1 Ondro Solomo konde losi cini Yekalu rote oko, nda dro ŋgase cini Dawidi täpi ndaro kodibe to OPI ri kai te zo ya ŋgaodro ro Yekalu ro ya mo'di, logo läguläguro, ndi lakazà cini azaka be.
Ezi Sänduku Tao'baro te Yekalu ya
(1 'Bädri'bai 8:1-9)
2 'Dooko Solomo zi dri'bai cini 'bakalai ndi käläsikalai Yisaraele robe te kalaombine Yerusalema ya, Sänduku Tao'baro ezine Yekalu ya ni Zaiona 'Bakici Dawidi ro yasi. 3 Ànya mbiyikalate tu Karama Kpakpa ro rosi. 4 Ondro dri'bai cini kotoyikalate oko, 'dooko Lewe'bai ŋgyiyi Sänduku Tao'baro te 5 ago eziyite Yekalu ya. Ago kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be eziyi Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro ro ndi lakazà na cini be te Yekalu ya. 6 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Solomo ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe mbiyikalate mile Sänduku Tao'baro roya ago loyi timele ndi ti amba be te tori ro, ṛo du'duro se äni otina kote. 7 'Dooko kohanii eziyi Sänduku Tao'baro OPI rote Yekalu ya ago 'bayite Vo Alokado Parandra ya beti malaikai kufube ro zele. 8 Kufui ànyaro lararute Sänduku ndi ice uŋgyina robe dri. 9 'Dise kedrebe ŋgye mile Vo Alokado Parandra roya ni ndi sidri ice ro ondrene, oko äni kote ondrene vo azaka yasi. (Ice kai dri gi orivoya lau le tu ono si.) 10 Ŋga aza i'do Sänduku Tao'baro ya toto kuni kalakparo ritu se Musa ko'babe kigye ni 'Bereŋwa Sinai pa, tuse OPI ko'ba tao'baro be lidri Yisaraele ro robe 'dooko ànya kayi eziikyi ni Ezipeto yasi ana si ana ayani.
'Desi Opi ro
11 'Dooko kohanii efoyite tesi ni Vo Alokado Parandra yasi. Tana kohanii se cini orivoya lau kai 'bayi andivo ànyaro te a'done alokado teinye tavousu rulonyi ro ako iyivoya. 12 Ago loŋgo oŋgo'bai cini Lewe'bai ro, Asafa, Emana, ndi Jedutuna be, ndi azi ànyaro käläsikala ànyaro ro yibe, edreyite vo tori oloro lomvo 'buzelesi, boŋgo 'bilindriro liŋgyiekye be, 'deyigwo loŋgo oŋgone araca, lekyembe, ndi yeṛi be si, tro kohanii kama alo 'buteritu (120) se cekuṛeovo'bai kai yibe. 13 Loŋgo oŋgo'bai dro'beruyite troalo loŋgo oŋgo ya cekuṛeovo'bai, araca usi'bai, ndi loŋgo oŋgo'bai beti ŋga azaka rosi yibe, oso a oŋgona kporo alo si, ànya räṛuyi OPI te, ŋgoyi loŋgo te ekye:
“Räṛu ka'do OPI ri, tana nda orivoya kado,
ago ŋgalu ndaro orivoya okyeako!”
Ondro kohanii kayite efo ni Yekalu yasi oko,
14 dori 'dikolo gate twi Yekalu ya lägu ŋgaeyi OPI ro robe, ago ànya niyi kote ugu mätu oyene.
1 After the Lord's temple was finished, Solomon put in its storage rooms everything that his father David had dedicated to the Lord, including the gold and silver, and the objects used in worship.
Solomon Brings the Sacred Chest to the Temple
(1 Kings 8.1-13)
2-3 The sacred chest had been kept on Mount Zion, also known as the city of David. But Solomon decided to have the chest moved to the temple while everyone was in Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Shelters during the seventh month.
Solomon called together all the important leaders of Israel. 4-5 Then the priests and the Levites picked up the sacred chest, the sacred tent, and the objects used for worship, and they carried them to the temple. 6 Solomon and a crowd of people stood in front of the chest and sacrificed more sheep and cattle than could be counted.
7 The priests carried the chest into the most holy place and put it under the winged creatures, 8 whose wings covered both the chest and the poles used for carrying it. 9 The poles were so long that they could be seen from just outside the most holy place, but not from anywhere else. And they stayed there from then on.
10 The only things kept in the chest were the two flat stones Moses had put there when the Lord made his agreement with the people of Israel at Mount Sinai, after bringing them out of Egypt.
11-13 The priests of every group had gone through the ceremony to make themselves clean and acceptable to the Lord. The Levite musicians, including Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and relatives, were wearing robes of fine linen. They were standing on the east side of the altar, playing cymbals, small harps, and other stringed instruments. One hundred and twenty priests were with these musicians, and they were blowing trumpets.
They were praising the Lord by playing music and singing:

“The Lord is good,
and his love never ends.”

Suddenly a cloud filled the temple as the priests were leaving the holy place. 14 The Lord's glory was in that cloud, and the light from it was so bright that the priests could not stay inside to do their work.