Uru Yeriko ro
1 Ase dereŋwai Yeriko rote ndi ni Yisaraele'bai ri ocivoya. 'Diaza alo fo kote tesi, ago eci kote 'bakici ya. 2 Ago OPI atate Yosua ri ekye: “Mindre Yeriko ndi 'bädri'ba na be ndi kyila'bai anyaro be te drì miro ya. 3 Mi ndi kyila'bai miro be ri abane gbikyi 'bakici lomvosi perena alodi tu alo ya u'duna njidrialo. 4 Kohanii njidrieri ri cekuṛe njidrieri se ni koyi timelegogoi ro yasi uŋgyine ago o'dene mile Sänduku Tao'baro roya. U'du njidrieri si oko, mi ndi kyila'bai miro be ri abane gbikyi 'bakici lomvosi perena njidrieri ago kohanii ri ugu cekuṛei ovone. 5 'Dooko ànyari cekuṛe ovone ṛo aŋbere perena alodi. Dori ondro nyeri kporo na te oko, lidri cini ri otrene kporo amba si; ago tiṛi 'bakici ro lasona 'da kpeye vuru. 'Dooko te kyila'bai ri ocine 'bakici ya.”
6 'Dooko Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro zi kohanii te ago atate ànyari ekye: “Mìŋgyi Sänduku Tao'baro, ago kohanii njidrieri kuŋgyiyi cekuṛe njidrieri, ko'deyi käti mile Sänduku Tao'ba ro ya.” 7 'Dooko nda ozo ota te lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Nyòyi gbikyi 'bakici lomvosi, ago kyila'bai se ŋga kyila oyero be kälävuyi mile Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro roya.”
8 Ondro Yosua kata te lidri ri oko, kohanii njidrieri se kuŋgyiyi cekuṛe njidrieri se ni koyi timelegogoi ro yasi robe OPI mile ana 'dete käti ugu cekuṛe ovo be, ago Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro 'dete ànya vo. 9 Kyila'bai se ŋga kyila robe kai lävuyite kohanii se kayibe ugu cekuṛe ovo kai mile, ndi kyila'bai osoro kovole esote ago saa cini ono ya ovo cekuṛe ro ugu uwite 'duro. 10 Ago Yosua ozotate lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Ko ämiri totrene, ago ko atane ṛeṛe madale mozona ota ni ämiri otrene.” 11 Nda atate lidri kwoi ri Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro uŋgyine ago lepine sina 'bakici lomvosi perena alo. 'Dooko ànya egoyite gawa ya ago u'duyite ŋgäkyi ana si lau.
12 Tu ṛiri si Yosua ŋgate kyenoŋboci, ago kohanii ŋgyiyi Sänduku Tao'baro OPI rote. 13 Kohanii njidrieri se kuŋgyiyi cekuṛe njidrieri ni koyi timelegogo ro yasi robe kai 'deyite käti ago abayite mile Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro mile ugu cekuṛe ovobe. Kyila'bai se ŋga kyila robe 'deyite käti ànya mile ago ndi kyila'bai osoro kovole soyite Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro vo ago saa cini ono ya ovo cekuṛe ro ugu uwite 'duro. 14 Ago u'du ṛiri ono ya ànya abayi kpate 'bakici lomvosi gbikyi perena alo, 'dooko egoyite gawa ya. Ànya yeyite inye u'duna njidrialo.
15 U'du njidrieri si oko ànya ŋgate ṛo kyenoŋbo 'buzevo osivoya, aga abayite perena njidrieri 'bakici lomvosi gbikyi liti alo 'do yasi; ono ni toto tuse ànya kabayibe perena njidrieri 'bakici lomvosi gbikyi owo. 16 Ago pere njidrieri na si, ondro kohanii keto cekuṛe ovote oko, Yosua ta lidri te ekye: “Mìtre! Tana OPI ozo 'bakici ono te ämiri! 17 Beṛo 'bakici ndi ŋgase cini kigye be perene riya ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri. E'be gialo Raba ronyi'ba ndi ànya se cini orivoya anya be zo anyaro ya 'do orina toto ni lidriidri ro, tana anya da'do kamari'bai se màzobe kai ni. 18 Oko ko ämiri ŋgase tufune iyi azana urune; ondro ka'do mìru aza alo nate, nyèzina rriti ndi ŋgapere be ndi gawa Yisaraele ro dri. 19 Oko mo'di, logo läguläguro, ago ŋgase cini edebe atala kode logo si adite to OPI ri; o'bane vo ŋgaodroro OPI roya.”
20 Ta'dota kohanii voyi cekuṛe te, ago dori ondro lidri kerite oko, ànya treyite amba, ago tiṛi lasote kpeye vuru. 'Dooko kyila'bai cite dori 'bakici ya, ago ànya ruyi 'bakici te. 21 Ànya tufuyi ŋgase cini lidriidriro 'bakici ya te bando ànyaro si, mànoago ndi 'ditoko be, 'diombato'diro, ndi 'di odeodero, tii, timele ndi doŋgyii be.
22 'Dooko Yosua atate 'di ritu se kamariyi 'bädri ana be kai ri ekye: “Nyòyi zo ronyi'ba ana roya, ago nyòlofo anya tesi, ndi 'di cini anyaro be, oso se mì'ba tao'ba be anyari ronye.” 23 Ta'dota ànya oyiyite lofoyi Raba te tesi, tro täpi anyaro ndi endre anyaro, ädrupii anyaro ndi ànya se cini nda be te kpeye, londroro. Ànya lofoyi katidri cini anyaro te ago 'bayi ànya te loto gawa Yisaraele ro lomvo. 24 'Dooko ànya soyi asi te 'bakici dri ago jete kpeye, ndi ŋgase cini kigye be, e'be toto mo'di, logo läguläguro, ndi ŋgase cini edebe atala ndi logo be si 'do ayani, se ànya ruyite ago 'bayite vo lakazà odroro OPI roya. 25 Oko Yosua pa Raba ronyi'ba ndi 'didiri cini anyaro be ndi ànya se cini anya be lidriidriro te; tana anya da'do kamari'bai se Yosua kozobe Yeriko ya vomarine kai te. Zelevoi anyaro riyite 'du lidri Yisaraele ro lako madale tu ono ya.
26 Tu ana si Yosua ye ta ruäṛuro lämu'duro ono te ekye: “'Dise aza kabe ojo ogone 'bakici Yeriko ro obene a'dona ndi latri OPI ro zele.
'Dise kabe zevona etona ŋgwa kayo ndaro odrana ndi.
'Dise kabe dereŋwa nai obena ŋgwa täduŋwa ndaro odrana ndi.”
27 'Dooko OPI a'dote tro Yosua be, ago liku ndaro larirute 'bädri cini yasi.
1 Meanwhile, the people of Jericho had been locking the gates in their town wall because they were afraid of the Israelites. No one could go out or come in.
2-3 The Lord said to Joshua:
With my help, you and your army will defeat the king of Jericho and his army, and you will capture the town. Here is how to do it: March slowly around Jericho once a day for six days. 4 Take along the sacred chest and tell seven priests to walk in front of it, carrying trumpets.
But on the seventh day, march slowly around the town seven times while the priests blow their trumpets. 5 Then the priests will blast on their trumpets, and everyone else will shout. The wall will fall down, and your soldiers can go straight in from every side.
6 Joshua called the priests together and said, “Take the chest and tell seven priests to carry trumpets and march ahead of it.”
7-10 Next, he gave the army their orders: “March slowly around Jericho. A few of you will go ahead of the chest to guard it, but most of you will follow it. Don't shout the battle cry or yell or even talk until the day I tell you to. Then let out a shout!”
As soon as Joshua finished giving the orders, the army started marching. One group of soldiers led the way, with seven priests marching behind them and blowing trumpets. Then came the priests carrying the chest, followed by the rest of the soldiers. 11 They obeyed Joshua's orders and carried the chest once around the town before returning to camp for the night.
12-14 Early the next morning, Joshua and everyone else started marching around Jericho in the same order as the day before. One group of soldiers was in front, followed by the seven priests with trumpets and the priests who carried the chest. The rest of the army came next. The seven priests blew their trumpets while everyone marched slowly around Jericho and back to camp. They did this once a day for six days.
15 On the seventh day, the army got up at daybreak. They marched slowly around Jericho the same as they had done for the past six days, except on this day they went around seven times. 16 Then the priests blew the trumpets, and Joshua yelled:
Get ready to shout! The Lord will let you capture this town. 17 But you must destroy it and everything in it, to show that it now belongs to the Lord. The woman Rahab helped the spies we sent, so protect her and the others who are inside her house. But kill everyone else in the town. 18-19 The silver and gold and everything made of bronze and iron belong to the Lord and must be put in his treasury. Be careful to follow these instructions, because if you see something you want and take it, the Lord will destroy Israel. And it will be all your fault.
20 The priests blew their trumpets again, and the soldiers shouted as loud as they could. The walls of Jericho fell flat. Then the soldiers rushed up the hill, went straight into the town, and captured it. 21-25 They killed everyone, men and women, young and old, everyone except Rahab and the others in her house. They even killed every cow, sheep, and donkey.
Joshua said to the two men who had been spies, “Rahab kept you safe when I sent you to Jericho. We promised to protect her and her family, and we will keep that promise. Now go into her house and bring them out.”
The two men went into Rahab's house and brought her out, along with her father and mother, her brothers, and her other relatives. Rahab and her family had to stay in a place just outside the Israelite army camp. But later they were allowed to live among the Israelites, and her descendants still do.
The Israelites took the silver and gold and the things made of bronze and iron and put them with the rest of the treasure that was kept at the Lord's house. Finally, they set fire to Jericho and everything in it.
26 After Jericho was destroyed, Joshua warned the people, “Someday a man will rebuild Jericho, but the Lord will put a curse on him, and the man's oldest son will die when he starts to build the town wall. And by the time he finishes the wall and puts gates in it, all his children will be dead.”
27 The Lord helped Joshua in everything he did, and Joshua was famous everywhere in Canaan.