Dhagirini a bai galo gwa Masiiẖiyiin
1 A Shaawul uminyi darnu Istifaanuus gwarinyini. Gi ŋwamun ibiŋwe athi liji dhagirini kaniisa gwuleny gina gijo gi Urushaliim; a liji peth bai galo gi ŋwen ŋwa Yahuudiiya a Saamira, abi liji lina lukejinu cucun jalo. 2 A liji lina luminyu Kaloŋa apai Istifaanuusuŋw algwurce, alare alrunijo gwuleny. 3 Athibi Shaawul digir galo kaniisa gai, athuŋw uni gi dunu peth, ŋwodha loma a la ŋwulgeta gi sijn.
Fiilibbus gwijo gi Saamira
4 Athibi liji lina libai galo ela kalo peth alabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir. 5 A Fiilibbus ule gi mediina gwina gwan Saamira, athuŋw abiŋaijo lijo dhuŋuna dha al Masiiẖ. 6 A liji deŋinaijo Fiilibbusuŋw dhugor dhai dhetipo dina maldiŋini alaŋa ŋiro ŋina ŋipiŋipa ŋina ŋapuŋwulo. 7 Ŋinena aro nyuriny gwuleny, altu por gi liji loinyadho lina luthilo; a liji loinyadho lina laio aŋina nono, a lina liro jibijoŋ, alure nono. 8 A liji iŋir dugore gwuleny gi mediina ibigwe.
Simⓐaan gwina gwiro gwuma
9 Abi kwiji gweta gwijo, gwina gwan Simⓐaan, gwina gwathapai ŋima kwereny gi mediina ibigwe, athuŋw alije lijo galo dir la Saamira, athuŋw arnu ŋeda gwinaŋ. 10 Athibi liji peth deŋinaijo, lina litilitiny a lina lipilipa, alarnu, Kwiji ibigwa gwiro ŋoma ŋa Kalo ŋina ŋinaŋ. 11 Athil deŋinaijo, ŋinena athuŋw alije lijo galo dir ŋima ŋai ŋuŋun kaija gina golaŋ ganu. 12 Abi dina mal uminyi dhuŋuna dhina dhabiŋu Fiilibbus dhan dhuŋun dha gidhila ga Kalo gi jiriny ja Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, alⓐamidhini, loma a la. 13 A Simⓐaan ko uminyi, a dina muŋw ⓐamidhini, athilje Fiilibbus gwai, ŋwalo galo dir dina muŋw aŋa ŋiro ŋina ŋipiŋipa a ŋoma ŋina ŋinaŋ ŋina ŋupinu.
Buṯrusŋa Yuuẖanna gwai gi Saamira
14 A dina ma liji diŋini lina lukejinu lina lijo gi Urushaliim darnu liji la Saamira limuminyi dhuŋuna dha Kalo, alukeja Buṯrusŋaije Yuuẖanna gwai degen. 15 A dina mal uludha galo galiny, alabiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa degen gwai dilapai Dhigirima dhina Dhiŋir; 16 (ŋinena athuŋw ulo kwiji alaŋ gweda degen kwereny no, abi liⓐamidhinu gi jiriny ja Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ dogo.) 17 Anbi ŋediŋa geta doi alaŋ degen, a Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir ula degen. 18 A dina ma Simⓐaan aŋa lijo lina lukejinu dingeta doi alaŋ a Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir ula degen, ŋwari luŋwuldhedha gwarush, 19 ŋwarnu, Dhedhinyilo ŋelenya ibiŋa ko, di ada nyi gwimageta doi kwiji alaŋ gweda ŋwapai Dhigirima dhina Dhiŋir. 20 Abi Buṯrus aicinu, Gwarush gwuŋa gwanya gwerna, ŋinena araŋanu ŋa gwelaŋ dhedhaŋw tur gwa Kalo gwarush gwai. 21 Ŋa gwati gwuthi dhuŋuna dhetipo i gura gi dhuŋun ibidha no, ŋinena athi dhugor dhuŋa dhunu galo gi je ganu ja Kalo no. 22 Abi urlo dhugore galo dhuŋa gi dhuŋun dhuŋa ibidha dhina dhike, ŋothaije Kaloŋa galo udubidi gwadhudhani ganu gi fikr gwa dhugor dhuŋa. 23 Nyi gwiliŋidhi darnu ŋa gwuthi dhuŋuna dhina dhire gi dhugor ganu dhuŋa, a ŋidi ŋina ŋike ŋigukaŋa. 24 A Simⓐaan abiŋaijo, ŋwaici, Abiŋadhaijul Kaloŋa diginy, dathi ŋidi ŋeda ŋa ŋidi ibiŋa ŋina ŋabiŋaijinyilo jo diginy no. 25 A dina malaŋajo lijo dhuŋuna dhina dhiliŋidhilo a mallabiŋaijo dhuŋuna dha Kweleny, alaura gi Urushaliim, alabiŋaijo lijo la ŋwen ŋwoinyadho ŋwa Saamira Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir.
Fiilibbusŋa dhumiri dhai
26 Abi malaak gwa Kweleny abiŋaijo Fiilibbusuŋw ŋwaicinu, Diro ŋela gi dhai dhina dhathela januub gwai gi dhai dhina dhathule gi Urushaliim ŋwela Qaza, gwina gwiro leba. 27 Ŋwudire ŋwela. A kwiji gweta gwa H̱abash, gwina gwiro dhumiri, gwiro kweleny gwa Kandaaka, malika gwa H̱abashiyiin, gwathidima ŋida ŋa malika ŋina ŋauwadhinu, a ŋeda ila gi Urushaliim dorthadha Kaloŋa. 28 Ŋwubari gwaurai; ŋwujalo kⓐarabiiya alaŋ yuŋun, a ŋeda abiŋaijo kitham ga nebi gwina gwan Ishaⓐya. 29 A Dhigirim aici Fiilibbusuŋw nu, Dogadhi githo ŋalo kⓐarabiiya alaŋ ibiya. 30 A Fiilibbus orta dugun, ŋwudiŋini dabiŋaijo kitham ga nebi gwina gwan Ishaⓐya, ŋwaici, Ŋa gwiliŋidhi dhuŋuna dhina dhabiŋaijaŋa kitham ganu a? 31 Ŋwubarnu, Dhinyiliŋa akwai ada kwiji gweda gwati gwiminyaŋajo no? Ŋwubupe Fiilibbusuŋw duŋwalo algwijalo. 32 Abi kalo ga kitham gina gabiŋaijuŋw giro ibiga. Gwudhinu gwiro ŋinena kaŋal gadhi dhuge; a gwiro ŋinena lirainy lina lathidhuna jigwoiny gi je ganu ja gwina gwathuru jola juŋun, minoŋ athuŋw igiyo ŋwinyu ŋwuŋun no. 33 Rujini gwai gwitiny gwuŋun dhuŋun dha dhakimiye dhina dhuthuŋw dhimupini dugun. A ei gwuthi ŋoma daŋiye dhuŋuna dhan ŋeda gi liji lina lijo gi ŋwamun ŋwuŋun, ŋinena ma midhe gwuŋun upini kidhila. 34 A dhumiri abiŋaijo Fiilibbusuŋw ŋwaici, Nyi gwaŋa othaije galo darnu, kwiji gwan ei gwina gwabiŋudhina nebi? Dhuŋun ibidha dhan ŋeda, i dhan kwiji gwiter? 35 A Fiilibbus igiye ŋwinyu ŋwuŋun, ŋwabiŋaijo dhuŋuna dha kitham ibiga kwereny, ŋwubaji ŋwabiŋaijo dhuŋuna dhan Yasuuⓐ. 36 A dina jilo dela gi dhai alaŋ, alobani kalo ga ŋau, a dhumiri arnu, Aŋadhi, ŋau ŋo mina. Dhuŋun dhiro dhaŋ dhina dhinyi ekajo dapai maⓐmuudiiya? 37 A Fiilibbus arnu, Ada ŋa gwimuminyi dhugor dhai dhuŋa peth, ŋa gwuthi ŋoma. Ŋwabiŋaijo ŋwaicinu, Nyi gwuminyu darnu Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ gwiro Ŋari ŋa Kalo. 38 Ŋwabiŋaijo di ⓐarabiiya dhuna. Alule ram ŋau ganu, Fiilibbus a dhumiri, ŋwuⓐamidhiye. 39 A dina maltuiya ŋau ganu, a Dhigirim dha Kweleny apai Fiilibbusuŋw; athi dhumiri aŋadhi manaŋ no. Ŋwubela gi dhai dhuŋun gwiŋir dhugore. 40 A Fiilibbus bujini gi Ashduud, a dina idhuŋw athuŋw abiŋaijo lijo peth la ŋwen peth Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir, di ŋwila gi Ges̱ariiya.
1-2 Saul approved the stoning of Stephen. Some faithful followers of the Lord buried Stephen and mourned very much for him.
Saul Makes Trouble for the Church
At that time the church in Jerusalem suffered terribly. All of the Lord's followers, except the apostles, were scattered everywhere in Judea and Samaria. 3 Saul started making a lot of trouble for the church. He went from house to house, arresting men and women and putting them in jail.
The Good News Is Preached in Samaria
4 The Lord's followers who had been scattered went from place to place, telling the good news. 5 Philip went to the city of Samaria and told the people about Christ. 6 They crowded around Philip because they were eager to hear what he was saying and to see him work miracles. 7 Many people with evil spirits were healed, and the spirits went out of them with a shout. A lot of paralyzed and lame people were also healed. 8 Everyone in that city was very glad because of what was happening.
9 For some time a man named Simon had lived there and had amazed the people of Samaria. He practiced witchcraft and claimed to be somebody great. 10 Everyone, rich and poor, crowded around him. They said, “This man is the power of God called ‘The Great Power.’ ”
11 For a long time, Simon had used witchcraft to amaze the people, and they kept crowding around him. 12 But when they believed what Philip was saying about God's kingdom and about the name of Jesus Christ, they were all baptized. 13 Even Simon believed and was baptized. He stayed close to Philip, because he marveled at all the miracles and wonders.
14 The apostles in Jerusalem heard that some people in Samaria had accepted God's message, and they sent Peter and John. 15 When the two apostles arrived, they prayed that these people would be given the Holy Spirit. 16 Before this, the Holy Spirit had not been given to any of them, though some of them had been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Peter and John then placed their hands on everyone who had faith in the Lord, and they were given the Holy Spirit.
18 Simon noticed that the Spirit was given only when the apostles placed their hands on the people. So he brought money 19 and said to Peter and John, “Let me have this power too! Then anyone I place my hands on will also be given the Holy Spirit.”
20 Peter said to him, “You and your money will both end up in hell if you think you can buy God's gift! 21 You don't have any part in this, and God sees that your heart isn't right. 22 Get rid of these evil thoughts and ask God to forgive you. 23 I can see that you are jealous and bound by your evil ways.”
24 Simon said, “Please pray to the Lord, so that what you said won't happen to me.”
25 After Peter and John had preached about the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem. On their way they told the good news in many villages of Samaria.
Philip and an Ethiopian Official
26 The Lord's angel said to Philip, “Go south along the desert road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So Philip left.
An important Ethiopian official happened to be going along that road in his chariot. He was the chief treasurer for Candace, the Queen of Ethiopia. The official had gone to Jerusalem to worship 28 and was now on his way home. He was sitting in his chariot, reading the book of the prophet Isaiah.
29 The Spirit told Philip to catch up with the chariot. 30 Philip ran up close and heard the man reading aloud from the book of Isaiah. Philip asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
31 The official answered, “How can I understand unless someone helps me?” He then invited Philip to come up and sit beside him.
32 The man was reading the passage that said,

“He was led like a sheep
on its way to be killed.
He was silent as a lamb
whose wool
is being cut off,
and he did not say
a word.
33 He was treated like a nobody
and did not receive
a fair trial.
How can he have children,
if his life
is snatched away?”

34 The official said to Philip, “Tell me, was the prophet talking about himself or about someone else?” 35 So Philip began at this place in the Scriptures and explained the good news about Jesus.
36-37 As they were going along the road, they came to a place where there was some water. The official said, “Look! Here is some water. Why can't I be baptized?” 38 He ordered the chariot to stop. Then they both went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.
39 After they had come out of the water, the Lord's Spirit took Philip away. The official never saw him again, but he was very happy as he went on his way.
40 Philip later appeared in Azotus. He went from town to town, all the way to Caesarea, telling people about Jesus.