Didhedha Kaloŋa nyim
1 Ethadhinul galo athathanya apo ŋiro ŋalo ŋina ŋiŋir gi je ganu ja liji, dil laŋa no; i nyaŋa lati laji labuje mukaafa gwalo di Babo gwalo gwina gwathije Sama no. 2 Ma ŋa dhedha kwijo gwarush gwuŋa gwina gwati gwuthi ŋida no, athaŋa gwi ulinu no, gwiro ŋinena athin liji lina luthi dhuŋuna ganu ram are gi majaamiⓐ a gi dai alaŋ, alari lal liji neye. Titiganu nyi gwa gwacaijinu, Limapai mukaafa gwegen. 3 Abi mathaŋa dhedha lijo ŋida ŋalo lina lati luthi ŋida no, athaŋa abrico dhoi dhuŋa dhina dhiro dhour dhaliŋa dhuŋuna dhina dhapo dhiŋir no. 4 A dhedha gwalo ro nyim; a Babo gwalo gwina gwathaŋa dhuŋuna dhina dhigilibo gwaji gwaŋadhedha mukaafa titir.
Dabiŋaijo Kaloŋa nyim
5 Ada ŋa gwimaro gwabiŋaijo Kaloŋa, athaŋa rui ŋinena liji lina luthi dhuŋuna ganu ram no, lina lathamani ganu di dire alabiŋaijo Kaloŋa gi majaamiⓐ, a kalo gina gathin dai apaije galo, athilari lal liji aŋa. Titiganu nyi gwa gwacaijinu, Limapai mukaafa gwegen. 6 Abi maŋari gwabiŋaijo Kaloŋa, udhi kiru, ŋaluthe gibura, ŋabiŋaijo Babuŋw gwuŋa nyim; a Babo gwuŋa gwaŋaŋa dabiŋaijo nyim a gwaji gwaŋadhedha mukaafa. 7 Ada ŋa gwimabiŋaijo Kaloŋa, athaŋa wuritejo gi dhuŋun dheta gwortal, gwiro ŋinena athin Liumam are no; lathare minoŋ, alari laji lal Kalo deŋinaijo dhuŋuna dhegen dhina dhoinyadho. 8 A minoŋ athanya rui ŋinena ŋediŋa no; ŋinena liŋidhi Babo gwalo ŋida ŋina ŋibupanyalo kwereny nanaŋ gwati gwothaijanya galo no.
Dhuŋun dha dhabiŋaijo Kaloŋa dhina dhaŋajo Yasuuⓐ calmiz
9 Mathanya abiŋaijo Kaloŋa nyare minoŋ, Babo gwuri gwina gwathije Sama, abrico jiriny juŋa al liji uminyi. 10 Ŋabrico gidhileo guŋa ŋwila, a dhuŋun dhuŋa je kidhila, gwiro ŋinena ŋwunje Sama. 11 Athijidhedha ŋida ŋa dheny gigina. 12 Ŋa dhudhani ganu ŋidi ŋike ŋina ŋathanalapai; gwiro ŋinena athana dhudhani ganu ŋidi ŋike ŋina ŋathil liji liter apai daguri. 13 Athijabrico ana lugejini gi dugor ganu duri no, jibubire ŋidi ganu ŋina ŋike. Gidhila peth guŋa, a ŋoma peth ŋuŋa, a majdh, gwortal. Amiin. 14 Ada nyaŋa limathi dhudhani ganu ŋidi ŋike ŋina ŋathil liji liter apai dagalo, a Babo gwalo gwina gwathije Sama gwadhudhani ganu ŋidi ŋalo ŋina ŋike ko. 15 Abi ada nyaŋa limathathi dhudhanu ganu ŋidi ŋike ŋina ŋathil liji liter apai dagalo no, a Babo gwalo gwati gwadhudhani ganu ŋidi ŋalo ŋina ŋike ko no.
Dijalo jamu
16 A ada nyaŋa limathije jamu, athathanya jo gi je ganu kwudiny, gwiro ŋinena liji lina luthi dhuŋuna ganu ram no; lathije gi je ganu kwudiny minoŋ al liji liŋa darnu lo jamu. Titiganu nyi gwa gwacaijinu, Limapai mukaafa gwegen. 17 A ada ŋa gwimathije jamu, athaŋa bulani ŋela gi lira ganu, ŋuni gi je ganu. 18 A kwiji gweda gwati gwaŋaŋa darnu ŋa gwo jamu no, abi Babo gwalo gwina gwathije girimu; a Babo gwalo gwina gwathijaŋa nyim, gwaji gwaŋa dhedha mukaafa.
Ŋidi ŋoinyadho ŋina ŋiro titiganu
19 Athaŋa auwadhinu ŋida ŋina ŋiŋiranu mina kidhila, ŋina ŋaji ŋal lodo digiriye i ŋarode, i ŋal luram aji ŋaluni i ŋalapai ŋwuramai no. 20 Ŋa bauwadhini ŋida ŋuŋa Sama, kalo gina gati gan lodo digiriye i ŋarode, i ŋati ŋuthi ŋoma ŋan luram uni alapai ŋwuramai no. 21 A kalo gina gathaŋanauwa ŋida ŋuŋa, a dhugor dhuŋa dhathin je ko.
Fure a girim
22 Ke giro lamba la dhaŋinu; ada ke guŋa gimure ganu, a aŋinu yuŋa yathuthi fure gwoinyadho. 23 Abi ada ke guŋa gimake, a aŋinu yuŋa yathirimi ganu. Abi ada fure gwuŋa gwimarimi ganu, gabidaije gabuthani gwuleny.
Dhenya, a aradi Kalo
24 Kwiji gwetipo gwati gwuthi ŋoma gwupijo lelenya ram ŋiro no, gwaji gwuŋwirini gweta, a gwuŋwuminyi gwiter; i gwaji gwuŋwdima gweta, a gwuŋwirini gwiter. Nyaŋa lati luthi ŋoma laro jadham ja Kalo a ja gidhila no. 25 A minoŋ, nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, ŋajaici, Athaji dugor mirejo ŋida ŋa dheny a ŋidi ŋa dheye no; a ŋidi ŋa dhil aŋinu yalo gena no. Midhe gwati gwibuthanu ŋidi ŋa dheny, a aŋinu ibuthanu gi ciraŋ ja dhigena? 26 Aŋadhul nyireo nya kabo; nyati nyathikwoi no, a nyati nyathuni no, a nyati nyuthi nyiluŋu no, athilbi Babo gwalo gwina gwathije Sama dhedha ŋida ŋa dheny. Nyaŋa lati liŋiranu gwuleny gi nyira a? 27 Ei gwo dagalo gwina gwuthi ŋoma gwolanalaŋ gwitiny gwiren dhuŋun dhai dhina dhuthuŋw? 28 Abi kworaŋ athajibi dugor mirejo ŋida ŋa dhigena? Aŋadhul ŋwaur ŋwa kedho dilbiŋa akwai; ŋwati ŋwathapai ŋiro no, a ŋwati ŋwathireye no. 29 Abi nyi gwa gwabiŋaijaje, ŋajaici, Sulemaan gi majdh gwuŋun peth gwati gwigeno ciraŋa jiro ŋinena laur leta ibila no. 30 Ada Kalo gimathigeta karo momaŋ minoŋ, gina gathije kedho lamun letipo, athibi liji geta kiga bigunu, gati gwoinyadhanu dajidhedha ciraŋa na? nyaŋa lina lati luthi imaan gwoinyadho no. 31 A minoŋ athathanya abiŋinu gi dugor ganu dalo no nya larnu, aŋ gwiro gwaji gwaneny? i aŋ gwaji gwaniye? i aŋ gwaji gwanagena? 32 (Ŋinena athi Liumam bupe ŋida ibiŋa peth;) a Babo gwalo gwina gwathije Sama gwiliŋidhi darnu nyaŋa libupo ŋida ibiŋa peth. 33 Abi kwerkwereny bupul gidhileo ga Kalo, a dhuŋun dhuŋun dhina dhiŋir; a ŋidi ibiŋa peth ŋajil badhaijo. 34 Athaji dugor mirejo dhuŋuna dhina dhaji dhila bigunu no; abi bigunu gwaji gwubiŋini ŋida gi dhugor dhuŋun. Lamun lidadho lina lijilai ŋidi ŋina ŋike.
1 When you do good deeds, don't try to show off. If you do, you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven.
2 When you give to the poor, don't blow a loud horn. That's what show-offs do in the synagogues and on the street corners, because they are always looking for praise. I can assure you that they already have their reward.
3 When you give to the poor, don't let anyone know about it. 4 Then your gift will be given in secret. Your Father knows what is done in secret and will reward you.
(Luke 11.2-4)
5 When you pray, don't be like those show-offs who love to stand up and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners. They do this just to look good. I can assure you that they already have their reward.
6 When you pray, go into a room alone and close the door. Pray to your Father in private. He knows what is done in private and will reward you.
7 When you pray, don't talk on and on as people do who don't know God. They think God likes to hear long prayers. 8 Don't be like them. Your Father knows what you need even before you ask.
9 You should pray like this:

Our Father in heaven,
help us to honor
your name.
10 Come and set up
your kingdom,
so that everyone on earth
will obey you,
as you are obeyed
in heaven.
11 Give us our food for today.
12 Forgive us for doing wrong,
as we forgive others.
13 Keep us from being tempted
and protect us from evil.

14 If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you. 15 But if you don't forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Worshiping God by Going without Eating
16 When you go without eating, don't try to look gloomy as those show-offs do when they go without eating. I can assure you that they already have their reward. 17 Instead, comb your hair and wash your face. 18 Then others won't know you are going without eating. But your Father sees what is done in private, and he will reward you.
Treasures in Heaven
(Luke 12.33Luke 34)
19 Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. 20 Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them. 21 Your heart will always be where your treasure is.
(Luke 11.34-36)
22 Your eyes are a window for your body. When they are good, you have all the light you need. 23 But when your eyes are bad, everything is dark. If the light inside you is dark, you surely are in the dark.
(Luke 16.13)
24 You cannot be the slave of two masters! You will like one more than the other or be more loyal to one than the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
(Luke 12.22-31)
25 I tell you not to worry about your life. Don't worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food or clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth much more than birds?
27 Can worry make you live longer? 28 Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They don't work hard to make their clothes. 29 But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn't as well clothed as one of them. 30 God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. God will surely do even more for you! Why do you have such little faith?
31 Don't worry and ask yourselves, “Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?” 32 Only people who don't know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all of these. 33 But more than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.
34 Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.