Taope 'Bereŋwa dri
1 Yesu kondre lowa te oko nda tute lutu dri, ago nda rite vuru. Ago taeri'bai ndaro otoyikalate ŋgulu nda lomvosi. 2 Ago nda eto ànya emba te ekye:
Riyä se ni Kado
(Luka 6:20-23)
3 “Ànya se kuniyi ndi ànya ätinayi ru toto Lu dri ni kado;
tana ànya ni lidri Miri 'Bädri'ba vo'buyakuru ro!
4 “Ànya se kabe liyi ni kado;
tana Lu i'dwena ànya 'da!
5 “Ànya se mäwuako ni kado;
tana anya uruna 'bädri se Lu ko'ba tana be ana ni drimbi ro!
6 “Ànya se kolebe taŋgye oyene ndra ni ŋgacini drisi ni kado;
tana Lu o'bana ŋga ojona ànya 'da!
7 “Ànya se yauni be azii ri ni kado;
tana Lu a'dona ndi yauni be ànyari!
8 “Ànya se ya wäṛi be ni kado;
tana ànya ondrenayi Lu ndi!
9 “Kasa'bai ni kado;
tana Lu uzina ànya 'da ŋgwai ndaro!
10 “Ànya se ezate ta taŋgye rota ni kado;
tana Miri 'Bädri'ba vo'buyakuru ro ni ànyaro!
11 “Ami ni kado ondro lidri ka ami o'da ago ka ami eza ago ka ami kicu kowero takozi cini ata si ta maro ta owo. 12 Nyà'do yai'dwesi ago riyä si, tana päläti 'desi a'bate tana ami vo'buyakuru ya. Tana ànya ezayi nebii se käti ni ämiri kpate inye.
Oso'bai Yesu vo oso Täyi ndi Ŋgaeyi be ronye
(Marako 9:50Luka 14:34-35)
13 “Ami orivoya täyi yi 'bädri ri. Oko ondro ka'do täyi kije oci iro te, ago a'bana anya ocine to'di eŋwanye ya? Anya ni kote a'done kado, oko e'be gialo odane cowa ago otone pa si.
14 “Ami orivoya ŋgaeyi yi 'bädri cini ri. 'Bakici se abete lutu dri äni kote da'done. 15 'Diaza eyi lamba kote drî na takone lakaza si; oko ka edrena ŋga lamba edre ro dri, ago eyivote ànya se cini zo yasi ri. 16 Kpa oso inye beṛo ŋgaeyi amiro ri voeyine inye lidri mile, tana ondro ànya kondreyi takado se nyàbe oyena 'do te oko, ànya käräṛuyi Täpi amiro se vo'buyakuru ya ono robe.
Ŋgaemba ta Ota rota
17 “Nyùsu ta ko mìkye ŋgaemba maro orivoya Ota Musa ro ndi ŋgaemba nebii robe pere ro. Mikyi ko ànya perene, oko mikyi ŋgaemba ànyaro o'bane a'done ŋgye. 18 Endaro mata ämiri ono, vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be lävuna ndi, oko taegyi giṛiŋwa ca telesi taegyi ro se tipari giṛiŋwa ono unina ko okyene ni Ota yasi madale tase cini beṛo a'done ono a'dona lutu ŋgye. 19 Ondro ka'do, 'diaza koro tase ca tipari ota ya ono kote ago kemba azii kpa gwo oyene inye, nda a'dona ndi tipari Miri 'Bädri'ba vo'buyakuru roya. Oko nda se kabe Ota oro ago kabe anya emba a'dona 'da 'desiro Miri 'Bädri'ba vo'buyakuru roya. 20 Ka'do inye, mata ämiri ono, ocine ämiri Miri 'Bädri'ba vo'buyakuru roya i'do ondro ka'do taŋgye amiro ka'do kote ndrani miemba'bai Ota ro ndi Parusii robe ri owo.
Ŋgaemba ta Kyila rota
21 “Nyèri tase atabe lidri ri kyeno ana te se ekye: ‘Mifu läfu ko, 'dise kufu 'diaza te beṛo ezine vurena opene.’ 22 Oko mata ämiri ono, nda se orivoya kyilaro ädrupi ndaro be ezina 'da vurena opene, nda se kabe ädrupi ndaro o'dana 'do ezina 'da vure'bai kandra, nda se kabe ädrupi ndaro uzina amama 'do a'dona ndi odra ro ndäri oyine gehena ya. 23 Ta'dota ondro ka'do nyate ŋgapäṛi miro ozona Lu ri vo tori oloro dri ago ta kegate midri ndriro anjioko ädrupi miro orivoya ta aza be milomvo, 24 nye'be ŋgapäṛi miro lau vo tori oloro mile, nyoyi ndriŋwa ago nyodro'beru ädrupi miro be, ago 'dooko nyego mi'de gwo ŋgapäṛi miro ozone Lu ri.
25 “Ondro ka'do 'diaza ka'dote ta aza be milomvo ago ka mi ezi vure ya oko, nyède kalaope amiro nda be, dri ṛo teinye ociako vo vure roya, ukyi ondro misate lau oko, nda ozo mi 'da vureope'ba ri, se ozona mi 'da vookwa'ba ri, ago avona mi ndi kamba ya. 26 Endaro mata miri ono, mirina ndi lau, madale nyozona parata se cini drî miro utweza 'do lutu kpeye.
Ŋgaemba ta Taoyero Toko kode Ago Drisi rota
27 “Nyèrite atate ekye: ‘Miye ta ko toko kode ago drisi.’ 28 Oko mata ämiri yauono: 'Diaza se kabe voondre toko aza dri ago le anya uzine iri ye ta ṛote sina toko drisi ya ndaro ya. 29 Ka'do inye ondro ka'do mi drígwo yasi miro kani mi o'ba takozi oyene, nyewe anya tesi ago mivo anya cowa! Ni kadopara miri telesi lomvo miro ro ijene ndrani lomvo miro ovone cu gehena ya ri. 30 Ondro ka'do drí drígwo yasi miro kani mi o'ba takozi oyene, nyätäṛi ätu ago mivo cowa! Ni kadopara miri ŋga alodi lomvo miro ro ijene ndrani lomvo miro ovone cu gehena ya ri.
Ŋgaemba ta Ruonji rota
(Matayo 19:9Marako 10:11-12Luka 16:18)
31 “Ata kpate ekye: ‘'Diaza se kabe toko ndaro onjina beṛo waraga ruonjiro egyine ozone anyari.’ 32 Oko yauono mata ämiri ono, ondro ka'do mano aza ka toko ndaro ojina ta ronyi oyero anyaro ta, nda 'ba anya ni ta oyene ago drisi ondro anya kogo kuru ago aza te owo; ago mano se kabe anya ogye 'do ka kpa taoye toko drisi.
Ota ta Ruäṛu rota
33 “Nyèri tase atabe lidri ri kyeno ana te se ekye: ‘Nyepere tao'ba miro ko, oko miye tase nyäṛurube oyene Opi ri 'do.’ 34 Oko mata ämiri yauono nyäṛuru ko ondro nyate tao'ba oye owo. Nyäṛuru ko vo'buyakuru si, tana ni giti Lu ro owo, 35 ca ko 'bädri si, tana ni vo pa otoro ndaro owo; ca ko Yerusalema si, tana anya ni 'bakici 'Bädri'ba 'desi ro owo. 36 Nyäṛuru kpa ko drî miro si, tana minina ko drikyiri alodi o'bane onjero kode uniro. 37 Nyàta toto mìkye: ‘Owo’ kode ‘Hwa’; ta to aza se nyàbe atana 'do ka ikyi ni Nda se Kozi ono resi.
Ŋgaemba ta Tavologo rota
(Luka 6:29-30)
38 “Nyèri tate se atate ekye: ‘Mi 'bedri mi azi be, ago si 'bedri si azi be.’ 39 Oko yauono mata ämiri; nyòlogo votaro ko 'dise kabe ami oye koziro ri. Ondro ka'do 'diaza koca biṛi drígwo yasi miro te, mi'ba nda koca biṛi gaṛi yasi miro kpa. 40 Ondro ka'do 'diaza ka mi ugu vure ya ososi mivo ta boŋgo miro rota, mi'ba nda kuru dhudhu miro kpa. 41 Ago ondro ka'do alo aza kyila'bai ro kuru mite kate mi gbiri ŋga ndaro uŋgyine jä'dijä'di alo, miŋgyi jä'dijä'di ritu. 42 Ondro ka'do 'diaza keji mite ŋga aza ta, nyozo ndäri; ondro ka'do 'diaza kolete ŋga aza urune tiko ro ni mirigyesi, nyozo ndäri.
Ŋgalu Kyila'baazi ri
(Luka 6:27-28Luka 32-36)
43 “Nyèri tate se atate ekye: ‘Nyulu bereazi miro, oko ya miro koso kyila'baazi miro lomvo.’ 44 Oko yauono mata ämiri: Nyùlu kyila'baazii amiro ago nyä̀mätu ànya se kayibe ami eza ta, 45 tana nyà'do robe ŋgwai ro Täpi amiro se vo'buyakuru ya ana ri. Tana nda 'ba kitu ndaro ni voeyine lidri kozi ndi kado be dri ojoojoro, ago kani 'bu ozo ànya se kabe takado oye ndi ànya se kabe takozi oye iyi ri. 46 Ondro ka'do nyùlu gialo lidri se kabe ami lu ayani Lu ozona ŋgapäṛi eŋwanye ämiri ya? Ca parata koto'bai kayi kpa oyena inye! 47 Ago ondro ka'do nyà mede oye toto bereazii amiro ri ayani, inye'do nyà'dona to ni 'diawi ri eŋwanye ya? Tana taomaako'bai kayi kpa oyena inye! 48 Beṛo ämiri a'done kadoro, kpa oso Täpi amiro vo'buyakuru ya orivoya kadoro 'do ronye.
The Sermon on the Mount
1 When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on the side of a mountain and sat down.
(Luke 6.20-23)
Jesus' disciples gathered around him, 2 and he taught them:

3 God blesses those people
who depend only on him.
They belong to the kingdom
of heaven!
4 God blesses those people
who grieve.
They will find comfort!
5 God blesses those people
who are humble.
The earth will belong
to them!
6 God blesses those people
who want to obey him
more than to eat or drink.
They will be given
what they want!
7 God blesses those people
who are merciful.
They will be treated
with mercy!
8 God blesses those people
whose hearts are pure.
They will see him!
9 God blesses those people
who make peace.
They will be called
his children!
10 God blesses those people
who are treated badly
for doing right.
They belong to the kingdom
of heaven.

11 God will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me. 12 Be happy and excited! You will have a great reward in heaven. People did these same things to the prophets who lived long ago.
Salt and Light
(Mark 9.50Luke 14.34Luke 35)
13 You are the salt for everyone on earth. But if salt no longer tastes like salt, how can it make food salty? All it is good for is to be thrown out and walked on.
14 You are the light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, 15 and no one lights a lamp and puts it under a clay pot. Instead, it is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. 16 Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.
The Law of Moses
17 Don't suppose I came to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning. 18 Heaven and earth may disappear. But I promise you not even a period or comma will ever disappear from the Law. Everything written in it must happen.
19 If you reject even the least important command in the Law and teach others to do the same, you will be the least important person in the kingdom of heaven. But if you obey and teach others its commands, you will have an important place in the kingdom. 20 You must obey God's commands better than the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law obey them. If you don't, I promise you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.
21 You know our ancestors were told, “Do not murder” and “A murderer must be brought to trial.” 22 But I promise you if you are angry with someone, you will have to stand trial. If you call someone a fool, you will be taken to court. And if you say that someone is worthless, you will be in danger of the fires of hell.
23 So if you are about to place your gift on the altar and remember that someone is angry with you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. Make peace with that person, then come back and offer your gift to God.
25 Before you are dragged into court, make friends with the person who has accused you of doing wrong. If you don't, you will be handed over to the judge and then to the officer who will put you in jail. 26 I promise you will not get out until you have paid the last cent you owe.
27 You know the commandment which says, “Be faithful in marriage.” 28 But I tell you if you look at another woman and want her, you are already unfaithful in your thoughts. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, poke it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body, than for your whole body to end up in hell. 30 If your right hand causes you to sin, chop it off and throw it away! It is better to lose one part of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
(Matthew 19.9Mark 10.11Mark 12Luke 16.18)
31 You have been taught that a man who divorces his wife must write out divorce papers for her. 32 But I tell you not to divorce your wife unless she has committed some terrible sexual sin. If you divorce her, you will cause her to be unfaithful, just as any man who marries her is guilty of taking another man's wife.
33 You know our ancestors were told, “Don't use the Lord's name to make a promise unless you are going to keep it.” 34 But I tell you not to swear by anything when you make a promise! Heaven is God's throne, so don't swear by heaven. 35 The earth is God's footstool, so don't swear by the earth. Jerusalem is the city of the great king, so don't swear by it. 36 Don't swear by your own head. You cannot make one hair white or black. 37 When you make a promise, say only “Yes” or “No.” Anything else comes from the devil.
(Luke 6.29Luke 30)
38 You know you have been taught, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” 39 But I tell you not to try to get even with a person who has done something to you. When someone slaps your right cheek, turn and let that person slap your other cheek. 40 If someone sues you for your shirt, give up your coat as well. 41 If a soldier forces you to carry his pack one kilometer, carry it two kilometers. 42 When people ask you for something, give it to them. When they want to borrow money, lend it to them.
(Luke 6.27Luke 28Luke 32-36)
43 You have heard people say, “Love your neighbors and hate your enemies.” 44 But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. 45 Then you will be acting like your Father in heaven. He makes the sun rise on both good and bad people. And he sends rain for the ones who do right and for the ones who do wrong. 46 If you love only those people who love you, will God reward you for this? Even tax collectors love their friends. 47 If you greet only your friends, what's so great about this? Don't even unbelievers do that? 48 But you must always act like your Father in heaven.