1 Nyii kwɔrɔ kwǝni Bɔɔlɔs, kwir kaavɔr kǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ kwǝni Yǝcu ṯɔgwor-thi ṯǝthi Allah. Kwɔɔzar ethi andasi ŋiɽaŋali ŋǝthi ŋimiitha ŋigittathir-ŋi ethisi ǝthi, ɔɽɔmaṯṯi-ŋgi dɔŋw ethi Kwɔrɔstɔ-nǝ kwǝni Yǝcu.
2 Nyii kwuusucǝ-ŋǝ ŋaaŋwɔ kwǝni Ṯiimɔɔthaaws, kwir tɔr ṯiinyi ṯamɽany beṯṯen:
Ethi Allah wir Papa nǝ Kwɔrɔstɔ kwǝni Yǝcu kwir Kweeleny kwǝri, ethɔŋw inḏǝthǝ ŋaaŋwɔ ne@ma-ŋwɔsi ŋimɽi-ŋi nǝ ŋiiɽǝnnǝ tok.
Ṯɔrtatha-ŋa ṯifirllǝ-thi naana.
3 Nyii kwǝṯi ǝccǝ Allah shukran wǝkkicǝ-nyii ŋothɽor ṯɔgwor-thi ṯɔsɔɔɽɔ-nǝ cɔr-cɔɽic, kaka-ṯǝ ŋa ŋǝrrǝsi lugwurnǝ liinyi. Wǝti-nyii ǝccǝ shukran mǝŋǝ kithaayini ki-ṯaara-na ṯiinyi kiyiiriny kulu-kulu kaaŋwɔn-kaaŋwɔn 4 Nyii kwǝṯi kithaayini ŋwal ŋwɔɔɽo ki-yǝy-nǝ yɔɔŋwa, ŋwɔṯaŋw ninyǝthi sɔɔrɔma beṯṯen etheese ŋaaŋwɔ, mindaŋ mǝnyii urǝnni-nǝ deddep ṯinyiŋla-thina. 5 Nyii kwǝṯi kikithaayini ṯǝmminǝ ṯɔɔŋwa ṯiira ŋejmeth-na, ṯir-ṯǝ kaka ṯǝmminǝ kitha ṯinaanɔ kerreny ethi laanyalɔ-na kwir kwugwurnǝlɔ kwǝni Luu-iis nǝ ethi laanyalɔ-na kwǝni Afniika, nǝ nyii kwilŋithi rerrem ethaarɔŋw, ṯinaani-ŋa gwɔna tok. 6 Nǝ sǝbǝb-gi ṯǝ ŋgwɔ, ŋa kithǝyini ethi ardasi iigǝŋi wir haḏiiyyǝ wa winḏǝthǝ-ŋǝ Allah kinaŋw nigitta-nyii rii rii-nyii kanda-la lɔɔŋwa. 7 Kaka niti nǝṯi-ŋwɔ Ṯigɽim kitha ṯinḏǝthǝ-nyji Allah ere ruusi nyuŋwsi nḏeny mac, laakin ǝṯɔŋw urǝzi nyuŋwsi-nǝ ŋɔma-ŋi nǝ ṯama-ŋǝ ṯikǝkkǝ-thi ṯǝthi rogɽo.
8 Ŋwɔṯaŋw ǝṯiŋǝ ṯɔrony mithi mac ethi kette shahaaḏa kwǝni Kweeleny kwǝri, wala ethi ṯɔrony yee ŋaaŋwɔ-na ṯǝni nyii kwir mahbuus ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ. Ŋwɔṯaŋw, aava kǝniny lɔɔɽɔŋi lɔɔŋwa ethi bee ṯurvǝ ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi Inyjiil ŋɔma-ŋi ŋa ŋǝŋǝsi Allah inḏǝthǝ. 9 Wundǝr-ṯǝ wɔmǝ-nyji kilǝthi mindaŋ nɔŋw ɔrnɔṯi nyuŋwsi ṯɔrnɔṯǝ-thi ṯirllinǝlɔ ter, nǝreere ǝni ŋothɽor ŋeere ŋǝrrǝrsi mac, laakin nǝroro ŋǝthi ṯɔgwor ṯuuŋwun ne@ma-gi. Nɔŋwɔni kwinḏǝthǝ-nyji ne@ma ŋgwɔ ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi Kwɔrɔstɔ kwǝni Yǝcu, kinaŋw tuk niti nigittina-gwɔ ṯurmun kinnǝni mac. 10 Nǝ kirem tǝ, kwɔmǝr-nyji ruwǝccǝlɔ kinaŋw mǝ Kwiglǝthǝ kwǝri kwǝni Kwɔrɔstɔ kwǝni Yǝcu iila. Nɔŋw rilli ŋɔma ŋǝthi ŋiɽany, nǝ nɔŋw ruwǝccǝ nyuŋwsi ŋimiitha-lɔ ŋiyaŋ Inyjiil-yi.
11 Ŋwɔṯaŋw, ŋiɽaŋal-ŋi ŋǝthi Inyjiil wɔ, nǝrnyii alla ethoro mɔbǝshir, kaavɔr nǝ mɔ@allim tok, 12 ṯaŋw nǝ-ṯǝ sǝbǝb oro ŋgwɔ kwɔbiiyiny-gi ṯurvǝ ṯǝthi kwomne ŋgwɔ. Laakin nǝnyii ṯɔrony ere mithǝ mac, kaka nilŋithiny-gwɔ ŋgwa kwǝmminicǝ-nyii, nǝ nǝnyii elŋe dedder ethaarɔŋw kwinḏiŋw ethi aŋraci ŋgwa kwǝccicǝ-ŋwɔ nyuŋw wǝkiiǝ mindaŋ mǝ Laamin kila iila. 13 Mithǝthi ŋiɽaŋali ŋa tetter ŋir rerrem ŋa ŋǝccǝ-ŋǝsi @allima, ethoro mǝthǝl kwɔɔŋa ethisi rɔɔmi, a-nannatha ki-ṯǝmminǝ-nǝ nǝ ṯamɽa kitha ṯǝri, nǝ ṯɔɽɔmaṯṯa-thi ethi kwɔrɔstɔ-na kwǝni Yǝcu. 14 Aŋrica ŋiɽaŋali ŋa ŋir rerrem ŋǝccicǝr-ŋǝsi wǝkilǝ, ǝsi aŋraci ŋǝmmǝŋ ŋǝthi Ṯigɽirn Ṯirllinǝlɔ ter, ṯǝṯinyji-gwɔ ɔmina.
15 A kwilŋithi rac mǝnyii-gwɔ lizi tatap lǝthi muḏiiriiyyǝ kwǝthi Aasiiyya-ŋw ɔrlacci ŋwɔdoŋw, nǝ deŋgen-na, nǝ Fiijallus-ŋǝ Harmuujaanis-gi oro. 16 Ethi Kweeleny inḏǝthǝ kwǝthi Uniisiifuurus ŋimɽiyǝ kaka nǝṯɔ-ŋgwɔ kǝṯṯini nyuŋwɔ wǝŋ nyaamin nyuuru. Nǝ ǝṯi ṯɔrony ere mithǝ mac ṯǝthi ŋwɔɔɽɔŋw ŋwiinyi, 17 kinaŋw mɔŋw ɔppatha Rɔɔma, nɔŋw nǝŋninni nyuŋw-lɔ mindaŋ nɔŋw kaṯṯasi nyuŋw kimaara. 18 Ethi Kweeleny mǝcci ŋunduŋw, mindaŋ ŋwaavi ŋimɽiyǝ naanɔ-ŋgwɔ ki Laamin-la kila! A kwilŋithi-pǝ rac rerrem ŋothɽor ŋa tatap ŋǝkkicǝ-ŋwsi nyuŋw a-naani-nyii Afasuus.
1 From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God's will, sent to proclaim the promised life which we have in union with Christ Jesus—
2 To Timothy, my dear son:
May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace.
Thanksgiving and Encouragement
3 I give thanks to God, whom I serve with a clear conscience, as my ancestors did. I thank him as I remember you always in my prayers night and day. 4 I remember your tears, and I want to see you very much, so that I may be filled with joy. 5 I remember the sincere faith you have, the kind of faith that your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice also had. I am sure that you have it also. 6 For this reason I remind you to keep alive the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you. 7 For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control.
8 Do not be ashamed, then, of witnessing for our Lord; neither be ashamed of me, a prisoner for Christ's sake. Instead, take your part in suffering for the Good News, as God gives you the strength for it. 9 He saved us and called us to be his own people, not because of what we have done, but because of his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace by means of Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 10 but now it has been revealed to us through the coming of our Savior, Christ Jesus. He has ended the power of death and through the gospel has revealed immortal life.
11 God has appointed me as an apostle and teacher to proclaim the Good News, 12 and it is for this reason that I suffer these things. But I am still full of confidence, because I know whom I have trusted, and I am sure that he is able to keep safe until that Day what he has entrusted to me. 13 Hold firmly to the true words that I taught you, as the example for you to follow, and remain in the faith and love that are ours in union with Christ Jesus. 14 Through the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, keep the good things that have been entrusted to you.
15 You know that everyone in the province of Asia, including Phygelus and Hermogenes, has deserted me. 16 May the Lord show mercy to the family of Onesiphorus, because he cheered me up many times. He was not ashamed that I am in prison, 17 but as soon as he arrived in Rome, he started looking for me until he found me. 18 May the Lord grant him his mercy on that Day! And you know very well how much he did for me in Ephesus.