Takado OPI ro Lidri Ndaro ri
Nyozo aro'boya OPI ri tana nda orivoya kado;
ŋgalu ndaro orivoya äduako.
2 A'di unina ni ŋgà para se OPI koyebe tana itine ya?
A'di räṛuna nda ni ndra ya?
3 Ànya se kayibe ta'diri oye ni orivoya kado,
se kabe tase ŋgye oye ondoalo 'do.

4 Miyi ta maro, Äye OPI, ondro ya miro kate uni lidri miro lomvo owo;
mipa ma ondro nyate ànya opa owo.
5 Mi'ba mandre kandrakado lidri onjionji miro ro
tana mala'do riyä tu'de miro ro robe ànya yibe,
ago ma'do robe driuŋgyi be troalo ànya se miro yibe.

6 Màye takozi te oso zutui amaro koyebe ronye;
màye taundiro te, màye ta te koziro.
7 Zutui amaro be Ezipeto ya niyi taoye liŋgyiekye Lu ro ko;
ànya ijeyi ŋgalu ndaro se nda kaka'dabe ànyari tana te,
ago ànya ogboyite nda se Mbaraekye be Gyi'desi Okaro kala.
8 Caoko nda pa ànya te, oso nda ko'batabe ronye,
mbara para ndaro ka'daza.
9 Nda ta Gyi'desi Okaro te,
ago anya sete gbe;
nda lepe lidri ndaro te Gyi'desi Okaro yasi le tasi oso gyini awiro drisi ronye.
10 Nda pa ànya te ni ànya se yana kosobe ànya lomvo risi;
nda ivu ànya te ni kyila'baazii ànyaro rigyesi.
11 Oko gyi tako kyila'baazii ànyaro te,
alo aza ànyaro e'be kote.
12 'Dooko lidri ndaro mayite ata ndaro ya
ago ànya ŋgoyi loŋgo räṛu rote ndäri.

13 Oko ndriŋwa oko ànya ijeyi tase nda koyebe te
ago yeyitate ta kwoteako ni nda resi.
14 Ànya leyite ta iro oyene ayani ndra vocowa ya
ago ojoyi ta Lu rote;
15 ndi nda ozo ŋgase ànya kejiyibe te,
oko ezi adravo kozi kpate ànya lako.

16 Ondro ànya te gawa ya oko ànya 'bayi yaoko te Musa
ndi Arona ruindu'ba alokado OPI ro be be.
17 'Dooko gyini pikalate ago te Datana te
ago se Abirama ndi lidri ndaro be te;
18 asi ikyi kpate vuru oso'bai ànya vo dri
ago je lidri se kozi kai te kpeye.

19 Ànya edeyi 'daŋgo logo läguläguro si te Sinai pa
ago mätuyi lu edeedero ana te.
20 Ànya tozayi 'desi Lu rote
beti koronya se kabe käyi onyaonya ana ro ro.
21 Ànya ijeyi ta Lu Opa'ba ànyaro ro
se koye ta 'desii be Ezipeto ya rote.
22 Nda ye talaroro te Ezipeto ya.
Nda ye ta'di laroro te Gyi'desi Okaro kala.
23 Ondro Lu atate ekye yifuna anya 'da oko,
Musa ruindu'ba onjionjiro ndaro edrete ŋbi Lu mile
ago edre kyila ndaro ànya tufuro te.

24 'Dooko ànya gayi wari se kado ono tezo,
tana ànya mayi kote tao'ba Lu roya.
25 Ànya njuyiagote zoi boŋgo ro ànyaro yasi
ago eriyi ta OPI ro kote.
26 Ago nda 'ba tao'ba lämu'du ro te ànyari
anjioko nda o'bana ànya 'da todrane vocowa ya
27 ago perena zelevoi ànyaro 'da tu'dei lakosi,
ago o'bana ànya 'da todrane 'bädri atraro yasi.

28 Lidri Lu ro dro'beruyite Baala mätune Peora ya,
ago nyayi torii se alobe lui adriako ri te.
29 Ànya eŋgayi ya OPI rote kyilaro taoye ànyaro si,
ago adravo kozi eŋgovote ànya lako.
30 Oko Finasa edrete kuru ago eza taenji'bai te,
ndi adravo edrete.
31 Ono a'dote ta oyiro takado Finasa ro tana oyiza äduako
ago a'dona 'da inye tu cini se kabe ikyi si.

32 Gyi utiutiro Meriba roya lidri 'ba OPI te kyilaro,
ago Musa a'dote rritiro ta ànyaro ya,
33 tana ànya 'bayi ya ndaro te osoro
ago nda atate teinye tavousu ako.

34 Ànya tufuyi tu'dei atraro kote,
oso OPI kota ànya be oyene ronye.
35 Oko ànya gyeyi rute ànya yibe
ago soyite taloye ànyaro vo.
36 Lidri Lu ro mätuyi lui edeedero te
ago 'do a'dote abari ro ànyari.
37 Ànya loyi ŋgwàagoro modo ànyaro rote
ndi ndiriŋwa ànyaro be
tori ro lui edeedero ri.
38 Ànya tufuyi ŋgwàagoro se taenjiako kayi te,
se anya koloyibe tori ro lui edeedero Kanana ro ri,
ago enji wari te kari 'ditufu se kai rosi.
39 Ànya 'bayi andivo ànyaro te undiro taloye ànyaro si
ago a'doyite ta'diriako Lu ri.
40 Ndi OPI a'dote kyilaro lidri ndaro be;
ago nda ga ànya tezo.
41 Ago OPI e'be ànya te drì tu'dei atraro roya,
ago kyila'baazii ànyaro miri ànya te.
42 Kyila'baazii ànyaro eza ànya te
ago a'doyite kpeye ota ànyaro zele.
43 Perena amba OPI pa lidri ndaro te;
oko ànya leyi gialo ogbone nda be
ago ciyite gyuru takozi ya.
44 Caoko OPI ti ta rriti ànyaro rote,
ondro nda keri driayo ànyaro te owo.
45 Nda yi ta tao'baro ndaro ànyari tana te,
ago ta ŋgalu para ndaro ànyari rota ya ndaro nite.
46 Nda 'ba ànya eza'bai cini te
a'done tusuro ta ànyaro ta.

47 Mipa ama, Äye OPI Lu amaro,
ago nyologo ama kovole ni tu'dei lakosi,
tana màye aro'boya robe miri
ago mä̀räṛu ävuru alokado miro robe.

48 Nyä̀räṛu OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro;
nyä̀räṛu nda yau ago äduako!
Mì'ba 'dicini kata ekye: “Ka'do ndi inye!”

Nyäräṛu OPI!
A Nation Asks for Forgiveness
and praise you, Lord!
You are good to us,
and your love never fails.
2 No one can praise you enough
for all the mighty things
you have done.
3 You bless those people
who are honest and fair
in everything they do.

4 Remember me, Lord,
when you show kindness
by saving your people.
5 Let me prosper with the rest
of your chosen ones,
as they celebrate with pride
because they belong to you.

6 We and our ancestors
have sinned terribly.
7 When they were in Egypt,
they paid no attention
to your marvelous deeds
or your wonderful love.
And they turned against you
at the Red Sea.

8 But you were true to your name,
and you rescued them to prove
how mighty you are.
9 You said to the Red Sea,
“Dry up!”
Then you led your people across
on land as dry as a desert.
10 You saved all of them
11 and drowned every one
of their enemies.
12 Then your people trusted you
and sang your praises.

13 But they soon forgot
what you had done
and rejected your advice.
14 They became greedy for food
and tested you there
in the desert.
15 So you gave them
what they wanted,
but later you destroyed them
with a horrible disease.

16 Everyone in camp was jealous
of Moses and of Aaron,
your chosen priest.
17 Dathan and Abiram rebelled,
and the earth opened up
and swallowed them.
18 Then fire broke out
and destroyed all
of their followers.

19 At Horeb your people
made and worshiped the statue
20 of a bull, instead of you,
their glorious God.
21 You worked powerful miracles
to save them from Egypt,
but they forgot about you
22 and the fearsome things
you did at the Red Sea.
23 You were angry and started
to destroy them,
but Moses, your chosen leader,
begged you not to do it.

24 They would not trust
you, Lord,
and they did not like
the promised land.
25 They would not obey you,
and they grumbled
in their tents.
26 So you threatened them
by saying, “I'll kill you
out here in the desert!
27 I'll scatter your children
everywhere in the world.”

28 Your people became followers
of a god named Baal Peor,
and they ate sacrifices
offered to the dead.
29 They did such terrible things
that you punished them
with a deadly disease.
30 But Phinehas helped them,
and the sickness stopped.
31 Now he will always
be highly honored.

32 At Meribah Spring
they turned against you
and made you furious.
33 Then Moses got into trouble
for speaking in anger.

34 Our Lord, they disobeyed you
by refusing to destroy
the nations.
35 Instead they were friendly
with those foreigners
and followed their customs.
36 Then they fell into the trap
of worshiping idols.
37 They sacrificed their sons
and their daughters to demons
38 and to the gods of Canaan.
Then they poured out the blood
of these innocent children
and made the land filthy.
39 By doing such gruesome things,
they also became filthy.

40 Finally, Lord, you were angry
and terribly disgusted
with your people.
41 So you put them in the power
of nations that hated them.
42 They were mistreated and abused
by their enemies,
43 but you saved them
time after time.
They were determined to rebel,
and their sins caused
their downfall.

44 You answered their prayers
when they were in trouble.
45 You kept your agreement
and were so merciful
46 that their enemies
had pity on them.

47 Save us, Lord God!
Bring us back
from among the nations.
Let us celebrate and shout
in praise of your holy name.

48 Lord God of Israel,
you deserve to be praised
forever and ever.
Let everyone say, “Amen!
Shout praises to the Lord!”