Dhinyi gwina gwo gi Sama a agiye gwa Lirainy
1 A gidon gi dhuŋun ibidha nyi gwidiŋinu ŋwal ŋwina ŋwipa ŋwa liji loinyadho gi Sama, alarnu, Halliluya; gilaŋ, a majdh, a neye, a ŋoma di Kweleny gwina gwiro Kalo gega, 2 ŋinena ro aẖkaam gwuŋun titiganu a gwidhunu galo; ŋinena akimiyuŋw gwidhira gwina gwinaŋ, gwina gwidigiriyo gidhileo ŋidhir ŋai ŋuŋun, a gwimal wurejo ŋin ŋa jine juŋun gi dhoi dhuŋun. 3 Alari ŋwamun ganu ram manaŋ nu, Halliluya. A gwuluŋw gwuŋun alo gwortal di gwortal. 4 A shiyuuk lina liro dhure‐a‐kworoŋo a owaŋ ina iro kworoŋo idijo Kaloŋa ŋwurko ŋwai gina gijalo kursi alaŋ, alarnu, Amiin; Halliluya. 5 A ŋwal tuiya gi kursi ŋwina ŋwarnu, Eliŋaijul Kaloŋa gega, nyaŋa lina liro jine juŋun peth, a nyaŋa lina lathidhenya ŋeduŋw, lina litilitiny a lina lipilipa. 6 A nyi gwidiŋinu ŋwal ŋwiro ŋinena ŋwal ŋwa liji loinyadho, a ŋwiro ŋwal ŋwa ŋau ŋoinyadho, a ŋwiro ŋinena ŋwal ŋwa mirini ganu gwuleny gwa lirainy, ŋwarnu, Halliluya, ŋinena ma Kweleny gwina gwiro Kalo gina guthi ŋoma ŋidi alaŋ peth ro Malik. 7 Abricije aliŋir dugore alupalaŋ, a aldhedha majdh, ŋinena ma agiye gwa Lirainy ila, a kwa gwuŋun gwimajarimani nono. 8 A gwidhedhilo duŋwgena kiraŋa gina giro tiil dhina dhimide, gina gijuro a gina gathare gumgum, ŋinena ro kiraŋ gina giro tiil dhina dhimide dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir dha liji lina liŋir didirel. 9 Nyibaicinu, Ulo, Liŋir dugore lina lurininu gi kia ga keraga ga agiye gwa Lirainy. Nyibaicinu, Dhuŋun ibidha dhiro dhuŋun dha Kalo dhina dhiro titiganu. 10 Nyibide ŋwora ganu ŋwuŋun dinyorthadha, nyibaicinu, Aŋadhi athaŋa apo dhuŋuna ibidha no. Daŋa liro jine ram, a limagalo ŋalai ko lina luthi shahaada gwa Yasuuⓐ. Idijo Kaloŋa ŋwurko ŋwai. Ŋinena ro shahaada gwa Yasuuⓐ dhigirim dhina dhabiŋinu dha dhuŋun dhina dhaji dhila.
Al Masiiẖ gwimadhinyi dhuwanu dhuŋun
11 A nyi gwaŋadhi Sama gwiginu, a aŋadhi, murtha gwina gwipidho; a gwina gwijinalaŋ gwan Gwiŋir a gwiro Titiganu, a gwathakimiye gi dhuŋun dhina dhidhunu galo a gwathapai ŋoŋora. 12 A je juŋun jiro ŋinena dhiŋila dha iga, a gi lira alaŋ luŋun ŋwuthi tiijaan dhoinyadho; a ŋwuthi jiriny julinu jina jati jal gweda liŋa no, abi ŋeda dogo. 13 A ŋeda gwigeno kiraŋa gina gidhuwajinu ŋin ganu, a jiriny juŋun jan Dhuŋun dha Kalo. 14 A ejigur ina yo gi Sama athilgwuje yudhi gi limurtha alaŋ lina lipidho, igeno ciraŋa jina jiro tiil, jina jipidho a jijuro. 15 A kalala gina guthi ŋin tuiya gi ŋwinyu ŋwuŋun duŋwgai pi liumam; alaji luŋwulie lura lai lina liro ẖadiid; a ŋeda gwadota libugul galo la khamra la kadhugore gwa Kalo gwina gwuthi kuŋw dhugore gwuleny gina guthi ŋoma ŋidi alaŋ peth. 16 A gwuthi kiraŋ alaŋ guŋun a gi dhimeni alaŋ dhuŋun jiriny julinu jan malik gwa maluuk, a kweleny gwa leleny.
Erna gwa dhuwan dhuŋun
17 A nyi gwaŋadhi malaak gweta gwidhunudhi kaŋin; ŋwure gwula ŋwal ŋwai ŋwina ŋwipa, ŋwabiŋaijo nyireo peth nyina nyathelila alaŋ keligeny ganu gi Sama ŋwulaicinu, Ilal nyauradhe liduŋw gi kia ga keraga ga Kalo gina ginaŋ; 18 danya eny ji ja maluuk, a ji ja zabithŋa, a ji ja ŋediŋa lina libur nono, a ji ja limurtha, a ja ŋediŋa lina lijinalaŋ, a ji ja liji peth, lina luthi ẖurriiya a lina liro jine, lina litilitiny a lina lipilipa. 19 A nyi gwaŋadhi kowaŋu, a maluuk la gidhila, a ejigur yegen, lauradho liduŋw dilapai ŋoŋora ŋeda gwai gwina gwijalo gi murtha alaŋ, a ejigur yai yuŋun. 20 Albimutha kowaŋu, a nebi gwina gwiro gwidhuŋun ŋeda gwai gwina gwigeto ŋiro ŋina ŋipiŋipa gi je ganu juŋun, ŋina ŋidhudhiyuŋwŋai lina luminyu ŋule ŋa kowaŋ, a lina lidijo s̱uura gwuŋun ŋwurko ŋwai. Alguthini ram limidho gi baẖr gwa iga ina yudo kibriit gai. 21 A lina lidhainu rinyini kalala gai ga ŋeda gwina gwijalo gi murtha alaŋ, gina gitui gi ŋwinyu ŋwuŋun; a nyira peth pe ji jegen.
1 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a large crowd of people in heaven, saying, “Praise God! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God! 2 True and just are his judgments! He has condemned the prostitute who was corrupting the earth with her immorality. God has punished her because she killed his servants.” 3 Again they shouted, “Praise God! The smoke from the flames that consume the great city goes up forever and ever!” 4 The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. They said, “Amen! Praise God!”
The Wedding Feast of the Lamb
5 Then there came from the throne the sound of a voice, saying, “Praise our God, all his servants and all people, both great and small, who have reverence for him!” 6 Then I heard what sounded like a crowd, like the sound of a roaring waterfall, like loud peals of thunder. I heard them say, “Praise God! For the Lord, our Almighty God, is King! 7 Let us rejoice and be glad; let us praise his greatness! For the time has come for the wedding of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself for it. 8 She has been given clean shining linen to wear.” (The linen is the good deeds of God's people.)
9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Happy are those who have been invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.” And the angel added, “These are the true words of God.”
10 I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “Don't do it! I am a servant together with you and with other believers, all those who hold to the truth that Jesus revealed. Worship God!”
For the truth that Jesus revealed is what inspires the prophets.
The Rider on the White Horse
11 Then I saw heaven open, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True; it is with justice that he judges and fights his battles. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and he wore many crowns on his head. He had a name written on him, but no one except himself knows what it is. 13 The robe he wore was covered with blood. His name is “The Word of God.” 14 The armies of heaven followed him, riding on white horses and dressed in clean white linen. 15 Out of his mouth came a sharp sword, with which he will defeat the nations. He will rule over them with a rod of iron, and he will trample out the wine in the wine press of the furious anger of the Almighty God. 16 On his robe and on his thigh was written the name: “King of kings and Lord of lords.”
17 Then I saw an angel standing on the sun. He shouted in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair: “Come and gather together for God's great feast! 18 Come and eat the flesh of kings, generals, and soldiers, the flesh of horses and their riders, the flesh of all people, slave and free, great and small!”
19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to fight against the one who was riding the horse and against his army. 20 The beast was taken prisoner, together with the false prophet who had performed miracles in his presence. (It was by those miracles that he had deceived those who had the mark of the beast and those who had worshiped the image of the beast.) The beast and the false prophet were both thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. 21 Their armies were killed by the sword that comes out of the mouth of the one who was riding the horse; and all the birds ate all they could of their flesh.