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1 A'done taoma be anjioko orivoya a'done ŋgye ta ŋgase abe mio'ba tana ro ta, ago a'done ŋgye ta ŋgase mäni ko ondrene rota. 2 Taoma ànyaro si lidri se tui kyeno kai ro tana si Lu te.
3 Taoma si anjioko mänite a'ba 'bädri te ata Lu rosi, tana ŋgase äni ndi ondrene ono ede ko ni ŋgase andrebe ondre yasi.
4 Taoma 'ba Abele te toriolo kadopara ozone Lu ri ndrani Kaina ro drisi. Taoma ndaro si ta ndaro si Lu te aka'da nda te mano taŋgye'ba ro, tana Lu andivo edretazevo ndaro te ŋgapäṛi ndaro olesi. Ta taoma ndaro rota Abele ka gi'du ata, nda kodra gica owo.
5 Taoma laga Enoka teni odravoya. Oko äru nda te kuru Lu re, ago 'diaza ni kote nda usune, tana Lu ru nda te kuru. Taegyi ka ata ekye teinye Enoka uruako kuru, ta ndaro si Lu te. 6 Ta 'diaza ro ni ko Lu usine teinye taoma ako, tana nda se kabe ikyi Lu re beṛo a'done taoma be anjioko Lu orivoya ago kani ànya se kabe nda uṛi päṛi.
7 Taoma 'ba Noa ni ŋgaemba Lu ro ta ŋgase mileya nda ni ko ondrene rota tana erine. Nda ro Lu te ago ede toŋbo te se nda ndi katidri ndaro be apate kigye. Ago tase ka'dobe si ape vure 'bädri rote, ago Noa usu taŋgye teni Lu resi se ka ikyi taoma si.
8 Taoma 'ba Abarayama te Lu orone ondro Lu kuzi nda te oyine 'bädri se Lu ko'ba tana be ozone ndäri ya owo. Nda e'be 'bädri modo ndaro rote teinye vose nda kabe ugu oyi kigye uniako. 9 Taoma si nda rite 'diatra ronye 'bädri se Lu ko'ba tana be ndäri ya. Nda rite zoi boŋgo ro ya, oso Yisika ndi Yakoba be, se usuyi tao'ba kpate ni Lu resi ronye. 10 Tana Abarayama ka ugu 'bakici se Lu kaka'dabe ago kobebe, 'bakici se kotopa na ka ori 'duro ana kwotena.
11 Taoma si Sara a'dote mbararo a'done ŋgwa be, nda gica pari odeodero ago Sara modo ni kote a'done ŋgwai be owo. Nda yitate Lu ya tao'ba ndaro ätina si. 12 Taoye ya Abarayama gica avo ro oko, ni mano gi alo ono yasi zelevoi amba a'dote oso 'bi'bi vo'buyakuru ya ronye, orivoya oso doŋgoṛoŋwa siŋgwa ro kototi otiako ronye.
13 Taoma si 'dicini kwoi todrate. Ànya usuyi ŋgase Lu ko'ba tana be kote, oko ni lozo si ànya ndreyi ànya te ago ruyi ànya te, ago leyitadrina te ŋbelero anjioko ànya orivoya 'diatrai ro ago aba'bai ro 'bädri ya. 14 Ànya se kayibe ta nonye kwoi ata 'ba ṛo ŋbelero anjioko ànya kayi ugu 'bädri modo ànyaro ro uṛina. 15 'Bädri se ànya ke'beyibe ana ànya e'beyi tavousu tana ro te, aba ondro ànya kori gwo 'du tana usune, aba ànya a'donayi ndi kandrakado be ogone. 16 Oko tana 'bädri se ànya kayibe voondre tana ro orivoya 'bädri kadopara yi, 'bädri vo'buyakuru ro. Ago Lu ko driupiro ta ànyaro ta ànyari nda uzine Lu ànyaro, tana nda ede 'bakici te ànyari.
17 Taoma 'ba Abarayama te ŋgwa ndaro Yisika olone tori ro ondro ojo mbara Abarayama rote owo. Abarayama ni orivoya se Lu ko'ba tao'ba be rigye, caoko nda orivoya nja ŋgwa alodi ndaro ozone olone tori ro. 18 Lu atate ndäri ekye: “Yisika si nya'dona 'da zelevoi se ma'ba tana be ono be.” 19 Abarayama usutate anjioko Lu orivoya mbara be Yisika eŋgane ni odra ya, ago ata ndi inye, Abarayama go ru Yisika te kovole ni odra yasi.
20 Taoma 'ba Yisika 'ba tao'ba mileya rote Yakoba ndi Esau be ri.
21 Taoma 'ba Yakoba äṛu ŋgwàagoro Yosepa rote ba alo alo ondro nda ka oyete odrane owo. Nda ätirute dofo ndaro abaro si ago mätu Lu te.
22 Taoma 'ba Yosepa te, ondro ka oyete odrane oko, nda pe ta oyiro Yisaraele'bai ro ni Ezipeto yasi tana te, ago e'be taŋgaembaro tase beṛo oyene ta avo ndaro rota te.
23 Taoma 'ba uti'bai Musa rote nda da'done imbana nätu äti nda be vosi. Ànya ndreyite nda orivoya ŋgwa liŋgyiekye yi, ago ànya a'doyi kote turiro orine ota 'bädri'ba ro oroako.
24 Taoma 'ba Musa te, ondro nda kombate oko, gatezo yi uzine ŋgwa ŋguti 'bädri'ba ro ro. 25 Nda lete ruezane lidri Lu robe ndrani riyä takozi ro se tuna orivoya fere ono ri. 26 Nda 'bamite rueza ŋgamawo ro ta Mesiya rota kadona para ndrani lakazà cini Ezipeto ro drisi, tana nda 'ba mi ndaro te päläti se mileya dri.
27 Taoma 'ba Musa e'be Ezipeto te kyila 'bädri'ba ro turiako. Tana osoago nda ndre Lu ondreako te, nda gatezo mi ozane kovole. 28 Taoma 'ba nda te Karama Lävu Odra ro ro oyene ago ozo tate kari luvune käläsi drisi, tana ukyi malaika odra ro ufu ŋgwàagoro se ätibe käti Yisaraele'bai ro 'da.
29 Taoma 'ba Yisaraele'bai te mbararo drî Gyi'desi Okaro ro ozane oso gyini awi drisi ronye, ondro Ezipeto'bai kojoyite oyene inye oko, gyi ivu ànya te.
30 Taoma 'ba tiṛi Yeriko ro tisite vuru aba Yisaraele'bai ro gbikyi ànya lomvosi u'duna njidrieri vosi. 31 Taoma pa Raba ronyi'ba ro teni ufuvoya ànya se koroyi Lu kote kai yibe, tana anya ru vomari'bai Yisaraele'bai rote bereazi ro yai'dwesi.
32 Muguna ata ndi driyaro ya? Saa ojo kote märi ta Gideoni, Baraka, Samisona, Yepeta, Dawidi, Samuele ndi nebii be ro itiza. 33 Taoma 'ba ànya te kyila oyene 'bädrii cini be ago peyite ṛe. Ànya yeyi tase kado te ago ruyi ŋgase Lu ko'ba tana be te, ànya seyi kala ibii rote, 34 izweyi asi mbaraekye te, payivote ni ufuvoya bando si. Ànya orivoya mbaraako, oko a'doyite mbararo, ànya a'doyite mbaraekye ro kyila ya ago peyi kyila'baazii 'diatrai ro rote. 35 Taoma si 'ditoko usu 'didiri ànyaro se kadribe te.
Azaka gayizo, leyi dritai ko, drayite rueza ya tana adri ànya robe ori kadopara ya. 36 Rukäna omo'dote ago a'bite, ago azakana embete nyori si ago avote kamba ya. 37 Avo ànya te kuni si, asi yana te ritu, äfu ànya te bando si. Ànya abayite gbikyi soyi kyinii timele ro kode indrii rote, ati'ba ro, ezate, ago ayete koziro. 38 'Bädri a'do kote kadoro ànyari! Ànya abayite oso aba'bai vocowa yasi ago lutuŋwà drisi ronye, loriyite kugyiŋwà yasi ago 'buŋwà gyini ya yasi.
39 Se cini edretazevona be kwoi peyi ŋgateṛe taoma si! Caoko ruyi tao'ba se Lu ko'ba tana be kote, 40 tana Lu ra tavoora kadopara te ta amaro ta. Ta ndaro anjioko toto a'do troalo ama be si a'ba ànya te ŋgye.
The Great Faith of God's People
1 Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see. 2 It was their faith that made our ancestors pleasing to God.
3 Because of our faith, we know that the world was made at God's command. We also know that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.
4 Because Abel had faith, he offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. God was pleased with him and his gift, and even though Abel is now dead, his faith still speaks for him.
5 Enoch had faith and did not die. He pleased God, and God took him up to heaven. This is why his body was never found. 6 But without faith no one can please God. We must believe that God is real and rewards everyone who searches for him.
7 Because Noah had faith, he was warned about something that had not yet happened. He obeyed and built a boat that saved him and his family. In this way the people of the world were judged, and Noah was given the blessings that come to everyone who pleases God.
8 Abraham had faith and obeyed God. He was told to go to the land that God had said would be his, and he left for a country he had never seen. 9 Because Abraham had faith, he lived as a stranger in the promised land. He lived there in a tent, and so did Isaac and Jacob, who were later given the same promise. 10 Abraham did this, because he was waiting for the eternal city God had planned and built.
11 Even when Sarah was too old to have children, she had faith that God would do what he had promised, and she had a son. 12 Her husband Abraham was almost dead, but he became the ancestor of many people. In fact, there are as many of them as there are stars in the sky or grains of sand along the seashore.
13 Every one of those people died. But they still had faith, even though they had not received what they had been promised. They were glad just to see these things from far away, and they agreed that they were only strangers and foreigners on this earth. 14 When people talk this way, it is clear they are looking for a place to call their own. 15 If they had been talking about the land where they had once lived, they could have gone back at any time. 16 But they were looking forward to a better home in heaven. This is why God wasn't ashamed for them to call him their God. He even built a city for them.
17-18 Abraham had been promised that Isaac, his only son, would continue his family. But when Abraham was tested, he had faith and was willing to sacrifice Isaac, 19 because he was sure that God could raise people to life. This was just like getting Isaac back from death.
20 Isaac had faith, and he promised blessings to Jacob and Esau. 21 Later, when Jacob was about to die, he leaned on his walking stick and worshiped. Then because of his faith he blessed each of Joseph's sons. 22 And right before Joseph died, he had faith that God would lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. So he told them to take his bones with them.
23 Because Moses' parents had faith, they kept him hidden until he was three months old. They saw that he was a beautiful child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king's orders. 24 Then after Moses grew up, his faith made him refuse to be called the king's grandson. 25 He chose to be mistreated with God's people instead of having the good time that sin could bring for a little while. 26 Moses knew that the treasures of Egypt were not as wonderful as what he would receive from suffering for the Messiah, and he looked forward to his reward.
27 Because of his faith, Moses left Egypt. Moses had seen the invisible God and wasn't afraid of the king's anger. 28 His faith also made him celebrate Passover. He sprinkled the blood of animals on the doorposts, so that the first-born sons of the people of Israel would not be killed by the destroying angel.
29 Because of their faith, the people walked through the Red Sea on dry land. But when the Egyptians tried to do it, they were drowned.
30 God's people had faith, and when they had walked around the city of Jericho for seven days, its walls fell down.
31 Rahab had been a prostitute, but she had faith and welcomed the spies. So she wasn't killed with the people who disobeyed.
32 What else can I say? There isn't enough time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. 33 Their faith helped them conquer kingdoms, and because they did right, God made promises to them. They closed the jaws of lions 34 and put out raging fires and escaped from the swords of their enemies. Although they were weak, they were given the strength and power to chase foreign armies away.
35 Some women received their loved ones back from death. Many of these people were tortured, but they refused to be released. They were sure they would get a better reward when the dead are raised to life. 36 Others were made fun of and beaten with whips, and some were chained in jail. 37 Still others were stoned to death or sawed in two or killed with swords. Some had nothing but sheep skins or goat skins to wear. They were poor, mistreated, and tortured. 38 The world did not deserve these good people, who had to wander in deserts and on mountains and had to live in caves and holes in the ground.
39 All of them pleased God because of their faith! But still they died without being given what had been promised. 40 This was because God had something better in store for us. And he did not want them to reach the goal of their faith without us.