuŋun dha dhunijo ŋoma ŋai ŋa Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir.
Buulus gwuthi kuŋw dhugore ŋinena uluŋw dhuŋuna momaŋ
14 A nyi ko gwiliŋidhi momaŋ gi dhuŋun dhalo, limaguri lai, darnu nyaŋa ko loinyadhinu dhuŋun dhai dhina dhiŋir, a nyaŋa loinyadhinu liŋa gwai peth, nyuthi ŋoma ko danya ola gweta gweta dagalo ganu. 15 Abi gwoinyadhanu nyi gwimajulijo re gwai ganu dhuŋuna dhitiny, limega lai, dathaji aŋidhani gi dhuŋun dha niⓐma gwina gwidhedhiny Kalo. 16 Dinyiro gadham ga Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gan Liumam, nyabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir dha Kalo, gwiro ŋinena ŋiro ŋa gasiis di kwoŋ gwadhi garini gwa Liumam uminyini, ŋwujurini Dhigirim dhai dhina Dhiŋir. 17 A minoŋ nyi gwuthi dhuŋuna dha dhare ŋamilai Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwai gi dhuŋun ibidha dhina dhiro dha Kalo. 18 A nyi gwati gwuthi ŋoma dabiŋi gwan ŋidi ibiŋa ŋina ŋati ŋimal al Masiiẖ apai nyi gwai, dilabrico Liumam aluthi nyuni dhuŋun dhai a ŋiro ŋai no. 19 Ŋoma ŋai ŋa ⓐalaamaat a dhuŋun dhai dhina dhathalije lijo galo dir, ŋoma ŋai ŋa Dhigirim dha Kalo; di gi Urushaliim a kalo gina gijaijo galo Illiiriikuun nyi gwimabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir dha al Masiiẖ momaŋ. 20 Abi nyi gwijo momaŋ dabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir minoŋ, gwati gwiro kalo gina giman jiriny ja al Masiiẖ abiŋini, dathinyi aico gi dhugul alaŋ dha kwiji gwiter no. 21 Abi gwiro ŋinena ulinuŋwna, Liji lina lati limadiŋini dhuŋuna dhuŋun no laji laŋa; a lina lati limadiŋini no laji laliŋa.
Dhuŋun dhina dhuthi Buulus dhan gwidom gwuŋun
22 A gi dhuŋun ibidha ko nyi gwimekajini ŋwamun ŋwoinyadho dila dagalo. 23 Abi ŋinena athinyi uthi kaloŋa gi ŋwen ibiŋwa manaŋ no, abi nyi gwuthi uminyuŋw gwuleny jidhileo ibija joinyadho dinyila dagalo. 24 Maji minyela Asbaaniya, nyi gwila dagalo; ŋinena uthiny dhunijuŋw dajaŋa gi ela gwiny, a nyaŋa liny geta gi dhai dinyela mine, ada alŋa limaje galo kwereny gwitiny. 25 Abi ŋinena nyi gwela Urushaliim dupijo lijo lina liŋir didirel ŋiro. 26 Ŋinena liji la Makiduuniya a Akhaaya limiŋir dugore didhedha lijo ŋida lina liŋir didirel lina lati luthi ŋida no lina lo gi Urushaliim. 27 Liŋir dugore dilapai dhuŋuna ibidha; aluthi gamja degen. Ŋinena ada Liumam limaicaijiye ŋediŋa lai gi ŋidi ŋegen ŋina ŋiro ŋa Dhigirim dhuŋun, dhaudhi degen dilupijo ŋiro gi ŋidi ŋina ŋiro ŋa aŋinu ko. 28 A maji minyi meaje ŋiro ibiŋa, a minyil khithimijo fruuta ibigwa, a nyi gwila dagalo nyela Asbaaniya. 29 A nyi gwiliŋidhi darnu maji minyila dagalo, nyila gwoinyadhinu baraka gwa Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dha al Masiiẖ. 30 Nyi gwothaijaje galo, limega lai, jiriny jai ja Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, a uminyi gwa Dhigirim, dilapaijiye ŋiro gi abiŋaije Kaloŋa gwalo gwan nyi di Kalo. 31 Dinyi ubirini degen lina lati luminyi no gi Yahuudiiya; a di ŋiro ŋiny ŋina ŋuthiny ŋan Urushaliim uminyini gi liji lina liŋir didirel. 32 Dinyila dagalo iŋir gwai dhugore dhuŋun dhai dhina dhibupo Kalo, dilgathajiye uwa. 33 Kalo ga audhaijiye galo gaje dagalo peth. Amiin.
Please Others, Not Yourselves
1 We who are strong in the faith ought to help the weak to carry their burdens. We should not please ourselves. 2 Instead, we should all please other believers for their own good, in order to build them up in the faith. 3 For Christ did not please himself. Instead, as the scripture says, “The insults which are hurled at you have fallen on me.” 4 Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us, in order that we might have hope through the patience and encouragement which the Scriptures give us. 5 And may God, the source of patience and encouragement, enable you to have the same point of view among yourselves by following the example of Christ Jesus, 6 so that all of you together may praise with one voice the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel to the Gentiles
7 Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you. 8 For I tell you that Christ's life of service was on behalf of the Jews, to show that God is faithful, to make his promises to their ancestors come true, 9 and to enable even the Gentiles to praise God for his mercy. As the scripture says,
“And so I will praise you among the Gentiles;
I will sing praises to you.”
10 Again it says,
“Rejoice, Gentiles, with God's people!”
11 And again,
“Praise the Lord, all Gentiles;
praise him, all peoples!”
12 And again, Isaiah says,
“A descendant of Jesse will appear;
he will come to rule the Gentiles,
and they will put their hope in him.”
13 May God, the source of hope, fill you with all joy and peace by means of your faith in him, so that your hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul's Reason for Writing So Boldly
14 My friends: I myself feel sure that you are full of goodness, that you have all knowledge, and that you are able to teach one another. 15 But in this letter I have been quite bold about certain subjects of which I have reminded you. I have been bold because of the privilege God has given me 16 of being a servant of Christ Jesus to work for the Gentiles. I serve like a priest in preaching the Good News from God, in order that the Gentiles may be an offering acceptable to God, dedicated to him by the Holy Spirit. 17 In union with Christ Jesus, then, I can be proud of my service for God. 18 I will be bold and speak only about what Christ has done through me to lead the Gentiles to obey God. He has done this by means of words and deeds, 19 by the power of miracles and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God. And so, in traveling all the way from Jerusalem to Illyricum, I have proclaimed fully the Good News about Christ. 20 My ambition has always been to proclaim the Good News in places where Christ has not been heard of, so as not to build on a foundation laid by someone else. 21 As the scripture says,
“Those who were not told about him will see,
and those who have not heard will understand.”
Paul's Plan to Visit Rome
22 And so I have been prevented many times from coming to you. 23 But now that I have finished my work in these regions and since I have been wanting for so many years to come to see you, 24 I hope to do so now. I would like to see you on my way to Spain, and be helped by you to go there, after I have enjoyed visiting you for a while. 25 Right now, however, I am going to Jerusalem in the service of God's people there. 26 For the churches in Macedonia and Achaia have freely decided to give an offering to help the poor among God's people in Jerusalem. 27 That decision was their own; but, as a matter of fact, they have an obligation to help them. Since the Jews shared their spiritual blessings with the Gentiles, the Gentiles ought to use their material blessings to help the Jews. 28 When I have finished this task and have turned over to them all the money that has been raised for them, I shall leave for Spain and visit you on my way there. 29 When I come to you, I know that I shall come with a full measure of the blessing of Christ.
30 I urge you, friends, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love that the Spirit gives: join me in praying fervently to God for me. 31 Pray that I may be kept safe from the unbelievers in Judea and that my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to God's people there. 32 And so I will come to you full of joy, if it is God's will, and enjoy a refreshing visit with you. 33 May God, our source of peace, be with all of you. Amen.