Ŋen Ṯiməd̶awus ləpəɽo Bulusga na Sila alo yi-Lisṯra
1 Na Bulus nəŋeṯa alo yi-Ḏarba na alo yi-Lisṯra. Na ṯaləmis yafo tu yenəŋ yibërnia Ṯiməd̶awus, ləŋgen gaɽo Yawuḏ gëndu ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa orn eṯen gaɽo Yunani. 2 Lorəba pred̶ lalo yi-Lisṯra na lalo y-Iguniya laɽo d̶aməd̶aṯa d̶əlëɽəŋu. 3 Na Bulus gwonaṯa gəmama Ṯiməd̶awus, nṯia guɽəd̶əma ŋen ŋanṯa Alyawuḏ isi yafo alo isi aiyələŋini nano ṯa eṯen gaɽo Yunani. 4 Na ŋen Bulus na Ṯiməd̶awus labərlda irnuŋ pred̶ ldërrəŋaici led̶a ŋen ŋ-Alganun yikanisa isi led̶a ləd̶weinu na nələŋ nəkanisa neɽu ŋen ləfo alo yi-Ursalim. 5 Nṯia kanisa alo pred̶ yafid̶u ŋabəɽa ed̶wonaṯa na led̶a ṯalakaɽəjaid̶o egworəb ñoman pred̶.
Ŋen Bulus gəseicu ŋen iŋurid̶ alo yi-Ṯruwas
6 Na Bulusanda ldəməñe alo yi-Frijiya na alo yi-Galəṯiya, na Usila Gətəɽe gero gələŋgiṯia ṯa alërrəŋaici led̶a ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa alo y-Asiya. 7 Na ndə ɽrəmaṯo alo yi-Misiya lwonaṯa ləbënṯia alo yi-Bid̶iniya orn Usila gə-Yesu nəŋerṯe gələŋgiṯia ləbënṯia, 8 nṯia ldəməñaṯe alo yi-Misiya ldabəṯa alo yi-Ṯruwas. 9 Na Bulus gaseicu ŋen iŋurid̶ uləŋgi nəŋəseici maje galo yi-Makəḏuniya gəd̶əru nəŋəmeɽəd̶e kaiñ ṯa, “Elaŋ ŋeṯa alo yi-Makəḏuniya ŋandəmad̶aṯe!” 10 Na ndə Bulus gəseicu ŋen iŋi, taltal nəñaṯa ṯa ñagabəla, Rəmwa rundəd̶ənde ṯa ñërrəŋaici led̶a ŋen ŋəŋəra ŋə-Rəmwa tu.
Ŋen Bulus gəfo alo yi-Filibi
11 Nṯia ñagatwod̶o alo yi-Ṯruwas id̶əpundr d̶eŋau na ñagarno d̶ad̶ id̶i d̶əd̶urwaṯo d̶abəṯa alo yi-Samud̶raki, na eloman leṯeɽe nəñarəmaṯe alo yi-Niyabulis, 12 na nəñeṯa alo yi-Filibi, irnuŋ goɽra galo yi-Makəḏuniya na led̶a lalo yi-Rumiya lerṯo ŋələŋe ŋalo isi. Nəñaɽaŋe alo isi ñoman ñəmaṯan, 13 na e-Loman ləd̶əmiñəniano nəñaməñaṯe ndëuwər, nəñagabəṯa d̶əbarlda nano, ñagaṯa aŋgaica alo aiyəfeṯe ñagauṯurṯia Rəmwa. Na ñagaɽaŋalo təñërrəŋaicu liji əɽəlda ŋen ildei lərraid̶o tu. 14 Na wuji gafo gənəŋ gənna ŋen eŋaiñ gəbërnia Lidiya galo yi-Điyaṯira, igi gəbirldid̶ia ndrenia nore d̶oria d̶əmunwa, ṯaŋəbuŋṯu Rəmwa, na Eləŋ Yesu gagagid̶u ara gəlëɽəŋu ṯa aŋəne ŋen ŋə-Bulus. 15 Na ŋen Liḏiya gəneinu mamuḏiya na led̶a pred̶ legeɽa gəlëɽəŋu, gënəŋu geiṯənde ṯa, “Ndə ñagaṯa ṯa igëndu ŋen ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu d̶eṯəm, eṯar eɽa gəlëɽəñi ñauɽaŋe”. Oro nəñane nəñagabəla.
Ŋen Bulus gəfo isijən alo yi-Filibi
16 Na lomanəŋ ndə ñagabəṯa alo id̶əṯurṯia Rəmwa ñagopəd̶aid̶o ŋerala ŋəɽo ebai ŋerṯo usila nano geicia, igi gəɽwata ŋen ŋəmulu ŋeṯo, na led̶a ildi ŋəd̶uɽəd̶ənṯəlo lamama gərus eŋen ŋəlëɽəŋu ndə ŋəlwaɽo ŋen ŋəmulu ŋeṯo. 17 Na ŋere iŋi ṯaŋəteṯo Bulus na nanda nəŋərəjaice olia nəŋaṯa, “Led̶a ildi lad̶uɽəd̶ənṯia Rəmwa irri roɽra rəməñaṯo laŋge pred̶ ləndërrəŋaicia ŋen ŋəd̶ëbəria!” 18 Na ŋere ŋid̶u ṯia ñoman ñwaiña. Orn Bulus nəŋəciṯano nəŋəred̶ialo nəŋeiṯi usila geicia ṯa, “Igaŋalwaɽəṯia irəŋga gə-Yesu Almasiya ṯa ŋaməñe ŋere nano.” Orn usila geicia nəŋəməñe ŋere nano iliga ildei d̶urri.
19 Orn ndə led̶a ildi lerṯo ŋere laləŋeṯo ṯa ŋen ŋagəro ŋəgərus d̶əge ldëndi Bulus na Sila ldələbərlded̶eṯe nəsuk nələŋ nëiñua, 20 na ndə leṯo nələŋ nano ldəleiṯi ṯa, “Led̶a ildi laɽo Yawuḏ na lid̶u ŋen ŋwaiña ŋeicia alo esaiñ, 21 labërrəŋaicia led̶a ŋen iŋi alganun esaiñ yaṯa ṯa ñerṯe ñagəbëndia walla ñagëbəd̶ia ŋen ŋanṯa ñagaɽo Romaniyin.” 22 Na led̶a ldətwod̶e leiciano, na nələŋ nələbərlded̶eṯe ndrenia nano naṯa purldo. 23 Na ndə led̶a ləpulo kaiñ ldəlëɽi isijən na nələŋ nəlwaɽəṯi gafir isi yerəmoṯwa sijən ṯa, rəmoṯo majanda ildi ŋopia. 24 Ndə gafir yeno ŋen iŋi nilënəci isijən egwaŋano nilërənəci rəmanəña esənḏug ŋen ŋanṯa alerṯe ləɽwad̶aṯa ləbərlda. Sanḏdug
25 Orn uləŋgiano Bulus na Sila lafo laṯurṯia Rəmwa na ṯalələŋəṯu, na led̶a ildi lakëndənu ṯaləno. 26 Na ŋen nəŋela taltal d̶ud̶a ṯad̶ətësənu na ad̶una yəsijən ṯaiyətësənu na taltal upəndria inëuwər nəgagid̶əni pred̶ na nurid̶a neməñe erəmanəña pred̶ rəled̶a ildi ləfo egwaŋ. 27 Ndə gafir isi yerəmoṯwa sijən yetwod̶o iŋurid̶ ṯaŋəseicu nëuwər nəgagid̶ənu pred̶ niyuɽəd̶eini d̶operria niyaṯa yaɽiñənia bəɽan ṯayaṯa led̶a lobəd̶o pred̶. 28 Orn Bulus ṯaŋamurundəd̶u pəlelo ṯaŋaṯa, “Ŋerṯe agəɽaica etam gəlaɽəŋa ŋen ŋənəŋ ñagëni pred̶!” 29 Na gafir niyed̶waṯe ed̶a aŋəmaməṯi lamba niyobəd̶aṯe egwaŋ, yegəd̶ia aŋəno, niywod̶əñiṯe alo Bulus na Sila erəmanəña, 30 na niləmiñi niyaṯa, “Ya nələŋ, igëbəd̶ia ṯau ṯa yëbərni?” 31 Na lënəŋulu ldəmeiṯi ṯa, “Ëndu ŋen ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu oro ŋëbərni na led̶a leɽa ləlaɽəŋa com.” 32 Na Bulusanda ldəmërrəŋaici ŋen ŋ-Eləŋ Yesu na led̶a legeɽa gəlëɽəŋu pred̶. 33 Na uləŋgi igi gafir neləme nelwase erëɽi, na yënəŋu nineini mamuḏiya na led̶a əllëɽəŋu pred̶, 34 orn yenəcəlo eɽa gəlëɽəŋu nilnaice ŋəsa, niŋërṯi Rəmwa nano kaiñ na led̶a legeɽa gəlëɽəŋu pred̶ ŋen ŋanṯa yëndu ŋen ŋə-Rəmwa.
35 Na eloman leṯeɽe alo yakaro nələŋ nəd̶waṯe askari naṯa aiyəɽe aiyəd̶waṯe Bulusanda. 36 Na gafir yalwaɽəṯu Bulus ŋen niyaṯa, “Nələŋ nad̶waṯənde ṯa ñandëbəri. Twod̶r ñaɽe d̶əge d̶əŋərad̶a nano.” 37 Orn Bulus nəŋəleiṯi ṯa, “Nënəŋulu nëpunde led̶a nëiñua, ñagero ñagakəmənia, na ñagaɽo Romaniyin, na nəndëɽi isijən. Orn d̶əñid̶i ṯandəd̶waṯo ŋaməɽa? Ŋgiṯəlo anela anəndebəri.” 38 Askari yalwaɽəṯu nələŋ ŋen iŋi na nəd̶əñiṯalo ndə ləno ṯa laɽo Romaniyin, 39 na neṯəlo nano nəlwaɽəṯi Bulusanda ṯa, “Ñagid̶u mənna.” Na nəmmeicəlo ndëuwər nəleiṯi ṯa, “Ŋgaṯr alo esaiñ.” 40 Na ndə ləməño isijən ldabəṯa eɽa gə-Liḏiya na ndə ləseicu lorəba ldəlaməd̶aṯe ŋenŋa ŋə-Rəmwa orn labəla d̶əge.
Timothy Works with Paul and Silas
1 Paul and Silas went back to Derbe and Lystra, where there was a follower named Timothy. His mother was also a follower. She was Jewish, and his father was Greek. 2 The Lord's followers in Lystra and Iconium said good things about Timothy, 3 and Paul wanted him to go with them. But Paul first had him circumcised, because all the Jewish people around there knew that Timothy's father was Greek.
4 As Paul and the others went from city to city, they told the followers what the apostles and leaders in Jerusalem had decided, and they urged them to follow these instructions. 5 The churches became stronger in their faith, and each day more people put their faith in the Lord.
Paul's Vision in Troas
6 Paul and his friends went through Phrygia and Galatia, but the Holy Spirit would not let them preach in Asia. 7 After they arrived in Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not let them. 8 So they went on through Mysia until they came to Troas.
9 During the night, Paul had a vision of someone from Macedonia who was standing there and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we began looking for a way to go to Macedonia. We were sure that God had called us to preach the good news there.
Lydia Becomes a Follower of the Lord
11 We sailed straight from Troas to Samothrace, and the next day we arrived in Neapolis. 12 From there we went to Philippi, which is a Roman colony in the first district of Macedonia.
We spent several days in Philippi. 13 Then on the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to a place by the river, where we thought there would be a Jewish meeting place for prayer. We sat down and talked with the women who came. 14 One of them was Lydia, who was from the city of Thyatira and sold expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15 Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, “If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home.” Finally, we accepted her invitation.
Paul and Silas Are Put in Jail
16 One day on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl. She had a spirit in her that gave her the power to tell the future. By doing this she made a lot of money for her owners. 17 The girl followed Paul and the rest of us, and she kept yelling, “These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you how to be saved.”
18 This went on for several days. Finally, Paul got so upset that he turned and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to leave this girl alone!” At once the evil spirit left her.
19 When the girl's owners realized they had lost all chances for making more money, they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them into court. 20 They told the officials, “These Jews are upsetting our city! 21 They are telling us to do things we Romans are not allowed to do.”
22 The crowd joined in the attack on Paul and Silas. Then the officials tore the clothes off the two men and ordered them to be beaten with a whip. 23 After they had been badly beaten, they were put in jail, and the jailer was told to guard them carefully. 24 The jailer did as he was told. He put them deep inside the jail and chained their feet to heavy blocks of wood.
25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, while the other prisoners listened. 26 Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the jail to its foundations. The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners.
27 When the jailer woke up and saw that the doors were open, he thought that the prisoners had escaped. He pulled out his sword and was about to kill himself. 28 But Paul shouted, “Don't harm yourself! No one has escaped.”
29 The jailer asked for a torch and went into the jail. He was shaking all over as he knelt down in front of Paul and Silas. 30 After he had led them out of the jail, he asked, “What must I do to be saved?”
31 They replied, “Have faith in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved! This is also true for everyone who lives in your home.”
32 Then Paul and Silas told him and everyone else in his house about the Lord. 33 While it was still night, the jailer took them to a place where he could wash their cuts and bruises. Then he and everyone in his home were baptized. 34 They were very glad they had put their faith in God. After this, the jailer took Paul and Silas to his home and gave them something to eat.
35 The next morning the officials sent some police with orders for the jailer to let Paul and Silas go. 36 The jailer told Paul, “The officials have ordered me to set you free. Now you can leave in peace.”
37 But Paul told the police, “We are Roman citizens, and the Roman officials had us beaten in public without giving us a trial. They threw us into jail. Now do they think they can secretly send us away? No, they cannot! They will have to come here themselves and let us out.”
38 When the police told the officials that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, the officials were afraid. 39 So they came and apologized. They led them out of the jail and asked them to please leave town. 40 But Paul and Silas went straight to the home of Lydia, where they saw the Lord's followers and encouraged them. Then they left.