Ŋgaemba Ädu Paulo ro ndi Mede be
1 Yauono ni pere nina se mabe ukyi ami täkyine sina owo. Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye: “Beṛo 'dikicu ri a'done taiti tazevoedre'bai ritu kode amba rosi.” 2 Male ta itine ami azaka se mìye takozi be kyeno ri, ndi azii cini be, mata ta ono kätina te ämiri ukyi ṛiri maro amire si, oko matana tana kpa to'di yau mabe lozo ono si, tu kinja se mabe ukyi sina si 'diaza oparuna ko ni taezaro maro ri. 3 Nyà'dona 'da taka'daro se cini mìle be ono be anjioko Kristo kani ata ma si. Tuse nda kate taoye ämiri, nda ko orivoya mbaraako, oko, nda ka mbara ndaro ka'da ami lako. 4 Taŋgye itine ayani, abe ndana oto nda orivoya mbaraako. Caoko, mbara Lu rosi nda ka gi ori. Rumora ya nda be ama kpa mbaraako; oko a'do kpokoṛo amaro ami be si mala'dona mbara Lu ro 'da ori ndaro ya.
5 Nyòjo andivo amiro te, ago mìpe vure andivo amiro ro, nyùsu robe kode nyà gindi ugu ori taoma ya. Inye'do mìni ṛoko Kristo Yesu orivoya ami ya ya? E'be gialo ta pe ami te ṛe. 6 Mio'ba maro ya, mìnina 'da anjioko ta pe ama ko'de ṛe. 7 Mà mätu Lu ri ukyi mìye ŋgakozi 'da, ko ka'dane ekye ta pe ama ko ṛe, oko tana anjioko mìye robe tase ŋgye ayani, mà'do gica oso ta pe ama te ṛe ronye. 8 Tana mä̀nina ko ta oyene koziro taŋgye lomvo, oko toto taŋgye oyene ayani. 9 Ama orivoya yai'dwesi tuse mà'dote mbaraako oko nya'dote mbara ro owo. Ago ta'doro mà kpa mätu oye nyà'do robe 'diriro. 10 Ta'doro ni ma ta ono egyi ämiri 'dooko ma i'do ami yibe; ukyi ondro masate amire oko maye ta 'da ämiri siomba si drikaca se Opi kozobe märi si, drikaca se Opi kozobe märi ono ami omozana, ko ami perezana vuru.
11 Ago yauono, ädrupii maro, mede ämiri, mìtriru ta a'do 'diriro ta, nyèri driayo maro, mìletadri azi be, mìri liyaro. Ago Lu ŋgalu ro ndi taliatokpe robe a'dona ndi ami yibe.
12 Mìye mede azi ri ŋga njunju ädrupii rosi. Lidri cini Lu ro zoyi mede ànyaro ämiri.
13 Tai'dwero Opi Yesu Kristo ro, ŋgalu Lu robe ndi rumora Tori Alokado robe ka'do ami cini be.
Final Warnings and Greetings
1 I am on my way to visit you for the third time. And as the Scriptures say, “Any charges must be proved true by at least two or three witnesses.” 2 During my second visit I warned you that I would punish you and anyone else who doesn't stop sinning. I am far away from you now, but I give you the same warning. 3 This should prove to you that I am speaking for Christ. When he corrects you, he won't be weak. He will be powerful! 4 Although he was weak when he was nailed to the cross, he now lives by the power of God. We are weak, just as Christ was. But you will see that we will live by the power of God, just as Christ does.
5 Test yourselves and find out if you really are true to your faith. If you pass the test, you will discover that Christ is living in you. But if Christ isn't living in you, you have failed. 6 I hope you will discover we have not failed. 7 We pray you will stop doing evil things. We don't pray like this to make ourselves look good, but to get you to do right, even if we are failures.
8 All we can do is to follow the truth and not fight against it. 9 Even though we are weak, we are glad that you are strong, and we pray you will do even better. 10 I am writing these things to you before I arrive. This way I won't have to be hard on you when I use the authority the Lord has given me. I was given this authority, so I could help you and not destroy you.
11 Goodbye, my friends. Do better and pay attention to what I have said. Try to get along and live peacefully with each other.
Now I pray that God, who gives love and peace, will be with you. 12 Give each other a warm greeting. All God's people send their greetings.
13 I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you and be kind to you! May God bless you with his love, and may the Holy Spirit join all your hearts together.