1 A minoŋ alŋa lapo ŋiro ŋeda ŋalai, aluthe galo dathil apo niⓐma gwa Kalo tur no. 2 (Ŋinena aruŋwnu, Gi kaija gina giŋiradho nyi gwidiŋinaŋa, a gi lamun ladhi gilaŋ nyi gwigathajaŋa uwa. Aŋadhi, ŋinena kaija ibiga giro gina giŋiradho; aŋadhi, ŋinena lamun liro ladhi gilaŋ.) 3 Athana geto miriŋadhuŋw gi ŋidi ŋeda no, dathi ŋiro ŋuri uthi dhara ganu no. 4 Abi gi ŋidi peth alaŋiye lidom lega liro ŋinena jadham ja Kalo, mutha gwai dugore gwoinyadho gwuleny, a gi dhuŋun dhina dhibur, a gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro daruri, a gi dhuŋun dhina dhathiji urejo galo dhina dhathapa ŋwuredenya, 5 gi pini, a gi sijn, a gi dhuŋun dhina dhilagudhinu ganu, a gi ŋiro ŋina ŋibur, a gi dhuŋun dhadhi jalo je jai, a gi dhuŋun dhadhi jalo jamu; 6 jure gwai, a liŋa gwai, a mutha gwai dugore, a ŋimiri ŋai, a Dhigirim dhai dhina Dhiŋir, a uminyi gwai gwina gwiro titiganu, 7 dhuŋun dhai dhina dhiro titiganu, a ŋoma ŋai ŋa Kalo, a ŋidi ŋai ŋa ŋoŋor ŋa dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir gi dhoi dhina dhiro dhiŋir a gi dhoi dhina dhiro dhour, 8 a majdh gwai a gi dhuŋun dhina dhati dhuthi majdh no, a gi shahaada gwina gwiŋir a gi shahaada gwina gwati gwiŋir no. Alro ŋinena lina lathukinejo lijo ganu, albiro lina luthi dhuŋuna dhina dhiro titiganu; 9 alro ŋinena lina lati liliŋinu momaŋ no, albi liŋini momaŋ; alro ŋinena lina laio, abi aŋadhi, anaŋa lo limidho; alro ŋinena lina lipinu, athilbi rinyinu no; 10 alro ŋinena lina lijalo like dugore, abi anaŋa lathiŋir dugore ŋwamun peth; alro ŋinena lina lati luthi ŋida no, abi alŋa lathidhedha lijo loinyadho ŋida ŋoinyadho; alro ŋinena lina lati luthi ŋida no, abi alŋa luthi ŋida peth.
Bupe gwa uminyi gwa liji lina limurle dugore galo degen gi ŋidi ŋina ŋike
11 Ŋwinyu ŋwuri ŋwiginu ŋwan nyaŋa, liji lai la Kuurinthuus, a dugor duri duthi ŋimira ganu ŋoinyadho ŋan nyaŋa. 12 Kalo gati gamiratho daguri ganu gwan nyaŋa no, abi gamiratho dagalo gwan anaŋa. 13 Abi gi dhuŋun dhadhi wurini ŋida, (nyi gwabiŋu gwiro ŋinena nyin abiŋaijo keleŋa giny,) ruiyul nyaŋa ko limiri gi dugor ganu dalo.
Ola gwan aicaijiye liduŋw liji lai lina lati luminyu no
14 Athanya jo gi loka ganu liji lai lina lati luminyu no. Dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir dhathil lagadhe ganu dhuŋun dhai dhina dhike a? I fure gwathil aicaijiye girim gai a? 15 Abi aicaijiye liduŋw gwaro dhaŋ gwina gwa al Masiiẖŋa uthi Baayil gwai, i abi akwai dhuŋun dha kwiji gwina gwuminyu dilaicaijiye dhuŋun dhai dha kwiji gwina gwati gwuminyu no. 16 I aŋ gwaro uminyajiye gwa hekal gwa Kalo ŋwoboŋ ŋwai, ŋinena ranya hekal gwa Kalo gina gimidho; gwiro ŋinena arna Kalo nu, Nyi gwathi gwaje degen ganu, a nyelila galo degen ganu; a nyiro Kalo gegen, a ŋediŋa laro liji liny. 17 A minoŋ tuiyul degen ganu, nyaro ter, Kweleny gwarna, athanya minu ŋida ŋina ŋiro ŋirle no; a nyi gwajuminyi, 18 a nyi gwaro Babo gwalo, a nyaŋa laro keleŋa giny gina giro loma a gina giro nyera, Kweleny gwarna gwina gwuthi ŋoma ŋidi alaŋ peth.
1 In our work together with God, then, we beg you who have received God's grace not to let it be wasted. 2 Hear what God says:
“When the time came for me to show you favor,
I heard you;
when the day arrived for me to save you,
I helped you.”
Listen! This is the hour to receive God's favor; today is the day to be saved!
3 We do not want anyone to find fault with our work, so we try not to put obstacles in anyone's way. 4 Instead, in everything we do we show that we are God's servants by patiently enduring troubles, hardships, and difficulties. 5 We have been beaten, jailed, and mobbed; we have been overworked and have gone without sleep or food. 6 By our purity, knowledge, patience, and kindness we have shown ourselves to be God's servants—by the Holy Spirit, by our true love, 7 by our message of truth, and by the power of God. We have righteousness as our weapon, both to attack and to defend ourselves. 8 We are honored and disgraced; we are insulted and praised. We are treated as liars, yet we speak the truth; 9 as unknown, yet we are known by all; as though we were dead, but, as you see, we live on. Although punished, we are not killed; 10 although saddened, we are always glad; we seem poor, but we make many people rich; we seem to have nothing, yet we really possess everything.
11 Dear friends in Corinth! We have spoken frankly to you; we have opened our hearts wide. 12 It is not we who have closed our hearts to you; it is you who have closed your hearts to us. 13 I speak now as though you were my children: show us the same feelings that we have for you. Open your hearts wide!
Warning against Pagan Influences
14 Do not try to work together as equals with unbelievers, for it cannot be done. How can right and wrong be partners? How can light and darkness live together? 15 How can Christ and the Devil agree? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16 How can God's temple come to terms with pagan idols? For we are the temple of the living God! As God himself has said,
“I will make my home with my people
and live among them;
I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.”
17 And so the Lord says,
“You must leave them
and separate yourselves from them.
Have nothing to do with what is unclean,
and I will accept you.
18 I will be your father,
and you shall be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”