1 Yahuuṯẖa, gwina gwiro gine ga Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, a megen gwa Yaⓐguub, di ŋediŋa lina lurninu lina luminyinu gi Kalo gina giro Babo, a lina lithedhinu gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ. 2 Ina gwoinyadho gwaje dagalo, a audhaijiye galo, a uminyi.
Dhuŋun dhina dhuthi olaŋw dha muⓐallimiin lina liro lidhuŋun a digire gwa bebra gwa gidhila
3 Liji lai lina luminyinu, dina minyi geta dhuŋuna momaŋ dajulijo gwan gilaŋ gwega gwina gwaicaijiyo gwetipo, nyi gwuminyu dajulijo, ŋajola danyapai dhuŋuna momaŋ gwan imaan gwina gwidhedhinu lamun letipo gi liji lina liŋir didirel. 4 Ŋinena liji lo coŋ lina limudha nyim, lina ligitinu kwerkwereny dapai ẖukm ibigwa, liji lina lidoinyo Kaloŋa, alurle niⓐma galo gwa Kalo gega gi dhuŋun dhadhapai dhuŋuna dhike buiny, aldoinya Muⓐallim gwina gwiro gwetipo gwina gwiro Kalo, a Kweleny gwega gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ.
5 A nyi gwuminyu dajaŋidhaniye, ada nyaŋa limaliŋa dhuŋuna ibidha kwerkwereny darnu Kweleny gwina gwigilaŋiyo lijo gi len la Mas̱r, ŋwubaji ŋwulrinya ko lina lati luminyu no. 6 A malaayka lina lati lidimii ŋelenya ŋegen ŋina ŋiro kwerkwereny no, albi gathani kaloŋa gegen gina gathinje limuŋwul ethadhe di gi lamun la ẖukm lina linaŋ jijir jai jina jathije gwortal kirim ganu. 7 Gwiro ŋinena Saduum a Ⓐamuura, a ŋwen ŋwina ŋwijaijo galo ŋwiro minoŋ lidhedhi lidom legen gi ŋidhir, algwuje aŋina iter, ligitinu dilro s̱uura gwadhi kadhugore gwa iga ina yathije gwortal. 8 Abi liji ibila ko lina lathil diŋidi eny lathiruje aŋina yegen ŋirle, alirini ŋelenya, alabiŋi dhuŋuna dhina dhike gi liji lina lipilipa ŋeleny ŋai, 9 abi Mikhaayiil, gwina gwiro kweleny gwa malaayka, dina abiŋilo Ibliis gwai ŋwabiŋi gwortal gwan aŋinu ya Muusa, athuŋwbi akimiyo dhuŋun dhai dhadhi lo no, ŋwubarnu, Abrico Kwelenya ŋwaji ŋwuŋeŋira. 10 Abi ŋediŋa lathabiŋi dhuŋuna dhina dhike gi ŋidi ŋina ŋati ŋiliŋidhilo no; abi ŋina ŋiliŋidhilo gi dhuŋun dhina dhuthilo liro ŋinena owaŋ ina yati yathabiŋi no, a gi dhuŋun ibidhe athil digire. 11 Dhuŋun dhibur degen. Ŋinena athilela gi dhai dha Gaayin, a alabira di obadhe galo gi dhuŋun dhina dhiro ŋidhuŋun dha Balⓐaam dilapai ujra, alerna gi dhuŋun dhadhi kadhe dha Guuraẖ. 12 Ŋediŋa liro ŋinena nyidedo gi ⓐazuuma gwalo gwa uminyi, dina getilo ⓐazuuma nyaŋa ŋalai, aleny ⓐazuuma athiluthi ŋidhenyo no, alethadhe lidom legen dogo; ŋediŋa liro ŋinena jiburu jina jati juthi ŋau ganu no, jina jathil karun apai; a jari jina jati juthi fruuta gi lamun la dhorum no, alai ŋwamun ganu ram, alwuludhini galo duwa dai degen; 13 alilo ganu gwa ŋau ŋa baẖr, ŋina ŋathare gwuleny allugeje ŋiro ganu ŋadhare gwegen; ŋwudum ŋwina ŋwathela buiny, ŋwithedhinu gwan girim gina girima ganu didim gina gathije gwortal. 14 Al Akhnuukh ko abiŋaijo dhuŋuna dha nebiŋa, gwina gwiro nimra kworoŋo‐thiril di Adam, ŋwulaicinu, Aŋadhul, Kweleny gwimila liji lai luŋun lina liŋir didirel lina loinyadhanu 15 dilgeta ẖukm gwan ŋediŋa peth. A dilakimiye lijo peth lina lati luminyu Kaloŋa no gi ŋiro ŋegen peth ŋina ŋati ŋiro ŋa Kalo no ŋina ŋapillo dhuŋun dhai dhina dhati dhiro dha Kalo no, a dhuŋun peth dhina dhibur dhina dhabiŋudhai liji lina like lina lati luminyu Kaloŋa no alabiŋadhadha dugun gwai. 16 Liji ibila liro lina lathi romaje diman galo, athilabiŋaijo lijo dhuŋuna dhina dhathije gi dugor ganu degen, alelila gi ŋidi ŋina ŋathamira aŋina yegen; a ŋwinyu ŋwegen ŋwathabiŋi dhuŋuna dhina dhinaŋ dhina dhuthi ŋamilai ganu; aliŋirijo lijo gi je ganu jegen dilapai teyanuŋw galo. 17 Abi liji lai lina luminyinu, aŋadhanul dhuŋuna dhina dhabiŋinu kwereny liji lai lina lukejinu la Kweleny gwega gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ. 18 Dhina dhacajildhainu di gi lamun lina liro gidon liji laji laje lina lathakejuma, algwuje dhuŋuna dhina dhathi aŋinu yegen uminyi dhina dhati dhiro dha Kalo no. 19 Ŋediŋa liro ibila lina lirujo lidom legen ter, aluminyi ŋida ŋina ŋathil aŋinu yegen amira, athiluthi Dhigirima no. 20 Abi nyaŋa lina luminyinu, acul lidom lalo gi imaan gwalo gwina gwiŋiranu didirel, nyabiŋaijo Kaloŋa gi Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir. 21 Ethadhul lidom lalo gi uminyi gwa Kalo, nyadhunijo inaŋw gwa Kweleny gwega gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ di midhe gwina gwathije gwortal. 22 Inudhul gweta gweta lina luthi dhuŋuna gi dugor ganu degen. 23 Nyagilaŋiye gweta gweta ŋidheny ŋai, nyalwala galo gi iga, nyirini kiraŋa gina giro ŋirle ŋidi ŋai ŋina ŋike kaŋinu.
24 Dugun gwina gwuthi ŋoma gwajethadhe dathanya ido no, a gwajidhuneje gi je ganu ja majdh gwuŋun lati luthi dhara no, iŋir gwai dugore gwuleny. 25 Di Kalo gina giro getipo gina gibebra, gina giro Mukhallis̱ gwega, gina guthi majdh a ni a ŋeleny a ŋoma, ŋinena, a gwortal di. Amiin.
1 From Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James.
To all who are chosen and loved by God the Father and are kept safe by Jesus Christ.
2 I pray that God will greatly bless you with mercy, peace, and love!
False Teachers
3 My dear friends, I really wanted to write you about God's saving power at work in our lives. But instead, I must write and ask you to defend the faith that God has once for all given to his people. 4 Some godless people have sneaked in among us and are saying, “God treats us much better than we deserve, and so it is all right to be immoral.” They even deny we must obey Jesus Christ as our only Master and Lord. But long ago the Scriptures warned that these godless people were doomed.
5 Don't forget what happened to those people the Lord rescued from Egypt. Some of them did not have faith, and he later destroyed them. 6 You also know about the angels who didn't do their work and left their proper places. God chained them with everlasting chains and is now keeping them in dark pits until the great day of judgment. 7 We should also be warned by what happened to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns. Their people became immoral and committed all sorts of sexual sins. Then God made an example of them and punished them with eternal fire.
8 The people I am talking about are behaving just like those dreamers who destroyed their own bodies. They reject all authority and insult angels. 9 Even Michael, the chief angel, didn't dare to insult the devil, when the two of them were arguing about the body of Moses. All Michael said was, “The Lord will punish you!”
10 But these people insult powers they don't know anything about. They are like senseless animals that end up getting destroyed, because they live only by their feelings. 11 Now they are in for real trouble. They have followed Cain's example and have made the same mistake that Balaam did by caring only for money. They have also rebelled against God, just as Korah did. Because of all this, they will be destroyed.
12 These people are filthy minded, and by their shameful and selfish actions they spoil the meals you eat together. They are like clouds blown along by the wind, but never bringing any rain. They are like leafless trees, uprooted and dead, and unable to produce fruit. 13 Their shameful deeds show up like foam on wild ocean waves. They are like wandering stars forever doomed to the darkest pits of hell.
14 Enoch was the seventh person after Adam, and he was talking about these people when he said:
Look! The Lord is coming with thousands and thousands of holy angels 15 to judge everyone. He will punish all those ungodly people for all the evil things they have done. The Lord will surely punish those ungodly sinners for every evil thing they have ever said about him.
16 These people grumble and complain and live by their own selfish desires. They brag about themselves and flatter others to get what they want.
More Warnings
17 My dear friends, remember the warning you were given by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. 18 They told you that near the end of time, selfish and godless people would start making fun of God. 19 And now these people are already making you turn against each other. They think only about this life, and they don't have God's Spirit.
20 Dear friends, keep building on the foundation of your most holy faith, as the Holy Spirit helps you to pray. 21 And keep in step with God's love, as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to show how kind he is by giving you eternal life. 22 Be helpful to all who may have doubts. 23 Rescue any who need to be saved, as you would rescue someone from a fire. Then with fear in your own hearts, have mercy on everyone who needs it. But hate even the clothes of those who have been made dirty by their filthy deeds.
Final Prayer
24-25 Offer praise to God our Savior because of our Lord Jesus Christ! Only God can keep you from falling and make you pure and joyful in his glorious presence. Before time began and now and forever, God is worthy of glory, honor, power, and authority. Amen.