Ezi Sänduku Tao'baro te Yerusalema ya
(1 Ambâ 13:1-141 15:25–16:6,43)
1 Ono vosi Dawidi zi kyila'bai cini kadopara Yisaraele rote, vona cini orivoya kutu 'butenätu (30,000). 2 Ago Dawidi oyite kyila'bai se cini nda be ana be Bala Yuda ya, Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro se ävuru OPI Mbaraekye robe ana ezine ni nasi, se giti ndaro orivoya malaikai vookwaro dri ana. 3 Ànya ŋgyiyi Sänduku Lu rote arabia to'di oseosero si, ago lofoyi te tesi ni zo Abinadaba ro se orivoya lutu dri ana yasi. Ago Uza ndi Ahio, ŋgwàagoro Abinadaba ro kayi ugu arabia lepe ni, 4 ago Ahio abate mile Sänduku Tao'baro roya. 5 Dawidi ndi Yisaraele cini be toyi läri te riyäsi OPI mile mbara cini ànyaro si, loŋgo oŋgo be yeṛi si, kudi si, tiṛiŋbi ago gara ndi araca usibe si.
6 Ondro ànya kesayite kaladri Nakona roya oko, 'daŋgoi lewete ago Uza ozo drì ndaro te Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro ätine. 7 Ndi dori OPI a'dote kyilaro Uza be; ago fu nda te ṛo vo dri, tana nda äti Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro te drì si, ago nda drate lau Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro lomvo. 8 Dawidi a'dote kyilaro tana OPI eza Uza te; ago äzi vo ana ävuruna te Pereza Uza, le tu ono si ono. 9 Ago tu gi ana si Dawidi a'dote turituriro ni OPI ri; ago nda atate ekye: “Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro unina ikyine mare eŋwanyeya?” 10 Ta'dota Dawidi a'do kote ole be Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro ezine nda be Yerusalema ya; oko Dawidi go ugu anya te ṛo zo Obede Edoma se orivoya ni 'bakici Gata ro yasi ana roya. 11 Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro rite lau imba na nätu; ago OPI äṛu Obede Edoma te ndi katidri cini ndaro be. 12 Ago iti tate 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ri ekye: “OPI äṛu katidri Obede Edoma rote ndi ŋgase cini ndaro be, tana ta Sänduku Tao'baro rota.” Ta'dota, Dawidi oyite ago ezi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu rote ni zo Obede Edoma ro yasi Yerusalema ya riyä oye si. 13 Ondro ànya se kuŋgyiyi Sänduku Tao'baro OPI robe ana kabate 'dawo'dawo njidrialo oko Dawidi ta ànya te edrene ago nda lo 'daŋgo ndi timele oshweekye be te tori ro Opi ri. 14 Dawidi vo toto boŋgo yi nda lomvo ago to läri te OPI kandra mbara cini ndaro si. 15 Dawidi ndi Yisaraele'bai cini be eziyi Sänduku Tao'baro OPI rote Yerusalema ya amo riyä ro oye si ndi cekuṛe ovo be.
16 Ago ondro Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro kate ezi eci 'Bakici Dawidi roya oko, Mikale ŋguti Saulo ro ndrevote vouŋbo yasi ago ndre 'Bädri'ba Dawidi te ugu odovoya läri otobe OPI kandra; ago Mikale mawo nda te ya si. 17 Ànya eziyi Sänduku Tao'baro OPI rote, ago 'bayi anya te vo anyaro ya, zo Boŋgoro se Dawidi kotobe rigye ana ya. Ago Dawidi ozo ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora ro be te OPI ri. 18 Ondro Dawidi konde oza ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora ro be te oko, nda äṛu lidri te ävuru OPI Mbaraekye ro rosi, 19 ago lanji ŋgaonya te lidri cini Yisaraele ro mànoago ro ndi 'ditoko be ri, ambata ndiṛiŋwa, iza juṛu, ndi doŋgo ewiewiro azaka be. 'Dooko lidri cini oyite 'di alo 'ba ndaro ya.
20 Ondro Dawidi kegote mede oyene katidri ndaro ri oko, Mikale ŋguti Saulo ro efote tesi drî Dawidi ro utune, ago atate ekye: “'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro a'dote andivo iro oroako tu ondro ono si, andivo ndaro totri totri ro tu ondro ono si mile ruindu'bai ndiriŋwa ro ndaro ro yasi, oso 'dise amama ro ronye!”
21 Ndi Dawidi atate Mikale ri ekye: “Mato läri te OPI oroza, nda se konji mabe vo täpi miro ndi katidri ndaro be roya ago 'ba mabe ni 'desi ro Yisaraele, lidri ndaro dri ono. Muguna läri oto ndi OPI orozana, 22 ago ma'bana andivo maro ndi pari oroako ndrani ono risi. Nya miro tausu be mikye ma orivoya takaci ako ago ma'dona ndi takaci ako mile miro ya, oko ndiriŋwa se nyabe tana ata kwoi, oronayi ma 'da ndra.”
23 Ago Mikale ŋguti Saulo ro a'dote teinye ŋgwai ako, le odra anyaro ya.
David Brings the Sacred Chest Back to Jerusalem
(1 Chronicles 13.1-141 15.1—16.3,43)
1 David brought together 30,000 of Israel's best soldiers and 2 led them to Baalah in Judah, which was also called Kiriath-Jearim. They were going there to get the sacred chest and bring it back to Jerusalem. The throne of the Lord All-Powerful is above the winged creatures on top of this chest, and he is worshiped there.
3 They put the sacred chest on a new ox cart and started bringing it down the hill from Abinadab's house. Abinadab's sons Uzzah and Ahio were guiding the ox cart, 4 with Ahio walking in front of it. 5 Some of the people of Israel were playing music on small harps and other stringed instruments, and on tambourines, castanets, and cymbals. David and the others were happy, and they danced for the Lord with all their might.
6 But when they came to Nacon's threshing-floor, the oxen stumbled, so Uzzah reached out and took hold of the sacred chest. 7 The Lord God was very angry with Uzzah for doing this, and he killed Uzzah right there beside the chest.
8 David got angry with God for killing Uzzah. He named that place “Bursting Out Against Uzzah,” and that's what it's still called.
9 David was afraid of the Lord and thought, “Should I really take the sacred chest to my city?” 10 He decided not to take it there. Instead, he turned off the road and took it to the home of Obed Edom, who was from Gath.
11-12 The chest stayed there for three months, and the Lord greatly blessed Obed Edom, his family, and everything he owned. Then someone told King David, “The Lord has done this because the sacred chest is in Obed Edom's house.”
At once, David went to Obed Edom's house to get the chest and bring it to David's City. Everyone was celebrating. 13 The people carrying the chest walked six steps, then David sacrificed an ox and a choice cow. 14 He was dancing for the Lord with all his might, but he wore only a linen cloth. 15 He and everyone else were celebrating by shouting and blowing horns while the chest was being carried along.
16 Saul's daughter Michal looked out her window and watched the chest being brought into David's City. But when she saw David jumping and dancing for the Lord, she was disgusted.
17 They put the chest inside a tent that David had set up for it. David worshiped the Lord by sacrificing animals and burning them on an altar, 18 then he blessed the people in the name of the Lord All-Powerful. 19 He gave all the men and women in the crowd a small loaf of bread, some meat, and a handful of raisins, then everyone went home.
Michal Talks to David
20 David went home so he could ask the Lord to bless his family. But Saul's daughter Michal went out and started yelling at him. “You were really great today!” she said. “You acted like a dirty old man, dancing around half-naked in front of your servants' slave-girls.”
21 David told her, “The Lord didn't choose your father or anyone else in your family to be the leader of his people. The Lord chose me, and I was celebrating in honor of him. 22 I'll show you just how great I can be! I'll even be disgusting to myself. But those slave-girls you talked about will still honor me!”
23 Michal never had any children.