Yauni Ka'da Lu ro
1 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Nyìkyi, ami se cini gyilu be ono,
nyìkyi gyi begi ono!
Ami se parata ako ono,
nyikyi mìgye inya mìnya robe!
Nyìkyi, migye vino ndi leyi be,
tana orivoya lagyeako ämiri!
2 Tana e'di nyà parata enji ŋgase ko ŋgaonya yi ono dri niya?
Tana e'di nyà päläti amiro enjina ŋgase ojo 'di ko ono dri niya?
Nyèri ta maro kadoro ago mìnya ŋgase kadoro 'do ayani,
ago nyänjäkyi ŋgaonya se kadopara ndra 'do si.

3 “Ka'do inye nyèri ta maro, ago nyìkyi mare;
nyèri ta maro, 'dooko nyà'dona ndi adri be!
Ma'bana tao'baro äduako 'da ami yibe
ago mozona ŋgalu duro se ma'ba tana be Dawidi ri ana 'da ämiri.
4 Ma'ba Dawidi te mbara ka'daza tu'dei ri,
ago maka'da nda te dri'ba ro ago otaozo'ba tu'dei ro.
5 Yauono mìzina tu'dei atrai ro se mìni ko iyi 'da;
tu'dei se sedri niyi ami ko iyi imunayi 'da amire!
Tana ta ma, OPI Lu amiro, Lu alokado Yisaraele ro ono rota,
tana mozona 'desi 'da ämiri:”

6 Miṛi OPI ri tuse äni ndi ndana usune si,
nyolo'ba lomvo ndäri tuse nda dri orivoya lototi 'do si.
7 Mi'ba takozi'bai ke'beyi liti ori ànyaro ro
ago taŋgeako'bai käläpiyi liti tausuro ànyaro.
Mi'ba ànya kegoyi OPI Lu amaro re tana nda ka'do robe yauni be ànyari
tana Lu amaro ka 'die'be ndriŋwa ta takozi rota.
8 OPI ka ata ekye: “Tausu maro, ko orivoya oso tausu amiro ronye,
ago liti maro orivoya to ni liti amiro ri.
9 Oso vo'buyakuru kogwabe ndrani 'bädri drisi ono ronye,
liti cini maro kpa oso inye ndrani liti amiro drisi
ago tavousu cini maro kpa ndrani tavousu amiro drisi.

10 “Oso 'bu ndi siya be
kabe u'di vuru ni vo'buyakuru yasi gyini udune 'do ronye;
anya kani ŋgaluru o'ba ombane
ago kani kwari lofo ogo orine ndi ŋgaonya be onyane lidri ri.
11 Ta'dota ata se mabe atana ono a'dona kpa oso inye,
unina ko a'done ŋgaawi ro,
oko oyena ŋgase mara tana be ono ndi;
oyena ŋgase cini mazo anya be tana ro ono ndi kado.

12 “Nyè'bena Babelona 'da riyä si;
elepena ami 'da ni 'bakici ana yasi tokpero.
'Bereŋwai ndi lutui be o'denayi 'da loŋgo oŋgo be ami mile,
ago ice cini vocowa ya otrenayi 'da riyä si.
13 Ice kyiyi ro ombana 'da vose ŋgäṛiŋgofo orivoya kigyesi iyi yasi;
ice kyedo'be ro ogo uruna vo kukyii roni.
Ono a'dona 'da taoyi ro tase ma OPI mayebe rota,
taka'daro äduako ro, se unina ko okyene.”
The Lord's Invitation
1 If you are thirsty,
come and drink water!
If you don't have any money,
come, eat what you want!
Drink wine and milk
without paying a cent.
2 Why waste your money
on what really isn't food?
Why work hard for something
that doesn't satisfy?
Listen carefully to me,
and you will enjoy
the very best foods.

3 Pay close attention!
Come to me and live.
I will promise you
the eternal love and loyalty
that I promised David.
4 I made him the leader and ruler
of the nations;
he was my witness to them.
5 You will call out to nations
you have never known.
And they have never known you,
but they will come running
because I am the Lord,
the holy God of Israel,
and I have honored you.
God's Words Are Powerful
6 Turn to the Lord!
He can still be found.
Call out to God! He is near.
7 Give up your evil ways
and your evil thoughts.
Return to the Lord our God.
He will be merciful
and forgive your sins.

8 The Lord says:
“My thoughts and my ways
are not like yours.
9 Just as the heavens
are higher than the earth,
my thoughts and my ways
are higher than yours.

10 “Rain and snow fall from the sky.
But they don't return
without watering the earth
that produces seeds to plant
and grain to eat.
11 That's how it is with my words.
They don't return to me
without doing everything
I send them to do.”
God's People Will Celebrate
12 When you are set free,
you will celebrate
and travel home in peace.
Mountains and hills will sing
as you pass by,
and trees will clap.
13 Cypress and myrtle trees
will grow in fields
once covered by thorns.
And then those trees will stand
as a lasting witness
to the glory of the Lord.