'Bakicii Ruopa ro
(Oti 35:9-28Yosua 20:1-9)
1 “Ondro OPI Lu amiro kepere tu'dei se nda kabe wari na ozona ämiri ana te, ago miru te ago nyàte ori 'bakicii ndi zoi ànyaro be yasi oko, 2 be ämiri 'bakici nätu odine wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri 'do ya. 3 Nyède liti kigyesi, ago nyòlonyi ya wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri 'do ro nätu, tana mano se kufu 'diaza te 'do kumu robe ruopane alona aza ya. 4 Ondro ka'do manoaza kufu 'diaza te drilapa si se kyenona ko kyila'baazi ndaro, nda kumu alo aza 'bakicii kwoi roya kopa yi robe londro ro. 5 Taka'dana ro, ondro ka'do 'diaza koyi gwo oriazi ndaro be vocowa ya ice ogane, ago ondro nda ka ce oga oko, koloŋwa keci kelepi gwo ni drî na yasi ago koga azi ndaro gwo ṛi, nda unina ndi umune alo aza 'bakicii kwoi roya nda kopa adri ndaro robe. 6 Tana ondro ka'do 'bakici na iyi kozwa gwo ndra, 'dooko 'didiri 'dise äfube 'do ro se kolebe vo taro logone 'do onjana 'diufu'ba gwo ago ni yaoso ri ufuna nda gwo. Oko se nda fu 'di 'do drilapa si ago ko kyila'baazi ndaro. 7 'Do ni tase mabe ami ota 'bakicii nätu odine to owo.
8 “Ondro OPI Lu amiro kafo kishwe amiro te bäräŋgälä, oso se nda kiti tana be zutui amiro ri ronye, ago kozo wari se cini nda ko'ba tana be zutui amiro ri te oko, 9 Ka'do ondro mìro ota ndaro se mata ami be sina ondro ono te Opi Lu amiro luna si ago orona si, 'dooko kpa ämiri 'bakicii nätu azaka onjine. 10 Miye inye, ukyi 'dise taenjiako odra 'da wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri ono ya, ago nyà'do 'da taenji 'diufu robe.
11 “Oko aba ondro ka'do manoaza ko'ba ta gwo oriazi ndaro be ago kädämbi yigo ago ko'bi nda gwo ṛi 'dooko kumu gwo yi opane alo aza 'bakicii kwoi roya, 12 ta nonye ono ta, dri'bai 'ba'desi ndaro ro ri lazo ozone, nda ezine ago ozone 'didiri 'dise äfube 'do ro se ni vo taro logone 'do rigye, tana äfu nda robe. 13 Ko a'done yauni be ndäri. Mina 'diufu'ba inye 'do ni Yisaraele yasi, tana ta ka'do robe kadoro ami yibe.
Kishwe Uku
14 “Nyäläpi kishwe oriazi miro ro ko, se asite ṛo kyeno wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri ana ya 'do.
Ota ta Tazevoedre rota
15 “Tazevoedre lidri alodi ro ojo ko mano se kenji tabe kode koye ta be koziro 'do vure nda kicu ro opene sina, e'be gialo tazevoedre'bai ritu kode nätu rosi a'dena gwo unine anjioko manona 'do orivoya taenji be. 16 Ondro ka'do 'diaza kojote 'diazi aza kicune kowe si ta aza ro, 17 'dooko 'dina iyi oyine riti vose mätu ro 'do ya, kohanii ndi vureope'bai se kama ya iyi kandra. 18 Vureope'bai ri tavona ejine ŋgye; ago ondro ka'do manona 'do kikicu Yisaraele'ba azi ndaro te kowe si, 19 'dooko be taezaro aba se ozone mano se nda kikicube 'do ri 'do ozone ndäri. Liti nonye ono yasi minana takozi ndi ni ami lakosi. 20 'Dooko lidri cini erina tana 'da ago a'dona yi 'da turiro ago 'diaza unina kote takozi anya oso 'do ronye 'do oyene tona ami lako. 21 Ta anya inye 'do nyà'do ko yauni be kigye; taezana a'done adri 'bedri ndi adri azi be, ago mi 'bedri ndi mi azi be, si 'bedri ndi si azi be, drì 'bedri ndi drì azi be, ago pa 'bedri ndi pa azi be.
Safe Towns
(Numbers 35.9-28Joshua 20.1-9)
Moses said to Israel:
1 Soon you will go into the land and attack the nations. The Lord your God will destroy them and give you their lands, towns, and homes. Then after you are settled, 2-4 you must choose three of your towns to be Safe Towns. Divide the land into three regions with one Safe Town near the middle of each, so that a Safe Town can be easily reached from anywhere in your land.
Then, if one of you accidentally kills someone, you can run to a Safe Town and find protection from being put to death. But you must not have been angry with the person you killed.
5 For example, suppose you and a friend go into the forest to cut wood. You are chopping down a tree with an ax, when the ax head slips off the handle, hits your friend, and kills him. You can run to one of the Safe Towns and save your life. 6 You don't deserve to die, since you did not mean to harm your friend. But he did get killed, and his relatives might be very angry. They might even choose one of the men from their family to track you down and kill you. If it is too far to one of the Safe Towns, the victim's relative might be able to catch you and kill you. 7 That's why I said there must be three Safe Towns.
8-9 Israel, the Lord your God has promised that if you obey his laws and teachings I'm giving you, and if you always love him, then he will give you the land he promised your ancestors. When that happens, you must name three more Safe Towns in the new territory. 10 You will need them, so innocent people won't be killed on your land while they are trying to reach a Safe Town that is too far away. You will be guilty of murder, if innocent people lose their lives because you didn't name enough Safe Towns in the land the Lord your God will give you.
11 But what if you really do commit murder? Suppose one of you hates a neighbor. So you wait in a deserted place, kill the neighbor, and run to a Safe Town. 12 If that happens, the leaders of your town must send messengers to bring you back from the Safe Town. They will hand you over to one of the victim's relatives, who will put you to death.
13 Israel, for the good of the whole country, you must kill anyone who murders an innocent person. Never show mercy to a murderer!
Property Lines
Moses said to Israel:
14 In the land the Lord is giving you, there are already stones set up to mark the property lines between fields. So don't move those stones.
Witnesses Must Tell the Truth
Moses said to Israel:
15 Before you are convicted of a crime, at least two witnesses must be able to testify that you did it.
16 If you accuse someone of a crime, but seem to be lying, 17-18 then both you and the accused must be taken to the court at the place where the Lord is worshiped. There the priests and judges will find out if you are lying or telling the truth.
If you are lying and the accused is innocent, 19-21 then you will be punished without mercy. You will receive the same punishment the accused would have received if found guilty, whether it means losing an eye, a tooth, a hand, a foot, or even your life.
Israel, the crime of telling lies in court must be punished. And when people hear what happens to witnesses that lie, everyone else who testifies in court will tell the truth.