Loŋgo Räṛu ro
1 Nya'do riyä ro OPI ya ami taŋgye'bai,
beṛo ànya se cini kabe nda oro ono ri nda räṛune.
2 Nyäräṛu OPI lekyembe si,
miŋgo loŋgo ndäri kudi iba be si.
3 Miŋgo loŋgo to'di ndäri,
mi'bi lekyembe tauni si, ago riyä amba si!

4 Atà OPI ro orivoya ŋgye
ago losi cini ndaro orivoya ta'diri si.
5 OPI ka tase ŋgye ago 'diri 'do lu ayani;
'bädri orivoya twi ŋgalu para ndaro be.
6 OPI 'ba vo'buyakuru te ata kala ndaro ro si,
kitu, imba ndi 'bi'bii be a'bate ata ndaro si.
7 Nda otokala gyi'desi cini rote voaloya donjo,
nda sekala täṛi gyi bebelebe rote gbuṛu yasi.

8 Nyà'do taoro be OPI ri, 'bädri cini!
Lidri cini 'bädri ro koro nda!
9 Ata ndaro si nda 'ba 'bädri te,
ago ota ndaro si ŋga cini loforute.

10 OPI kani tavoora tu'dei ro moci,
nda kani ànya laga tavoora ànyaro oyevoya.
11 Oko tavoora OPI ro ka ori äduako,
tausu ndaro ka ori rriro äduako.
12 Tu'de se Lu na ni OPI, orivoya ni kado;
lidri se nda njibe modo ndaro ri orivoya ni kado!

13 OPI ka voondre vuru ni vo'buyakuru yasi
ago ka lidri cini ondre.
14 Ni vose nda kabe mirina yasi, nda ka voondre vuru
'dise cini kabe ori 'bädri ya dri.
15 Nda kani tavousu cini ànyaro o'bana.
Ago kani ŋgase cini ànya kabe oyena unina.

16 'Bädri'ba ka ko 'di opeṛe kyila'bai mbaraekye ndaro si;
kyila'ba ka ko 'di opeṛe mbara ndaro si.
17 Farasii kyila ro orivoya ta awi yi ta ŋgaopeṛe rota;
mbara para ànyaro unina ko 'di opane.

18 OPI ka voondre ànya se ka nda orobe dri,
ànya se kabe taoyi ŋgalu para ndaro ya dri.
19 Nda kani ànya opa odra yasi;
nda kani ànya adri tu mä'bu rosi.

20 Mà mi amaro o'ba OPI dri,
nda ni ŋgaopa ago gaga'ba amaro.
21 Ama orivoya yai'dwesi ta ndaro ta
tana mà taoyi ävuru alokado ndaro ya.

22 Nyaka'da ŋgalu 'duro miro ämäri, Äye OPI,
oso mio'ba amaro ka'dobe midri ono ronye.
Sing Praises to the Lord
1 You are the Lord's people.
Obey him and celebrate!
He deserves your praise.
2 Praise the Lord with harps!
Use harps with ten strings
to make music for him.
3 Sing a new song. Shout!
Play beautiful music.

4 The Lord is truthful;
he can be trusted.
5 He loves justice and fairness,
and he is kind to everyone
everywhere on earth.

6 The Lord made the heavens
and everything in them
by his word.
7 He scooped up the ocean
and stored the water.
8 Everyone in this world
should worship and honor
the Lord!
9 As soon as he spoke
the world was created;
at his command,
the earth was formed.

10 The Lord destroys the plans
and spoils the schemes
of the nations.
11 But what the Lord has planned
will stand forever.
His thoughts never change.
12 The Lord blesses each nation
that worships only him.
He blesses his chosen ones.
13 The Lord looks at the world
14 from his throne in heaven,
and he watches us all.
15 The Lord gave us each a mind,
and nothing we do
can be hidden from him.

16 Mighty armies alone
cannot win wars for a king;
great strength by itself
cannot keep a soldier safe.
17 In war the strength of a horse
cannot be trusted
to take you to safety.
18 But the Lord watches over
who honor him
and trust his kindness.
19 He protects them from death
and starvation.

20 We depend on you, Lord,
to help and protect us.
21 You make our hearts glad
because we trust you,
the only God.
22 Be kind and bless us!
We depend on you.