Ŋen Usila Gətəɽe gəd̶weinu
1 Ndə loman leṯo ildi ləbërnia Alkamsin, ṯaləmis yarraid̶o ldəɽo pred̶ alo yento. 2 Na taltal olia nəŋirəwa elo garno d̶əbera d̶ura, na nəŋunḏəjeini egeɽa igi loɽaŋa. 3 Na rəŋəla ndrələmiñiṯi rarano isia ndrəlikirəwuṯi nano ɽetəɽeteo. 4 Na pred̶ niyunḏəjeini Usilaga Gətəɽe ṯalwaɽato olia gəled̶a ɽetəɽeteo ŋen ŋarno Usila gənaicəlo ṯa aɽwate ṯia. 5 Na led̶a l-Alyawuḏ lafo alo yi-Ursalim ləd̶əñia Rəmwa, ildi leṯo alo pred̶. 6 Na ndə ləno olia igi, led̶a lwaiña ldərraid̶e ldəɽo orn ŋen nəŋəlajəbaṯe nano ŋen ŋanṯa pred̶ lano olia egen ɽetəɽeteo. 7 Ldirəwano pred̶, ldaṯa ṯa, “Led̶a ildi ləɽwata gerṯe lalo yi-Jalil pred̶? 8 Orn ŋen ŋanṯau ləganar olia igëndr ɽetəɽeteo lënəŋulu loɽwata? 9 Ləgaɽr Farṯiyin na Maḏiyin na Ilamiym, na led̶a lalo yebarlda yeɽijan, na lalo Yuḏiya na lalo yi-Kabəḏukiya, na lalo yi-Bunṯus na lalo y-Asiya, 10 na lalo yi-Farijiya na lalo yi-Bamfiliya, na lalo yi-Masr na lalo pred̶ yi-Libiya isi yi-Girəwan, na led̶a laijəbaṯo lalo yi-Rumiya na Alyawuḏ na led̶a lalo yerṯo ildi lëndu ŋen ŋ-Alyawuḏ, 11 na Kariṯiyin na Arabiya na ləganar lënəŋulu ləɽwata olia igëndr ɽetəɽeteo ləɽwatiṯəndr ŋen ŋoɽra ŋə-Rəmwa.” 12 Ldirəwano pred̶ ldəd̶əñiṯalo, ldaṯa, “Ŋen ŋanṯau iŋi?” 13 Orn ləmaṯan ldələd̶aməce eŋen ldaṯa ṯa, “Led̶a ildi lareməɽu!”
Ŋen Buṯrus gəɽwato liga Usila Gətəɽe gəd̶weinu
14 Buṯrus gad̶oru led̶ala ildi ɽred̶ nəŋəməñe gonto, ṯaŋəɽwato oliaga pəlelo, nəŋəleiṯi ṯa, “Led̶a lalo Yuḏiya na ildi ləfo alo yi-Ursalim ñaŋ pred̶, ləŋinr nano na nər ŋopia ŋen iŋi. 15 Ŋen ŋanṯa led̶a ildi lero ləreməɽua garno ñagəlwaɽo ŋen ŋanṯa sa yaɽo d̶enəŋ neməñe marldwan ulaldiṯano, 16 orn fəŋen iŋi nabi Yuwil gəlwaɽo pənde, 17 ṯa,
‘Rəmwa raṯa ṯa, liga ildi lənḏurṯu
igid̶i erəjaice led̶a Usila nano gəlëɽəñi pred̶,
na lemmia na ñere eñalo lid̶i alɽwate ŋen ŋə Rəmwa
na ŋen ŋid̶i aŋəmiñiṯi lëd̶əmwa eldalo,
na ŋen ŋid̶i aŋəmiñiṯi ləṯwëɽi eldalo iŋurid̶.
18 Đeṯəm igid̶i erəjaice Usila gəlëɽəñi
ləbai nano əllëɽəñi lərrwa na əɽəlda,
na lid̶i alɽwate ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa.
19 Na igid̶i yimiñeici laŋge loɽra elo laijəbinṯənde
na aŋwara alo, ŋəfəni, na isia na d̶ubwa d̶waiña.
20 Ëd̶əñina yid̶i aiyəmërni ŋərəmia, na ubwa gid̶i aŋəmërni ŋəfəni iliga loman l-Eləŋ Rəmwa ləmulu leṯo, loman lakəl loɽra kaiñ.
21 Na ŋen ŋid̶i aŋəfeṯe ṯa led̶a ildi lid̶i alurndəd̶i igirəŋ g-Eləŋ Rəmwa lid̶i alëbərni’.
22 “Ya led̶a l-Israyil, nər olia igi. Yesu galo yi-Nasəraṯ maje igi Rəmwa rid̶əma gələŋinu eñaŋ ŋenŋa ŋoɽra na aŋwaraiya na ŋaməlaŋa iŋi Rəmwa rid̶əlo eñaŋ ŋuga, garno ñagələŋeṯo, 23 fəŋu igi gəneid̶ənu garno ŋen iŋi Rəmwa rëɽu na raləŋeṯo pənde, na ñagëndəma nəñamaɽiñe rəŋəra rəled̶a leicia ndə lëɽəma id̶uɽi. 24 Orn Rəmwa ratud̶ima eŋəɽaiñ ndrəmëbəri ed̶əbwa d̶əŋəɽaiñ, ŋen ŋanṯa ŋero ŋəɽwad̶aṯa ŋəmëndia. 25 Ḏawuḏ galwaɽo eŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu nəŋaṯa,
‘Igaseicu Eləŋ Rəmwa gəfəñe nëiñua jaica ŋen ŋanṯa gafəñe nḏəŋ d̶əŋaicəba ṯa yerṯe itësəni.
26 Ŋen ŋafəṯia ara gəlëɽəñi gaŋəra nano kaiñ, na d̶əŋəla d̶əlëɽəñi d̶aŋəra nano,
na aŋəno ilëɽəñi com yid̶i aiyəfeṯe id̶əṯurṯia id̶i d̶id̶i ad̶əfeṯe d̶eṯəm.
27 Ŋen ŋanṯa agaber agid̶i ŋaŋgiṯi usila gəlëɽəñi gətëd̶ənia alo eled̶a laiyo,
na agaber agid̶i ŋaŋgiṯi ed̶a gəlaɽəŋa gətəɽe aŋəcəbəre.
28 Agaŋaicəñi rad̶ rəd̶əməṯia,
na agid̶i ŋaiñunḏəjaice d̶əŋərad̶a nano d̶əlaɽəŋa na ləgid̶i aləfeṯe’.
29 “Lorldaiñ, igandəlwaɽəṯia d̶eṯəm ŋen ŋənabi Ḏawuḏ ṯa gaiyo nəŋurəni, na d̶el d̶əlëɽəŋu d̶ëni iliga ildi. 30 Gënəŋu gaɽo nabi, na galəŋeṯo ṯa Rəmwa ralwaɽəṯəma d̶aləfiad̶a ṯa ed̶a gənəŋ ed̶ələŋəd̶ia d̶əlëɽəŋu gid̶i aŋəɽaŋe nalkursi eŋeləŋe ilëɽəŋu, 31 gënəŋu gaseicu ŋen ŋənḏurṯu na gaɽwato eŋen ŋəd̶ətwod̶a eŋəɽaiñ d̶-Almasiya ṯa gero gəṯënia alo eled̶a laiyo na aŋəno ilëɽəŋu yero yecəbəria. 32 Fəŋu Yesu igi Rəmwa rətud̶ima eŋəɽaiñ na eŋen iŋi nanda ñagaɽo d̶aməd̶aṯa d̶əlëɽəŋu, 33 na gënəŋu gabeinu elo nḏəŋ d̶əŋaicəba d̶ə-Rəmwa, na ganeinu i-Đaṯa Usila Gətəɽe garno ŋen ŋëɽənu, gënəŋu garaicənde ŋen iŋi nano garno ñagəseicia na ñagənna. 34 Ḏawuḏ gero gabwoṯwa elo, orn gënəŋu gaṯa ṯa,
‘Eləŋ Rəmwa ralwaɽəṯu Eləŋ gəlëɽəñi ṯa, ɽaŋalo nḏəŋ d̶əŋaicəba d̶əlëɽəñi.
35 Ŋen igəmulu igəbəd̶ia led̶a ildi ləgeiyaŋa ṯa aləfeṯe erəmanəña rəlaɽəŋa’.
36 “Nṯia ŋgiṯr led̶a pred̶ l-Israyil, aləŋeṯe d̶eṯəm ṯa Rəmwa rid̶əma gəɽo Eləŋ na Almasiya com, Yesu igi ñagəɽiñaṯəma id̶uɽi!”
37 Ndə led̶a ləno ŋen iŋi nəŋəlwad̶e enare, ldəlwaɽəṯi Buṯrus na led̶a ləd̶weinu pred̶ ṯa, “Lorldaiñ ñagëbəd̶ia ṯau?” 38 Na Buṯrus nəŋəlwaɽəṯi ṯa, “Ṯad̶r ŋen eŋalo ŋeicia ñoɽəbaṯe Rəmwa nano na ñananeini mamuḏiya irəŋga gə-Yesu Almasiya ñaŋ pred̶, ŋen ŋanṯa d̶əŋgeinia d̶əŋen eŋalo ŋeicia, na ñagid̶i ñaneini d̶əneinia id̶i d̶əɽo Usila Gətəɽe. 39 Ŋen ŋëɽənṯənde na ñere eñalo na led̶a ildi pred̶ ləfo nwaldaŋ, ildi Eləŋ Rəmwa eraiñ rid̶i arəlundud̶i.” 40 Na Buṯrus nəŋələɽwatiṯi ŋen ŋwaiña nəŋəleɽəd̶e kaiñ nəŋaṯa, “Ebərr ntam enalo eled̶a ləɽiano ləliga ildi!” 41 Nṯia led̶a ildi ləŋënṯu ŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu lanəneinu mamuḏiya na ldaɽəjeini egworəb, loman lakəl laɽo aləf giɽijin. 42 Na ldənaid̶e ntam enen ldënṯi id̶ërrəŋaid̶ia ŋen ŋəled̶a ləd̶weinu, na ed̶əɽəbəd̶ia eŋen na ed̶əgera aicəba na id̶əṯurṯia Rəmwa.
Ŋen ŋəd̶əməṯia d̶əled̶a ildi lëndu ŋen ŋə-Yesu
43 Na led̶a ləd̶weinu lid̶u aŋwara na ŋen ŋwaiña ŋoɽra kaiñ, na ŋəd̶aiña ŋëndəlo pred̶. 44 Na ildi pred̶ lëndu ŋen lafəldəɽo na laŋge elden lafəldəɽo, 45 ldəṯwe neɽa na laŋge elden pred̶ na ldakərnəd̶e gərus ldəɽo led̶ala ildi lwonaṯa. 46 Na lararraid̶ia ig-Alekəl ñoman pred̶, na ṯalgero aicəba eneɽa d̶əŋərad̶a nano na narna name, 47 ṯalnanaico Rəmwa d̶amia d̶əŋərad̶a nano na led̶a laŋerṯəlo nano, na ñoman pred̶ Eləŋ Rəmwa rabakaɽəjaica led̶a egworəb ildi ləbërənu.
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
1 On the day of Pentecost all the Lord's followers were together in one place. 2 Suddenly there was a noise from heaven like the sound of a mighty wind! It filled the house where they were meeting. 3 Then they saw what looked like fiery tongues moving in all directions, and a tongue came and settled on each person there. 4 The Holy Spirit took control of everyone, and they began speaking whatever languages the Spirit let them speak.
5 Many religious Jews from every country in the world were living in Jerusalem. 6 And when they heard this noise, a crowd gathered. But they were surprised, because they were hearing everything in their own languages. 7 They were excited and amazed, and said:
Don't all these who are speaking come from Galilee? 8 Then why do we hear them speaking our very own languages? 9 Some of us are from Parthia, Media, and Elam. Others are from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, 10 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, parts of Libya near Cyrene, Rome, 11 Crete, and Arabia. Some of us were born Jews, and others of us have chosen to be Jews. Yet we all hear them using our own languages to tell the wonderful things God has done.
12 Everyone was excited and confused. Some of them even kept asking each other, “What does all this mean?”
13 Others made fun of the Lord's followers and said, “They are drunk.”
Peter Speaks to the Crowd
14 Peter stood with the eleven apostles and spoke in a loud and clear voice to the crowd:
Friends and everyone else living in Jerusalem, listen carefully to what I have to say! 15 You are wrong to think that these people are drunk. After all, it is only nine o'clock in the morning. 16 But this is what God told the prophet Joel to say,

17 “When the last days come,
I will give my Spirit
to everyone.
Your sons and daughters
will prophesy.
Your young men
will see visions,
and your old men
will have dreams.
18 In those days I will give
my Spirit to my servants,
both men and women,
and they will prophesy.

19 “I will work miracles
in the sky above
and wonders
on the earth below.
There will be blood and fire
and clouds of smoke.
20 The sun will turn dark,
and the moon
will be as red as blood
before the great
and wonderful day
of the Lord appears.
21 Then the Lord
will save everyone
who asks for his help.”

22 Now, listen to what I have to say about Jesus from Nazareth. God proved he sent Jesus to you by having him work miracles, wonders, and signs. All of you know this. 23 God had already planned and decided that Jesus would be handed over to you. So you took him and had evil men put him to death on a cross. 24 But God set him free from death and raised him to life. Death could not hold him in its power. 25 What David said are really the words of Jesus,

“I always see the Lord
near me,
and I will not be afraid
with him at my right side.
26 Because of this,
my heart will be glad,
my words will be joyful,
and I will live in hope.
27 The Lord won't leave me
in the grave.
I am his holy one,
and he won't let
my body decay.
28 He has shown me
the path to life,
and he makes me glad
by being near me.”

29 My friends, it is right for me to speak to you about our ancestor David. He died and was buried, and his tomb is still here. 30 But David was a prophet, and he knew that God had made a promise he would not break. He had told David someone from his own family would someday be king.
31 David knew this would happen, and so he told us Christ would be raised to life. He said God would not leave him in the grave or let his body decay. 32 All of us can tell you that God has raised Jesus to life!
33 Jesus was taken up to sit at the right side of God, and he was given the Holy Spirit, just as the Father had promised. Jesus is also the one who has given the Spirit to us, and this is what you are now seeing and hearing.
34 David didn't go up to heaven. So he wasn't talking about himself when he said, “The Lord told my Lord to sit at his right side, 35 until he made my Lord's enemies into a footstool for him.” 36 Everyone in Israel should then know for certain that God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ, even though you put him to death on a cross.
37 When the people heard this, they were very upset. They asked Peter and the other apostles, “Friends, what should we do?”
38 Peter said to them, “Turn to God and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise is for you and your children. It is for everyone our Lord God will choose, no matter where they live.”
40 Peter told them many other things as well. Then he said, “I beg you to save yourselves from what will happen to all these evil people.” 41 On that day about 3,000 believed his message and were baptized. 42 They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread and prayed together.
Life among the Lord's Followers
43 Everyone was amazed by the many miracles and wonders that the apostles worked. 44 All the Lord's followers often met together, and they shared everything they had. 45 They would sell their property and possessions and give the money to whoever was in need. 46 Day after day they met together in the temple. They broke bread together in different homes and shared their food happily and freely, 47 while praising God. Everyone liked them, and each day the Lord added to their group others who were being saved.