Ŋwulalimiye dilrujini litilitiny
1 A gi lamun ibile letileta a calmiz ila di Yasuuⓐ, alothaije galo, alaici, Ei gwiro gwina gwinunu kidhila ga Sama? 2 Ŋwapai ŋare ŋeta ŋina ŋitiny, ŋwudhuneje keligeny ganu degen, 3 ŋwulaici, Titiganu nyi gwa gwacaijinu, Ada nyaŋa lati limurle dugore galo dalo, nyalruje ŋinena da keleŋa gina gitigitiny no, nyaŋa lati luthi ŋoma luni kidhila ga Sama no. 4 Kwiji gwina gwathaure gwiren ŋwurujini gwitiny gwiro ŋinena ŋari ŋina ŋitiny, ŋeda gwiro gwina gwinunu kidhila ga Sama. 5 A kwiji gwina gwathuminyi ŋare ŋeta ŋina ŋitiny ŋina ŋiro minoŋ gi jiriny jiny, kwiji ibigwe gwuminyiny. 6 Abi ada kwiji gweta gwimugeje ŋare ŋeta ŋitiny ŋina ŋiro minoŋ ŋina ŋuminyiny, gwiŋiranu duŋw uthi dhuiny kulo guŋun, ŋwuguthini ŋau ganu ŋina ŋolaŋ ganu, ŋwerna.
Ŋwulalimiye dathil ekajo lijo dela gi dhai dha Kalo no
7 Dhuŋun dhike dha gidhila dha dhaijikiye dugore; dharuri dhuŋun dhike dhaji dhila, abi kwiji gwaji gwaka dhugore gwina gwaji gwapai. 8 Abi ada dhoi dhuŋa i lora luŋa ŋimaŋa dhiŋa dapai ŋida ŋina ŋike, urtadhilo galo, ŋalubire duguŋa; gwiŋiranu daŋamidhe gwiro ŋwudhibaŋ, i ŋerna ŋwora a dhoi, i daŋai ŋule ŋwora ŋwai a doi dai kiga ina yathudhe gwortal. 9 A ada ke guŋa gimaŋa dhiŋa dapai ŋida ŋina ŋike, waladhi galo, ŋubire duguŋa; gwiŋiranu daŋamidhe gwiro kabluiny, i daŋai ŋuthi je ram ŋule kiga ya Jahannam. 10 Ethadhinul galo, athanya dhagirinu gweta gwina gwitiny ibigwa no; nyi gwa gwacaijinu, Gi Sama malaayka legen lathirile Babuŋw gwiny gi je ganu gigina. 11 Ŋari ŋa liji ŋiludhi digilaŋiye lijo lina lidhudho.
Odaije gwa kaŋal gina gidhudho
12 Nyaŋa larakwai ada kwiji gweta gwimuthi jaŋala dure‐thudhina, abi geta dhudhe gi dhai, jati juŋwul gathani jina jiro dure‐kworoŋo‐a‐die‐a‐thudhina‐kworoŋo galo, ŋwaure kamarigen dibupe getipo gina gidhudho na? 13 A muŋw buja, titiganu nyi gwa gwacaijinu, gwiŋiranu dhugore kaŋal ibige getipo gi jaŋal jina jiro dure‐kworoŋo‐a‐die‐a‐thudhina‐kworoŋo jina jati jidhudho no. 14 Minoŋ ko Babo gwalo gwina gwathije Sama gwati gwara gweta gwa keleŋa ibiga gina gitigitiny gadhudhe no.
Alapaŋa ada liji limapai dhuŋuna dhina dhike daguri?
15 Ada magalo gwimapai dhuŋuna dhina dhike duguŋa, idhi dugun ŋa dhabiŋaijo, nyabiŋi ram cucun. Ada gwimaŋadeŋinaijo, ŋabi gwimabuje magalo. 16 Abi ada gwati gwimaŋa deŋina no, ŋabodha kwijo gweta i ram, a gi dhuŋun dha liji ram i thiril dhina dhiro shuhuud dhathau. 17 Abi ada gwati gwimal deŋinaijo no, abiŋaijo kaniisa; a ada gwati gwimadeŋinaijo kaniisa no, nyababrico ŋwuro dagalo ŋinena kwiji gwina gwiro Umam i gwina gwathimeje. 18 Titiganu nyi gwa gwacaijinu, Dhuŋun peth dhina dhathaiji dhanya guke mina kidhila dhagukini Sama ko; a dhuŋun peth dhina dhathaiji dhanya guda galo mina kidhila dhagududhini galo Sama ko.
Dabiŋaijo Kaloŋa liduŋw
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19 A nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje manaŋ, ŋajaici, Ada liji ram dagalo mina kidhila limuminyiye gi dhuŋun dheta, dhimal dhi uthe galo, dhaji dhal Babo gwiny gwina gwathije Sama urijo. 20 Ada liji limaje ram i thiril lina laicaijiye gi jiriny jiny, nyi ko gwaje keligeny ganu degen.
Aram aladhudhani ganu gi liji lina lathapai dhuŋuna dhina dhike daguri, a odaije gwa gadham gina gike
21 A Buṯrus ila dugun, ŋwothaije galo, ŋwaici, Kweleny gwai, ada maguri gwimapai dhuŋuna dhina dhike diginy, ŋwamun ganu uman nyinbi dhudhani ganu? ma ŋwamun ro kworoŋo‐thiril a? 22 A Yasuuⓐ aici, Nyi gwati gwaŋaici di a ŋwamun ro ganu kworoŋo‐thiril dogo no; abi ŋwamun ganu dure‐thiril‐a‐die ŋwamun kworoŋo‐thiril. 23 Minoŋ ko gidhila ga Sama giro ŋinena malik gweta gwina gwara gwumi jadham juŋun gamju gai guŋun. 24 A dina muŋwari juŋwul umi, a geta ila dugun gina guthi gamja guŋun ⓐashara alaaf wazna. 25 A dina mathuŋw uthi ŋida ŋadhuŋwul tujo no, a kweleny gwuŋun abiŋaijo ŋwari gwelaŋ gwidom gwuŋun, a kwa gwuŋun, a keleŋa guŋun, a ŋidi peth ŋina ŋuthuŋwulo, ŋwutujo gamja. 26 A gadham ide ŋwora ganu, ŋworthadha, ŋwaici, Kweleny gwai, abriciny a gaji gaŋatujo peth. 27 A kweleny gwa gadham ibige ina, ŋwuguda galo, a ŋwabricijo gamja. 28 Abi gadham ibige tu por, albudhe gadham gai giter, gina gidhedhuŋw gwarush dure‐thudhina, ŋwumutha kulo, ŋwabiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Tujiny gamja. 29 Abi gadham ibige idijo ŋwurko ŋwai, ŋwothaije galo, ŋwaici, Urijiny ŋwamun piny, ŋa bupijo gwarush, ŋatujo peth. 30 Athuŋw buminyu no; ŋwumutha, ŋwugeta karkon di muŋw tujo gamja. 31 A dina ma jadham jiter aŋa dhuŋuna ibidhe dhina dhapinu, alkadugore gwuleny, alila, alabiŋaijo kwelenya gwegen dhuŋuna ibidhe dhina dhapinu. 32 An kweleny gwuŋun ukejiye, ŋwila, ŋwabiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Gadham gai gina giro kwiji gwike, nyi gwabricijaŋa gamja ibige peth, ŋinena aradhiny gai nono. 33 Abi gwati gwiŋiranu ko daŋa ina gadham giter, gwiro ŋinena inadhaŋana na? 34 A kweleny gwuŋun ka dhugore gwuleny, ŋwodhadha gi liji lina lathakimiye, di muŋw tujo gamja peth. 35 A minoŋ ko Babo gwiny gwina gwathije Sama gwaji gwajin duje ko, ada nyaŋa gi dugor ganu dalo peth lati limathathi dhudhanu ganu ŋidi ŋike ŋina ŋathil limagalo apai dagalo no.
Who Is the Greatest?
(Mark 9.33-37Luke 9.46-48)
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, asking, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?”
2 So Jesus called a child to come and stand in front of them, 3 and said, “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. 4 The greatest in the Kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child. 5 And whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me.
Temptations to Sin
(Mark 9.42-48Luke 17.1Luke 2)
6 “If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea. 7 How terrible for the world that there are things that make people lose their faith! Such things will always happen—but how terrible for the one who causes them!
8 “If your hand or your foot makes you lose your faith, cut it off and throw it away! It is better for you to enter life without a hand or a foot than to keep both hands and both feet and be thrown into the eternal fire. 9 And if your eye makes you lose your faith, take it out and throw it away! It is better for you to enter life with only one eye than to keep both eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
(Luke 15.3-7)
10 “See that you don't despise any of these little ones. Their angels in heaven, I tell you, are always in the presence of my Father in heaven.
12 “What do you think a man does who has one hundred sheep and one of them gets lost? He will leave the other ninety-nine grazing on the hillside and go and look for the lost sheep. 13 When he finds it, I tell you, he feels far happier over this one sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not get lost. 14 In just the same way your Father in heaven does not want any of these little ones to be lost.
When Someone Sins
15 “If your brother sins against you, go to him and show him his fault. But do it privately, just between yourselves. If he listens to you, you have won your brother back. 16 But if he will not listen to you, take one or two other persons with you, so that ‘every accusation may be upheld by the testimony of two or more witnesses,’ as the scripture says. 17 And if he will not listen to them, then tell the whole thing to the church. Finally, if he will not listen to the church, treat him as though he were a pagan or a tax collector.
Prohibiting and Permitting
18 “And so I tell all of you: what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.
19 “And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them.”
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?”
22 “No, not seven times,” answered Jesus, “but seventy times seven, 23 because the Kingdom of heaven is like this. Once there was a king who decided to check on his servants' accounts. 24 He had just begun to do so when one of them was brought in who owed him millions of dollars. 25 The servant did not have enough to pay his debt, so the king ordered him to be sold as a slave, with his wife and his children and all that he had, in order to pay the debt. 26 The servant fell on his knees before the king. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay you everything!’ 27 The king felt sorry for him, so he forgave him the debt and let him go.
28 “Then the man went out and met one of his fellow servants who owed him a few dollars. He grabbed him and started choking him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he said. 29 His fellow servant fell down and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back!’ 30 But he refused; instead, he had him thrown into jail until he should pay the debt. 31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were very upset and went to the king and told him everything. 32 So he called the servant in. ‘You worthless slave!’ he said. ‘I forgave you the whole amount you owed me, just because you asked me to. 33 You should have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you.’ 34 The king was very angry, and he sent the servant to jail to be punished until he should pay back the whole amount.”
35 And Jesus concluded, “That is how my Father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.”