Toko se Ärube Taoyevoya Ago Drisi ana
1 Oko Yesu oyite 'Bereŋwa Ice Idoro ro dri. 2 Ṛo kyenoŋboci kyenonosi oko nda gote kovole Yekalu ya. Lidri cini otokalate ŋgulu nda lomvo, ago nda rite vuru ago eto ànya embate. 3 Miemba'bai Ota ro ndi Parusii be eziyi toko aza äru taoyevoya ago drisi, ago ànya edreyi anya te ànya cini kandra. 4 Ànya atayite Yesu ri ekye: “Miemba'ba, äru toko gi ono te taoyevoya ago drisi. 5 Ota ya Musa katabe toko oso ono ronye beṛo ufune ovone kuni si, oko nyatana miro eŋwanye ya?” 6 Ànya atayi ta ono te Yesu odoza, tana ànya kikicuyi nda robe. Oko nda ändite ago egyitate gyinidri driŋgwa ndaro si. 7 Ago ànya kedreyite lau kayi ugu nda eji oko, nda edrete kuru ago atate ànyari ekye: “Alo aza amiro se koye takozi ko 'do kovo kuni käti anya lomvo.” 8 'Dooko nda ändite kpa to'di ago egyi tate gyinidri. 9 Ondro ànya keriyi ta ono te oko, ànya cini oyite, ba alo alo, eto ni 'desi yasi käti. E'be Yesu te iṛe, toko ana dri 'du edrevoya nda kandra. 10 Nda edrete kuru ago atate anyari ekye: “Ànya gaŋwaro ya? Inye'do alo aza e'be ko vure miro oyene ya?”
11 Anya zatadrite ekye: “Aza alona i'do, 'desi.” Yesu atate ekye: “Ka'do inye, ca ma vure miro oyene i'do. Nyoyi oko miye takozi ko tona.”]
Yesu Ŋgaeyi 'Bädri ro
12 Yesu ata ta kpate to'di Parusii ri ekye: “Ma ni ŋgaeyi 'bädri ro, nda se kabe oso mavo a'dona ndi ŋgaeyi adri robe ago abana ko vouni yasi alona.”
13 Parusii atayite ndäri ekye: “Nya ugu tazevo modo miro ro edrena; tase nyabe atana ono ka'da ta aza ko.”
14 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Hwa, ondro ka'do ca ma tazevo modo maro ro edrena, tase mabe atana ni ŋgye, tana mäni vose mikyibe ni kigye ndi vose ma ugu oyi kigye be. Oko mìni vose mikyibe ni kigyesi ko, ca vose ma ugu oyi kigye be. 15 Nyà vureope ṛo kpeye a'do lidri ro voro; mape vure 'diaza ro ko. 16 Oko ondro ka'do gwo märi oyene inye, vureope maro a'dona ṛo ŋgye, tana ma ko iṛe opevonaya; oko Täpi se kezo mabe orivoya mabe. 17 Egyitate Ota amiro ya anjioko ondro tazevoedre 'di ritu ro kojote ojo anjioko tase ànya kabe atana orivoya ŋgye. 18 Ma tazevo modo maro ro edrena, ago Täpi se kezo mabe ka kpa tazevoedre ma ta.”
19 Ànya ejiyi nda te ekye: “Täpi miro eŋwaro ya?” Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Mìni ma ko'de ca Täpi maro, ondro aba mìni ma gwo, mìnina Täpi maro kpa.”
20 Yesu ata tase cini ono te ŋgaembavoya Yekalu ya, zoya se a'ba sänduku ŋgapäṛi ozo robe kigye ya. Ago 'diaza alo ru nda kote, tana tu modo ndaro ro esa ko dri.
Mìni ko Oyine Vose Ma Ugu Oyi Kigye ya
21 Yesu atate ànyari to'dina ekye: “Moyina 'da lozo; mìṛina ma 'da, oko mìdrana 'da takozi amiro ya. Mìnina ko oyine vose ma ugu oyi kigye ya.”
22 Ago drikaca'bai Yudai ro atate ekye: “Nda ka ugu ata ekye mä̀nina ko oyine vose nda ka ugu oyi kigye ya. Inye'do takaci ta'doro nda kaoye andivo ndaro ufune ya?”
23 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Ami 'bädri vuru noŋwa ono ro, oko mikyini kurusi. Ami ni 'bädri ono yasi, oko ma ko ni 'bädri ono yasi. 24 'Doni tase matabe ämiri makye mìdrana 'da takozii amiro ya owo. Ago mìdrana 'da takozii amiro ya ondro mìma kote, Ma ni Nda owo.”
25 Ànya ejiyi nda te ekye: “Mi orivoya a'di owo ya?” Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Miti tate ämiri ṛoni etovoya. 26 Ma ta amba be atane ta amiro ta, ago ta amba be vure amiro opene tana ro. Oko nda se kezo mabe ni ŋgye, ago ma toto tase meribe ni nda resi tana itina ayani 'bädri ri.”
27 Ànya niyi ko anjioko Yesu ka ugu ta Täpi ro ata ànyari. 28 Ago nda atate ànyari ekye: “Ondro nyèŋga Ŋgwa Lidri rote kuru, 'dooko mìnina 'da anjioko Ma ni Nda owo; 'dooko mìnina 'da anjioko maye ŋga aza ko drikaca modo maro rosi, oko ma toto tase Täpi kemba mabe atane atana ayani. 29 Ago nda se kezo mabe ono orivoya mabe, nda e'be ma kote iṛe, tana ondoalo ma ŋgase tana kabe nda usi oyena ayani.”
30 Ambana se keri Yesu te ta ono atavoya mate nda ya.
Lidri Dritai ro ndi Iyeäṛii be
31 Ago Yesu atate Yudai se koma ta be nda ya ri ekye: “Ondro mìro ŋgaemba maro te, ami orivoya endaro taeri'bai maro, 32 mìnina taŋgye ndi, ago taŋgye o'bana ami 'da dritai ro.”
33 Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Ama orivoya zelevoi Abarayama ro, ago mà'do kote iyeäṛii 'diaza ro. Nyusu eŋwanye ugu atane ekye: ‘Nyà'dona 'da dritai roya’?”
34 Yesu atate ànyari ekye: “Ma ugu taŋgye iti ämiri; vona se cini ka takozi oye orivoya iyeäṛi takozi ro. 35 Iyeäṛi ri kote madaro katidri ya, oko ŋgwa ri ndi lau äduako. 36 Ondro Ŋgwa ko'ba ami ni dritai ro, 'dooko nyà'dona ndi endaro dritai ro. 37 Mäni ndi ami ni zelevoi Abarayama ro owo. Caoko nyà ojo ma ufune, tana mìleko ŋgaemba maro urune. 38 Ma tase meribe ni Täpi maro resi atana, oko nyà tase nyèribe ni täpi amiro resi oyena ayani.”
39 Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Täpi amaro ni Abarayama.”
Yesu logotate ekye: “Ondro nyà'do gwo endaro ŋgwai Abarayama ro, mìyena kpa tase nda ye be ayani. 40 Ma orivoya mano se kiti taŋgye se merite ni Lu resi te ämiri owo, oko nyà ojo ma ufune. Abarayama ye ŋga aza ko oso inye! 41 Nyà ugu tase täpi amiro koyebe oyena.”
Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Lu toto ni Täpi se ama be sina owo, ago ama ni ŋgwà ŋgye ndaro owo.”
42 Yesu atate ànyari ekye: “Ondro Lu ka'do gwo endaro Täpi amiro, nyùluna ma ndi, tana mikyi ni Lu re ago yauono ma ni no. Mikyi kote drikaca ma modo rosi, oko nda ezo ma ni. 43 Tana e'di mìni tase mabe atana ko niya? Tana mìni ko biogane lazo maro erine. 44 Ami orivoya ŋgwai täpi amiro kicu'ba ro, ago mìle osone ole täpi amiro ro vo. Tana ṛoni etovoya nda orivoya 'diufu'ba yi ago a'do ko alona taŋgye resi, tana taŋgye i'do nda ya. Ondro nda ka kowe oga, nda ka ugu ta ndaro oyena, tana nda kowe'ba yi ago täpi kowe cini ro. 45 Oko ma taŋgye iti, ago 'do ni tase mì'de ko omane maya owo. 46 Alo aza amiro se unina ndi ma kicune ekye ma orivoya taenji be ni a'di ya? Ondro ka'do ma taŋgye ata, tana e'di mìma ko maya niya? 47 Nda se kikyi Lu resi ka ata Lu ro erina. Caoko ami ko ni Lu resi, ago 'do ni tase mì'de ko ta erine owo.”
Yesu ndi Abarayama be
48 Yudai ejiyi Yesu te ekye: “Inye'do ama ṛo ko ŋgye ugu atana màkye mi orivoya Samaria'ba yi ago demona be miya ya?”
49 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Ma demona ako, ma Täpi maro oro, oko ami mìro ma ko. 50 Ma ko ugu taoro uṛi ma andivo ri. Oko alodi aza orivoya se ka ugu uṛina ago se ka vureope ta maro ta. 51 Ma ugu taŋgye iti ämiri, nda se kabe ŋgaemba maro oro odrana ko alona.”
52 Ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Yauono màma ndi endaro anjioko mi demona be! Abarayama drate, ago nebii todrate, caoko nya ata mikye nda se kabe ŋgaemba miro oro odrana ko alona. 53 Täpi amaro Abarayama drate, nya mi o'ba a'done ndrani Abarayama ri, inye'do mi ndi inye ya? Ago nebii todra kpate. Nyusu miro be mi orivoya a'di owo ya?”
54 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Ondro aba ma gwo andivo maro oro ayani, 'dooko taoro maro kadona i'do. Nda se kabe ma oro ni Täpi maro; se gi nyàbe tana atana mìkye ni Lu amiro owo ono. 55 Mìni nda kote alona, oko mäni nda ndi, oko aba mata gwo makye mäni nda ko, ma'dona ndi koweoga'ba ro oso ami ronye. Oko mäni nda ndi, ago maro ata ndaro ndi. 56 Täpi amiro Abarayama a'dote riyäsi tu ikyi maro ro ondrene; ndrete ago a'dote yai'dwesi.”
57 Ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Ndroa miro drigba i'do 'butenji; oko inye'do mindre Abarayama te ya?”
58 Yesu logotate ekye: “Ma ugu taŋgye iti ämiri teinye Abarayama utiako, ma ṛo orivoya.”
59 'Dooko ànya ruyi kuniŋwà te nda ovoza, oko Yesu da'do andivo iro te ago e'be Yekalu te.
1 but Jesus walked out to the Mount of Olives. 2 Then early the next morning he went to the temple. The people came to him, and he sat down and started teaching them.
3 The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law of Moses brought in a woman who had been caught in bed with a man who wasn't her husband. They made her stand in the middle of the crowd. 4 Then they said, “Teacher, this woman was caught sleeping with a man who isn't her husband. 5 The Law of Moses teaches that a woman like this should be stoned to death! What do you say?”
6 They asked Jesus this question, because they wanted to test him and bring some charge against him. But Jesus simply bent over and started writing on the ground with his finger.
7 They kept on asking Jesus about the woman. Finally, he stood up and said, “If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!” 8 Once again he bent over and began writing on the ground. 9 The people left one by one, beginning with the oldest. Finally, Jesus and the woman were there alone.
10 Jesus stood up and asked her, “Where is everyone? Isn't there anyone left to accuse you?”
11 “No sir,” the woman answered.
Then Jesus told her, “I am not going to accuse you either. You may go now, but don't sin anymore.”
Jesus Is the Light for the World
12 Once again Jesus spoke to the people. This time he said, “I am the light for the world! Follow me, and you won't be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.”
13 The Pharisees objected, “You are the only one speaking for yourself, and what you say isn't true!”
14 Jesus replied:
Even if I do speak for myself, what I say is true! I know where I came from and where I am going. But you don't know where I am from or where I am going. 15 You judge in the same way that everyone else does, but I don't judge anyone. 16 If I did judge, I would judge fairly, because I would not be doing it alone. The Father who sent me is here with me. 17 Your Law requires two witnesses to prove that something is true. 18 I am one of my witnesses, and the Father who sent me is the other one.
19 “Where is your Father?” they asked.
“You don't know me or my Father!” Jesus answered. “If you knew me, you would know my Father.”
20 Jesus said this while he was still teaching in the place where the temple treasures were stored. But no one arrested him, because his time had not yet come.
You Cannot Go Where I Am Going
21 Jesus also told them, “I am going away, and you will look for me. But you cannot go where I am going, and you will die with your sins unforgiven.”
22 The people asked, “Does he intend to kill himself? Is that what he means by saying we cannot go where he is going?”
23 Jesus answered, “You are from below, but I am from above. You belong to this world, but I don't. 24 This is why I said you will die with your sins unforgiven. If you don't have faith in me for who I am, you will die, and your sins will not be forgiven.”
25 “Who are you?” they asked Jesus.
Jesus answered, “I am exactly who I told you at the beginning. 26 There is a lot more I could say to condemn you. But the one who sent me is truthful, and I tell the people of this world only what I have heard from him.”
27 No one understood that Jesus was talking to them about the Father.
28 Jesus went on to say, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, you will know who I am. You will also know that I don't do anything on my own. I say only what my Father taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me. I always do what pleases him, and he will never leave me.”
30 After Jesus said this, many of the people put their faith in him.
The Truth Will Set You Free
31 Jesus told the people who had faith in him, “If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are my disciples. 32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
33 They answered, “We are Abraham's children! We have never been anyone's slaves. How can you say we will be set free?”
34 Jesus replied:
I tell you for certain that anyone who sins is a slave of sin! 35 And slaves don't stay in the family forever, though the Son will always remain in the family. 36 If the Son gives you freedom, you are free! 37 I know that you are from Abraham's family. Yet you want to kill me, because my message isn't really in your hearts. 38 I am telling you what my Father has shown me, just as you are doing what your father has taught you.
Your Father Is the Devil
39 The people said to Jesus, “Abraham is our father!”
Jesus replied, “If you were Abraham's children, you would do what Abraham did. 40 Instead, you want to kill me for telling you the truth that God gave me. Abraham never did anything like that. 41 But you are doing exactly what your father does.”
“Don't accuse us of having someone else as our father!” they said. “We just have one father, and he is God.”
42 Jesus answered:
If God were your Father, you would love me, because I came from God and now I am here. He sent me. I did not come on my own. 43 Why can't you understand what I am talking about? Can't you stand to hear what I am saying? 44 Your father is the devil, and you do exactly what he wants. He has always been a murderer and a liar. There is nothing truthful about him. He speaks on his own, and everything he says is a lie. Not only is he a liar himself, but he is also the father of all lies.
45 Everything I have told you is true, and you still refuse to have faith in me. 46 Can any of you accuse me of sin? If you cannot, why won't you have faith in me? After all, I am telling you the truth. 47 Anyone who belongs to God will listen to his message. But you refuse to listen, because you don't belong to God.
Jesus and Abraham
48 The people told Jesus, “We were right to say that you are a Samaritan and that you have a demon in you!”
49 Jesus answered, “I don't have a demon in me. I honor my Father, and you refuse to honor me. 50 I don't want honor for myself. But there is one who wants me to be honored, and he is also the one who judges. 51 I tell you for certain that if you obey my words, you will never die.”
52 Then the people said, “Now we are sure that you have a demon. Abraham is dead, and so are the prophets. How can you say that no one who obeys your words will ever die? 53 Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are?”
54 Jesus replied, “If I honored myself, it would mean nothing. My Father is the one who honors me. You claim that he is your God, 55 even though you don't really know him. If I said I didn't know him, I would be a liar, just like all of you. But I know him, and I do what he says. 56 Your father Abraham was really glad to see me.”
57 “You are not even 50 years old!” they said. “How could you have seen Abraham?”
58 Jesus answered, “I tell you for certain that even before Abraham was, I was, and I am.” 59 The people picked up stones to kill Jesus, but he hid and left the temple.