1 Ànya eziyi Sänduku Tao'baro te, 'bayite zo boŋgo ro se Dawidi kotobe rigye ana ya. 'Dooko ànya loyi ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe te Opi ri. 2 Ondro Dawidi konde oza ŋgapäṛi rote ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora ro robe oko, nda äṛu lidri te ävuru Opi rosi, 3 ago lanji ŋgaonya te ànya cini ri. Nda ozote manoàgo ndi 'ditoko se cini Yerusalema ya ri, dri duŋguṛu ambata ro alo, iza juṛu alo ndi doŋgo ewiewi azaka be 'dialo alo ri.
4 Dawidi ka'da lewe'bai azaka te mätu Opi Lu Yisaraele ro ro lepene, Sänduku Tao'baro kandra, loŋgo oŋgo si ago nda räṛu si. 5 Anji Asafa te dri'ba ro ànyari, kundueŋga'ba ndaro ni Zakaria; 'dooko Jiela, Semiramota, Jehiela, Matatia, Eliaba, Benaya, Obededoma ndi Jiela be ni kudi o'bine; Asafa ni araca o'bine, 6 ago kohanii ritu Benaya ndi Jaziela be ni cekuṛe ovone 'duro Sänduku Tao'baro mile.
7 'Dooko Dawidi ozo drikaca te Asafa ndi Lewe'bai azi ndaro be ri ni loŋgo räṛu ro oŋgone käti.
Loŋgo Räṛu ro
(Räṛu 105:1-15Räṛu 96:1-13Räṛu 106:1Räṛu 47-48)
8 Nyozo aro'boya Opi ri, nyayo ta 'desi ndaro ro;
tase nda koyebe nyiti tana tu'dei ri.
9 Miŋgo loŋgo räṛu ro Opi ri;
nyiti ta losi se cini nda koyebe ono ro.
10 Nya'do yai'dwesi tana ama orivoya ndaro;
mi'ba ànya se cini kabe Opi mätu ka'do riyä si!
11 Nyoyi Opi re ta ŋgaopa rota,
ago nyämätu nda 'duro!
12 Talaro ro se cini Opi koyebe ono miyi tana
ndi vure se cini nda koyebe be.
13 Ami zelevoi Yakoba ruindu'ba ndaro ro;
zelevoi Yisaraele, se Opi konjibe ono ro,
14 Opi nda ni orivoya Lu amaro owo;
ota ndaro orivoya vo 'bädri cini ro ri.
15 Nyije tao'ba ndaro tana ko cu alona,
se nda 'bate orine äduako,
16 tao'baro se nda ko'babe Abarayama be ana,
tao'ba se nda ko'babe Yisika ri ana.
17 Opi 'ba tao'baro aza te Yakoba be,
se anjioko koye orine äduako.
18 Nda ekye: “Mozona 'bädri Kanana ro 'da miri,
a'done drimbi ro modo miro ri.”

19 Oti lidri miro ro toto orivoya fereŋwa,
ago atrai ro 'bädri ro 'bädri kanana roya.
20 Aba'bai ro 'bädri yasi
'bädri se abe mirina 'bädri'bai si yasi le azana ya.
21 Oko Opi le kote 'diaza alo ri ànya ezane;
nda ozo miomba te 'bädri'bai ri ta ànyaro ta.
22 Ekye: “Miye ŋgakozi ko ruindu'bai maro onjionji ro iyi ri,
mido nebii maro iyi ko.”

23 Miŋgo loŋgo Opi ri, lidri cini 'bädri ya ono!
Nyayo tase nda kopa ama be ono tana tu cini si.
24 Nyayo 'desi ndaro tana tu'dei ri,
taoye mbaraekye ndaro tana lidri cini ri!
25 Opi orivoya 'desipara ago ṛo räṛune ndra;
nda orone ṛo ndrani lui cini drisi.
26 Tana lui tu'dei cini azaka ro toto orivoya ŋgaedeedero yi;
oko Opi 'ba vo'buyakuru ni.
27 Nyikyi nda kandra taoro si ta 'desi ndaro rota;
mbara ndi riyä be orivoya orivo ndaro ya.

28 Nyäräṛu Opi ami lidri cini 'bädri ya ono
nyäräṛu 'desi ndaro ndi mbara ndaro be!
29 Nyäräṛu ävuru liŋgyiekye Opi ro;
nyezi ŋgapäṛi, ago nyikyi Yekalu ndaro ya.
Nyändi Opi kandra ondro nda kefote a'do alokado ndaro ya owo;
30 nyälä'bi nda kandra, lidri cini 'bädri ro;
nda nju 'bädri ni ŋgyiri usweako.
31 'Bädri ndi vokuru be ka'do yai'dwesi,
Nyitita tu'dei ri mikye: “Opi orivoya 'bädri'ba yi!”
32 Gyi'desi miye kporo, ndi ŋgase cini miya iyi yibe.
Lowo nya'do riyä ro, ndi ŋgase cini miya iyi yibe!
33 Ice cini vocoko ro otrenayi 'da ta riyä rota Opi kandra,
ondro nda kikyite 'bädri mirine owo.

tana ŋgalu 'duro ndaro orivoya äduako!
35 Nyata ndäri mikye: “Mipa ama Lu Opa'ba amaro;
nyotokala amaro ago mipa ama ni tu'dei rigyesi,
tana mozo aro'boya robe
ago märäṛu ävuru alokado miro robe.”
36 Nyäräṛu Opi Lu Yisaraele ro!
Nyäräṛu nda yau ago äduako!

'Dooko lidri cini atate ekye: “Amen!” ago nyäräṛu Opi.
Mätuoye Yerusalema ndi Gibeona be ya
37 'Bädri'ba Dawidi 'ba Asafa ndi Lewe'bai azi ndaro be te 'du dri'ba mätu se abe oyena vose a'ba Sänduku Tao'baro Opi robe kigye ya ana ro. Ànyari kama ànyaro oyene ba tu ro tu ro, 38 Obededoma ŋgwa Jedutuna ro ndi lidri ndaro 'butenjidrialo fonjidriena 'bakalai ndaro robe ri ni ànya opane, Osa ndi Obededoma be ni dri'bai dereŋwa gaga'bai ro. 39 Kohani Zadoka ndi kohanii azi ndaro yibe, ni dri'bai mätu Opi ro se Gibeona ya ro, 40 ŋgapäṛi ozaro tori ro ozane cu Opi ri vo tori ozaro dri 'duro kyenoŋbo si ago tandrole si, oso se egyite Ota se Opi kozobe Yisaraele ri ana ya ana ronye. 41 Emana, Jedutuna ndi 'diazaka be orivoya ànya yibe lau, se anjite loŋgo räṛu ro oŋgone Opi ri, ta ŋgalu 'duro ndaro tana ro. 42 Emana ndi Jedutuna be kpani orivoya dri'bai cekuṛe ndi araca be ro ndi lakazà azaka se ondro ate loŋgo räṛu ro oŋgona oko abe loŋgo oŋgo sina iyi ro. Lidri käläsikala Jedutuna ro ro ni dri'bai dereŋwa gaga ro.
43 'Dooko lidri cini oyiyite 'ba ànyaro yasi, ago Dawidi gote 'ba ndaro ya orine tuna fere 'di katidri ndaro ya yibe.
1 They put the sacred chest inside the tent that David had set up for it, then they offered sacrifices to please the Lord and sacrifices to ask his blessing. 2 After David had finished, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord 3 and gave every person in the crowd a small loaf of bread, some meat, and a handful of raisins.
4 David appointed some of the Levites to serve at the sacred chest; they were to play music and sing praises to the Lord God of Israel. 5 Asaph was their leader, and Zechariah was his assistant. Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, and another man named Jeiel were appointed to play small harps and stringed instruments. Asaph himself played the cymbals, 6 and the two priests Benaiah and Jahaziel were to blow trumpets every day in front of the sacred chest.
David's Song of Praise
(Psalms 105.1-15Psalms 96.1-13Psalms 106.1Psalms 47Psalms 48)
7 That same day, David instructed Asaph and his relatives for the first time to sing these praises to the Lord:

8 Praise the Lord
and pray in his name!
Tell everyone
what he has done.
9 Sing praises to the Lord!
Tell about his miracles.
10 Celebrate and worship
his holy name
with all your heart.

11 Trust the Lord
and his mighty power.
Worship him always.
12 Remember his miracles
and all his wonders
and his fair decisions.
13 You belong to the family
of Israel, his servant;
you are his chosen ones,
the descendants of Jacob.

14 The Lord is our God,
bringing justice
everywhere on earth.
15 We must never forget
his agreement and his promises,
not in thousands of years.
* 16 God made an eternal promise
17 to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
18 when he said, “I'll give you
the land of Canaan.”

19 At the time there were
only a few of us,
and we were homeless.
20 We wandered from nation
to nation, from one country
to another.
21 God did not let anyone
mistreat our people.
Instead he protected us
by punishing rulers
22 and telling them,
“Don't touch my chosen leaders
or harm my prophets!”

23 Everyone on this earth,
sing praises to the Lord.
Day after day announce,
“The Lord has saved us!”
24 Tell every nation on earth,
“The Lord is wonderful
and does marvelous things!
25 The Lord is great and deserves
our greatest praise!
He is the only God
worthy of our worship.
26 Other nations worship idols,
but the Lord created
the heavens.
27 Give honor and praise
to the Lord,
whose power and beauty
fill his holy temple.”

28 Tell everyone of every nation,
“Praise the glorious power
of the Lord.
29 He is wonderful! Praise him
and bring an offering
into his temple.
Worship the Lord,
majestic and holy.
30 Everyone on earth, now tremble!”

The world stands firm,
never to be shaken.
31 Tell the heavens and the earth
to be glad and celebrate!
And announce to the nations,
“The Lord is King!”
32 Command the ocean to roar
with all of its creatures
and the fields to rejoice
with all of their crops.
33 Then every tree in the forest
will sing joyful songs
to the Lord.
He is coming to judge
all people on earth.

because he is good to us,
and his love never fails.
35 Say to him, “Save us, Lord God!
Bring us back
from among the nations.
Let us celebrate and shout
in praise of your holy name.
36 Lord God of Israel,
you deserve to be praised
forever and ever.”

After David finished, the people shouted, “Amen! Praise the Lord!”
David Appoints Worship Leaders at Jerusalem and Gibeon
37 David chose Asaph and the Levites in his clan to be in charge of the daily worship at the place where the sacred chest was kept. 38 Obed-Edom and 68 of his relatives were their assistants, and Hosah and Obed-Edom the son of Jeduthun were the guards.
39 David also chose Zadok the priest and his relatives who were priests to serve at the Lord's sacred tent at Gibeon. 40 They were to offer sacrifices on the altar every morning and evening, just as the Lord had commanded in the Law he gave Israel. 41 Heman and Jeduthun were their assistants, as well as the other men who had been chosen to praise the Lord for his never-ending love. 42 Heman and Jeduthun were also responsible for blowing the trumpets, and for playing the cymbals and other instruments during worship at the tent. The Levites in Jeduthun's clan were the guards at Gibeon.
43 After that, everyone went home, and David went home to his family.